40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 980: Perfect dive...

When Xiaolong detected the direction in which Jin Xinyue was hiding, Li Yao secretly cursed and spit out a nail-like saliva into the wall.

That is a big barracks.

The barracks were built on a clearing in the ruins, with a length and width of more than five kilometers, and an open area with a depth of more than one kilometer on the periphery, without any shelter or concealment.

It is surrounded by screaming thorns surrounded by barbed wire, and the screaming thorns will make a harsh neighing when the wind blows the grass.

Every 100 meters, there is a warning tower equipped with acid cannons. Inside the tower are all feather tribes with excellent eyesight. These birdmen can easily distinguish what is on the ground even at an altitude of several thousand meters. A rabbit.

The layout of the guard towers is reasonable, intertwined with each other, and there are no dead ends.

In the four corners of the barracks, there is a deadly sickle tarantula patrol. The tarantula monster beasts with huge blade limbs are more vigilant than the most alert hunting dogs, patrolling day and night, watching everyone who enters and exits.

A large number of more powerful monsters are kept on alert in the northwest corner of the barracks and can be put into battle at any time.

What's more terrible is that a "Ghost Eye" class monster battleship is moored over the barracks.

This battleship, which is more than one kilometer in length, is made by combining the genes of the cetacean monster and the squid monster.

Squid monsters have the most sophisticated eyeball system in the world. The number of photoreceptor cells in the eyeballs is several times more than that of the cultivator. Therefore, the "Ghost Eye" class monster warships are also known for their keen reconnaissance capabilities and hover over the barracks. Three hundred meters, condescending, completely monitoring every corner!

Li Yao bit his tongue vigorously. He didn't understand why Jin Xinyue was hiding in a military camp with such a strong defense.

What is even more strange is that for a military camp, what is it doing with such a tight defense, Wuluocheng has been completely destroyed, and it is impossible to fight back.

Xiaolong approached slightly, adjusting the visual distance of the crystal eyes, and he saw a hint.

Most of the people assembled in this barracks are not regular troops. Judging from their messy clothing and ignorant look, they are all civilians in the city of Chaos, and even the **** monster race.

After the instructors in the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons yelled and lashed out, they were conducting high-intensity training.

This is not so much a military camp, but it is not a place like a "concentration camp" or a "captive transfer station". After a little training, the prisoners are moved to other places.

Li Yao recalled the scenes observed on the Xiaolong ship. The Ten Thousand Demons Coalition had raided a large number of resources from various places in Wuluocheng, including spar, strengthening potions, and seeds of demonized plants, and they were continuously transported to the outside world.

"The Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Demons will empty this place, completely destroy the city without chaos, and move all the population and resources away!"

"Damn, this is collecting all war materials to prepare for the next war, and these civilians will all become cannon fodder!"

"Those demon emperors in the Ten Thousand Demon Palace are really crazy, they are ready to make a desperate move, before the two realms of Tianyuan and Feixing are fully united, they will start the war of destroying the country!"

Li Yao suddenly reacted.

Wuluocheng is a large city with millions of people. The transfer of millions of monsters is by no means an easy task. Therefore, a large number of reorganization camps have been built in the city. Batch transfer of land.

Jin Xinyue was in it, and her identity should have not been revealed, otherwise the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance Army would not be able to let her stay with the civilians.

But how do I sneak in?

Li Yao pondered for a moment, doing two purposes with one mind. While manipulating the Xiaolong, he slowly approached the barracks, observing every alert and possible reinforcements inside and outside the barracks, and at the same time summoned the Xuanguang drill bit, which was very patiently fought in the secret tunnel. Hole in the ground.

The fully modified Xuanguang drill bit has three acid sacs. Before Xuanguang ****, it will release a large amount of strong corrosive acid.

Corrodes first and then drills through, greatly improving drilling efficiency.

Li Yao quickly punched the hole two or three kilometers away from the military camp. He extended three tunnels in three directions: east, west, and south. They all stopped drilling at a distance of one meter from the ground and buried them inside. A special sensor chip has also placed a large number of spar bombs in the hole.

In this way, there is no abnormality from the ground, but through the crystal brain of the profound bone battle armor, the existence of these three chips can be clearly sensed, which is equivalent to three secret retreat routes.

When he is really helpless, he can take Jin Xinyue from the ground to the top of these three tunnels. The one-meter-thick rock layer can be penetrated with a cell annihilation cannon. When they sneak into the ground, they can detonate. The spar bomb in the tunnel isolates the chasing soldiers.

However, this is the final plan.

At the moment, in the city of Chaos, there are at least a hundred thousand demon coalition forces stationed there. Once a large-scale explosion occurs, they will definitely be detected by them and launch a large-scale search.

The most important thing is that the Sea Clan will definitely increase its vigilance and block the possibility of escaping from the ocean. Even if he wears the profound bone battle armor, Li Yao has no confidence to compete with the Sea Clan in the depths of the sea.

He didn't want to be alone, fighting against hundreds of thousands of troops, and being able to resolve the matter quietly, it would be great.

When the three tunnels were opened, Xiaolong also sneaked into the depths of the barracks and found rows of temporary tents.

Jin Xinyue is in one of the tents!


The locking accuracy of the concentric ring is too poor, and it can only be positioned to this step at most, but it is enough for Li Yao.

His eyes shone, and he thought attentively about how to sneak in.

"The defense of this barracks is almost impeccable. All personnel entering and exiting, including the silver-blooded commander wearing a gorgeous armor, will be subject to strict inspections and interrogations, even if the silver-blooded commander was inspected and interrogated just ten minutes ago. After interrogation, ten minutes later, a secret whistle will appear again, and he will be checked for a second time. There is no possibility of impersonation."

"The combination of Screaming Thorns, the Guard Tower, and the'Ghost Eye' class monster battleship controls almost all areas, leaving no dead ends!"

"If I can pinpoint where Jin Xinyue is in the tent, I can use a black light drill to accurately hit the tunnel under her feet."

"But it's difficult. There are hundreds of tents here. The materials used to build the tents contain a lot of demonic interference and anti-perspective supernatural powers. I don't think I can use Xiaolong to snoop outside. Be too careful!"

The tight defense of this barracks left a deep impression on Li Yao.

The strength of the regular army of the Monster Race can be seen from the layout of this barracks. It is by no means comparable to the mobs of insects and beasts that invaded the Tianyuan realm ten years ago.

"The most important thing is, even if I can sneak into the barracks, how can I bring Jin Xinyue out?"

"Chaos, we must create a chaos!"

"In the northeast corner of the barracks, there is a spar warehouse. Although it is small in scale, it stores inferior spars with low grades and many impurities. However, it was used to create a small explosion, which caused a small explosion. The riots are enough."

"Drill directly from the underground to the spar warehouse?"

Li Yao instantly rejected the idea.

The Zerg in the Allied Forces of Ten Thousand Monsters was originally an expert in burrowing the ground, and there will definitely be a series of monitoring and countermeasures for key facilities such as the spar warehouse.

Perhaps in the ground below the spar warehouse, there are a few rock worms that are extremely sensitive to vibrations.

This is one of the reasons why Li Yao didn't dare to dig the tunnel directly under the barracks.

Soon, through Xiaolong, Li Yao set his sights on the convoy of land whales that were slowly wriggling toward the barracks.

The fat land whale is responsible for sending a large amount of grain and supplies for the military operations, and occasionally transports the low-grade spar collected and the newly captured prisoners into it.

The sentry's inspection of the whale convoy is of course very strict. Every box of cargo will be opened for inspection. There are few gaps between the top and bottom of the warehouse, and there is almost no room for hiding.


After half an hour, a convoy of nine land whales, carrying a large amount of cargo including spar, swayed towards the barracks.

As they passed through a dilapidated block, the mansion made of giant trees on the side of the road suddenly collapsed. With a "boom", the entire charred tree smashed down heavily, raising dust in the sky.

The land whale was frightened and sneezed again and again agitated by the dust, and fled in all directions, causing a small riot.

In the chaotic city turned into ruins, there are huge trees and buildings scorched by war. Collapses and explosions are commonplace.

The well-trained concubine wielded the electric whip made of the star-spotted electric eel, whipped it over his head, and quickly controlled the situation, restrained the terrestrial whale panicking in the dust and set off on the road again.

Soon, this convoy of land whales arrived at the gate of the barracks.

The slightly scattered cargo and the gray-headed look of the imperator attracted the attention of the guards.

After learning that there had been a small riot on the road, their inspection of the warehouse was extremely strict.

Even the demonized plant piles full of monster feed were not simply stabbed twice with a long spear, but sent a soldier to get into the depths of the haystack and fumble carefully inch by inch.

As a result, nothing was achieved.

The guard waved, let go!

Ten minutes later, one of the land whales drove into the warehouse where a large number of spars were piled up.

From under its fat belly, among the layers of folds dragged down by the gravity of the land, Li Yao immediately caused the profound bone battle armor to enter the stealth mode and wriggle out slowly.

The plan was successful, and no one expected that there would be an intruder hiding in the folds of the land whale's skin, but the land whale would not be found.

This depends on the highly effective anesthetic provided by the Fire Ant King!

This is a perfect dive.

Next, Li Yao will place several special spar bombs in key parts of the spar warehouse. The point is not to explode, but to create the illusion that low-grade spar is extremely unstable and will explode in a slight collision. , To facilitate his next move.

"let's start!"

Li Yao snapped his fingers in his heart and smiled confidently.

Even the tomb of the Chaos Gods and the Dragon Pond and Tiger Dens of the Arctic Yinfeng Youfu Island, he is free to come and go, as if entering an uninhabited land, sneaking into a small military camp, isn't he safe?

at this time--

A harsh alarm sounded outside, as if ten thousand tweeters roared at the same time, and the entire barracks was alarmed!

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