40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 236 7 The truth of the war (End)

Chapter 236 7. The truth of the war (End)

With a bit of obvious ridicule, Sevatar planted the chain halberd on the ground.

The end of its strong long pole penetrated the ground and was buried deeply in the soil. He was wearing battle armor, but not a helmet.

It was already dark now, everything around was hazy, flames were burning on the ruins, corpses were crackling, and there were scattered gunshots and screams not far away.

Sevatar squinted his eyes, stared at the man kneeling in front of him, and suddenly chuckled.

"Hello." He greeted cordially. "Your Majesty the Governor? Lord Tors Rasbaya?"

The person he greeted did not answer. He just lowered his head and knelt on the ground, saying nothing and trembling slightly. He was offered up by the rebels in exchange for a chance of survival. Unfortunately, this glimmer of hope simply does not exist.

The words of the Night Blades did not include any promises. They just hoped that the rebels would be more sensible and take the initiative to send the Governor back to avoid 'wasting more time'. As a result, the rebels somehow misunderstood the meaning of this sentence.

"People's will to survive is really strong," Sevita sighed. "They sent you here like this. Mr. Governor, don't you have anything to say?"

"You and your emperor should both die!" Thors Rasbaya raised his head and roared, making Sevita's fingers tremble slightly.

The smile on his pale face gradually widened, from an inconspicuous smile to an extremely obvious mean mockery.

"Really, Lord Governor? These are your last words? Well, for a fool, your last words are as stupid as ever, but they are indeed very courageous."

"Take back what you said!" Thors Rasbaya shouted, interrupting Sevita. "You have no right to talk to me like that!"

Sevatar frowned and looked at his brothers in confusion.

Regardless of whether they were members of his squad or not, most of the Night Blades acted as a little weirded out as he did. Karen Ofion simply shrugged, pulled out his bolter, and put it against the back of the Governor's head.

"No, no, don't do that." Sevatar raised his hand to stop Ophion.

He frowned and shook his head with a half-smile: "I'm starting to get curious about him now - Mr. Governor, why did you come to this conclusion?"

The governor who was kneeling on the ground sneered and did not answer, but was full of contempt.

His face was dirty. Dust, stains and blood stains made his face look like an abstract painting, but the arrogance and contempt were not reduced at all.

He rolled his eyes, and after a while of scanning, he found Belros on the side behind Savita.

"Hey, you!" Thors Rasbaya moved his knees and moved closer to the narrator.

He was very embarrassed, but his chin was raised proudly.

"Come here! Yes, it's you!"

The reporter raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise. He put down the camera and looked up at Savita. The latter gave him permission with a very obvious smile, which was full of expectations for the next development.

Helpless, Bellos had no choice but to walk towards the governor.

"You bring a camera?" the governor asked politely. "who are you?"

Bellos spent two minutes briefly introducing his name, position, and the purpose of coming here. His words made Tors Rasbaya's eyes widen, and the prisoner suddenly burst into laughter a few seconds later.

The night hung low, weighing heavily on everyone's heads. His laughter mixed with the night, forming something heavier.

"Recorder!" He continued to move his knees and slowly moved closer to Belros.

He raised his head, neck and entire upper body, and pouted at Belros: "Take a photo of me, do you hear me, Narrator? Take a photo of my appearance and send it back to Terra! Let everyone see it. The face of the descendant of the Sibaya family!"

"I don't remember that I allowed you to enjoy this kind of treatment, Lord Governor." Saiweita scolded in a cold voice. "You are not qualified to order the Chronicler appointed by the Emperor himself. You are just a prisoner of war now. Do you still regard yourself as the Governor?"

"Shut your mouth, you monster!" Thors Rasbaya turned back in disgust and yelled at Sevita. "I don't communicate with things like you!"

After saying that, he suddenly turned his head back and looked at Bellos. The First Reserve frowned again and gritted his teeth in slight displeasure.

"Take my picture, quickly!" growled the defeated governor. "Send this face to his palace. Is he building a palace? I've heard those rogue traders talking about this. He is actually still building a palace."

Bellos frowned and did not do as he was told. In fact, he even put down his camera.

"I don't think the Emperor would want to see the face of a traitor," the narrator said coldly.

"Me? Traitor?" Thors Rasbaya laughed. "You stupid guy, you still can't see the reality clearly? Do you think I betrayed him? Betrayed the empire? He betrayed us!"

Bellos's fingers twitched instinctively.

The Governor ignored the sudden silence and just roared again.

"Look at these monsters he created!" He panted angrily, squirming his knees and making himself turn ridiculously. He stared at the Night Blades present with dust all over his body, without any fear in his eyes.

"Look at them, narrator, don't you feel something is wrong?"

The Night Blades stared at him silently and did not speak.

The narrator shook his head and said: "Astartes are supermen created by the Emperor through genetic engineering, and are the protectors of the common people. They came out of us, and they will also-"

"-Oh, save it!" The Governor retorted loudly. "You and I both know what they are. Anyone with eyes can see what they are! They are deformed monsters that came out of the laboratory!"

"Don't rush to refute me, recorder, think about it yourself! A young child was taken away by them, and when he came back, even his family didn't recognize or care about him! As long as you see their eyes, you can know what they are! Can human eyes be as twisted and weird as theirs?"

"So, you are an extreme human original bloodist? Terra, you still exist."

Belros sighed and seemed to have a headache.

"Don't tell me that this is why you started the rebellion, Mr. Governor"

"Of course not." Thors Lasbaya laughed abruptly. "Of course not."

He shook his head.

"The reason for my rebellion is very simple. You can write down my words, the recorder, and take them back to him to read. I tell you, there is only one reason for my rebellion - because the Cappadocians can't survive." Karen Orfion couldn't help cursing in Nostramo: "Oh, so he is now pretending to be a good governor. Can I just shoot him to death, captain?" Sevita shook his head coldly. "Endless Astartes, endless Imperial armies, one after another. Every time they stop, I have to increase taxes for a short period of time. Money, goods, people, etc. were all taken away by them, but Cappadocia left nothing."

"If it were just that, it would be fine, but where were they when we were harassed by the greenskins? I sent a distress signal, where were they? If it weren't for the mutual assistance agreement between the nearby planets and us, Cappadocia would have become a paradise for greenskins by now! Do you think you can still judge me from a high position here? No, you can only face endless greenskin bastards!"

"You have completely removed yourself from the situation, Governor." Belros said. "But you started a rebellion. And your army is not very noble. What they did is no different from gangsters."

"Yes, I admit this."

The Governor nodded with a sneer, and suddenly glanced at Sevata with a squint.

"I can't control them, but, you know? Even so, even if the local defense forces begin to corrupt on a large scale, the lives of the civilians in Cappadocia are much better than before. You can go to my mansion to look up the data. What I said is true, and there is no lie."

"Are you done?" Sevatar asked.

He raised his right hand and pulled out the chain saw halberd. The monomolecular saw blade began to rotate and the engine roared. Thors Lasbaya laughed. Half a second later, a head flew high and fell into Sevatar's hands. He held the head and handed it to another Night Blade.

"Hang the body with it." He said emotionlessly. "Global video broadcast, tell them that they must surrender before dawn, otherwise they will bear the consequences."


"I'm sorry, I didn't let you see what you wanted to see." Sevatar said to their recorder in the troop transport with a fake smile. "I hope you won't be disappointed, Mr. Belros."

"I'm not disappointed." Belros said. Sevata nodded in understanding. There was silence in the troop transport for a moment, with only the sound of the vehicle operating and the sound of Belros checking the photos.

"So." Sevata suddenly spoke. "What kind of person do you think Thors Lasbaya is? A fool, or a liar who is so good at lying that he can even deceive himself?"

The narrator slowly took off his gold-rimmed glasses.

"To be honest, I don't care much." Belros smiled and replied. "It doesn't matter who he is. I just want to see him die. That's all. The chief culprit has been eliminated, and with your psychological tactics, the rebels will probably surrender soon."

Sevata showed his fake smile again.

"This is a war, Captain Sevatarion, and you are a soldier. Your duty is to win." Belros said softly. "As for the words of Governor Thors Lasbaya, and his arrogant attitude that he thinks he is righteous, do you really care?"

"No." Sevata said vulgarly. "Who is he?" Belros laughed.

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