40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 401 130 Terra (9)

Chapter 401 130. Terra (9)

La Endymion stopped swinging his swords very abruptly. The two swords were supposed to hit the demon in the throat with one sword and the chest with the other sword, but he stopped.

There is no need to swing the sword anymore.

A raging flame suddenly struck from behind the stunned demon. The golden color rose like the blazing sun, but just as soon as it appeared, the fog dissipated and the darkness faded away.

The demons began to scream - disaster!

They roared in pain as if they were being dismembered.

Ra silently put down the sword in his hand and heard his master's voice without any surprise. Always so, he would greet each Custodian at the beginning of a war and speak with them individually.

+Exit the webway and garrison the entrance. Constantine will tell you what to do. +

+Lord! +

+The time has come, pull. You had another destiny, but you don't have to suffer this one again. +

His master's voice came from the depths of the Webway, cold and ruthless. But he was still explaining, and that was enough.

+To kill. The depths of the Webway are shattering, and I don't know how it will be broken into, but we can still save this last stretch, and there is still hope. Go and wipe out all the evil spirits for me, La. +

"As you command, my lord."

The tribune La Endymion answered in a low voice, sheathing his swords, turning and running, just like before, like everyone else.

This valiant army stormed into the Webway hours ago without a word, seeking to save the Master of Mankind. Now, they will retreat to the gate and wait for a triumphant return.

Some people are full of doubts and worries, while others are as calm as the cold iron of the abyss, not caring about the screams of the demons. Among them, the guards in golden armor were the most numerous. In fact, each of them knew what was happening now.

The violent machine souls in the Titan became silent for the first time. The priests and servitors chanted their binary language and followed closely. The Sisters of Silence turned away with tears in their eyes. The roar of hovercrafts, armored vehicles, motorcycles and other vehicles The sound was uniform as never before.

The Wanfu Group ran at the back. They had a tacit understanding and knew what they should and should not do, but they also had a little selfishness.

At least at this moment, at least at this moment, they have such a trivial selfishness - they want to witness the power of their lord.

The Emperor allowed it.

So they saw it.

Millions of demons turned into the tide around them like melting wax statues. The once nightmare-like and vicious inanimate beings have now turned into pools of collapsing and dissolving blood in the endless pain and shrinking.

If you are unable to resist, the result of resistance is death, but if you give up resistance, you will only die faster. The most powerful of them can roar furiously, barking blasphemies as fragments of the evil god's power, cursing the Lord of the Custodes.

The flames didn't seem to make any answer, they just burned every demon, turning them into blood and smoke - and then, suddenly, the color of the flames completely changed.

It changed from golden to dark and angry flames, with a dark red background, as dark as blood. Black snow began to drift in the webway, and strong winds began to rise, accompanied by thunder. The ground turned into a slimy quagmire, as black as the extinguished sun.

Countless wronged souls stretched out their sharp claws and brought these fragments of evil gods to a world that only belonged to the wronged dead.

Now, even the powerful began to lose their arrogance. They understand what this is, and no one knows better than them what this extreme power that also comes from chaos means.

But, it's too late.

They come here thinking they can feast and vent every extreme emotion that belongs to them, but they are wrong. There is no food for them in the webway now, no living people to kill or torture.

There is only killing, only revenge.

The wailing sound began to change. In the fierce wind, the sound of roaring and cursing the disaster was gradually replaced by another sound, a stiff sound. In the burning flames, the dead slowly stood up at this moment.

Skeletons were melted, armor shattered, and some lost half of their bodies or limbs, which were replaced by flames. Others are headless corpses whose heads have been bitten off by demons, but they can also continue to fight. The angry flames have fabricated their appearance in life, revealing their original appearance as if they were alive.

One after another, angry faces entwined with flames, one after another of faces of the dead with ferocious smiles, even servitors and civilians were present.

Revenge is fair and gives everyone a chance.

And this is not the end, not even the beginning. The golden flames came back again, and countless shadows rushed out of them. The figures became solid in just a few seconds, and the spiritual fire that only belonged to the emperor burned on their bodies.

The Legion, the Astartes, the Auxiliaries. Servitors, civilians, mechanical priests. Angry flames and golden flames mixed together, and the hateful Avengers and Loyalists laughed loudly.

Those who died in the imperial army were all covered with golden flames, and their spears were like the blazing sun in the sky. They charged forward, crushing corpses and marching into the depths of the Webway to meet their master.

The Emperor's Children waved their banners, having fought for their father, and now fighting alongside them once again. Their armor was no longer gorgeous, but had become melted and blackened. The sharp blades in their hands were even sharper than before, and every moment the sword fell from hand to hand, massacres were born.

The war dogs and their gladiator troops work together as well as ever, and the Nucerians stand with their brothers and sisters, who come from the mountains, from the snow, from the forest, who have fought for injustice and for liberation. And the war is now only for humanity and revenge.

At this moment, they are in Terra, in a place where demons are raging, but they are still brave and loyal.

At their side are the deadly killers of the Raven Guard, who can retreat into the shadows even after death, carrying out brutal raids amid waves of burning fire. As long as the claws are stretched out, it is a killing. The rancid etheric flesh splashes on their armor as black as ink, but it does not leave any trace of filth.

The Ultramarines were on the flanks killing freely and were the largest in number. Or from Calth, or from other worlds back home. They had nothing to say, they had already said all they needed to say, all they had to do was kill. They failed to defend their homeland, but they still allowed Terra to enjoy a moment of peace.

Next to them are the Iron Warriors and Death Guards, the Steel Hammer and the Death Scythe walking side by side, slaughtering the enemies of mankind with absolute ruthlessness. The two legions rarely fought side by side in the past, but now they have a terrifying tacit understanding. The steel hammer fell with its front foot, and the death sickle followed closely behind and came immediately.

The elite of the auxiliary army followed closely behind. A sergeant whose face was skinned and whose hands and feet were replaced by black flames waved the flag of his company and led the dead souls to follow the footsteps of the Astartes. Their steps were brisk, as if they were carrying nothing.

The Salamanders rushed at the forefront, and the deadly promethium flamethrowers in their hands had now disappeared without a trace. They could ignite flames with a glance. The dark green armor of the Sons of Vulkan had now become charred black, and the tops of it were charred. The dragon scales are still shining.

The priests and servitors of the Mechanicus followed them, and even those servitors that were not equipped with language modules now began to speak human language, shouting the name of Ohm Messiah and shouting words of revenge.

Looking around, almost everyone is holding weapons and wearing armor, except for the civilians - but don't think they will stop there.

If you don't have a weapon, use your fists. If fists fail to defeat the enemy, teeth are used.

Savage, primitive, ferocious. But isn’t this the weapon that humans would use in the barbaric era?

In the era before spears and stone axes were invented, humans used this to protect themselves. It just so happens that there is no need for any so-called civilization and morality now, so let's just degenerate.

It has degenerated into the barbaric era, and it has degenerated into an era where a few or two barbarians dared to chase groups of wild beasts. It has degenerated into an era where everything is afraid of fire and humans.

If you see a human being, you will run away. If you don't run, you will die. The body will be eaten, the head will be shaved clean, and the bones will be sharpened and sharpened as a souvenir, made into weapons, and then used to kill more of their kind.

That's it, that's all.

Run away. They grinned. Just like we did before.

They swarmed over the burning beasts, grabbing hold of the burning bodies as they screamed, biting them, or punching and kicking them comically.

The demons never thought that one day they would suffer such a huge humiliation. They were extremely angry and tried to continue killing, but the civilians seemed to have endless killings.

Kill one and the other two will pounce on him. Kill two, and four more will pounce on you. Never stop, never back down. He is so fearless that even demons are afraid of him.

After all, you’ve already died once, so what else is there to be afraid of? The hatred of the father, the hatred of the mother, the hatred of the children - these hatreds weigh heavily on the heart and turn into dark flames.

The flame told them that there was no need to be afraid.

In this evil war, civilians were killed the most, but now they are also returning the most. Some were wearing rich clothes, some were wearing shabby common clothes, some were covered in blood, and some were covered in dust.

They once had names, but that name doesn't matter now. They are human beings and they have one goal.


Holy, righteous, sweet, joyful revenge.

Embracing supreme hatred, enduring torture, returning from the world of the dead, standing waist-deep in a sea of ​​blood, facing the evil beast with bare hands——


A man shouted, his voice broken to the point of a bark.

He grabbed a demon and threw it to the ground. The thing pierced his chest in an elusive attempt to survive, struggling to get up and trying to escape. The man laughed heartily, chased after him, hugged the demon tightly, and were taken away by the black flames.

Next to him stood two mothers, one was crying, the other was laughing heartbreakingly.

However, whether they were crying or laughing, they did not let go. They were holding a hound in their hands. The latter tried to escape, but the mothers blocked its mouth with their hands and could not move. They could only watch the flames burn themselves.

Behind them, a boy wearing aristocratic robes smashed the head of a rotting corpse with all his strength, his face seemed to be crying but not smiling.

Two fighter servants followed closely behind the boy, bearing the mark of Calth on their chests. The servitor that shouldn't have any self-awareness is now roaring vently, with beating flames wrapped around its deathly gray skin.

They may have been death row prisoners or clones without consciousness and rationality in the past, but now they have everything. At least, they have everything they should have as human beings.

Joy, anger, sorrow, joy—and most importantly, the one thing that makes us human.


If you kill one of us, you will pay for it. Repay ten times, repay a hundred times, if it's not enough, then continue until the anger in my chest subsides

Such fearless spectacles should be rare, but at this moment, they are happening all over the battlefield. Can you call it a miracle? I'm afraid not, because what is happening in this ancient ruins is not a miracle, it is just a release of anger, and it is a natural thing.

Humans can go crazy.

You push them to the extreme and they just go crazy. Adrenaline, anger rising, eyes red—and then violence.

So, what about this war? Some people will give it names like justice or justice, and they will also call it a holy war.

But ultimately, it's just revenge.

Avenge your parents, avenge your children, avenge your home, avenge all those who have shed blood - that's everything.

The depths of the Webway are still shattering, and the ancient creations once built by the Eldar are now shattered into pieces, turning into ashes along with the blood and sweat of the Mechanicus.

Only a few labyrinthine twists and turns remain, and the battlefield is crowded with demons scurrying toward the shattered depths.

Run away, you must run away, only by running away can you stay away from this terrible scene - they didn't know fear in the past, but they know it now. So this feeling was immediately engraved in their hearts.

The most cunning of these beasts are trying to escape through the mist. They are self-righteous and want to use their own kind as bait to return to the place where they first poured into the maze through the mist, and from there return to the storm of chaos. go.

But they have no chance, because their kind are already waiting here in the mist.

The leader of the demon was once named Fel Zalost, but now he is a huge humanoid demon with ferocious horns on his head.

The skin was pale and the armor was twisted, fitting tightly to his current body. Ashes hung upside down, each one a terrifying bullet waiting to be fired.

The bat wings hanging with sharp blades stretched ferociously on both sides of his back. His eyes were like two black holes, and dark red fine lines bloomed quietly on the face that had been broken once, like bloody flowers.

Facing the demons, he sneered silently, followed by his signature whisper. The mourning birds began to announce their mourning and their own mourning.

"Nowhere to escape."

"Come and die."


Malcador opened his eyes suddenly.

He knew that one of his plans had worked. He felt a cold joy about this - he almost wanted to laugh at the evil gods behind the curtain himself.

Killing the loyal and good, sacrificing the world, making many plans, and exhausting all the agencies. So what?

After all, you are just parasites hiding in the subspace. Four shady things also want to destroy the hope of mankind with the help of a group of filthy inanimate beings, so-called demons, and so-called evil god fragments?

In the palace, the palm bearer smiled silently.

Outside the palace, strong winds were blowing, and the land turned over and turned into a glacier. Everyone can sense that something is happening, right here, on this sacred Terra.

I woke up early and couldn't fall asleep, so I wrote a 4k chapter first to make up for yesterday's, and then I wrote the rest after I woke up.

Please comment, it means a lot to me.

I also recommend three books, Shadow of the Holy Sepulchre, The Iron Abandoner and Immortal Steel, and Fabiris Takes Back the Fight. They are all works by the masters of the Translation Court. If you are interested, you can take a look. In this way, the author went to catch up on his sleep.

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