40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 972: Impeccable trap!

"What a joke!"

Suo Chaolong shot the case, his neck suddenly swelled like a king cobra before the attack, and his anger almost burned a hole in the ceiling. He shouted, "The entire blood demon world, who doesn't know that we exiles and the Xingyao Federation have a deep hatred. Like the sea! The Xingyao Federation destroyed my home, killed my martyrs, and drove us to the blood demon world. Every second we never forget to fight back to the Great Wilderness, fight back to our hometown! How could I take refuge in those insatiable, shameless, and hypocritical Of the Federation!"

Li Yao: "..."

Han Tuhu: "..."

Suo Chaolong glanced at them, his chest still rushing up and down: "Sorry, I'm not targeting you two, I mean all the Federation members--"

"It doesn't matter, we understand." Li Yao quickly interrupted him.

"That being said, everyone knows the subtle contradiction between the descendants of the former Tianyuan exiles and the local power in the blood demon world."

Fire Ant King calmly analyzed, "Although your ancestors were expelled from the Tianyuan realm by the Star Federation five hundred years ago, they seem to have formed a deep hatred, but thinking from another angle, does it mean that you, Li Yao and Han Like Tu Hu, they all come from the Tianyuan realm, and they are all'Tianyuan people' in a certain sense!"

"As the saying goes,'beauty is not beautiful, hometown water, relatives or not, hometown people', it is not impossible for you to cooperate with the Star Federation, right?

Suo Chaolong's cerebral blood vessels are about to burst: "Hey, hey, don't talk nonsense if you don't know the slang, who and these **** cultivators are ‘hometown people’!"

Fire Ant King said lightly: "I'm just trying to understand this from the high-level perspective of the blood demon world."

"The war we are facing can be said to be a battle between the demon race and the human race, or a battle between the blood demon world and the Tianyuan realm. Then, you and the Xingyao Federation are both originated from the Tianyuan realm and are in common interest. Driven to form an alliance, is it weird?"

Suo Chaolong gritted his teeth: "What is'common interest'?"

The Fire Ant King said: "For example, the Federal Government promises that as long as you help the Federation defeat the Pantheon, in the new world after fusion, you will return to the Great Wilderness and become the Lord of the Great Wilderness."

Suo Chaolong sneered again and again: "This **** is not only an insult to my loyalty to the monster race, it is an insult to my wisdom! Without the whole monster race backing me up, it's only blame for those despicable federal people to keep their promises. !"

The Fire Ant King said: "But, what if your blood lion brigade is really defeated and captured? You have no choice, either to be loyal to the blood demon world and die with all the brothers; or for the lives of the brothers, cooperate with the Xingyao Federation! "

Suo Chaolong was speechless, grind his teeth vigorously, and bit his teeth into a "crack" sound.

The Fire Ant King sighed and pointed to his wanted order, "Isn't it the same for me?"

"According to this wanted notice, our Chaos Blade has also joined the Star Federation and became the vanguard of the Federation's invasion of the blood demon world."

"And the reason is very simple, because I have been unable to enter the power center of the blood demon world for a long time and become one of the twelve demon emperors. With a grudge, I secretly formed the Chaos Blade to seek greater benefits for myself."

"And I'm worried that my ambition will be exposed one day, so I just don't do it, and cooperate with the Star Federation, and I am willing to become a running dog of the Federation!"

"Look, even the liaison officer sent to us by the Star Federation has suitable candidates!"

Fire Ant King lightly flicked the other wanted warrants and sneered, "It says that the Star Federation has sent many liaison officers. Under So Chaolong's guidance, they sneaked into the blood demon world secretly, just to get it with me. Keep in close contact and plan new conspiracies, including a master Yuan Ying!"

"This Nascent Soul master is obviously referring to Li Yao."

"Look, they even helped us assign the roles one by one. Suo Chaolong had no choice but to turn around after being captured. I was ambitious from the beginning, but Li Yao deliberately sneaked into the blood demon world to make trouble!"

"As soon as such a wanted order is issued, if someone finds us together again, how can we explain it? Do you really mean that we are a group of scholars who love history and occasionally gather together to read books and play football?"

"Too insidious!"

Suo Chaolong cold sweat, gritted his teeth and said, "This must be the conspiracy of Ancestor Youquan! Ancestor Youquan is afraid that we will tell the secrets of'Youfu','Chaotic God Tomb', and'Spore Project', so he starts to act first. Strong, dug an invulnerable trap for us!"

"Now, a big basin of dirty water splashes us all over, no matter what we say, no one will believe it!"

"But, that's not right. Fire Ant King is the younger brother of Ancestor Youquan. Your relationship has always been very close. If Fire Ant King is the leader of Chaos Blade, even if Ancestor Youquan has no knowledge of this matter. , It is indispensable to be stripped of the skin, right?"

"Isn't this killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred?"

"Old Ancestor Youquan, where are you now?"

Yuchiba hesitated and said, "According to the latest information, because of the involvement of the Fire Ant King, the ancestor Youquan was impeached by Master Xu Feng at the headquarters of the Wanmon Hall. After the other eleven demon kings joined forces. Under repression, they had to "voluntarily" surrender all their power and wait for investigation."

"His control in Youquan Country has also plummeted, and it is a severe blow!"


Li Yao, Han Tuhu, Suo Chaolong and Fire Ant King were all taken aback.

Seeing the faces of Li Yao and Han Tuhu with doubts, the Fire Ant King explained, “Master Xufeng is a demon emperor in Youquan Country. He belongs to the old aristocratic camp with deep roots. The origin of the family can be traced back to thousands of years. Before, his strength was second only to Youquan ancestor."

"My ancestor Youquan and I were originally just a sideline of a middle-class aristocracy in Youquan Kingdom. It was only through the inheritance of chaos that we emerged from the sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain step by step. Our rise will naturally touch many traditional aristocrats. Interests."

"Therefore, in Youquan Nation, many nobles are not satisfied with the rule of Youquan ancestor. It is only because of the strength of Youquan ancestor that they can barely endure it. Of course, this is also the norm in the blood demon world. It's the same in any country."

"Although the old ancestor Youquan is powerful, he has risen alone after all, and his foundation is still shallow. In many cases, he has to compromise with these old nobles, and it is impossible to completely uproot them."

"In recent years, the ancestors of Youquan went crazy and mobilized the power of Youquan Kingdom to attack the Tianyuan Realm. In the Battle of Dawn, the Zerg troops of Youquan Kingdom were the main force, and the result was heavy losses and unprecedented consumption of national power. "

"Now of course we know that Youquan Ancestor doesn't care about these cannon fodder at all, but just wants to collect a large number of test bodies in this way."

"And those traditional aristocrats are even more dissatisfied, thinking that the ancestors of Youquan are pure madness. Why did the Golden Crow, the Lion Tu, and the Bahai Kingdom not mobilize too much power among the four powers, and only Youquan country rushed to the front to kill This is too silly!"

"The contradictions between each other suddenly intensified."

"Master Xufeng is the leader of the old aristocracy, and he doesn't want to replace the position of the ancestor Youquan all the time, so it's not surprising that he will take the opportunity to attack him."

"The only strange thing is, why on earth did my treacherous and inexhaustible elder brother do such a thing?"

"Why do you want to explode my identity and pour such a big pot of dirty water on my head, and even set him on fire and be impeached?"


Tongtian City, the headquarters of the Pantheon Palace, the conference hall.

There are no extra decorations in the hall. The four walls are all built with the simplest bluestone blocks, and in the center is a 50-meter long black stone table.

Normally, the Twelve Demon Emperors would sit on both sides of a long table and discuss matters.

However, if one of the demon emperors did something angered by others and seriously violated the overall interests of the demon clan, the other eleven demon emperors would all agree that he is not suitable to continue to be the leader of the blood demon world, he will be notified. The latest one will be there.

When he arrives, he will find that there is no place for him on both sides of the long table. Only at the end of the long table, perpendicular to the crowd, can there be a chair that is slightly shorter than the crowd.

He has only two options.

It happened on the spot, and then under the joint suppression of the other eleven Demon Emperors, his body disappeared, and his body disappeared.

Or, sit on this low stool obediently, lower your head, and accept everyone's hair!

At this moment, Ancestor Youquan is walking towards the low stool at the end of the long table step by step.

His eyes were deep and expressionless, no matter which of the smallest muscles, he did not reveal any emotions.

It wasn't until in front of the low stool that he held a stalemate for a moment.

The remaining eleven demon emperors all held their breath.

This is the most dangerous moment, and they are ready to take action at any time.

However, Ancestor Youquan held a stalemate for only a second, and sat down on a low stool properly, even putting his hands on his knees, accepting reality and letting his hair fall.

The remaining eleven demon emperors breathed a sigh of relief.

Also from Youquan Country, Master Xufeng of the Zerg Demon Emperor, who had been under the ancestor of Youquan for decades, stood up.

Master Xufeng, like the ancestor Youquan, tried to keep calm, but the smile that couldn't be concealed under his eyes made him a bit like a rampant flame.

"Next, I will summarize all the key information that I have recently collected to all the Demon Kings."

Master Xufeng gave a dry cough and couldn't help but glance at Old Ancestor Youquan, trying to hold his smile, and said in a deep voice, "From the latest information, the Lord of Chaos City Fire Ant King is the leader of Chaos Blade." The mastermind of "Blood Blade Chaos"!"

"Furthermore, we originally thought that some of the remnants of the blood lion brigade that was wiped out in the'Battle of Dawn' still survived, but they shamelessly surrendered to the enemy under the leadership of the commander Suo Chaolong!"

"What's even more frightening is that there is a Nascent Soul monk from the Tianyuan realm who has already rushed into the blood demon realm under Suo Chaolong's lead!"

"The leader of Chaos Blade, Fire Ant King, Commander of the Blood Lion Battalion Suo Chaolong, and the mysterious Nascent Soul monk from the Tianyuan Realm..."

"One, among the low-level monster races, has great influence and appeal."

"One, I am very familiar with the internal situation of our Ten Thousand Demons Alliance!"

"One, represents the mighty power of the Star Federation!"

"The terrifying'Iron Triangle' has taken shape under the collusion of these three forces and is hiding in the depths of the blood demon world!"

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