40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 301 21 A good show is on (4)

Chapter 301 21. The show is on (4)

Angel Tai wakes up again.

The smell of blood filled his nose and mouth, and he almost doubted whether he had vomited blood and internal organs while unconscious.

His mind was also so chaotic that it seemed as if someone had been hit with a power hammer. All his thoughts were like unformable fragments, rushed through his mind by some force, and expelled like garbage.

He was unable to retain any useful ideas, not even to organize his thoughts. The Word Bearer's cheeks twitched, and he gritted his teeth and tried again.

The masseter muscle exerted force, but there was a sharp soreness between the teeth that were biting each other. Then, with a series of cracking sounds, all his teeth were shattered into powder.

Angel Tai was stunned. He felt pain, but the pain was incomparable to his shock at the moment.

How could this be? what happened?

Before he could open his mouth and fumble for the broken tooth fragments with his fingers, he was suddenly knocked unconscious by another stronger pain. Every bone in his body began to shatter at this moment.

No, it's not just that simple, it's like someone is using a bone-breaking hammer to repeatedly hit each of his bones, even if they have been completely turned into pieces, they will never stop.

But this was just the beginning, because Angel Tai's perception began to move towards a deeper level.

He could feel the shattering of bones and the decomposition of flesh and blood at the same time - something was raging under his skin, turning muscles and nerves into boiling blood. Angel Tai couldn't help but open his mouth. mouth, trying to scream, but failed to make any sound.

His vocal cords were dissolved of course, as were his eyes, and he couldn't see anything now, but that didn't matter. From the beginning he had been in darkness, where eyes were not needed.

The strange thing is that even though everything has been decomposed, Angel Tai still has 'sense'. He can clearly feel the existence of his fingers and toes, and can also feel a breeze blowing across his naked skin. .

What's even more terrifying is that he can even feel the pain when they are decomposing and the arm-like commands when they are intact. This contradictory false perception squeezed every inch of his sensory experience, filling his neurons tightly.

Reason screamed at him that something was wrong, but perception smashed reason into powder with stronger force. In such a cruel punishment, Angel Tai should have fallen into madness, or something deeper than madness.

No one, not even an Astartes, could bear this torture.

But he didn't because his vision was returning.

See how easy it is to give a prisoner hope again? All it takes is a little bit of giving

Angel Tai finally opened his eyes and saw a corpse.

Who is this? He had no answer, he just observed it carefully, almost crazily. He had to use this to escape the torture of 'perception', and this was the only way he could divert his attention now.

The skeleton did not really turn into withered bones, there was still some flesh and blood hanging between the gaps in the bones, the tendons turned into a rotten and disgusting musty gray, and there were only two withered nerves remaining in the eye sockets of the skull.

Looking at the corpse, Angel Tai's sense of smell suddenly returned. He suddenly smelled a strong smell of corpse, which was rotten, sick, and extremely disgusting.

The Word Bearer couldn't help but open his mouth, and spit out a sound from his throat. It was a hissing sound, like a breath, but it soon turned into a complete syllable, and in the end, it even turned into a sentence. ——And he actually heard this sentence himself.


Angel Tai blurted out that he didn't even know why he called the name of the original body, he just felt that it should be this way.

At the same time, his newborn eyeballs began to feel a warm feeling, and his nasal cavity also became sour. Two lines of hot tears fell vertically down the cheeks, hitting a piece of decay and stirring up a pool of dust.

The Word Bearer was still in pain, and two confusing perceptions were constantly fighting for him, both trying to pull him into their camp, but he already had his own will, and he could already make his own choices. .

Angel Tai did not hesitate to choose to stay away from the nearby skeleton. As this idea was born in his mind, a force instantly surged out of his heart.

It was warm and genial, and if it had a color, it would probably shine with golden light. The next second, the rotten skeleton instantly shattered and turned into fly ash.

Light shone brightly and poured out from the Word Bearer's seven orifices. The previous pain began to disappear quickly, and the perception began to gradually become more balanced. His eyesight, hearing, and breathing were all intact. Angel Tai didn't even dare to close his eyes for fear of going back to the darkness.

He opened his eyes, his right hand twitched, and there was some kind of pain in the palm of his hand. He turned his head and saw a bone nail pierced deeply into his palm, nailing his right hand to it.

Moreover, it was not just the right hand, but the left hand as well, and both feet as well, as if someone was restricting his movements.

Just four bone nails?

absurd. he thinks.

At the same time, he heard two other voices. A man and a woman, with fear in their voices.

"Is he moving?" the male voice muttered in panic. "Did you hear it? There was a sound in the sarcophagus of the Firstborn."

"You better hear correctly. It's very troublesome to close the coffin lid again." The female voice replied gloomily. "You reported to the master. What did he say?"


The male voice hesitated for a while and did not answer. At the same time, there was a slight friction sound above Angel Tai, like stones rubbing against each other, and a trace of light began to jump on his retina.

"What's wrong with him?"

"He said that we will dedicate ourselves to--" The man's words were not finished. He was interrupted by Angel Tai's right hand.

The bone nail was still trembling in the center of the palm, and the disgusting eight-pointed star on the round head of the bone nail flashed an ominous light, but this did not prevent Angel Tai from pinching the man's neck with his right hand. The dim candlelight outside came into view, and the Word Bearer stood up from the sarcophagus in silence.

The woman who opened the coffin for him fell to her knees frantically, and began to call out the name of the First Born like crazy. Angel Tai ignored her, but just broke the man's neck and kicked the woman's chest.

She flew backwards in shock and surprise, smashing a stone statue and sliding down with the fragments. Blood and white foam flowed from the corners of her mouth, and life was leaving her body quickly.

Angel Tai just stared at her coldly without any reaction. He didn't look away until the woman died, and then he pulled out the remaining three nails for himself.

At the same time, he felt a chill behind his neck. A slight pain came over him little by little with a biting touch. He turned his head and saw a surging shadow.

Angel Tai smiled.

"It's you." He whispered. "Where am I?"

The shadow surged and told him a word. Its voice sounded very cold and carried a damp and cold air. The language it used was not one that Anger Tai was familiar with, but he could understand it.

Perfect City.

He was in the Perfect City.

The Word Bearer lowered his head and took a deep breath of air that still smelled of blood. He looked around and saw candlelight, altars, and mud walls with scriptures. There were no windows here, and everything was tightly covered by gray mud.

So, where is the door?

He turned his eyes and saw a scarlet door. The emblem of the Word Bearer gleamed on it, with metallic kindness. He was silent for a moment and walked towards the door. But at this moment, the shadow surged and gave him another message.

Anger Tai stopped and nodded thoughtfully.

"You are right." He admitted. "We should indeed get to know each other again. What is your name, partner? I am Anger Tai, the son of Lorgar Aurelion."

The shadow twisted and uttered a name to him. At the same time, he reached out and pushed open the scarlet door.

The dazzling sunlight hit his face. There were many believers in tattered clothes outside. They were praying, but Anger Tai came out, so the prayer ended. He looked at them silently, and his cold eyes swept across the octagonal star mark on each face.

"Then, Larhe." Anger Tai lowered his head and made his request to the shadow. "I need a weapon."

The shadow surged again, moving from the spine to the right hand, climbing up. A straight sharp blade appeared in Anger Tai's hand.

The blade was dim, as if it could swallow the light. There was a silky shadow on the blade that was surging like a living thing. There was a scarlet eye on the sword guard, staring at Anger Tai, without blinking.

The Word Bearer nodded to it, retracted his gaze, looked at the group of believers running towards him, and raised the blade in his hand.


With uneasiness, Azek Ahriman asked his Primarch a question that he had been patiently waiting for a long time: "Are you sure it can really work now? We haven't conducted a complete experiment yet."

Magnus smiled, turned around, and gestured to his think tank director. Behind him was a huge instrument that had just been transported down from orbit. Under the chaotic sky of Nikaea, its surface was actually shining with colorful light.

"All great creations and inventions come from people's inadvertent flashes of inspiration. This has nothing to do with experiments, Azek. Even if you do more experiments, what can you do? The inspiration is inadvertent, and it will never favor you because of the number of experiments. It only belongs to geniuses."

"But isn't this too hasty?" Ahriman was silent for a moment, and then he mustered up the courage to ask again.

And this time, the smile on the face of the Red King had disappeared. He looked into Azek Ahriman's eyes, emphasized his tone, and repeated it again.

"It will be fine. All the recipients before have seen the same gentle ocean that we have seen, right?"

"Yes, Primarch."

"Then you don't have to worry about anything." Magnus smiled again and regained his scholarly demeanor. "How long do we have?"

"One hour and twenty-one minutes." The head of the think tank replied.

"Enough." Magnus clenched his right fist, as if he was telling Ahriman, or as if he was talking to himself. "It's completely enough."

There is another chapter that will be updated later. It hurts so much that I will slowly

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