40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 241 December Wolf Angel Raven Bat (4)

Chapter 241 12. Moon Wolf, Angel, Raven, Bat (4)

The angel from Baal had only one thought in his mind when he saw Khalil Lohars in person.

Calm down - he told himself - calm down, Sanguinius, calm down.

But he can't do this, and calmness has become a luxury. The manic images blasted into his mind, as irresistible as a boarding torpedo.

The pale skin and the bones underneath were still within his vision, but Sanguinius couldn't stop himself there. He inevitably saw more things.

The deck under his feet turned into a broken glacier, and lava spurted out from under the glacier in a way that defied common sense. The surrounding area was not darkness, but a void that was deeper than darkness.

Countless voices whispered in it, saying words that could not be understood and should not be understood. Sanguinius felt the cold for the first time in a long time. He stood there with clenched fists, urging his reason, trying to get himself back.

However, just after a while, this terrible scene changed.

The wind was blowing, and the pale ashes roared in the storm, as fierce as a blizzard. The innocent souls howled and screamed, and countless worlds burned and collapsed behind their illusory faces.

The galaxies are burning, the stars are extinguishing, and the laughter is endless. Twisted monsters jumped out of the void, running wildly in all directions, eager for blood with excitement.


Sanguinius' hands began to tremble - of course he would be afraid, why wouldn't he be? Even the Primarch has things to fear.

However, he was not defeated by this fear.

The Baers trembled but stood firmly on the spot.

This is not true. he said to himself. This is part of the illusion, my cursed gift at work, it's not real

After a few seconds, he flapped his wings decisively, and the muscles in his back stretched. He tried to take off in the middle of a terrible blizzard.

He must do this, he must return to the real world. If he continues to stay here, God knows what else he will see?

God knows. Will those things he saw catch him?

The blizzard tore at his body, and the ashes turned into something sharper than a knife in the strong wind. He flew up, fell, then flew up again, and fell again until his body was covered in bruises and his skin was torn.

The almost crushing pain surged from the depths of his soul, one after another, one wave after another. They come in an endless stream and keep coming. After the thousandth fall, Sanguinius knelt on the shattered glacier.

Blood spilled, he trembled and raised his head to look at the sky. He wanted to observe the movement of the blizzard, but suddenly felt a falling feeling. The next second, he began to fall downwards, towards a place darker than darkness.

The wings were restrained by the strong wind and could not be opened. They could only curl up on its shoulders, the feathers vibrating and falling along the way. Sanguinius stared at them in bewilderment, his thoughts tortured to the point where he could no longer think.

He had no resistance. A second after this thought was born, he landed heavily at the bottom of the abyss. When he opened his eyes again, what he saw had changed again.

Now, all he could see was darkness.

Sanguinius reluctantly got up and tried to walk forward, but his body - or rather, his remaining reason no longer supported him in doing so. So he had to crawl instead.

His wings were stained with blood, and he crawled naked in the darkness, leaving a winding path of blood. The darkness was extremely quiet at first, without any sound. However, as he moved forward, the world gradually ‘possessed’ sounds.

The sound of swords entering the body, the crackle of burning flames, the screams of monsters, and the solemn chorus of thousands of dead. It was like wailing in unison, but it was extremely sacred.

And, a low roar as cold as ice.

"Sing for me," he said. "To celebrate this moment of revenge."

Unconsciously, Sanguinius crawled over there, and the temperature around him began to change, towards a colder and more severe temperature. The chorus began to become more intense, almost deafening, rumbling, majestic and full of hatred.

Listening to it, Sanguinius felt a deep exhaustion, knowing that he had gone too far. If he continues, he will not be able to find his way back. But

I must see. I had to see that.

Sanguinius muttered - Witness.

He moved forward again, as if he had broken through some kind of boundary, and a sharp explosion suddenly came to his ears. A tearing sensation suddenly came, and Sanguinius's eyes widened.

He knew that his survival instinct was taking effect at this moment - this instinct was screaming to pull him back, and it would not allow his master to be lost in the illusion.

However, we have come this far, should we give up?

He forced himself to raise his head, and at this moment, at this last moment, he finally saw it.

A skeleton, a tall skeleton covered in black fury and entwined with cold aura, was holding a golden flame sword and fighting countless twisted monsters in the darkness.

He was not alone, even though it looked like he was, he was far from alone.

On his back, there was another skeleton.

It was golden, and the burnt flesh turned into blood on the bones and dripped downwards. It was still breathing, but in great pain. Staring at it, time actually slowed down at this moment. Sanguinius opened his mouth, feeling a throb.

He wanted to say something, but he saw two tears falling slowly from the eyes of the golden skeleton.

——Like being struck by lightning, at this moment, Sanguinius suddenly understood something he shouldn't have understood.

The skeleton was not weeping for what had happened to him.

He is doing it for

"Go back, my son," the skeleton said, his voice sounding like the last breath of a dying man. "This is not the way you should go, go back."

It reluctantly raised its right hand, and the light flickered between its fingers. It was this light that guided Sanguinius on the way home.

The angel trembled and felt two hot eyes falling from his eyes. He turned around and obeyed his father's order painfully and resolutely.


Horus thought anxiously, not knowing what to do. His anxiety was so obvious that he didn't have to hide it at the moment. He was standing in a conference room, pacing back and forth, where he was the only one.

Whether it was the guards brought by Khalil Lohars, or Azkalon, Farkus Kaibo, and the others, they all stayed outside, and Horus gave the special order.

This meeting room, which he had carefully chosen based on his memory, had a back room where Sanguinius and Khalil Lohars were conversing at the moment.

Of course Horus wanted to know what they were talking about, but he couldn't hear them at all. At the moment, the only thing he could do was wait.

However, he soon no longer waited alone. Ten minutes later, the door of the conference room was pushed open. Horus originally thought that one of the guards had violated his order. With a little anger, he turned his head and saw a giant in black.

He was very thin, with long hair that was darker than ink, but his skin was as white as snowflakes or ashes, and his eyes were also pitch black.

Inevitably, he reminded Horus of Khalil Lohars. It's just that this person's skin color is more like a 'human'.

At the first glance, Horus knew his identity.

"Corax?" The Corsonia laughed with a complicated expression, including surprise, welcome, and embarrassment at his expression just now. At the same time, I am still a little helpless about the current situation. "Corvus Corax?"

The man he called Corax nodded slowly and softly: "Are you Horus Luperkar? He didn't lie to me, you are indeed very recognizable."

Horus was slightly startled, but before he could speak, Corax had already walked in. He turned around and closed the door gently. The black clothes are loose, but they can't hide his strength.

Horus could see his brother's muscle lines and bony back through his robes. This strange contrast startled him to the core - he had to admit that Corax reminded him of some animals.

His first impression of Corvus Corax was more like a bird?

Horus was amused by his absurd perception. He didn't know what was wrong with him. Perhaps he was infected by Sanguinius's strange behavior. How could he think of comparing Corax to a bird?

Horus stepped forward, intending to show intimacy directly, but at the moment when his arm was about to put his arm on Corax's shoulder, he realized another thing - not everyone likes close contact.

So he switched to another etiquette.

Corax lowered his head and looked at his outstretched right hand.

"What does this mean?" he asked softly. "I don't quite understand."

"It's a courtesy, Corax, from Terra. All you have to do is hold out your hand, yes, that's it."

Horus patiently taught his brother and shook Corax's hand. This time, the temperature he felt was quite normal. It also made him secretly relieved, even though he actually didn't know why he did this.

"So, you and your father have finished talking? I thought you would talk longer." Horus asked. He chose to speak first. After all, judging from Corax's appearance, he didn't seem to be a very talkative person.

Horus didn't want the atmosphere to become awkward. He happened to need dialogue to get through this difficult waiting time.

"Yes." Corax nodded. "He seemed to have something to do, so he temporarily ended the conversation with me."

"This is not common, brother." Horus frowned. "Fathers don't usually do that."

"Ah, um."


Horus pursed his lips, realizing that his suspicion about Corax's lack of talkativeness might be true. As a last resort, he could only start another topic by himself.

"Do you know the names of the rest of us? Don't know? Okay, then let me introduce them to you first."

The update is complete and will continue tomorrow.

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