40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 390 119 Intervals: Eternal Winter (End)

Chapter 390 119. Interlude: Eternal Winter (End)

Thirty minutes later, Sol Tavitz finally left the freezing spring water. His extraordinary physique and physiological functions helped a lot in this matter, allowing him to survive until now.

But he couldn't escape the cold, it seemed to have penetrated deeply into his heart and blood, giving him a heavy chill in his breath.

At this time, the place had fallen into darkness again, and the only light was the scepter in the hand of the person holding the seal. Tavitz stood silently, waiting for him to come to him.

During this period, he tried to take two steps back, but the spring water had turned back into rock. The clothes on his body were also extremely dry, and his uniform jacket didn't contain any moisture. It was as if everything that had just happened was just a fantasy or a dream.

"You successfully joined us, Captain Tarvitz." The hand-printer said slowly. "But I won't congratulate you. This does not mean you are lucky."

"I still don't understand," Tavitz said. "Also, I was never notified that I was here to join an organization. Your vote is invalid to me."

"When you understand everything, you will join us." The palmer said, his face under the hood was illuminated by the firelight, and his eyes were filled with blue light.

He lifted the scepter and struck the ground again with its heavy tail. The fog immediately spread from the void, covering Tavitz. When the world before his eyes became clear again, the cave was gone.

Is it an illusion, or is it a real teleportation?

The Emperor's Son observed the surroundings seriously. He found that he was in a corridor. This place was probably not originally prepared for people of their height. There were obvious signs of expansion on the top of the wall.

They were made of ancient masonry, the walls were lit by torches, and a musty smell blew up from the depths of the corridors on the breeze.

So he came up with the answer.

It's teleportation.

Is Malcador capable of doing such a thing lightly?

Before he had time to think more, he was interrupted by the sound of breathing. Tavitz held the dagger in one hand and looked back, seeing a slightly familiar person.

This man was taller than him, with his arms folded across his chest, standing not far away and looking at him, with the Lightning Medal still shining brightly on his chest.

"Who are you?" Tarvitz asked.

"Your senior." The man replied in a low voice like thunder.

His voice, his words, his gestures betrayed a most palpable distrust. Tavitz found that this man clearly placed himself in a high position, from any angle, and was not simply speaking as a senior in a secretive organization.

The Emperor's Son frowned, and the man walked past. It was a miracle that these two giants could be accommodated here. He strode forward without worrying that Tavitz would take the opportunity to make a sneak attack.

"I believe the person holding the seal hasn't told you who I am, but my identity is not important. You don't need to respect me or trust me. I have only one purpose, which is to solve your doubts."

The man said as he walked. The steps were firm, making a heavy muffled sound on the bricks and stones, as if they were marching.

For some reason, Tavitz followed him and his story didn't end. "The organization you joined has many names, most of which are misunderstandings put on us by others. There is only one name that is truly recognized."

He paused and did not continue. Tavitz knew what he meant.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Inquisition," the man said. "We are responsible for fighting the darkness that grows within the Empire, or to be more precise, we exterminate them. To achieve this goal, we are given many powers or powers."

He stopped, and the masonry wall on the right suddenly began to surge and opened spontaneously. A room similar to the structure of a tavern was revealed. The furnishings were old and the floor was dusty. It was obvious that no one had been there for a long time.

The man snorted dissatisfiedly, but still strode in. He came to the back of the long bar, selected a bottle of wine without any label on it, knocked the mouth of the bottle off with his finger, and drank half of the bottle in one gulp.

"Like you." He put down the bottle. "Remember those sounds you heard in the ice spring?"

"I don't remember hearing anything," Tavitz replied coldly. He was still standing in the corridor, not entering at all.

"It's useless to lie. Of course you can hear their voices, otherwise the ice spring would not appear at all."

The man raised his head and drank the wine in one breath before speaking again.

"Let me guess, you lost many brothers and comrades-in-arms. You witnessed at least one massacre, and they were the targets of the massacre. That's why you heard their voices. What did they say to you?"

Tavitz clenched the short knife at his waist with an ugly expression, gritted his teeth, and did not answer.

"Don't want to talk about it? That's normal. After all, everyone has an unspeakable past." The man nodded noncommittally. "But you've been chosen."

"I don't care," the Emperor's Son whispered. "I want to stay with my Legion, my Primarch. They need me."

"Your primarch called you here, Sol Tarvitz." The man called his name flatly. "Otherwise you wouldn't have had the chance to meet us, let alone know these things. It was he who recommended you to the Seal Holder, do you know what he said?"

The Emperor's Son tensed his muscles and nerves, unconsciously preparing himself for the next words.

"There are endless avengers, but there are very few avengers."

He took out a silver-gray square box from his arms and placed it on the dusty bar.

"He left you a message." The man said. "You can choose to listen or not, I don't care, it's up to you. But if you choose to listen, it means you agree to join us. Think about it carefully, Sol Tavitz."

He stepped toward the door, turned around, passed the Emperor's Son, and strode away without any regrets. Tavitz glanced at him and asked a question.

"Who are you?"

"Thunder." The man replied in a low voice and left in a hurry.

After standing in front of the door and in a stalemate for several minutes, Sol Tavitz finally made up his mind to walk in. He walked straight to the front of the bar, reached out and picked up the silver-gray box, but as soon as it touched his fingers, it started to make sounds.

A familiar voice came from it. Tavitz closed his eyes and lowered his head as if accepting his fate.

"I know this is unfair to you." Fulgrim said quietly and lowly. "But I have made my choice, Thor."

"I left my past behind and took a dark path. There was nothing on this path but blood and revenge."

"I know that you will follow me without complaint and fight for revenge with me, but I can't just watch you become a madman with nothing with me."

"Now, in my legion, there are only a few people who can still maintain a clear understanding of the world and face everything in the world with reason. You are one of them, and you are born with an enviable integrity. "

"No one is more suitable for this place than you. Of course I personally hope you will join, but if you don't want to, I won't force you. But before you refuse, I want to tell you one thing first."

"About this, about this disaster that devastated us, it could happen to anyone else in the future."

"Do you understand? I hope you do. I saw it coming, for I realized that it was not Horus Luperkar who destroyed us, but the thing that inhabited him that did this. Waiting for evil deeds.”

"They are parasites, Thor, and they feed on our souls. They are never satisfied, for that is their nature. They will never stop until the last human dies."

"Can you imagine that kind of scene? The disaster that happened to us also happened to other people? Chemos"

Thor Tarvitz heard his primarch's trembling sigh.

"So, this is what I want you to do. I want you to go deep into the darkness and peel off the cocoons. Just like you summarize the tactics, summarize what works for them and summarize the theories that can prevent them."

"I want you to erect a wall, Thor, that will keep them out of human sanity."

"In the final analysis, revenge is of course refreshing, and it is something that you and I both long for. We all want to avenge the dead, but who will avenge them? Who will make their deaths meaningful?"

"I could kill the parasite, I could kill the traitors who were helping him, but it wouldn't mean anything because the dead would still have died in vain."

Phoenix laughed softly.

"This is our future," he said. "A people fighting for nothing, a people consumed by rage and sorrow, that's what we are. And you still have hope, like Vespasian, you can make our deaths meaningful, Tavi "

"I beg you, be this lone hero," Sol Tarvitz heard his primarch say. "I ask you to face the darkness with courage and determination. I ask you to leave the true spirit of the Emperor's Children to the world."

The recording playback ended, and the silver-gray box began to disintegrate and dissipate, leaving only a pool of ashes. Sol Tarvitz stood there, silent. A footstep sounded from the door, and Malcador slowly approached, the scepter in his hand touching the ground softly.

"A blizzard is coming, Tarvitz," the Patron said solemnly. "The power of the warp will soon appear in every corner of the galaxy without reservation. As I said before, this is an eternal winter."

Tavitz glanced at him and suddenly asked a question.

“How many people can we save?”

"Even one." The palm print maker smiled slightly. "It's totally worth it."

Finally finished, there are still two chapters in 4k. These two chapters are 4k each, and one chapter is 3k. Added together, the total is 15,000.

Let’s talk about timelines.

Terra 1, 2, and 3, the timeline of these three chapters took place at the beginning of the Battle of Calth, and the interlude I posted between Terra also followed this time. It can be understood that this is a story that happened at the same time as the Battle of Calth, far away on Terra.

That's about it, let's continue coding.

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