40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 420 146 Terra (twenty-one)

Chapter 420 146. Terra (twenty-one)

"You know what, Ruth?" the thing asked politely. "At first, when you said you were going to kill me, I didn't believe it."

"So now, you believe it?" Ruth asked.

He was holding a spear in his hand. The spear was sharp, but the handle was full of blood. His fur cloak was gone, and his armor was very tattered, making him look miserable, but miserable in an interesting way. The fragments hung on the blood-stained body of the wolf, and the skin and muscles exposed underneath were stained with blood.

"I believe it," the thing said. "You do have the power to kill me."

As it spoke, it kept staring at the spear in Russ's hand—the Spear of the Emperor, the Spear of Dionysus, and the Spear of Destiny. Ruth turned it gently and rubbed it between her palms.

Yes, he wasn't wearing gauntlets. A large part of the reason was because his armor was broken and the power armor could no longer accurately capture his thoughts, so he simply tore off the gauntlets and decided to hold them with his own hands. This weapon.

Otherwise, where do you think the blood came from? From the heart that held up the skin of Horus Luperkar?

No, it hasn't shed a drop of blood since the battle began.

"I think so." Ruth replied slowly. "It's not that I have this ability, it's that it does."

"There is no difference, brother." It shook its head and denied Ruth in a very soft and serious voice.

"Essentially, whether I hold it or you hold it, it is just a spear. Its power comes from your heart, from the only act of rebellion in your life to disobey your father, from your attempt to The determination to sacrifice oneself and save everyone else is indeed a sharp weapon that blows hair away, but that's all it does on a mundane level."

Ruth almost laughed.

"Is that what you think?" He tilted his head slightly provocatively, and his blood-stained hair hung down to cover a hideous wound. "Would you like to try being stabbed by it once?"

"Thank you Bu Min."

The thing put on a fake smile, and the expression on its pale face was being swallowed up by the red light bit by bit. Everything disappeared and became tiny details in that light. Even if you hold your breath and observe patiently, you can only see a lifeless destruction.

"So you're lying," Ruth said. "You know what this spear is, and you know the consequences of being struck by it."

"It is one," Horus said thoughtfully. "How should I describe this to you?"

He paced around for a few times in distress, the Worldbreaker in his hand shook slightly, but the arc on the lightning claws disappeared, and it seemed very quiet.

Bodies clad in ceramite or adamantine lay around them, their armor painted in various colors. Ruth reluctantly saw this happening again out of the corner of his eye, and he felt a rare sentimental impulse.

In ancient times, people wore armor and fought with their lives. Now, what we do is no different than what they did.

"Forget it, brother," Horus sighed in annoyance. "Besides, these are meaningless. It's your own business if you don't want to join me. Why should I correct a group of blind people who would rather live in lies?"

"I'm tired of you mentioning the word lie." The Wolf King retorted seriously.

He rushed to Horus, whose eyes were looking at him carelessly in burning scarlet light. That was utter contempt, and Ruth was okay with that.

This monster certainly had the right to despise him. In this bloody battle, it was the only warrior who behaved leisurely. The Wolf Guards won with difficulty, and the Gastalin Terminators fought in groups.

They were all well-known warriors, but in this battle they behaved as if they were soldiers on the battlefield for the first time. In Luperkar's court they fought and died worthless against each other.

Even the Wolf King himself seemed a little embarrassed. He never thought too much when killing, but this time he seemed hesitant - if an old Fenrisian were put here, he would probably say that Russ seemed like a first timer. Wolf pups going through a harsh winter.

The clan has passed away, turning into pitifully thin corpses in the wind and snow. The fur and a little bit of flesh hung on the thick bones and turned into ice in the cold wind.

And this wolf will have to face a dilemma he has never experienced before. He must either learn the only way to survive without any guidance and survive the blizzard in the bloody devouring, or he must run to a nearby wolf. The human village went to beg for mercy from the villagers.

Either take the initiative to resist, or take the initiative to be domesticated. This must be the case, otherwise it will not survive.

"Which one do you choose?" Horus asked patiently.

The Worldbreaker was danced cruelly, there was no sound of wind, and all sounds were compressed. There was no warning when it came, and Russ was in a daze. He didn't even realize that it was an attack at the first time. Fortunately, he was still alert enough.

He jumped to the other side of the battlefield with steps that were as light as a dance, and it looked like a weird glide.

Meanwhile, the spear hummed in his hand, its surface glowing with a golden glow that almost looked like it was burning.

While dodging, Russ thrust it out. Horus turned sideways to block the series of thrusts with his shoulder armor. A dazzling spark was born from the place where the shoulder armor and the tip of the spear came into contact.

He smiled again, surprisingly cheerfully.

"I have always liked you, Russ. Although I never refute the brothers' prejudice against you, I know in my heart that you are indeed very smart. This pace and speed are very different from your past fighting style. Who did you come from? Did you learn them?"

Russ backed away, baring his fangs.

"Conrad Curze, and Corvus Corax."

"I have already dealt with our crow. He is a deadly killer, but unfortunately he is not suitable for frontal combat, especially not suitable for fighting me."

Horus curved the corners of his mouth and also showed his teeth, but he did so deliberately rather than grinning instinctively like Russ. This weird and ferocious smile was full of contempt.

"I proved it, brother, without hurting him."

"Why didn't you mention Conrad?"

"Because there is no need," said Horus. "I can't imagine me fighting him."

"What? Are you scared?"

"It's a poor provocation, but yes. I do regret not being able to fight him with that sharp blade." Horus snorted and walked forward lightly.

He didn't want to make any defensive gestures, he simply raised the war hammer in his hand high and then brought it down brutally. Russ dodged this blow in time, as well as the subsequent nineteen consecutive attacks.

Each time it was faster, each time more terrifying, and several times it even rubbed his hair - that feeling made his hair stand on end and his heart beating wildly, but it also made him enter a new realm under the pressure. .

Horus looked at him with admiration and nodded approvingly.

"That's good, man, that's good."

His arrogance stung Ruth.


The Wolf King panted and recovered from fatigue. His body had not failed him and was recovering quickly. However, hidden under this seemingly endless energy is actually the helplessness of being gradually forced into a difficult situation.

That thing had the ability to end him directly, and the only reason it didn't do so was that it didn't want to be stabbed by the spear in Russ's hand.

Russ made this attitude obvious early in the fight: I will stab you with death if necessary.

It was a big gamble, and he was right.

"What happened to me?" Horus asked. "It's better to think before you speak, brother. Those who can't finish the words in their hearts are pitiful, but also abominable."

He couldn't help but laugh.

"I think of those mortals - officials. They all seem to be like this. They seem to shrink when they see you, me, or your descendants, and even their walking posture will change. Shoulders retracted, stooped It’s funny how they’re hunched over and their eyes are constantly looking down, they’re scared of us.”

"I'm just afraid of you." Ruth retorted.

He had already rested, and his physical strength had completely recovered in just a few seconds. Horus grinned again and swung his hammer.

This time he released the water, and Worldbreaker's swing actually made a sound, which sounded like a crackling lightning whipping the air. The Wolf King let out a low growl, stretched out his spear with his backhand, and stabbed Horus's face fiercely.

The brilliance was so great that it suddenly burned like a bright scorching sun. Horus narrowed his eyes and took defensive measures for the first time - he raised his lightning claw, and the huge weapon actually blocked the tip of the spear at the most critical moment.

Russ had no time to regret, he just retracted his spear and retreated to a safe distance, but Horus did not pursue him. He stood there with the air of a winner, as if he already had victory in his hands.

This may not be the case, however, there is indeed a golden flame suspended in the palm of his lightning claws, burning his dark armor.

".No." After a few seconds, Horus shook his head.

"What?" Ruth sneered.

"They are not afraid of me," Horus said calmly. "But they are afraid of what I can do to them. They have rare intelligence among mortals, so they know what I can do to them - these people are not afraid of death, Russ."

"The only thing they fear is losing power. And I happen to be able to do just that. With just a word, a look, or a push, I can make them fall from the clouds to the ground."

"For this kind of people, losing power is like losing everything. They can't accept this, so they have to find ways to please me."

"I thought we were at war," Russ scoffed. "Why do you want to start thinking about philosophy now?"

"This is not philosophy but simple thinking," said Horus. "You know what, Russ? I actually respect those mortals who dare to resist me - their resistance is certainly stupid and pointless, but at least they understand one thing."

"That is, if I don't make this futile resistance, my conquest will be successful sooner. Every time one of them dies, my footsteps will become heavier with blood. This is a helpless act after despair, But also very courageous, in Cosonia’s words.”

The expression belonging to the Warmaster gradually faded from the gloomy face, replaced by a simple, pure smile full of vulgar smiles. Full of gangsterism and gang atmosphere.

"How damn brave are these people," Horus said. "Like the wild dog you are, Ruth."

He tightened his grip on the lightning claw, and the light went out. He rushed towards Russ, his calm attitude suddenly disappeared from him, leaving only a savage killing intent.

Ruth smelled this murderous intention and could even decipher the faint apology hidden in it: I didn't mean to kill you, just because you would harm my interests if you were alive.

The Wolf King felt a surge of blood, but he was not so irritated.

Everyone can pretend, and Ruth is the best among them. He has been playing the role of a barbarian king for hundreds of years, but this does not mean that he is really a barbarian.

Otherwise, he would never have issued an attack order in advance - he saw Chagatai's fleet being surrounded and attacked, so he decided to attack from the rear.

Three hours ago, he had been on his flagship, donning armor and preparing to attack with the wolves. But now, he has fallen to the ground of Terra together with the Spirit of Vengeance.

The situation did not get better, and his tactical purpose was not achieved. However, he was still able to remain calm.

He always can.

Russ laughed and backed away, and the gliding pace appeared again - in the past, it had been extremely powerful on an ordinary person who was tortured by himself.

And now, the person who uses it is an extremely strong and extremely dangerous Primarch, the Wolf King of Fenris, the leader of the pack.

His footsteps echoed heavily on the ground, and the sound made by each toe touching the ground sounded like a cannonball being fired. Horus looked at him unhappily, with a desire for violence that definitely did not belong to him flashing in his eyes.

"I'm afraid I must kill you soon, Ruth," he said emotionlessly. "Fifteen more minutes, and I will fight you fair and square in these fifteen minutes, and I will kill you the way only a warrior can. I respect you, Russ, you are my brother, and that's who I am. The last thing I can do for you.”

"What makes you so eager?" Wolf King asked with a smile.

Horus did not answer. Above them - to be precise, above the dark labyrinth, the battlefield of Terra covered by the spirit of vengeance, and in the burning sky, there was a ray of light that far exceeded everyone's imagination. A space storm is occurring.

In the center of the storm was a broken fleet, with Sanguinius among them.

Why did he arrive on Terra?

There is one more chapter.

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