40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 347 Interlude 67: Burning Embers

Chapter 347 67. Interlude: Burning Embers

"Mileh Zavir, sergeant of the Thirteenth Company. Guardian Archeritas, sergeant of the Twenty-seventh Company. Terenos, Apothecary of the Sixth Company."

Acudona held a data pad in his hand and read names, one after the other, almost without pausing. By the time he finished this matter, Fulgrim had even finished injecting the nutrient.

He was lying quietly on a medical bed provided by the war dogs. There were many instruments piled beside the bed, and various readings were floating on the dark gray display screen. They may seem well-prepared, but they are actually of no use at all.

No pharmacist or medical officer can understand these data that are completely confusing and inconsistent with their knowledge. If the patient’s specific condition cannot be understood, ‘treatment’ becomes impossible.

And Fulgrim didn't seem to want to receive treatment.

First of all, he is a primarch with extremely strong recovery ability and can fully recover from such injuries on his own. Secondly, he needs this pain to punish himself.

Akudona understood what he was thinking. He knew his genetic father so well that he could even empathize with him to a certain extent.

Nothing is more devastating to a soldier than seeing a comrade die and being unable to do anything about it.

Holding the data pad, Acudona walked up to Phoenix. Generally speaking, after every war, Fulgrim would personally read the battle report.

He will remember the names of every fallen person, find out in those details possible shortcomings at the tactical level, and find ways to improve them. And now, let alone improving tactics, he even needs Acudona to help him. Say the names.

The Chief Swordsman was not averse to this, he had done it several times before. In the past, he had reported the names of his fallen brothers to his Primarch with pride. But it doesn't work anymore. Just like Fulgrim, Acudona also lost something.

He could no longer feel proud, only numbness, numbness to the war. His thoughts were like a pool of stagnant water, covered with corpses.

The treachery of Horus and his Legions nearly destroyed the entire Emperor's Children, but this was only on the surface; there were other things invisible to the naked eye that were also destroyed by them.

Akudona even had a premonition. He felt that this betrayal would one day develop into some horrific situation and poison future generations. This speculation was baseless and extremely shocking, so Acudona did not tell anyone about it and chose to remain silent.

Raising his hand, he handed the datapad to Fulgrim. The latter did not reach out to pick it up immediately, but just lay on the bed and looked at him quietly.

That look felt very strange to Acudona. In his impression, the Chemos people had never shown such an expression.

"Primary body?" Akudona spoke involuntarily. "Is there anything else you can do?"

".It's okay. Give me that battle report, and then you can go do your own thing, Akudona." Phoenix replied hoarsely. "I want to watch it a few more times."

With no other choice, the chief swordsman did as he was told. Fulgrim held the data tablet in one hand and slowly closed his eyes.

In a daze, he seemed to smell a pungent stench again, as well as the smell of blood that was so strong that it seemed to choke someone to death. An evil monster wearing the face of Horus is laughing wildly and wielding the Worldbreaker, killing his legions.

Of course Phoenix understood that this was just an illusion, an abstract painting painted by his spirit under high pressure, self-blame and pain - Horus did not kill his heirs with his own hands, not even one, and the murderer was someone else. .

No, maybe not people.

After some time, he opened his eyes.

The original body's senses were still sensitive, and he heard heavy footsteps approaching outside the door. Normally an Astartes would not make such a noise, and he immediately guessed who it was.

However, this did not make him feel happy or relieved. Fulgrim even had the urge to bury his face in the pillow.

He forced himself to stop the thought.

The door was slowly pushed open, rubbing against the ground, causing a sound of gears turning. Most of the doors on the Resolute Resolve use mechanical mechanisms. They are not designed to be automatic and require manual labor to open and close. Simple and reliable, not outdated.

A giant walked in, his empty right arm very eye-catching. He was wearing a uniform coat, with bandages wrapped around his abdomen and neck, and his eyes were full of exhaustion.

Fulgrim pursed his lips, not knowing how to face Angron. But this was not the end. Angron was followed by another person, and it was natural that the Phoenix did not hear his footsteps.

Corvus Corax.

"Brother." Angron spoke first. "We are almost leaving the Istvan system."

"Are there no pursuers?" Fulgrim asked with a desire that he was unwilling to admit.

"They didn't catch up," said Corvus Corax. "This is a bit strange."

Fulgrim could see that his brother was considering his words, and he couldn't help but smile, and spoke slowly.

"Yes, this thing is indeed strange. Horus is one of the most dangerous generals in the galaxy. He usually does not make any moves and usually likes to resolve conquest issues through peaceful means before war. But once he makes up his mind, then, Even if the enemy surrenders, he will pay a heavy price."

"Once the wolves bite their prey, they will not let go. And that thing... I don't know what it is, but since it stole Horus's skin, it probably also stole the determination."

"Obvious conspiracy." Angron said, his voice as low as thunder. "It's a pity that we don't understand it like we understand Horus. This thing thinks it is Horus, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that its actions and words are full of loopholes. The Warmaster I know has absolutely no possible"

He paused and said no more. Fulgrim looked at him—to be precise, at the Butcher's Nails on the back of his head. His fingers hidden in the quilt began to tremble.

The feeling of powerlessness returned again, and Fulgrim's eyes began to burn with dark flames. Although it was only for a moment, Corax could see clearly.

He frowned.

Although he had already guessed this outcome, he still couldn't help but feel worried about it. The last time he'd seen this flame on a large scale, Khalil Lohars had been a complete stranger.

And this time?


"Anyway." Angron spoke again after silence. "We currently have two options. One is to rush to Robert's Five Hundred Worlds to obtain supplies and inform him of the matter. The other is to return directly to Terra and report the matter to the Emperor and the Sealbearer."

After hearing his words, Fulgrim thought seriously. The Istvan galaxy is located in the northeast of the extreme star field. It is a very remote galaxy. I am afraid this is one of the reasons why that thing chose this place as the starting point of its murder.

It is not difficult to get to the Five Hundred Worlds from here, it can even be called easy. Robert Guilliman is a very far-sighted man. Once the institutional structure of the Five Hundred Worlds enters war mode, it will become the most troublesome enemy in the galaxy.

And if you choose to rush back to Terra, you will definitely need to travel through subspace.

Phoenix frowned deeply and gave his answer without any hesitation.

"Our best option is to divide our forces into two groups. Robert's side needs to be informed. He and his Five Hundred Worlds can be a shield to keep that thing out of the empire's territory and prevent it from causing more casualties. Tai The La La side also needs this information, and the sooner this information is handed over to my father, the better.”

"Split the troops into two groups? Are you sure?" Angron couldn't help but ask, he understood what Fulgrim meant.

"I'm sure." Phoenix said. "I will only become a burden to you if I stay. That thing may come at any time, and it will take at least a week or so for me to fully recover from such an injury. Besides, my legion also has the smallest number of people."

He paused for a moment and showed an unnatural smile.

"If my staying will not help the current war situation, what reason should I have to stay?"

The Son of the Mountain and the Lord of Crows looked at him speechlessly, not knowing what to say.

For someone so proud to take the initiative to say that he is a burden

"Don't look at me like that, brothers." Phoenix shook his head at them. "The only purpose of war is to win, and in order to win, we can do whatever it takes. I can't make any difference by staying, so it's better to be a messenger honestly."

"That's it. I will send the news back to Terra and rush back with support. We will end that thing's ambition here."

"But..." Corax said softly. "Do you know what's in the subspace?"

Phoenix shook his head.

"There are things in the subspace, living things." The Lord of Crows said, he considered the words and spoke slowly.

"If you use a more superstitious term to call them, you can call them demons, or evil gods. I'm not being alarmist, brother, the horror of subspace is almost an open secret. Think of those lost ships, crazy Astropath, the navigator who screamed during the navigation process, without the Geller force field, entering the subspace rashly is tantamount to seeking death. And you, do you understand your current state?"

Once again, Phoenix shook his head.

"You are changing," Corax said. He walked to Fulgrim's bedside and took his right hand. It felt cold and without any warmth, which was in line with his guess.


The Lord of Crows sighed softly, without explaining more, just giving a warning.

"Be careful in the Warp, brother," he said. "You may encounter things you can't understand"


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