40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 224 49 A Deserter (7)

Chapter 224 49. A Deserter (7)

Leon El'Jonson fell into a rare deep meditation, which was rare for him.

In the past, no matter what the problem was, it could not really bother him. He has read many books, including history, art, and philosophy. The books contain not only knowledge, but also problems.

These questions that have troubled countless people for countless years are nothing to him, not even riddles. He doesn't need to solve them, the answers will appear in his mind.

It was different now. Now, he was thinking from the bottom of his heart. He could have been more attentive, but he had to channel some of his energy into suppressing his anger.

Coswayen stood beside him, staring straight ahead, unmoved by anything. He did not belong to any wing, any order or order. He wanders among them, familiar with and mastering all secret knowledge and organizational structures in the name and command of the Lion.

In a sense, he is almost equivalent to a part of Leon El'Jonson's will.

Now, he was staring at Luther.

Luther frowned, not knowing how things would develop next.

Because the inquiry has ended.

It lasted eleven hours and twenty-three minutes. All the officers and knights reviewed the oaths they had sworn in the audience hall in front of the lion, whether they were Terran or Caliban. people.

They revealed to the recorder in detail the things that should be carefully buried, and the lion himself wielded the shovel to reveal the truth buried in the tomb.

But there were no bones in the tomb.

The deceased - Trinver Raton, a sergeant from the 439th Armored Division of the Empire. He should have been lying in one of these millions of tombs. He should have gained today what he had lost.

But he didn't, because he was not in these tombs at all.

Leon El'Jonson opened his eyes and found Conrad Curze staring at him. He turned to look back, but didn't know how to interpret Coze's expression at this moment.

The lion clenched his right hand and found Luther in the quiet audience hall.

"What's going on?" Xiong Xiong asked, his tone was so matter-of-fact that he himself didn't realize what was hidden in this sentence.

Cozzi raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Khalil. The latter did not answer, but the corners of his mouth curved downward in a secret way.

Luther pursed his lips as usual and shook his head: "I don't know, Leon."

"You don't know?" The lion narrowed his eyes. "You are the Grand Master of the Knights and my steward. These things should be destroyed by your hands after they are completed. How could you know nothing about it, Luther?"

Yeah, I shouldn't know everything, but—

Luther lowered his head in silence.

"—I know nothing about Sergeant Trinver," he repeated. "I know other things, such as those in the 398th Regiment and the lieutenant colonel."

"I remember them, as any victim should be remembered, that's what you said, Leon. I didn't let it die in my heart, we all did."

"But how could you not know this?" asked the lion. His tone was calm, but his expression was confused.

A few seconds later, Luther felt his hair stand on end because Leon had begun to pace around the long table.

"Look, Luther—"

He raised his hand and pointed at Conrad Coates and Khalil Lohars who were standing on the other side of the long table. The two pale men watched them in silence.

"-My brother came with orders from Terra, which means that the Emperor also knows about this. Of course he will agree with our attitude towards the victims, but he will agree with us erasing the victims Honor? No, he wouldn't. If he did, he wouldn't be the Emperor."

The lion walked up to Luther, lowered his head, and looked at him.

"At the same time, this also means that this matter cannot be false." Leon El'Jonson said calmly.

"It's not the dark clouds that hang over our heads, made up of people's gossip. It's a real black spot on our white blouses and collars. Can I ignore this? Is it okay, Luther?"

Luther was silent for a moment and then raised his head.

"I beg you to give me a moment," he said. "I will let the truth come out."

"No," said the lion. "That's not necessary, Luther."

"I beg you," Luther almost begged - he knew what Leon El'Jonson was thinking, and he couldn't let this slip out of his mouth and echo in the audience hall aboard the Indomitable Truth.

Luther left Caliban long ago to join the Legion, and was one of the driving forces behind what it became today. The honors of many people are condensed here, including his.

And what the Lions will do next may make everyone lose their desire for honor.

However, he knew what the lion was thinking, so how could the lion not know what he was thinking?

"No, no, Luther." The king of knights said in a cold voice. "This matter must be announced without delay. I believe you, so if you don't even know about this matter, then there is only one reason."

He turned and snarled at Coswayne.

"Go and bring all the officers who participated in that battle and ask them to wait for me in the main hall!"

His eyes were extremely dangerous, as if someone was holding a sword across his neck. He raised his hand and threw the sword at his waist. It had a gorgeous scabbard and was integrated with his armor.

They all represent something.

"If necessary, you can draw your sword!"

"Yes, Primarch."

The knight who did not belong to any wing reached out to take the sword, put it on his belt, and answered his king firmly.

"If necessary, I will draw my sword."


The lion left the audience hall, saying that he needed to be alone for a while. He just happened to have time to do this. After all, it was not an easy task to gather all the officers who participated in the battle, and Coswayen needed to spend a lot of energy to find everyone.

Even with an optimistic estimate, the whole thing would take at least two hours to complete. Now, there were only three people left in the audience hall, but there was only one person who was in a daze.


He looked up and stared at the stained glass window high above, with a bitter expression.

Once Lion El'Jonson's will is determined, it will never be shaken by any external force. The lion has proved this countless times. Luther once again remembered the green eyes that were as deep as the color of the forest of Caliban, and sighed softly.

Involuntarily, he also thought of his wife and daughter. He didn't want to remember, but humans can't rely on their own will to prevent memories from emerging.


He silently recited his wife's name, and thought of his daughter who he hadn't had time to name, and his heart couldn't help but stop beating. His wife suffered a dystocia when her daughter was born, and the doctors on Caliban couldn't save them.

Luther tried to get angry, but he was so heartbroken that he couldn't stand up. He couldn't blame the doctor who shouldn't be blamed, nor could he curse the injustice of fate.

Half a year later, he found Lion El'Jonson in the forest. He didn't find him alone, there were several companions. The atmosphere was very tense at the time, because they went into the depths of the forest to track a giant beast.

And Lion El'Jonson didn't look like a human at all.

He was naked, covered in blood and dirt, and his golden hair was as thick as his temples. Thinking of this, Luther couldn't help but smile.

Perhaps it was because of this that he blurted out in the stalemate and called Lion "Lion".

He called him a lion.

And Lion did behave like a lion.

Many years have passed, and today, Luther can no longer understand the relationship between him and Lion.

He is qualified to call the lion his son, and if he does so, the lion will surely not refuse. But he didn't. He can also call the lion his superior, comrade, and brother.

But he still didn't. He just called him Lion, just like before.

"What should I do?" Luther muttered to himself, turned his head, and looked at the other two, his eyes were almost heartbreaking. "He will make the legion bleed, what should I do?"

"What do you want to do?" Conrad Curz asked. "In my opinion, it is not surprising that the situation has developed to the point where it is now, Grand Master Luther. No Primarch would allow such a thing to happen in the Legion, let alone the Lion."

He paused for a moment, his dark eyes flashing with light, giving Luther the strength to continue listening.

"I don't know him very well, but his honor-conscious character doesn't need to be observed deliberately."

"He will question them." Luther replied bitterly. "With his character, he can't stay calm now. He will question everyone. Will he get the truth? I don't know. But I know another thing."

"Today's incident will definitely become some kind of stain. The Lion will spread it. By then, where will the cohesion of the Legion go?"

Curze shook his head and stopped talking. So Luther turned to another giant, Caryl Rohals, looking at him, crossing his arms and tapping his fingers on his arms.

"One puzzle, followed by another puzzle." Caryl spoke slowly. "We originally came here to remind and redress the victims, but we didn't expect that the First Legion had only one wrongful conviction in all these years."

"You only created one deserter, Lord Luther, and this deserter doesn't seem to exist at all. This whole thing sounds like a weird and terrible joke, but jokes must be funny enough, otherwise they can't be called jokes."

Luther's heart began to pound, and he had seen something from Khalil's expression.

"We won't let things go to that point, Lord Luther." Khalil said. "In the final analysis, this news was brought by the Eighth Legion. Terra's original intention was to remind you, not to let your friendship be dispersed by anger and shame."

Luther's heart trembled-after a few seconds, he nodded heavily, and at the same time, he secretly made a decision.

Forgive me, Leon. He said secretly. But if things really have to go to that point. Sacrificing a few people is better than sacrificing the majority.

Update completed.

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