40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 380 109 The Burning of Five Hundred Worlds (Nineteen, 5k)

Chapter 380 109. The Burning of Five Hundred Worlds (19, 5k)

Before the war began, Kor Phaeron had not expected that they would see the Iron Warriors, Salamanders, and Death Guard on Macragge. Neither he nor Luo Jia expected this.

True, Horus did inform Lorca of his minor failure. The Warmaster was outspoken about the escape of Perturabo and Vulkan from his hands, and was not angry. On the contrary, he sincerely thought that Mortarion's death was a pity.

He didn't understand why his brother would rather burn his soul with the Emperor's help than fight against Nurgle, but the outcome was always good.

Although Mortarion is dead, his body is still there. His remnant soul may be able to escape from the body, but for the dark gods, the body of the original body is enough.

Thinking about these things, the expression of the First Captain of the Word Bearers gradually became gloomier. He knew very well what damage these three legions plus the Ultramarines would cause to their plans, and he had to report this to Luo Jia.

Behind him, there was a towering pillar of flames burning fiercely and fiercely, rising straight into the sky. The captured Macragge civilians are being thrown into it one by one to receive the baptism of witchcraft fire.

Cole Phaeron knew exactly what they were doing, and he wouldn't make any excuses for it. Murder is murder, sacrifice is sacrifice - he is too lazy to sugarcoat it with words like Erebus.

In fact, the cooperation between him and Erebus has long since ended. If possible, he would probably be the only one within the Word Bearers who would point his sword at the Chief Priest.

Suddenly, he smelled a very strong smell of dust, and the brilliance of the fire pillar suddenly became brighter, and began to stir with a temperature that was many times higher than before. The air was torn apart, and an illusory scene replaced the ruins of Macragge's city they were now in.

In the heat, Kor Phaeron saw a majestic church dedicated to worshiping the dark gods, and Lorgar Aurelion standing in a robe.

He walked out with a smile, walked past the kneeling Word Bearers, and arrived in front of Kor Phaeron.

In the first sentence, he expressed his desire at this time.

"You want to see me, Cole?"

Cole Phaeron spoke slowly: "I'm afraid we need to retreat."

"Oh?" Luo Jia looked at him in surprise. "Why? Did you discover anything? Or did the gods give you some revelations that even I didn't get?"

"None of that, Lorgar," Cole Phalon said. "But we do need to retreat, because Macragge does not only have the Ultramarines, but also the Iron Warriors, Salamanders, and Death Guards. You understand what this means."

Luojia nodded slightly in surprise: "In other words, Perturabo and Vulkan are also here? This really surprises me. How did they arrive at Macragge?"

Cole Phaeron did not answer this question. He knew very well that this was just Lorgar talking to himself - in fact, he was not even sure how similar this Lorgar was to the giant in his memory.

Of course he wanted to know the truth, but he didn't dare to act on it.

What a shame

"This matter has indeed hindered our plan." Luojia said with a frown. The bone eight-pointed star representing chaos on the tip of the scepter held in his right hand was shining brightly for a long time.

He turned to look at it, and his frown suddenly relaxed. A smile bloomed again on the golden face of the Great Word Bearer. He spoke again, his voice was gentle and filled with breathtaking power.

"But it doesn't matter. They can't have a real impact on the war situation. We just need to sow the seeds of hatred. The real perfect city will not exist in the real world. Through the seeds we sow, every believer's The body will become a temple.”

He chuckled, and Kor Phaeron knew what he was talking about. This is the plan proposed by Erebus, and it is extremely vicious.

The spiral of hatred once formed never stops, and the Word Bearers have created enough warp storms. At this moment, in Macragge, the only remaining veil between the material universe and the warp has become illusory to the point of being almost transparent.

With just a push, Lorgar can transform everyone on Macragge into one of the zealous followers of the new god, and they won't even refuse.

Admittedly, this may not be the last push for the god far away in the star sea, but the gods always have a way to achieve their goals.

"Go on," said the Word Bearer. "There is no need to retreat, Cole. We have received the light of faith and are blessed by the gods. They are staring here, how can we let them down?"

Cole Phaeron suppressed his urge to retort and slowly looked away.

Not far away, a forest was burning, and the waterfall rushing down the cliff turned a blood-like scarlet color. The sky was full of dust, and the trajectory of the artillery pieces ripped apart the clouds as if the end was coming.

Staring at all this, the company commander felt neither sadness nor joy in his heart.

He did not feel the slightest joy for this revenge. He even thought of Colchis for no reason. This was really a kind of torture, forcing his body that was now filled with dark power to tremble slightly.

Luo Jia, on the other hand, spoke again.

"Continue to sacrifice and make the gods happy, Cole." The Word Bearer said gently. "I am going to find my brothers. Let me do what the Warmaster failed to do."

Smiling, he opened a portal with the scepter in his right hand in front of Cole Phaeron and left straight away. The boundaries of reality seem to have disappeared, being kneaded and flattened like a toy in the hands of the Great Word Bearer.

Kor Phaeron knew why. Instead of being proud of his adopted son, he only felt shuddering.

But it was too late. The first company commander turned around silently and began to call out the darkness with the blood of innocent people and sacrifice it to the gods.



Vulkan turned his head sharply. He had just finished a fight, and his ears were filled with the monster's dying cry and his own roar. He could hardly hear anything else, even the sound of the speeder passing him became extremely soft.

But this call was as clear as if it was ringing in my ears.

Not only that, but just a few seconds later, the call sounded again, sincerely and naturally.

The Fire Dragon Lord's expression gradually turned calm. He picked up his war hammer from the smoking corpse and began to move forward.

Smoke and fire swirled around his body as the Word Bearers and the Combine fought each other, forgetting everything but pure and brutal intent to kill each other with their weapons in hand.

Vulkan should have helped his Legion and the Ultramarines, but instead he just kept going.

As he stepped through the ruins, a flaming meteor passed over his head and landed not far behind him. The fragments of concrete and steel were immediately shaken up, and fell from the sky like raindrops after more than ten seconds.

There were explosions and destruction everywhere, but Vulkan's heart gradually entered peace.

In a daze, he seemed to be in his own workshop. What is held in the hand is no longer a bloody war hammer, but a forging hammer that represents creation. The howling wind is just the bellows being pulled.

Horus Luperkar said: "Kill Lorgar, brother. He is no longer the man we knew."

I know.

The Fire Dragon Lord stopped, and before he knew it, he had reached a slightly empty outer defense line. This was once one of Macragge's historic sites, a gladiatorial arena that was abandoned as early as the time of King Konnor.

It survived the Word Bearers' attack, but this luck only existed for a second. When the Fire Dragon Lord walked into this place with his back to the destructive rain of fire, his fate was already sealed.

Vulkan let go and let his war hammer fall on the thick yellow sand. Then he began to take off his helmet.

Opposite him, Lorgar Aurelion smiled appreciatively: "You are still so kind, Vulkan. Indeed, you and I should communicate face to face, not through cold steel."

Vulkan glanced at him and suddenly threw the helmet in his hand. The air was shaken, yellow sand flew, and a deep ravine appeared instantly. Luo Jia raised the scepter in his hand without changing his expression and knocked the helmet that had become a murder weapon to the ground.

He glanced down at it and shook his head with some pity: "Is this how you treat your helmet, bro?"

Vulkan didn't speak, he just stretched out his hand to lift the warhammer and strode towards him.

"Let's get started," he said.

"Start with what?" Luo Jia asked confused.

"I don't know, ask yourself, traitor. Summon demons, lay traps, or use the sorcery of the subspace to attack me." The Fire Dragon Lord raised his war hammer. "Whatever you want, Luojia, but I will kill you."

The Great Word Bearer took two steps back with his smile unabated and shook his head.

"You misunderstood me too much, Vulkan. I didn't come here to fight you—"

"—but I am," Vulkan said. "I came here to kill you, Luo Jia."

He waved his arms.


The war hammer fell, making a completely unreal sound, as terrifying as a missile falling. Vulkan swung his hammer not with anger, but with calm determination.

He was going to kill Lorgar Aurelion, right here, right now. There was no reason to give, no dialogue to change his mind.

The Lord of the Fire Dragon was very tired. He was so tired that he didn't want to think about any unnecessary things anymore. He abandoned everything, abandoned his name, identity, status, abandoned his memories, brothers, and heirs, and left everything behind.

After this, what is left for him?

First, he is a weapon.

Forged by the Emperor.

This weapon has only one limit, and that limit is conscience. But now, Vulkan threw it down with his own hands.

Looking into those scarlet eyes, Luo Jia clearly noticed this - and he had no room to dodge, Vulkan's next blow was coming, without any mercy.

You know, this was once a giant who would be cautious even when hugging, for fear of hurting his brothers. But now, he is fighting with all his strength.

Luo Jia suddenly raised the staff in his hand, and then blocked the blow. Vulkan was faster and stronger than he thought. This was no longer the category of 'battle'. Luo Jia even felt that he was facing a humanoid natural disaster.

The Great Word Bearer began to retreat continuously, and Vulkan followed closely behind. The speed of each blow did not decrease, and the power was even increasing. His offensive was so violent, but his expression was so calm that it was scary.

Luo Jia sighed.


He waved his scepter and appeared at the other end of the field in an instant, and supernatural power began to manifest in him.

The golden light suddenly appeared, and Luojia's figure began to grow taller, but in an instant, he became taller than Vulkan. His eyes were like fireballs, blazing.

The Fire Dragon Lord calmly raised his war hammer and walked towards him, without any hesitation in his steps.

The Word Bearer frowned and raised his scepter again.

With the help of his will and extraordinary evil power, the piece of yellow sand Vulkan was standing on instantly turned into a piece of burning magma. He fell into it involuntarily, and the air began to tremble.

Energy emerged from the void, turning into a sharp knife and attacking Vulcan's head. The Fire Dragon Lord raised his weapon and blocked them all, the clanking sound was endless. When he put down the war hammer, there wasn't even a scratch on his face.

He looked at Luo Jia, put his hands on the ground, and began to slowly exert force. Half a second later, in front of Luo Jia, Vulgan, with most of his body covered with lava, stood in front of him.

The magma belonging to the dark world burned his armor. This high temperature that could have been withstood now caused the power armor to deform, and even the skeleton made of fine gold slowly melted with the body of the Fire Dragon Lord. Together.

A horrific scene, but the truly terrifying thing is Vulcan.

Because he was still walking and his expression remained unchanged.

"Continue." The Fire Dragon Lord said, his tone almost commanding. "Lightning, storm, frost, fire. What else do you have? Use them all, Luojia. You must rely on these things, otherwise you will definitely die."

"I take the opposite view."

With his eyebrows furrowed, the Great Speaker actually put down his scepter and started walking towards the Fire Dragon Lord.

At this time, of the two original bodies, one was covered in lava, with dark skin and blood-red eyes.

The other man was wearing a gorgeous robe, with a handsome face and golden skin.

What an ironic contrast, and neither of them had time to care about it.

In the next second, walking turned into running, and the earth shook and the world burned. The Great Word-bearer hit the Lord of Fire Dragons with a golden staff, but Vulcan didn't even try to dodge. The hammer fell straight down, heading towards Luo Jia's head.

Neither of them had any intention of withdrawing their weapons to block or dodge, as if they wanted to use this blow to determine the outcome.

Then the warhammer hit the head of the Great Word Bearer, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the white skull was exposed in the air through the torn skin.

The Fire Dragon Lord's chest was beaten by the golden staff to create a deep dent, and the armor and sternum sank into it, forcing Vulkan to vomit a large mouthful of blood.

He raised his head and was about to swing the weapon again, but Luo Jia had already taken a few steps back.

He shook his head in displeasure, his facial features distorted by the great force twitching comically at this moment, but only for a moment. Darkness swept in, and Lorgar Aurelion resumed his human form, like a restored puppet.

"You can't win." Luo Jia said.

"Really? Let's try it." Vulcan said.

As the hurricane passed through, they began to fight again. The fight between the two demigods suddenly seemed evenly matched.

Luojia kept casting spells while waving his scepter. Vulkan was already covered in cuts and bruises and was no longer human, but his war hammer was always swinging or smashing down, never stopping.

If calculated carefully, the Word Bearer might have died dozens of times, his heart had been smashed, his spine had been broken, and his head had been deformed more than once. Even based on the original body's vitality, this was a rather terrifying injury.

The damage caused by these injuries to Luo Jia was actually far less than Vulkan's performance. Finally, after exchanging death for injuries again, Luo Jia waved the scepter again and left the place.

Vulkan shook his body, then turned around to look for him.

"What did you do to yourself, Vulkan?!" Luojia scolded angrily. "I am so powerful because of the grace of God, why can you compete with me?!"

His words sounded very ridiculous, like a stupid person who didn't know why he was asking why normal people could solve simple arithmetic problems, but Vulcan had no intention of laughing.

The Fire Dragon Lord coughed twice and vomited out a large mouthful of blood. He was too lazy to answer Luojia's words because he was not Luojia Aurelion at all.

As early as just now, during those countless injuries in exchange for death, Vulkan saw clearly the true appearance of this thing. He has an empty skin, but his essence has been devoured. As a traitor, his power cannot be compared with that of Horus Luperkar.

The Fire Dragon Lord didn't understand how he did it. Maybe it was because of his keen observation as a blacksmith, or maybe it was just because he was different from before.

Vulkan could detect this because a sun was beating in his chest. All past experiences were born for this moment.

Turns out your theory was right, Roger. Vulkan thought. As long as the willpower is enough

He started walking again.

Luo Jia sighed.

"Stop it, brother," he said slightly sadly. "What's the use of you and me being like brothers? You can't kill me, but I can kill you."

Vulkan kept silent and just continued walking. At the same time, he pressed the palm of his nearly broken gauntlet with the thumb of his left hand.

"Are you almost unable to hold on anymore? I understand that you can be resurrected, Horus told me. However, if you fall into a coma, you will suffer a very terrible fate, and the gods will be angry with you. Why not now Surrender, I can also say a few nice words for you, I can"

A crisp beeping sound came from the Fire Dragon Lord's armor, which also silenced Luo Jia's voice. Vulkan stopped, and a smile finally appeared on his bloody face.

"There's nothing you can do."

Luo Jia was stunned for a while, and then her expression quickly changed. He roared wildly and waved his scepter, and golden light suddenly appeared, but he was knocked to the ground by a flying war hammer.

At the same time, under his feet, a low muffled sound began to be heard from the depths of the yellow sand, as if some ancient monster was escaping from its prison.

Luo Jia stood up angrily and stretched out her right hand towards his scepter. It immediately took off and flew towards him, but Vulkan had already pounced on it. He pinned Luo Jia firmly to the ground and began to punch him tiredly.

All of these things happen in just two seconds.

In the third second, Luo Jia's cheek bones were shattered by Vulcan, and blood flowed out. He tried to resist and summoned the scepter again, but Vulkan punched back without even looking, knocking the scepter away.

In the fourth second, he began to roar, and Vulcan's smile began to grow stronger.

"You ignorant fake." The Fire Dragon Lord looked at him with pity. "You've been eaten up and you don't even know it."

At the fifth second, a bright, world-destroying explosion was born from beneath them.

update completed.

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