40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 217 42 Makado Rui comments on the unparalleled lion

Chapter 217 42. Makado Rui comments on the unparalleled lion

Conrad Coates silently flipped through the paper materials in front of him with a serious expression.

He wouldn't say that he enjoyed this 'reading' experience. Going through so many paper documents with his own hands only made him miss Robert Guilliman's new data pad even more.

Moreover, in fact, most of the documents sent by the Ministry of Military Affairs and the Ministry of Government are useless data stacks. Although their leaders said they would provide any help, so far, the help they have provided has been of little use.

Curze frowned, wondering why these two important departments on Holy Terra still used handwritten files - didn't they have a cogitator array?

The leader of the Eighth Legion put down the document in his hand, raised his hand and pressed his temple.

The soft touch sent him into a trance, as he often did when he was tired. Either press the center of the eyebrows or press the temples. But no matter which one it was, he couldn't detect his own body temperature or the sunken skin that ordinary people might have.

He has no temperature, is cold, and his face is pale. From this perspective, Coz would be willing to call himself a dead person.

He smiled at this twisted sense of humor that he did not express easily, and then briefly relaxed his suppression of his prophetic ability.

A veil as light as mist floated from the other side of the darkness and wrapped around his eyes, changing everything. Once again, he saw a group of shadows in midnight-colored armor.

They moved like ghosts through the shattered galaxy, silent and filled with rage. The curses and blood of their enemies follow them closely, and they have almost become close friends with death.

Of course he can see it, why can't he see it?

He has a cursed talent that allows him to see many plausible and fuzzy images. The Emperor gave it to him, and Curze was not grateful for it.

Using this gift is like walking down a dark forest path unarmed and naked. You never know what is lurking in the darkness. Is it a poisonous insect that makes people miserable, or a hungry beast?

Conrad Coates opened his eyes, not intending to look any further. He doesn't know where this great expedition will lead mankind, but he believes that it depends on man-made efforts.

Lowering his head, he began to continue flipping through the documents.

The energy and time he spent paid off. An hour and forty-three minutes later, when the sky outside the window had gradually turned into a hazy dark color, Coates finally found something interesting in the turbulence of data. thing.

He picked up the paper and frowned. The room was eerily quiet for a moment, with only the calm breathing of the original body remaining.

".We must indefinitely shelve this investigation into the Dark Angels, who are not subject to the law or control of anyone other than the Emperor or the Mark Bearer, and our investigation is not supported by the Ministry of War. I We understand that our colleagues are confused and angry about the death of Captain Rodrigo, but we no longer have the ability to continue the investigation.”

"The Dark Angels have sent three warnings, and I am sure they will not send a fourth. As your superior, I order you to put down any investigation into the death of Captain Rodrigo from now on, and seal all relevant information. Submit it to me. No copies are allowed to be kept. Violators will be punished with treason."

".However, as an imperial soldier and one of your colleagues, I also cannot let go of the death of Captain Rodrigo. I promise you that as long as the war stops for a moment, I will immediately submit all the information. And urged superiors to restart the investigation.”

"The corruption in the solar system is not obvious yet, but you and I know what the officers and governors in other places are doing. It is impossible for the Seal Master to ignore this matter, and he will definitely eradicate these people with the Emperor's orders . At that time, the truth about Captain Rodrigo’s death will probably be revealed with the death of these people.”

"I swear to the Emperor and all those with righteous hearts that I will preserve all information until the time is right. If I die in the subsequent war, then my descendants will preserve it for me. My family will keep you The results of the investigation will be preserved as my remains, and the day will come when the truth will be revealed.”

The Lord of Midnight narrowed his eyes and began tapping his fingers on the table.


"Your investigation will encounter resistance from many parties, and it will definitely not go smoothly. But when I say multiple parties, I don't mean those intricate and layered departments, but Leon El'Jonson's army. "

Makado paused for a moment and continued the topic in a very peculiar tone.

"He was a capable and dedicated man, and in order to achieve the goals his father had given him, Jonson made some modern changes to his regiment."

Modernization - this is the descriptor used by Malcador, but the tone he uses is not normal.

Khalil couldn't help but feel a little confused. Although he understood the complex perceptions and attitudes of the Patriarch towards the Primarchs, there were not many such comments about Leon El'Jonson.

In the preface, Malcador said that he was smart, capable, and conscientious in his duties. Later, he used a gun and a stick to satirize what he had done to his army.

"Are you confused?" The sealmaster asked without any surprise, leaning on his scepter and raising his head.

"Indeed, some," Khalil said. "You don't seem to be shy about praising him, but why would you use that tone to describe his transformation of his own legion?"

The face under Malcador's hood smiled clearly.

"Because he only does his job diligently and responsibly." said the person holding the seal. "Primarchs like Roboute Guilliman or Fulgrim were aware that they had an inhuman face. They might see it as a means to solve a problem, or they might see it as something deeply embedded. Deeply abandoned.”

"But, either way, they're actually happy to lift people up with a speech or a smile. Unlike Jonson, he doesn't do either of those things."

"His leadership comes from his decisive action and unknown mystery. I will praise him for his success at work and at the level of war. Apart from this, I will not have anything else to say about him. evaluate."

Khalil thought for a moment.

"It's really a profound evaluation." He said. "So, that is to say, do you think Leon El'Jonson will be disgusted or even disgusted by our investigation?"

"It could even be worse." Malcador smiled again. Considering his usual appearance, the number of smiles was simply puzzling.

"He is a very proud person, or in other words, arrogant. This arrogance comes from his trust in his own abilities, and also from his pursuit of the so-called 'eldest son' status - commanding the first legion, but not the first to return. Eldest son, isn’t it interesting?”

The laughter of the Seal Holder echoed in the empty hall, almost sounding like a mockery.

"Our great Emperor would rather put batch after batch of power that can destroy the world many times into the hands of such children than let them be trained as adults before doing this."

"Seriously, Malcador," Khalil said slowly. "I'm beginning to wonder if you have no regard for any of the Primarchs. You only have demands for them and no praise. It sounds exactly like our great Emperor."

"They deserve to be treated more harshly." The palm bearer replied sternly. "As for him, come on, he only dotes on them, and many people still don't even think that's enough."

Khalil shook his head and said nothing more. His thoughts had wandered to a further place, and he began to think about possible situations he might encounter during this investigation mission.

Malcador is not a person who likes to be alarmist. At least his evaluation of Perturabo is completely correct and even seems a bit mild. With such a lesson learned from the past, Khalil believed that he must take Malcador's words seriously, even if they sounded full of ridicule.

And here's the problem, Malcador doesn't like to laugh at others, and his own wisdom is definitely beyond the reach of others.

Since he said that this investigation might end up in a worse situation, Khalil had to adjust his mentality. It is normal for respondents to feel disgusted and disgusted with the person investigating them, but if it rises to another level, things may not end well.


"Perhaps we should directly display the Emperor's banner before officially carrying out the mission." Khalil said thoughtfully. "I have never met Jonson, but from your description, it sounds like he probably has some special feelings for the Emperor like other Primarchs. He may be furious about his brother's investigation, so , What about his father’s request?”

"I won't comment or speculate on this. His character is too moody and I'm not sure what will happen. I can't let my judgment affect you."

The master of the seal shook his head solemnly and cautiously, lifted the scepter, and touched the ground. A bit of light emerged, forming a special mark in his hand, and he handed it to Khalil.

"Just go ahead and do it. In short, Leon and his legion have been forced to sacrifice many people over the years. Some people did see things they shouldn't, but others saw nothing. When you make mistakes, you just do your job.”

"Based on the results of my investigation, this culture of extreme secrecy within the Dark Angels is likely to be deeply ingrained. Be prepared, Khalil, this is not going to be a pleasant thing."

"Since I came back to this world, nothing has been pleasant." Khalil replied softly.

I finally finished writing it. I had another fever today, so I will write another 3k to complete today’s update. The 5.5k I owed yesterday will be paid off in one lump sum after I recover.

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