40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 295 15 actors enter the scene one by one

Chapter 295 15. The actors enter the scene one by one

"He should have been," Mortarion said cheerfully.

The Lord of Death's bandaged hands were clasped on the vermilion stone railing. He was still wearing a hood, and his amber eyes were widened under his short gray-white withered hair.

"This trial should have been carried out twenty years ago. That child playing with witchcraft has no idea what he is dealing with!"

"You're a little too extreme, brother." Conrad Coates said without raising his eyes.

"Extreme?" Mortarion turned his head quickly, his eyes becoming sharp. "Do you think there's something wrong with what I said, Conrad?"

"He is not a child." The Lord of Night raised his head and finally gave the Lord of Death a half-smiling expression.

"You can say that Magnus doesn't care about most things except knowledge, or you can say that he is shockingly arrogant, but he is definitely not a child, Mortarion. What child can summon a storm with the wave of his hand? Woolen cloth?"

Mortarion smiled contemptuously. He did not answer Curze's words, but walked to him and looked down at the scene below with him.

This is a magnificent hall located inside the volcano, but there is no luxurious decoration inside the hall. There are only high seats made of rough obsidian and black marble and thousands of boxes in different positions.

There is a milky white ground in the center of the hall, on which a golden eagle is flapping its wings. At this moment, there are not many people arriving here. Apart from the ubiquitous Imperial Army, there were only a few people.

The meeting has not officially started yet, so the lords and their attendants naturally have no way to enter, but the genetic principle is different.

At this time, four original bodies had arrived. In addition to Mortarion and Konrad Curze, Robert Guilliman and Lion El'Jonson were also present. But they had just walked in, and the guards were even following behind.

"Look here!" Curze suddenly called out, causing the lion and the Lord of Macragge to look up at him.

Mortarion hummed slightly and raised his chin slightly as a greeting.

Half a minute later, Leon El'Jonson and Robert Guilliman pushed open the door of this box.

The lion's attire today is quite unexpected. He is wearing a cloak in the color of Caliban's forest, hard leather shoes and breeches, and an aristocratic knight's jacket. Dark red leather gloves are placed on the golden sword at his waist.

All this made him look less like a Primarch attending a meeting and more like a nobleman out on a hunting trip.

The Lord of Macragge is quite different. He wears a brand-new consul uniform. The blue and gold standard occupy the fabric without losing the beauty. A little white is embellished on the cuffs or collar, which looks smart and simple, as if Work can be done at any time.

Pretty standard Roboute Guilliman style - that's what he looks like most of the time, as long as he's not wearing native Macragge garb.

"We haven't seen each other for a year, brother." Guilliman smiled and shook Curze's hand. He originally wanted to hug, but in the end he chose a strong handshake - he could indeed express his emotions directly, but the same could not be said for the lion.

What would Leon El'Jonson do if he chose to hug him before his eyes? Guilliman did not want the Lord of Caliban to remain in power over such a minor issue, as this would be of no benefit to anyone.

"You have a good memory, Robert." Kurtz made a friendly joke and turned to look at the lion.

The latter faced his gaze, strode forward, and opened his arms. Guilliman's eyes widened, and he actually saw Leon El'Jonson giving Curze a strong hug with a cold expression for no reason.

He looked at Mortarion in surprise. The latter looked back at him for half a second, and let out a hoarse laugh from his respirator. The bottles and cans hanging on his body began to collide with each other, making crisp sounds.

Guilliman shook his head, not caring about Mortarion's little ridicule, and walked over to shake hands with him. The hands of the Lord of Death were wrapped in bandages, and the fragrance of herbs lingered on them.

It should have tasted good, but unfortunately, his respirator gave off a sour smell, which neutralized the smell of the herbs. It even mixed together, making the air around the Lord of Death quite strange.

Fortunately, Guilliman has long been accustomed to this matter. This is not the first time he has dealt with Mortarion. It would be a strange thing if the Barbarus people did not have these smells on their bodies.

After a while, they finally finished greeting each other and started talking.

"Have you all brought your think tanks?" Guilliman asked first. He frowned and seemed not to be very optimistic about the prospects of this meeting.

"Of course." Coz took over. "This meeting will have a huge impact on them and given this matter, they certainly have the right to sit in on it."

"I left them on the boat." The lion answered calmly, holding his hands.

It's hard not to think of something bad happening with his attitude. Considering his usual style, it's not impossible if that kind of thing really happens.

Mortarion simply said nothing.

Guilliman shook his head worriedly: "Father attaches great importance to this meeting. He even recalled Ferus and insisted that each of us be present. But he should have known the result early on, how each of us treats psychic energy, It’s not a secret at all.”

"Indeed - so why didn't you come to me when you launched the counter-psionic force, Robert Guilliman?" Mortarion said slightly dissatisfied. "You know my stance on psionics, don't you?"

Guilliman smiled bitterly: "Yes, I know. But I can't let this matter become political. A primarch alone contacting the Sisters of Silence may still be explained, but the two together are different."

"Be considerate of Robert, Mortarion. He has always been cautious about politics, and you know it." Konrad Curze said frivolously, and leaned back on the railing.

He lazily straightened his back, his black hair falling straight down due to the pull of gravity, and he observed the entire venue through an upside-down vision.

"Why are you standing like this?" The lion frowned and stretched out his hand to pull him up. His movements were simple but not strong. "Officials and lords will be arriving soon, please be careful, Conrad."

"Okay, okay, okay" the Lord of Night nodded helplessly. "So, what do you think about this whole thing? For, or against?"

"Do you still need to ask?" Mortarion sneered. "I can't wait to see Magnus holding a book and stammering to us that 'psychics are harmless'. I think it will be very funny."

Guilliman gave him a strange look, but Mortarion ignored his gaze at all and just kept his sneer. The Macragge looked away helplessly and simply spoke on his own.

"This is the first time I have seen you so mean, brother. I agree with the control of psykers, but the think tank system is different. Combat psykers are irreplaceable in our ranks. If we start from A complete ban from now on is simply unrealistic.”

"Indeed," the lion said calmly. "An outright ban, where does that leave the Librarians? But I am in favor of any punishment for Magnus and his Legion, and his arrogance deserves to be condemned. What about you, Konrad?"

"I want to reserve my opinion for now." The Lord of Night smiled slightly, exposing his canine teeth to the air. It was an obvious fake smile, but the thoughts hidden behind it were no secret to the other three Primarchs present.

"There is a price to pay for remaining neutral, Conrad." Leon El'Jonson narrowed his eyes and warned. "Magnus will certainly look for support then, and Sanguinius, Jaghatai, and Fulgrim will probably side with him, but that won't be enough. Your neutrality will certainly allow him to try to persuade you."

Maintaining a smile, the Lord of the Night nodded seemingly gently.

Try it, it’s useless to try.

Looking at his appearance, the lion shook his head involuntarily - he had become very familiar with Conrad Coates over the years, and fully knew the latter's character and temper.

He had already seen that Curze's attention was not here, so he simply let him go and talked with Guilliman and Mortarion about the next thing: Will Lorgar come to participate in this meeting?

After all, this was another personal invitation from the emperor. Luojia had already rejected it once, when it was a triumphal ceremony, so although the reason for his rejection was not legitimate, it was understandable. But what about this time?

They all expressed concern to some extent about Lorgar's changes in recent years, Guilliman especially. Luojia's change is inseparable from the Perfect City, and the destruction of the Perfect City is closely related to him and Curze's legion.

As they talked, they had already assumed that Konrad Coze was wandering in the sky, but they didn't know that the Lord of the Night was actually listening. He leaned on the railing, his eyes fixed on the only entrance to the hall, his eyes sharp, like an unsheathed sword.

Primarchs, lords, governors, officials. He watched them walk in one by one, occasionally saying greetings, and occasionally nodding.

The number of people in the box began to increase, but he remained silent. It was not until a golden-skinned giant walked in from the entrance with his guards that he finally made a sound.

However, the sound did not come from his mouth, but the deep, muffled sound of leather boots hitting the ground, leading him to climb over the railing and jump down.

With the sound of hunting, Konrad Coze fell from the sky and landed in front of Lorga Aurelion, blocking his way and causing a burst of exclamation in the venue.

"Hello, brother, long time no see." With a false smile, he stretched out his hand and said hello, staring closely into Lorgar Aurelion's eyes.

The guards behind the Great Word Bearer adjusted their posture as if they were facing a powerful enemy, but Lorgar Aurelion looked calm, as if nothing had happened. He raised his head and glanced at the Lord of the Night, then turned his gaze sideways and walked straight to the end, as if Konrad Coze had never appeared.

The Lord of Night pursed his lips regretfully and whispered something into the darkness.

"How's the situation over there?"


Above low-Earth orbit, Khalil Lohars turned his head slightly and responded to the darkness.

"Everything is normal. There seems to be no problem with the Law of Loyalty. I will board the ship for a visit."

"Be careful." Conrad Coze's slightly distorted voice came from the other side of the darkness. "God knows what they have prepared for you?"

"But my end is not here, child." Khalil smiled. "That's what you said."


update completed.

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