40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 398 127 Terra (6)

Chapter 398 127. Terra (6)

A bone-chilling storm roared past, and the condensed snow hit Rogal Dorn's body. He was shattered into pieces, leaving only a trace, and was then carried away by the strong wind.

But Dorn was indifferent to this. He just stood here, standing on the circular balcony of Malcador's private residence, trying to overlook the ground of Terra at this moment through the wind and snow.

It’s a tower, Malcador’s study, and even doubles as a museum. Countless precious relics from history were stored in the stasis position, and were placed safely not far from a stone round table.

Countless meetings had taken place here, and the participants were all the most powerful people on Terra - but now, at this critical juncture, the place was surprisingly empty.

Only Rogal Dorn stood here, not even indoors.

If you want to ask the reason, you must go back to two hours ago. At that time, he was still in the building made of wood and bricks, and Malcador had just finished talking about time.

It seems to be to fulfill his words, or it is the so-called handwriting of Him. In short, within half a second after Malcador's words fell, Terra's already harsh climate began to change suddenly.

But not in a good direction, but in a worse direction. At the same time, a dazzling flash suddenly lit up from somewhere in the palace, piercing the clouds.

It was extremely bright, but it was not only the clouds that were pierced or even destroyed by it, but also the entire communications network of Terra. In just a few minutes, several important departments that directly connected with Dorn and Malcador were disconnected one after another and disappeared from communications.

So, are things better now?

The answer is no, the situation is not getting better.

More than an hour of emergency equipment repairs brought worse results. People had to use the ancient method of communication, word of mouth, and so on. Finally, what was presented to Dorn and Malcador was a shocking report. Report.

All communication equipment across Terra completely failed due to that beam of light. Electromagnetic wave signals were disrupted, equipment was damaged, and cogitators caught fire. No place could escape this fate, not even the spaceport.

The open platform with an altitude of 13,000 meters is now completely silent. It is hidden behind the dark clouds. It could still be vaguely seen in the past, but now it is completely hidden in the wind and snow.

Dorn deployed eighteen thousand Imperial Fists on the airport. He believed in them, but he didn't know how they would face such a situation.

It's like going back to primitive times. Rogal Dorn thought coldly.

Barbarians holding torches walked long distances in the wind and snow to deliver news of wild beast attacks to friendly tribes. This is what we are doing now.

He stretched out his hands, cleared away the wind and snow on the iron railings of the circular balcony, and put his hands up.

The irresistible cold penetrated his blood vessels through the leather gloves, causing the blood to almost freeze. He looked down at his hands. In just a moment, they were already covered in snow, just like his face.

Freezing frost spread over the mouth and nose, and the cheeks were covered with snowflakes. At this moment, the stubborn rocks seemed to be frozen by snow.

A few minutes later, a blue light flashed behind him, and the wind and snow stopped. Although it was only a small distance away, it was enough for the chill to dissipate for a moment.

Dorn turned around and saw Malcador who had just stood up. The expression of the person holding the seal was extremely serious, and the light at the top of the scepter in his hand had never been so bright.

"How's the situation?" Donne asked.

He didn't care about etiquette. It was no longer time to worry about whether his tone of voice was offensive.

"The Ten Thousand Husbands, the Sisters of Silence, the Mechanicus and the Fire Bee Legion have all set off."

Malcador said slowly, not caring about Dorn's tone of voice at all. His hand was tightly holding the scepter, with veins popping out and his fingers turning white.

"But the situation is still not optimistic. He is still fighting deep in the webway. I sent those astropaths in the Astropathic Court who can still be used to various parts of Terra to temporarily serve as communication transfer stations. If the situation arises, It’s not bad, maybe we can restore some communications in a few hours.”

"I have five battalions deployed across Terra," Dorn replied quickly. "I can send someone out to inform them—"

"——No." The palm-printer shook his head resolutely. "This is absolutely not possible, and your Phalanx and all fleets deployed in the solar system must not be mobilized, Rogge."

"The reason?" Dorn asked calmly, his fists suddenly clenched.

"Because this is the general attack."

Malcador answered word by word, with blue light blooming in his eyes - nowadays, only a few people can understand what the expression of the bearer means, and Dorn is not among them.

"If this is a war in which the specific battlefield situation can be observed on the tactical table, this will be the last moment. The two armies face each other, and the battle will end. The enemy's commander has exhausted all his plans but still has not appeared. Your legion must Delay him, even for just a second."

"Delay?" Dorn repeated. "procrastination?"

"Yes, procrastination."

"Is there no possibility of victory?"

"Absolutely impossible." Malcador said firmly. "I am not a member of the Ten Thousand Husbands, and I will not distrust the Primarch and the Astartes like they do, so there is only one reason why I ask you to do this, Rogge. Because only in this way can we win."

Dorn was silent for a moment and said: "If the situation is really what you said, then, Malcador, you are asking me to let my legions die."

"Who do you think is not?" Makado asked. "Yes, I am asking you to let your legion die to delay Horus. However, once the communication is restored and you pass this news to the fleet, I ask you to add an explanation."

"What?" Dawn asked.

He is still calm - this is incredible, why is he still sane? Perhaps no one will know why. Malcador didn't care about the answer. He just looked into Dorn's eyes and spoke word by word.

"Tell them it's totally worth it, all the bloodshed and death and sacrifice, because we're going to win."

“Where does your confidence come from?”

"You will understand, just like Ferrus Manus and Fulgrim, they are on their way to answer their questions. You must do this on my behalf." Malcador said calmly . "Also, Roger, be sure to pay more attention to Mars."

As soon as he finished speaking, the spiritual light began to surge, engulfing him immediately. The cold wind continued to blow by, bringing with it the color of the snow, which was gradually changing to pitch black. Donn stood silently, continuing to feel the cold.

He didn't know where Malcador was going, but he had the answer he wanted. Then, there is no need to have any hesitation or worry.

There is only one way to win, that's all.


The Custodes are charging - never before have you seen so many Custodes.

They are carrying out a horrific killing, and every Forbidden Army contains unparalleled anger in the action of wielding their weapons, but this anger can only make the killing more precise and ruthless, and there will never be any Any so-called hot-blooded move. Then there are the Sisters of Silence, who, as always, fight alongside the Custodes.

Following closely behind were the loyal Mechanicus, Skitarii and Priests who stood firmly behind the Custodes, pushing forward with the deadly and well-maintained forces that the Custodes had created as the spearhead.

The God Machines of the Fire Bee Legion were at the end of the line, but the results they caused were the most massive - has anyone ever seen dozens or even hundreds of God Machines fire at the same time?

Underground in the palace, in the Webway, in this extremely spacious place yet filled with deep fog, a miracle is taking place. To anyone, this would be an extraordinary sight. In the past, it would even have been regarded as an honor.

But not anymore, because no one even cares. Anyone who rushes towards the entrance to the Webway is immediately captured by the war and becomes an integral part of it.

No matter who you are, no matter what your identity is. You are a member of the Auxiliary, you are a member of the Skitarii, you are a member of the Sisters of Silence, even the Custodes are not exempt from these effects.

They fought, they died, all with one goal in mind: to reach the depths of the Webway.

Everyone can feel the heat, the heat bursting from the depths of the Webway.

And the Emperor's voice.

"I'll wait here," he said.

Who are you waiting for?

I'm a bit stuck, I'm late, sorry. That’s all I’ll write for today. I’ll adjust the outline and prepare for the climax below.

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