40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 974: There is no choice but to fight back!

Old Ancestor Youquan's hands forcibly pulled two stones comparable to diamonds from the black stone long table. The stones became the softest fine sand in his palm, and the black fine sand was silent between his fingers. Falling without interest, like two hourglasses, about to reach the end of time.

The ancestor Youquan's gaze was a little dazed, staring at the "hourglass" in a daze.

No one knows what choice he will make after the "hourglass" is over.

All the demon emperors held their breath, and many people’s feathers and scales trembled uneasyly, suppressed by their strong breath, the black long table made a "click" sound, and countless fragments of spider web cracks appeared. Like an invisible beast, crawling over the black stone long table.

"Sand rustle..."

The "hourglass" continued to pour.

Ancestor Youquan's gaze shifted to Master Xufeng.

Master Xufeng trembled slightly, and couldn't help but look in the direction of Jin Tuyi, commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance.


Jin Tuyi stood up, making no secret of his powerful demon qi surge, and overlapping waves formed within a radius of 100 meters. He pressed his hands on the black stone long table, and cracks condensed into a handle. The sharp blade quickly extended towards the other end of the long table.

"At this moment, it is the most dangerous moment in the blood demon world in thousands of years. If you are not careful, the entire race will perish. You must think twice and do not do anything you hate!"

"In the past five hundred years, the Blood Demon Realm has possessed biochemical technology far above the Tianyuan Realm, and also has dozens of powerful demon emperors. Why hasn't it been able to eliminate the small Tianyuan Realm and the Xingyao Federation? Watching them rise step by step, to the point where it is almost impossible to contain it today?"

"The wormhole is too small, too unstable, unable to transmit the army and super master... these are just excuses!"

"The most critical reason is that we are not united enough!"

"The Golden Crow Country, the Lion Slaughter Country, the Overlord Sea Country, the Youquan Country, and the countless demon cities and caves, all care about the little profit in front of them, and even kill each other for nothing, but they can’t really unite together. Fight unselfishly for the overall interests of the blood demon world!"

"Until today, we are forced to be helpless, and we are about to start a war to destroy the country that will determine the fate of our relatives and compatriots."

"To be honest, our strategy is too risky, too crazy, and the success rate is extremely low!"

"Aren't we going to fight each other before we go to war at this time?"

"Old Ancestor Youquan, I know that your loyalty to the blood demon world is impeccable. In recent decades, in the war against the Starlight Federation, you have also fought the Youquan country the most fiercely. What is all this for? Be sure to think clearly!"

"As the commander of the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance and the head of the Yu clan, I assure you that all this is only temporary. After a thorough investigation, I will do my best to support you back here!"

Ancestor Youquan took a deep, deep breath, the fierce light in his eyes gradually disappeared, and his eyes became a little ethereal.

He retracted his gaze from Master Xufeng, staring blankly at his clenched fists. After five full seconds, he finally released his fists, allowing the last bit of gravel to pass away with the wind.

The vitality contained in the depths of the body seemed to flow with the gravel. Without the support of power, sitting on a low stool at the lower end of the body, it seemed that there was only an empty shell left.

All the demon emperors secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and Master Xufeng even wiped a cold sweat involuntarily.

Old Ancestor Youquan said with a dumb throat: "After all, Fire Ant King is my own brother. I have done a lot in the development and growth of Wuluocheng, and I have countless business, resources and personnel contacts with him. Therefore, I admit that in this extraordinary period, I am indeed no longer suitable to stay in the highest decision-making circle of the Pantheon."

"Next, the ‘Red Tide Project’ is up to you, I will focus my main energies on investigating and combating the Blade of Chaos, as well as the ‘iron triangle’!"

"The Fire Ant King is my own brother, and his rise was caused by me. To eradicate it, I should also do it myself!"

"I only have one request."

Jin Tuyi solemnly said: "Ancestor Youquan, please say, this commander will definitely do it!"

Ancestor Youquan sighed a long sigh, waved weakly and said, "I am willing to leave, but don't deprive my warriors of the glory of fighting for the Pantheon Palace! I hope that in the'Red Tide Project', at least let My Shadow Guard, along with the core legion, enters the Tianyuan realm, penetrates into the heart of the Star Federation, and gives them the most glorious sacrifice!"

Jin Tuyi pondered for a moment, and nodded, "No problem, if we really get into the capital of the Star Federation, Shadow Guards will definitely be the first monster force to see the Federal Parliament building!"

Old Ancestor Youquan smiled reluctantly and stopped talking.

Jin Tuyi banged heavily on the black stone long table, and said with a serious face: "Unity, I repeat it again, everyone, we must be united!"

"The Red Tide Project is perhaps the most whimsical and risky plan in the history of the war between the Blood Demon and Tianyuan!"

"Part of the ground troops of the Lion Tu and Youquan Nation will be disguised as all our main forces. They will rush into the Celestial Realm through the huge wormholes of the Gloom Extremity, tearing the Great Wilderness, and attacking the southern part of the Great Wilderness, the most important defense line giant of the human race. Blade pass!"

"This, it is destined to be a suicide attack that will never return. Their task is only to attract the attention of most of the full crystal armor of the Star Federation, and to mobilize all the main forces of the Star Federation to the giant blade level— —The Great Wasteland!"

"And our real main force, a large army of dozens of demon kings, will pass through the secret passage built by the Eastern Demon Kingdom for exile five hundred years ago, and appear in the eastern seas of the Star Federation. After a short break in the base left by the country, it rushed to the eastern coastline of the Federation, swept the densely populated and economically developed areas of the Federation, and penetrated into the heart of the Federation!"

"The secret passage is extremely unstable. The situation in the base left by the East Pole Demon Kingdom is even less optimistic. Such a surprise attack is really risky to the extreme. If you are not careful, the whole army will be wiped out!"

"However, we have no choice but to fight back. At this moment, the only thing we can rely on is the bravery of the soldiers, the unity of you, and the blessing of the Pangu tribe!"

Old Ancestor Youquan sat opposite Jin Tuyi, listening quietly, his expressionless face all the time.

Until the words "Pangu" appeared, two subtle ripples finally appeared in the black eyes like a deep spring.

However, these two ripples disappeared extremely fast, and when the eyes of the rest of the Demon Emperor were projected on him again, Ancestor Youquan returned to that expressionless empty shell.


Secret shadow domain, the last base of the chaos blade.

Listening to the news that Yuchiba had inquired from the outside world, either publicly or secretly, gradually pieced together the full picture of the ancestor Youquan being ousted from power. Li Yao, Fire Ant King, Han Tuhu and Suo Chaolong all frowned. Lost in thought.

"It's impossible, Master Xufeng cannot know those crucial information."

Han Tuhu pondered and analyzed, "Even if the Fire Ant King really left some clues and was caught by Master Xufeng, he would never know about Suo Chaolong's return to the blood demon world, let alone Maybe you know Li Yao's existence."

"The wanted order is very clear. There was a'primal infant monk" who sneaked into the blood demon world, and the only battle in which Li Yao showed comparable strength was in the Arctic Yinfeng Sea, on Youfu Island!"

"In addition to our knowledge, only the Ancestor Youquan knows about this matter. It is absolutely impossible for a third party to know about it."

"Master Xufeng, it is impossible to catch my clues."

The Fire Ant King said calmly, "Because he is a complete idiot, but only by virtue of his family and blood."

"Think about it, the old ancestor Youquan and I are only from the sidelines of the middle-class aristocracy. Although we have inherited the chaos, we have no foundation at all."

"As the leader of the old aristocracy in Youquan Country, he was helpless for decades and missed countless opportunities to kill us in the infants. He watched us rise step by step until the tail end."

"It can be seen how much ability and determination this'Master' has."

"He is the kind of classical demon clan who is obsessed with the training of combat power. He always feels that his own combat power is everything, and he has eliminated many competitors by virtue of his strong strength."

"As everyone knows, if you can fight, you can fight, and trickery is trickery. He was completely dumbfounded when he came across a Youquan ancestor who was stronger than him."

"In terms of combat power, he may only be one-liner inferior to Youquan Ancestor and stronger than me, but in terms of tactics and scheming, let alone Youquan Ancestor, even I can easily play him in the applause!"

"How can such a character find any clues about me?"

Suo Chaolong squinted his eyes and said coldly: "So, someone deliberately put your true identity, including my'renegade' and Li Yao's'infiltration', before him, tempting him to expose one. A non-existent conspiracy, and then implicated Youquan Ancestor, and finally ousted him?"

The Fire Ant King nodded and smiled bitterly: "Yes, and that person is my eldest brother, Youquan ancestor!"

"I'm afraid that every word that Master Xufeng said was what Old Ancestor Youquan wanted him to say, and every move he made was manipulated by hundreds of invisible wire pulling. On one end, it is firmly controlled in the hands of Ancestor Youquan!"

"But why?"

Suo Chaolong scratched his neck vigorously, "Why did Youquan ancestor deliberately expose this information? To do so will not only lose the decision-making power in the Pantheon Palace, but also arouse a lot of suspicion!"

Li Yao gently rubbed his temples, the first and second brains at both ends of the spine were activated at the same time, and the "Dual-Core Thinking System" drove the computing power to the limit. After a while, he smiled and said, "The reason is simple!"

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