40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 212 37 Happiness, Nothingness, Hometown, Darkness (2)


Holy Terra.

Steel spread, covering most of the land. A few parts of the wilderness and the remaining peaks are covered with thick snow. Terra still has seasons, and no one knows why. It still snows, but it hasn't rained in a long time.

"On Terra, rain is considered a sign of good luck," says Constantin Waldo. "But the last time this kind of luck came was six years ago."

"Six full years?"

"Six full years." The Marshal of the Forbidden Army replied.

His gorgeous golden armor didn't seem to have changed at all. The helmet was held up on his chest, and the scarlet feathers trembled slightly. The lightning emblem and the double-headed eagle shine brightly on the armor, forming an interesting contrast with his cold face.

"Since the third year, there have been more people spreading rumors. We have to hunt them down all over the world, and most of them choose to hide in the wilderness. They want to use this method to escape justice, but our eyes are all over the world. . Their physiological characteristics cannot escape the rigorous calculation of the machine.”

The much taller man walking beside him chuckled: "You sound like you hate them."

"No," Constantine replied coolly. "I'm just following the law. His Majesty doesn't care about them, but we must. He created an image, and here -"

The Marshal of the Custodes pointed around with his chin.

"——Here is another symbol he created, a palace larger than any city, an extremely complex creation, and even has its own independent climate system. In a sense, Khalil Lohars, this is the real Terra, but I still think it’s ridiculous and ridiculous to build such a city.”

The giant in a black and white dress nodded: "How did he answer you?"

"He ignored my comments," Constantine said. "He understands all my thoughts, and he knows that I am just complaining, not really blaming or criticizing him. I - or we, do not have this ability."

"You seem oblivious to your flaws."

"I'm just a tool." The Marshal of the Forbidden Army said coldly, and then he stopped talking.

They strolled up the long stairs. The steps are pure gold, carved from a single block of gold and covered with a surface made of a transparent material. Make it strong, beautiful and stunning.

Khalil looked down and clearly saw the reliefs engraved on the gold through the transparent material. It took them a few minutes to reach the top of the stairs, then passed a group of patrolling Custodes.

They were expressionless and silent, even turning a blind eye to Constantine himself. The Marshal of the Forbidden Army didn't seem to have any intention of saying hello. He just continued to lead the way.

So they walked toward a circular arch and entered a corridor surrounded by gems. The walls are hollow, and countless statues stare silently within them. The marble floor is extremely smooth, and a group of workers are working bent over at the front.

Khalil and Constantine passed by them, but these people didn't even raise their eyes to glance at them. They seemed accustomed to the presence of any giant.

Walking out of the corridor, they came to an open space again. It's no longer exquisite here, but has a distinctly rough temperament. The stone walls and metal cables are entangled with each other. There is me in you and you in me. It is very empty, deep and dark.

Hundreds of elevators float up and down in this vast space. Constantine took him to an elevator. After waiting for a while, several officials holding documents rose up from below.

They were obviously caught off guard by the appearance of Khalil and Constantine, but quickly left after saluting. Khalil watched them go away, while Constantine stepped forward. After a brief delay, the machine started moving on its own.

It has hard railings to ensure the safety of the riders, and there are even handrails on the railings to prevent the riders from falling due to speed. Khalil bent slightly, crossed the railing, and began to gaze downward.

He thought he would see a black hole with countless machines and people rising or falling inside. But all he saw was the lingering clouds, and Khalil was speechless.

At this time, he finally felt like he was in another world.

He is located in the Himalayas. He is located in the deepest part of Terra. This place is solemn, solemn and beautiful. It is the crystallization of human wisdom and the core of the empire.

This is not Earth.

He was still feeling lucky, even when he arrived on the ground from the Night Veil.

He saw the sun from orbit, and after landing he saw dense crowds of people. By then he had begun to have hope.

As a result, the Night Blades went to the military camp through vehicles and fast lanes, and Conrad Coates went to the Ministry of Government to sign several documents on behalf of the Eighth Legion. He rushed all the way to the palace, trying to find traces of the past here instead of in the huge nests rising from the ground.

He had thought he would capture a little bit of familiarity here.

but none.


Once again, Khalil Lohars forced himself to mentally twist the word Earth into Terra.

The elevator continued to rise, and the cold followed, but the air was not thin. Khalil saw many machines placed on the huge gaping cliff, and it was they who created the air.

After a full ten minutes of ascent, they arrived at another empty space. Then came the corridor again, except that the marble floor was no longer so shiny.

After walking out of the corridor, the world suddenly opened up. Dozens of palaces are connected to each other, each one is astonishingly large, and together they create an astonishing sight. The light reflects and condenses on each other on their gorgeous roofs, reflecting people's hard work.

Khalil narrowed his eyes and remembered all this in his heart. However, the Marshal of the Forbidden Army continued to move forward as usual. They went all the way up, and after walking thousands of steps, they arrived in front of a main hall. It was only then that Constantine spoke again.

"Next time." He stared into Khalil's eyes closely. "Please come with me and take the express lane. Going from the main entrance is a complete waste of time. It's a four-hour journey. You should be lucky that the Lord doesn't care about such things."

Khalil silently gave an apologetic smile - the Admiral of the Forbidden Army had planned to take him through another road, which was said to only take a few minutes to reach the target location, which was this hall.

But Khalil preferred to see the palace with his own eyes. Constantine agreed to this request at the emperor's request, but he was also a little annoyed by it.

I couldn't tell what exactly made him angry. Is it because of Khalil's request or because of Khalil's apologetic smile?

"The Lord is waiting for you inside, as well as one of his creations, Rogal Dorn." Constantine regained his expressionless expression and continued to narrate.

"You can go in directly. Your biological data has been entered into the quantum alarm of this door in advance. In addition, Conrad Coates will arrive in about ten minutes."

"Thank you, Constantine."

"No need." The Marshal of the Forbidden Army said calmly. "I'm leaving first. He probably won't like seeing me standing with you."

Khalil couldn't help but laugh. He watched Constantine leave, but he could still detect many glances from the dark.

Not all the Imperial Guards have seen him. Do they still have the feeling of curiosity? Khalil didn't have the answers, he wished they did.

He put his hands behind his back and began to observe the door of the hall.

It is at least fifteen meters high and magnificent. Glaze, malachite, and some gems that Khalil couldn't name embellished the door. Together with the door, it forms a magnificent relief painting, a scene of ancient Terra that embraces all rivers and embraces everything.

The giant in formal clothes stared at it blankly, and the feeling of being in another world came back. His memories that were so broken that almost only the images remained were quietly surging in his heart. Khalil picked them up carefully and compared them with the images he had seen.

A few minutes later, he closed his eyes on his own initiative and ended his journey home across the galaxy.

My home no longer exists. he thinks. Earth has become a term that only the most knowledgeable historians mention.

Sighing softly, he turned around when he heard the sound of footsteps and saw Conrad Coates.

He no longer let his black hair hang loose, or simply tied it up. A serious slicked back appeared on his body. Although the person who styled his hair had tried his best, there were still a few strands of messy hair hanging down from his forehead.

The Lord of Midnight looked at them boredly and spoke first, his voice sounding like it was squeezed out from between his teeth: "Those officials from the Ministry of Government are simply sycophants."

"Are they fawning over you?"

"No, they just kept introducing themselves to me while I was signing the documents. They told me which big businessman and mechanical priest they knew, and hoped that I could consider cooperating with them to sell fine gold."

Konrad Coates shook his head with a straight face: "Very smart, but I don't like this kind of smartness very much. What about you, Khalil?"

Khalil knew what he was asking, but he didn't really want to answer. Conrad Coates sighed slyly at this time: "It's okay if you don't want to say it."

"I'm very satisfied." Khalil smiled. "Rather than letting the fantasy continue to spread and turn into a huge dark cloud floating above my head, it is better to let it be cruelly shattered by the ruthless reality."

".Is that a satisfactory answer? It doesn't sound like it."

"We'd better go in," Khalil said. "It's getting late, and we don't have much time on Terra."

Conrad Coates agreed.


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