40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 344 64 Intervals: Blood-Stained Man

Chapter 344 64. Interlude: Blood-Stained Man

Lottara Saleen heard an extremely low gasp, not like a human being, but like a beast, and a wounded beast. This sound came from the deepest depths of darkness, and was accompanied by the extremely obvious smell of blood.

Before coming here, Lotara thought she could face it calmly, but now, she found that she couldn't.

But it doesn't matter, just these things are not enough to stop her from moving on. She is the captain of the Resolute and has a huge responsibility on her shoulders, and nothing or anyone can stop her from fulfilling her duties.

She had been its captain since she was thirty, and now she was forty-five, but still full of fighting spirit. Lottara had a very simple idea in her heart - sooner or later, she would prove that not even death could stop her.

But is this possible? Is it really possible for a mortal to defeat the law of death by his own will? Maybe, back to reality for a moment. Kahn, the commander of the 8th War Hound Company, walked in front of her, leading the way for her and issuing the nineteenth warning of the day.

The tone of his voice was so natural that Lotara thought he was going to say something else at first. In the end, he was still the same, giving endless warnings.

Lottara thought that Kahn had always known how to disappoint others in places other than the battlefield.

"I told you, Captain, he doesn't want to see anyone right now. Mark my words, and remember them clearly," Kahn said. "Lest you complain about me later."

"He is our Primarch, Karn. So whether he wants to or not, there are some things that only he can make decisions about. And I hardly blame you."

"Ours." Kahn lowered his head and said to her. "But it's not stupid. Captain, you have to be careful with your words. Otherwise, I will collude with others to replace your command throne with a wooden one."

Lotara gave him an unfriendly smile, which was made even more terrifying by the fact that her face was torn apart by two horrific scars.

"You'd better not joke with me at this time, Kahn." The female captain said. "Otherwise, I will collude with others to stuff the books of the Eighth Legion chronicler under your pillow, and then throw you into the solitary room."

"Understood, Captain. But I don't use a pillow," Kahn said, closing his mouth in obedience.

Lottara was not joking when she said she wanted to throw him into the solitary room. The female captain had the power and the courage to do so. Discipline is something that is extremely emphasized within the War Dogs. Replacing the captain's throne with a wooden one is undoubtedly a violation of discipline.

They began to move forward in the darkness.

About twenty minutes later, Lotara finally saw the person struggling painfully in the darkness in detail. Her eyes clearly saw every detail.

Blood, scars, broken arms, and the twitching blood-stained face, with bulging blood vessels pulsating on his face like acquired marks, and his eyes were bloodshot, extremely terrifying.

On the way here, Lotara could hear the original body breathing in pain, but now, she saw with her own eyes the incomplete form of a demigod.

Lottara herself could not say which of the two things tortured her sanity more.

Kahn turned his head expressionlessly and pointed in that direction.

"I can see it," Lottara said, her eyes still fixed on the giant in the darkness.

"Yeah, I know," Kahn said, grabbing the armor belt around his waist to give his hands somewhere to go.

Now they stood side by side, facing Angron. One of the Primarchs, Lord of the Twelfth Legion, Lord of the Red Sands, Son of the Mountain of Nuceria, Gladiator

Blood stained people.

Lottara cleared her throat, and her voice spread very far in the darkness, making it very obvious: "My Lord——"

"——Why did you bring her here?" The original body interrupted her, asking Kahn beside him in a thunderous voice.

The Eighth Company Captain sighed and shook his head at the female captain with an expression that showed he had known this before, before answering Angron's question.

"I can't help it, Primarch. No one can disobey Lady Lottara aboard the Resolute."

"My Lord." Lottara spoke again. "A message has come from your brother, Lord Corvus Corax, who wishes to speak with you."

The person in the darkness did not answer immediately. The person in the darkness looked at her for at least half a minute before squeezing out a vague sound from his throat.

"I uh. I don't want to see him just yet."

Was that a cry of pain? Emperor.

Lotara calmed down and forced herself to focus on Angron's face, so that she no longer had to pay attention to the latter's mutilated arm.

Just looking at it, Lotara had the urge to order the ship to be turned around and bombed the Vengeful Spirit, but luckily she resisted. But she still swore in her heart that one day, she would blow everyone on the ship into dust.

Leave no one behind.

Temporarily suppressing this thought, she continued to persuade Angron: "My lord, normally I won't tell you one thing many times, but your brother looks really good."

"What?" Angron asked reluctantly.

"Sadness," Lottara said, mentally adding the words exhaustion and pain to it.

Before her eyes came the pale giant, Corus Corax. One of the two deadliest killers in the galaxy, at that time, he appeared unexpectedly quiet, tired, and gave the illusion of being fragile in the light screen of the holographic projection platform.

Lottara knew that this was an illusion. One primarch must be much stronger than she imagined, maybe even stronger than a thousand of her combined. However, the Lord of Crows did show some pain in that moment.

Extremely profound, extremely obvious.

She couldn't forget it, just as she couldn't let go of Angron's missing right arm.

The gladiator was silent for a moment, his breathing still heavy. In addition, Lotara could also hear a vague distortion. She understood what was causing the problem, but she didn't want to care about it for the time being.

In fact, there was nothing she could do about it.

".I understand." Angron said. "Arrange a meeting for me. I will come to the bridge in a moment. By the way, ask Fulgrim if he wants to come."

The Son of the Mountain exhaled a mouthful of blood-smelling air, and Lotara saw blood dripping between his lips and teeth. At the same time, she heard Karn's gauntlets creaking against his armor belt.

"Is he okay?" Son of the Mountain swallowed a mouthful of blood and asked.

There was obvious concern in his voice. Even though the pain had broken his voice, it could not hide this strong emotion.

"Lord Fulgrim's situation is a little complicated, my lord." Lothara replied hesitantly. "I don't know how to describe it to you, but according to Captain Akudona, what Lord Fulgrim needs most right now is to rest."

Angron nodded: "As long as he's fine, I'll go check on him after the meeting. I'm sorry that we couldn't get the Emperor's Pride back."

He slowly closed his eyes, and the azure blue covered by the scarlet blood disappeared.

The Butcher's Nails, which had long been unable to cause further damage to his brain, made a strange and low friction sound on the original's skull in vain. They could no longer destroy his reason, emotions and memory, but they could still make him feel pain.

Lottara didn't understand why Angron insisted on preserving this terrible instrument of torture. She asked many people about this, but they all had no answers. The only thing she could do was respect, as she allowed herself to remain silent at this moment.

Karn did the same, he watched his primarch suffer without saying a word, he didn't have to say anything, he knew what happened to Angron.

They all know it.

They have heard those things.

Corvus Corax is a very calm and rational narrator. He didn't use any adjectives at all, he just spoke straightforwardly and explained everything clearly. Because of this, the scenes he painted seemed even more cruel.

Kahn could not imagine the perseverance with which his original body forced him to stay rational and awake. You know, Angron did not even vent after waking up.

After understanding the situation, he just issued a few simple orders, such as changing the route and leaving, placing the Luna Wolves and the last Son of Horus, and then had someone clear out a warehouse on the bottom deck and lock himself up. Here it is.

"My Lord? Are you okay? I still have a few battle reports that I need to report to you." Lotala spoke again.

At this moment, she hated herself for disturbing the original body, but she could not ignore her responsibilities - she had something to do here, not just to visit.

Everyone on the Unwavering Resolve is very busy, and she would never pull Kahn away from their respective posts to come here unless necessary.

"It's not good, but it won't have any impact on the meeting I'm going to attend." Angron replied with his eyes closed. "As for the battle report, put it down, Lottara, I will read it."

"As you command, my lord."

They left, and it was fifteen minutes after they left that Angron recovered from his reverie.

He lowered his head, and blood flowed from his nose, staining the frame of the data tablet on the ground. The original body stretched out his left hand, only to find that his index and middle fingers were twitching. He took a deep breath and shook his neck violently.

The Butcher's Nail began to punish him violently for this resistance, but he let out a long breath, and the trembling of his fingers actually became calmer. Son of the Mountain picked up the data pad and started flipping through the reports.

What used to take two minutes now took him a full ten minutes, which was quite long and painful. Every second of his thoughts was accompanied by complex branches caused by pain, but it didn't matter.

He slowly stood up from the ground, stretched his body, moved his muscles and bones, and blood scabs fell from the healed wounds. He glanced down at his empty right arm, feeling a phantom pain coming from the nerve endings.

With the recovery power of the original body, it is not difficult to regenerate a severed limb, but his right hand was not simply damaged. It was beyond recovery.

Angron closed his eyes again, those faces flashed before his eyes, and those names passed by his ears along with their respective voices. From the mountains, from the forests, from the deserts, from Nuceria.

They protected him. Once, twice, and finally.

"I do not hate you, Horus," he whispered sadly. "But I will kill you, brother."

The full name of the female captain would be blocked by Qidian, so I changed La to La.

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