40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 365 85 The Burning of Five Hundred Worlds (4, 5k)

Chapter 365 85. The Burning of Five Hundred Worlds (4, 5k)

"Do you know the process?" Siani asked. The hand-to-hand combat champion stood in front of a heavy iron door with his hands behind his back. As he asked, his voice unexpectedly became very gentle.

There were five iron chains tied to the door. Not only did they look very rough in craftsmanship, but their surfaces were also full of cracks. However, these five chains caused some kind of scars on this iron door.

A faint red light flickered where they were in contact with the door, and pale mist floated out from behind the door. It was extremely cold, and the ground became dreamlike under their influence. The metal actually showed a glass-like texture.

"I don't know." Saiweita shook her head honestly and answered Siani's question. This was rare, because he didn't make any inappropriate jokes, and his expression was so serious that it was almost Shen.

"You don't know?" Siani asked slightly surprised, but he quickly put the matter behind him. At the moment, he had more important things to solve.

He sighed before continuing to speak.

"After entering, be sure to keep your wits about you at all times. Don't mention anything about our current situation or the war to Captain Fell. And revenge-"

His voice was interrupted by a violent knocking of iron chains. The five iron chains burned violently at this moment, and the mist was burned and hissed. Savita frowned and asked Siani a question based on her expression alone.

"—You've seen the effect of mentioning that word," Siani said, shrugging half-smilingly. "In short, don't mention anything like this. Try to talk as little as possible. Just listen to what he tells you."

"Also, after the conversation, walk out backwards with your back to the door."

"With your back to the door?"

Savita finally couldn't help but ask a question, but before she finished speaking, she made a gesture to indicate that Siani did not have to answer. There is really no need to answer. It would be troublesome to know the answer to this kind of thing.

He reached out and took off his helmet from his belt. He was about to put it on, but Siani held him down.

"Don't wear a helmet," the Terran said word for word. "Maintain eye contact with him."


Half a minute later, the chain fell and the door slowly opened. In the pale mist, Sevatar saw two scarlet lights that were always bright.

He walked inside, and as soon as he took one step, he was keenly aware of some strange difference. He has always trusted his intuition, and now, his intuition tells him that you are no longer on the Night Soul.


Savita observed this place with the corner of his eye, but he couldn't see anything except the fog. The fog seemed to have self-awareness and had been blocking his sight, preventing him from truly observing the scene inside the room.

In desperation, Sevita had no choice but to do as Siani said, always looking into Fer Zalost's eyes, and walked slowly in front of him.

During this process, his two hearts somehow began to beat faster and faster. In the end, the speed was even so fast that it seemed as if they were about to rush out of his chest.

Savita took a deep breath and then managed to calm down.

Above him, Fel Zalost, who was tightly tied to a pale stone pillar by five iron chains, was staring at him. There was a faint fire around him, as if he was in another world, and he was the dead being tortured.

His gaze was so serious, but it was not with his eyes.

"Hello, Fel," Sevatar whispered in greeting.

He was still the same, without using honorifics. This is not surprising, after all, he is Yago Savitarion, and the first reserve always has many small privileges.

He stared closely into the eyes of the 'Mourning Bird', but still couldn't help but observe the broken marks on the latter that looked like the texture of its skin.

This discovery made him feel shocked. Although he had indeed heard some 'intelligence', 'key points' or 'official rumors'. However, when he really saw Fei Zalost in this appearance, he felt a surge of emotion. Emotions that shouldn't have appeared still emerged.

"Savitarion." The almost broken man nodded slightly towards him, his dry lips curved upward, as if he was smiling. "I'm almost relieved to see you alive and well."

"Isn't this the time for joking?" Savita asked cautiously.

"Whenever I want to make a joke, I will make it." Feier said, the fire in his eyes flickering on and off, as if he was blinking. "I'm already like this, can anyone still control me? Huh? What do you think?"

Savita was silent for a moment, then chuckled deliberately, pretending to be amused.

"I will report back to the Primarch and the instructors," he said. "When the time comes, it won't be too late for you to say this again."

"Maybe they already know," Fell replied thoughtfully.

He lowered his head, and there were hanging ash pouring out of the broken textures, floating in a way that completely defied gravity.

Sevatar did not answer this sentence, he did not know how to answer.

Over the past few days, similar things have been discussed within Night Blade many times. Savita was the one who firmly refused to participate in the discussion. He refused to discuss it with anyone. Naturally, it was impossible for him to respond to Feir's words at this moment.

What's more, Siani told him to talk less.

I'm going against my nature for you, Fair. Sevita thought. So, should it fade away slowly?

I still owe you three Glocks steaks.

"It seems you don't plan to chat anymore." Feier shook his head regretfully. "Well, let's get down to business - you used psychic powers, right?"


"how long ago?"

"Forty-two days ago." Savita immediately reported a number.

"It's not too late then," said Fair. "Come here, get closer, your talent needs to be sealed again."


"Come here, Sevatarion."

"I need it." Standing stubbornly on the spot, Savita expressed his opposition. "I need this kind of power. Psychic energy can play a very big role in battle."

"Yes, I know." Not only did Feier not get angry, but he showed an almost eerie gentleness towards his objection.

The mourning bird smiled and nodded: "I am the director of the think tank, who do you think you are talking to?"

"But I really need it." Sevatar pursed his lips and began to use his eloquence instinctively.

"Moreover, my talent is getting stronger every second after it is unblocked. You may not be able to seal it. Look at your current situation, Feier, you have no chance to try and make mistakes. So, maybe forget it. ?”

Fer Zalost didn't speak any more, but just looked at him calmly for a while. At the moment when his pupils have disappeared, his gaze can only be achieved through two flames. He can no longer show any emotion, but it is even more terrifying.

Sevatar gritted his teeth and looked at him - he can appear unruly and unruly to many people, but he will not do this to Feier. Yes, if you ask, he does have a list. .

After this stalemate lasted for a full ten minutes, the mourning bird finally spoke again, with the same smile.

"Psionics are a very convenient power," he said quietly. "It can easily change reality according to the user's thoughts. Therefore, the Thousand Sons of Magnus claim to be masters of magic. In my opinion, this is really ridiculous."

"The spells they copied from the warp and wild wizards are actually not as effective as a simple idea. Turning psychic energy into spells is simply unnecessary."

He smiled again.

"You feel this way, right? Savitarion?" he asked softly. "You can summon fire and thunder with a single thought, make the earth tremble, stop wounds from bleeding, and make flesh from bones. Don't tell me you haven't done this. Forty-two days have passed. For you, these forty-two days It’s quite difficult, isn’t it?”

Sevatar closed her mouth and remained silent. He tried to be angry so that he could speak back, but he couldn't do it.

"Then, here's the problem - well, it's that old question again, price." Feier deliberately used an old scholar's tone. "Price, price, price. There's a price for everything."

"If you want to eat, you have to make a fire and hunt. If you want to sleep, you have to find a safe place, preferably a cave, and you have to set up traps in advance to alert yourself. This has been true from ancient times to the present. Human beings have never lived an easy life. . So, what price does psychic energy cost you?”

He stared at Savitar with a half-smile.

"How is your body feeling now?" Feier asked softly. "Forty-two days of unsealing psychic powers, I can feel them reveling in your body. The more you use them, the stronger your talent will be."

"Let me guess, you have started to have predicted symptoms frequently now, right? How much has your physical fitness improved?"

Savita still chose to keep her mouth shut and didn't say a word. This may be the only time in his life that he chooses to remain silent for such a long time. Only he knows the feeling of it.

"Silence is useless, Cy," Fair advised gently. "You have to accept that your talents are not meant to be revealed at this time."

".So, when will it take effect?" Savita asked hoarsely. "Wait until everyone is dead?"

"My psychic power is very strong. I know that, in fact, it is very strong. It allows me to be meticulous in battle, and can even help me minimize battle losses. It should not be sealed again, Feir, we The number of people is already small enough.”

Feier sighed, his expression gradually changed to indifference, and the fire in his eyes gradually extinguished.

Like a real dead corpse, he lowered his head and looked at Savita expressionlessly on the stone pillar, until the latter almost couldn't bear it anymore, and then he made a sound again.

"If you don't accept it, there will be fewer of us," he said lowly. "I'm not being alarmist, Sai, you should know it in your heart. If it's not necessary, why do the instructors, the original body, and us all keep asking you to seal up your talent?"


Fair looked at him patiently, waiting for an answer.

".This is so unfair."

After a long time, Yago Savitarion gently expressed his opposition and dissatisfaction, but he meekly walked over, raised his head, and let Feir's cold fingers touch his forehead.

The mourning bird smiled softly and used his spiritual power to store his words in the seal. It only appears when the seal is lifted.

+Actually, I don’t like eating Glocks steak, Savita Leon. +——

Question: What happens when you put a Son of Aurelion, an Ultramarine, and a Midnight Blade together?

Angel Tai didn’t know the answer, and neither did Ionid Hill. Shen knew a little, but he was too lazy to say it.

He just kept a polite smile and watched Ionid Hill and Angel Tai discussing the recruitment overview-direct recruitment on the Macragge's Glory, which had never happened in the past. Passed.

Logically speaking, it would have attracted Marius Gage's attention and full accompaniment, but Robert Guilliman named him and Ionid Hill to be responsible for this matter, which seemed a bit strange. .

Let’s not talk about whether Shen, the night blade, seems redundant in this matter, let’s talk about Ionid Hill. He is just a company commander, so what big say can he have in this matter?

But that's what happened, and as an outsider, Shen could see Robert Guilliman's thoughts quite directly.

He did not let Marius Gage participate because the position of the First Chapter Commander was too high. He needed someone who could show that he valued it, but the position did not have to be too high, otherwise it would be too high for Angel Tai. It adds some pressure.

So, here comes Ionid Hill. He has recently been quite valued by the original body of the Ultramarines, and his outstanding performance at the meeting was enough to convince others. As for why Shen Ye was transferred here.

Well, the reason is actually very simple. First, Shen was relatively familiar with the Sons of Aurelion. Secondly, he is a rare night blade who looks very much like an Ultramarine. It may seem a bit strange to say this, but it is the fact.

Shen knew in his heart that Robert Guilliman probably hoped that he could be a buffer bridge between Ionid Hill and Angel Tai.

But is this really necessary?

He looked up at the two people chatting happily in front of him and couldn't help but shrugged.

"I agree with you about the assault, Angel Tai." Ionid Hill said seriously. "In such a mobile warfare, we should indeed be more ruthless than usual. Although the purpose of the assault is to catch the enemy by surprise, we should also expand the battle in time."

"It's just a little bit of past experience," Angel Tai said. "There's nothing surprising. If you ask the commander of any assault company, you'll get the same answer."

"Believe me, I asked." Hill stretched out his right hand and made a gesture of praise to the son of Aurelion. "And none of them can speak as well as you."

The night sky of Nostramo - I groaned deep in my heart - how long will they continue like this? Can't we get down to business quickly?

Naturally, no one could hear his question, but both of them were obviously self-aware, and soon Hill brought the topic to Shen.

"Sergeant Shen," he said politely. "Can you please explain to Captain Angel Tai some of the traditions regarding the recruitment of troops from the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar?"

Shen looked at him strangely and almost asked the question: Why do you think that I, a Nostramo, know more about the details of the Ultramarines' recruitment than you?

He didn't want to explain, but Ionid Hill looked at him persistently with a very serious expression. Shen could only sigh and began to tell the details. Yes, he did know the details of the Ultramarines' recruitment.

Angel Tai listened very carefully and wrote everything down firmly - for example, no coercive measures should be taken against the conscripts, no coercion or bribery should be used against their families, and no concealment of reservists during reconstructive surgeries and daily training. Possible dangers

If these things were placed on other legions, they might not be taken into consideration at all. But this is the Glory of Macragge, and the civilians of the five hundred worlds above it have long been accustomed to this equal relationship.

The Ultramarines have been doing this for years. If the Sons of Aurelion wanted to conscript soldiers, why should they break this tradition?

"In short, these are the things that need to be paid attention to." Shen Ru said, ending his story.

Angel Tai nodded seriously, indicating that he already knew. Seeing this, Ionid Hill smiled slightly and stood up slowly.

"So—" he began. "——The precautions have been explained. Thank you for your help, Sergeant Shen. Now, we can go to the bottom cabin for recruitment. I have arranged for ten recruitment officers in advance, and probably thousands of applications have been submitted now. Good luck, Captain Angel Tai."

The son of Aurelion pursed his lips, looking a little dazed.

It had only been less than seven hours since his conversation with Robert Guilliman ended. When Lorgar was still here, this kind of speed could only be used to describe the speed at which the Ultramarines processed official documents. It was indeed well-deserved. However, he still had a question to ask.

"Do they know we are recruiting soldiers?" Angel Tai asked with obvious caution. "I mean, do they know that the conscripts are ex-Word Bearers?"

"They know, cousin," said Ionid Hill. "They understand who you are, and they also know your career and goals, so there is no need to worry-"

Before he could finish his words, a piercing alarm interrupted Hilburn's speech and strangled all the moving words he might have said in his throat.

The expression of the Ultramarine became obviously gloomier. Angel Tai looked at him and smiled helplessly.

"It seems we can only talk about it after the war, cousin." Ionid Hill seriously put on his helmet and rushed to the battlefield.

Update completed, total 10,000. In addition, the fan title event has started. For details, please see the book friend circle. The title is four words, Astarte.


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