40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 239 October Wolf Angel Raven Bat (2)

Chapter 239 10. Moon Wolf, Angel, Raven, Bat (2)

"You and I both know that we cannot have everything under control," Horus said. "That's why we sometimes ask for help from others. There's no shame in that, Sanguinius."

He is very persistent. thought the angel. Several hours have passed and he still talks about it from time to time.

He sighed inwardly.

What more can be said? This is classic Horus - if he thinks you need help, he'll try to melt the ice with enthusiasm until he's explicitly told no.

At this moment, Sanguinius had taken off the brown and white robes he wore in the studio and put on a serious and solemn white suit. The clothes themselves were approaching perfection, but they still couldn't touch even one percent of him.

He and Horus walked side by side in the colorful corridors of the Red Tear, with different styles.

The original bodies of the Blood Angels maintained an almost silent silence, their expressions thoughtful. There was anxiety in Horus Luperkar's face, and Sanguinius did not let this detail slip. He grasped it, but was unwilling to follow it.

"Yes, it is not shameful. But this is beyond 'help', Horus. The things I can see are abstract pictures, and even I can't understand their true meaning. I want to How can I describe to you what I saw?"

"But you need help." Horus paused. ".Am I wrong, Sanguinius?"

His words contained a plea.


The words barely escaped Sanguinius' lips. But he didn't do that, he just remained silent.

If you say you don't need it, it's the same as lying. He couldn't lie to his brother, but he didn't need help either.

At least not now.

Deep dark is still just dark.

Horus received no answer. He sighed, stopped and shook his head. Sanguinius saw sadness in his eyes. He wasn't angry or disappointed that Sanguinius was hiding it. The emotion in his eyes was called sympathy.

For the next while, there was only silence between them. This silence lasted until they boarded the shuttle. Azkalon of the Holy Blood Guard and Farkus Kaibo of the Gastrin Terminator had been waiting on the shuttle for a long time.

Despite this, the two Primarch Guards were not fully armed, not even wearing ceremonial armor. Their clothes all have the colors of their respective legions, but there are not many detailed decorations. Simple and elegant, with neat lines.

Horus smiled and greeted the two of them. Of course, according to his style, the greeting could not be limited to just a hello. In fact, he even pulled Azkalon and Farkus over affectionately, put his hands on their shoulders, and chatted comfortably and naturally.

Sanguinius kept a smile on his face, but his thoughts were not there. For a moment, he seemed to be two completely different people in one body.

On the outside, he is kind and gentle, with a smile on his face. Inside, he carries a kind of indifference and just wants to remove himself from this environment.

His wish soon came true, as the shuttle docked with their destination after about ten minutes of sailing.

Golden light shone into the cabin along with the sound of mechanical operation. Horus restrained his intimacy and ended the conversation with a joke. After that, he and Sanguinius boarded the Emperor's Dream side by side.

The two guards followed closely behind them. There was no guard of honor, no warm welcome, not even a guide - a request from Horus, who knew the Emperor's Dream as well as his own flagship.

"Turn left ahead, Sanguinius," Horus said softly. "You will see a series of white stone pillars and fountains, as well as grass, trees and some plants. There are many kinds of rare and endangered animals living here."

The angel blinked with slight interest, and he did as he was told, and indeed saw the things described by Horus. And this was something he had never seen before. He had boarded the Emperor's Dream like Horus, but he had not lived here as long as he did.

The angel couldn't help but turn his head and glance at Horus in the fragrance of the earth. The latter was smiling happily, as if he had completely forgotten the silence before.

"Come on." Horus waved to him. "It's better to look less. Many of these animals don't like to be stared at for too long. If you look too engrossed, they may come to chase you."

He shrugged, "Or peck you. Frankly, it doesn't hurt, but it's embarrassing."

Sanguinius couldn't help but laugh.

They began to walk side by side again. Along the way, Horus introduced him to many of the scenery on the Emperor's Dream.

Sometimes it is a long corridor, resplendent and solemn. Sometimes it was just an inconspicuous painting, and Horus could not only tell the name of its author, but even tell some of the stories behind the painting.

He was extremely familiar with every corner, and Sanguinius listened patiently, not feeling that Horus was showing off. He was happy to accept this kind of sharing.

But as they passed a door, Horus stopped and frowned for the first time since boarding the Emperor's Dream.

"What's wrong?" Sanguinius asked with hidden concern.

He looked at the door and found that there was a sign on the door that was obviously not in line with the overall decoration style of the Emperor's Dream. It was a pale sharp blade, shining in the dark, as bright as the moonlight.

"This door." Horus shook his head, his expression a little confused, but he did not explain immediately.

He looked around and successfully found an inconspicuous button embedded in the wall on the side wall.

He reached out and pressed it.

A mechanical voice immediately sounded: "Identity verification passed, welcome back, Horus Luperkar. What questions do you have?"

Horus turned his head, smiled at Sanguinius, and pointed at the button with his finger.

The angel smiled helplessly - well, this time, Horus was really showing off.

"Ahem." Horus cleared his throat. "I want to know, what is this door, no, this room for?"

"It's a bedroom."

"Bedroom? Who does it belong to?"

"Khalil Lohars," the mechanical voice replied.

Horus opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Sanguinius caught a glimpse of a rapidly fading shadow on his brother's face, which struck the angel as odd, and he spoke too.

"Is he the instructor of the Eighth Legion?"

The mechanical voice paused for a moment before answering again: "Voiceprint matching, biometric data is being retrieved. Identity verification passed. Welcome back, Sanguinius. Yes, this room belongs to the instructor of the Eighth Legion, Khalil... Lohars.”

"Why does he have a room on the Emperor's Dream?" Horus asked doubtfully.

"This machine cannot answer." The mechanical voice said. "Please go to the bridge to find the Thinker Array A-7 and query the host to get the answer."

"Okay." Horus shrugged, put his arm around Sanguinius' shoulders seemingly nonchalantly, and turned around to leave. "It looks like this is father's handiwork. We'd better go see him first, what do you think, brother?"

"I have no problem with that," the angel replied. "But isn't he still talking to Corax?"

"He can't be unwilling to say a word to you and me, right?" Horus winked and made a joke.

However, when they arrived at the emperor's study, they were actually blocked from the door by guards in golden armor.

"I'm sorry, but His Majesty has specifically stated that he does not want to be disturbed by anyone at this time." The Imperial Guard said in an emotionless tone. "Even if it's two adults."

Horus was silent again for a moment; he had fallen silent often enough today. Sanguinius couldn't help but feel a little worried for his brother, but beyond this worry, he also had an urge to laugh.

The primarchs of the Luna Wolves turned their heads with emotion, glared at the angel, and shook their heads in disapproval at the latter's expressionless face.

"If you want to laugh, then laugh, Sanguinius. What I said before and the situation we are facing now do have a sense of absurdity that makes you want to laugh."

Sanguinius turned his head and smiled silently at the corridor wall.

Horus sighed. He looked at the custodian who was speaking, and after a brief gaze, he spit out a name: "La? La Endymion?"

The Imperial Guard nodded, the red tassel above his head fluttering.

"So it's you. How are you doing lately?"

"Your question is humorous," Ra said.

Horus couldn't help but touch his chin. What he said just now was indeed a joke, but he didn't expect the Imperial Army to answer him like this.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Is my father in there talking to Corax?"


"How long has it been going on?"

"Thirteen hours and twenty-seven minutes," said La Endymion. "This conversation will probably continue for a long time."

"But it was he who asked Sanguinius and me to come not long ago." Horus frowned. "Why would my father call me and my brother if he couldn't see us because he had something to do?"

"Because he told us the matter in advance." La Endymion replied calmly. "He hoped that the two Primarchs would entertain a friend from afar on his behalf."

Horus' brow began to frown deeper and deeper: "Who?"

"Khalil Lohars," the Custodian said.

His tone changed, becoming less unemotional and more strange. Sanguinius caught this tiny detail. The angel slowly raised his eyebrows and rubbed his palms with his fingers. Horus nodded after a moment of silence.

"I understand," the Corsonian replied seriously.

Two more chapters.

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