40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 326 46 Siblings cannibalize each other

Chapter 326 46.Brotherhood

Acudona felt unable to breathe, he also felt that the ground was sinking, and he even felt scared - Fabius Bayer was different, he could still maintain his sanity.

He raised his hand, picked up the instrument next to the medical table and observed the readings. He was relieved by the stable indexes. He put down the instruments, walked to the other side of the medical table, and began to change the blood-stained bandages and gauze for the injured on the table.

"He's bleeding," Bayer said without looking up. "I tried many methods but couldn't stop his bleeding. Horus hurt him very badly."

Akudona didn't answer, he couldn't answer - his thinking logic and the only remaining trace of reason had been defeated. Ordinary people couldn't understand this kind of fear, because it was not a normal emotion.

This is a complex emotion resulting from the mixture of genetic awe and acquired respect and love.

In other words, seeing Fulgrim dying with his own eyes drove Acudona almost crazy.

Bayer glanced at him and gave him time to recover while he continued to keep his head down and busy. Fulgrim's most serious injury was in his abdomen, where Horus' lightning claws pierced his armor and body.

He could have just torn Phoenix apart like this, even taking out all his spine and internal organs, but he didn't.

He only did one thing after defeating Phoenix lightly.

Horus deactivated the lightning claw's disintegration field and used the weapon to hold his brother's wounded body as he began to tell him something.

Blood continued to overflow, and the Phoenix was struggling, screaming and roaring, trying to fight back. Phoenix scolded him for his madness, but Horus spoke softly of his vision.

Witnessing this scene with their own eyes, the Phoenix Guards began to fight desperately.

The Sons of Horus fought with them, and when they won, they fell silent at the scene beside the throne.

Bayer arrived later. The Emperor's Children had been declared completely defeated at that time. He came to see Horus and Fulgrim - he thought Fulgrim was just imprisoned, but he didn't expect to see such blood. Scenes.

And what about Horus? He was whispering gently, telling the interesting stories between the brothers in the past, the honors they had achieved together, and the smile he even missed when talking about these wonderful thirty years. He looked exactly the same as the person before. .

If Ezekiel Abaddon hadn't spoken, Bayer believed he would have continued speaking until Fulgrim was truly dead.

Stopping his thoughts, Fabius Bayer forced himself to concentrate. He didn't want to recall that scene again, even for him, that scene was too crazy.

He pulled off the old bandage on the side of Fulgrim's abdomen. The wound was empty. The flesh and blood that had been directly hit by the lightning claw disappeared. The internal organs and physiological structures exposed underneath were completely incomprehensible to Bayer.

Once again, he was reminded that he could not heal Fulgrim, that he could not even understand the primarch's physical structure. His pride as a pharmacist made him try to deny the matter, but he finally found Acudona.

The apothecary's pride was nothing compared to Fulgrim's life.

After a few minutes, he finished his work and breathed a sigh of relief with blood on his hands. He looked at Akudona and said, "I know you hate me, but it doesn't matter. We at least have a consensus, right Akudona?"

The Emperor's Son slowly moved his neck and looked at him.

"We all want Fulgrim alive," Bayer said, repeating the words as he took off his blood-stained medical gloves. "The Phoenix must survive. Do you understand this, Akudona?"

".what you up to?"

"You shouldn't ask me this question." Bayer said seriously. "This is not something I can control. Listen, I want Phoenix to live, and so does the Warmaster. He has changed a bit, but he still loves him."

"Love?" Akudona asked softly. "You are really crazy, Fabius Bayer."

"I didn't," repeated the chief pharmacist. "Look, I can't heal Fulgrim, and neither can the Warmaster. He's a warrior, not a healer. But the Vengeful Spirit can."

"Spirit of vengeance?" Akudona grinned as if he heard a funny joke. He turned around, looked around, and stamped his feet.

Then he asked Bayer: "The Vengeful Spirit? Here? This ship?"


Akudona was answered. Then he seized a disemboweling scalpel and thrust it into Fabius Bayer's chest. He accurately stabbed Bayer in the heart, but the latter did not resist and let him do what he did.

Blood gurgled out, and Bayer fell to his knees with a pale face. He raised his hands, grabbed the back of Akudona's neck, and pulled him towards him. This was not resistance, just so that Akudona could hear his words more clearly.

"You must understand," gasped Fabius Bayer. "Try to understand this, Acudona, Fulgrim must survive. It doesn't matter who has the means. What matters is that he must survive."

"Go on." Acudona stared into his eyes, twisted the scalpel, and spoke in an extremely calm tone. "I will decide whether I want to stab your last heart or not."

"You have to fight, you guys" Bayer gasped in pain. "The Spirit of Vengeance will absorb the blood shed during battle to heal Fulgrim."

"Who told you these tall tales? Do you know what you sound like, Bayer?"

"You have no other choice but to believe." Fabius Bayer told him firmly. "I also questioned these things, but I chose to believe it because I didn't want to see Fulgrim die."

"Then, maybe you shouldn't have chosen to betray from the beginning." Acudona sneered and pulled out the scalpel, moved it to the position of Bayer's second heart, and penetrated deeply. "Why should I trust you?"

"Because I want to save him." Fabius Bayer looked into his eyes and said.

The scalpel was already close to his last heart. He could feel the sting and the feeling of the blade moving slowly inside his chest. But that didn't stop him from staring into Acudona's eyes, nothing could stop him.

Fulgrim must survive.

After holding his gaze for a few seconds, Acudona pulled out his scalpel and asked a question.

"You just mentioned you guys," he said. "Tell me it's not what I think it is."

Fabius Bayer did not answer.


"I don't believe this is true," Gavier Loken said. His expression was painful, his lips were pursed, and he seemed to be sitting on pins and needles in his seat.

Next to him sat Tarik Torgadun, a fun-loving but now taciturn warrior. His hands were clasped together and resting on his chin.

The same was true for Horus Ashmand. His face that was too similar to Horus was frowning tightly at the moment, and fine beads of sweat were covered on his forehead.

There were four people present, and among these four, only Ezekiel Abaddon appeared calm. If you ignored his clenched fists, he was no different from usual.

"Calm down, everyone," Abaddon said. "We are all part of the Council of the Four Kings, and we must remain calm at all times to give the Primarch the advice he needs."

"I have withdrawn." Tarik Torgadun turned his head and looked at Abaddon.

He didn't laugh or joke, but said this very calmly.

"I mentioned this when I was still on Dawen. I will no longer be a member of the Council of Four Kings."

"I don't want to discuss this with you right now," Abaddon said. "I know what you're trying to say. Yes, that bastard Erebus can't be trusted, but he restored the Warmaster to health."

"Recovery?" Gavir Loken asked aggressively. "Look at what he's doing now, Abaddon, you call this recovery?"

"Otherwise?" Abaddon asked flatly, turning his head and glancing at the two of them. "He can even defeat Fulgrim in a one-on-one fight. This isn't recovery, what is?"

"That was a murder!" Loken growled in a low voice.

"It's normal for warriors to compete with each other and occasionally bleed."

"Then how do you explain what is happening now?" Loken asked again, pointing to the field below. "Why did he order the Emperor's Children to fight each other again?"

Faced with his provocative tone, Abaddon did not answer. His eyes were focused on the battle below, when Tarik Torgadun spoke again.

"How do we report this to the Empire?"

"Horus will take care of it," Abaddon said calmly. "He is the Warmaster, this is just a battle caused by a misunderstanding"

"Not me," said Horus Eichmand dryly, proud of the fact that he was often called 'Little Horus' because of his appearance. Of course, he brings it up now and jumps in willingly to be the clown just to liven things up.

Of course he failed.

"Solution? How is this going to be solved? Fulgrim is almost dead, and his children are now being asked to kill each other to 'cure' their father? What kind of cure is that, Ezekiel Abaddon?"

"Don't yell at me, Lorcan," Abaddon said, gripping the armrests of his chair tightly with both hands. "What you and Togaton said on Davin was enough to anger me. You opposed letting the natives of Davin treat Horus, but you didn't want to propose another plan."

"Didn't I?" Loken interrupted rudely. "Didn't I tell you that we go find Jairzinho Guzman of the Eighth Legion? He has cured Khalil Rojalls and Robert Guilliman!"

"Run from Davin to the hell of Nostramo?!" Abaddon finally roared. "He might die on the way!"

Tarik Torgadun stood up calmly and pulled Loken away from here. Little Horus sat uneasily, wanting to leave, but also wanting to continue sitting with Abaddon.

Abaddon said nothing; he fell into silence. Beneath the dais, the Emperor's Children were stabbing each other through the chest.

Higher up on the dais, Horus Luperkar stared at all this with a smile.

He is not crazy. How could a madman still pay attention to listen to the voices of his descendants? He looked at the departing figures of Gavir Loken and Tariq Torgadun and sighed regretfully.

update completed.

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