40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 430 156 Terra (twenty-seven)

Chapter 430 156. Terra (twenty-seven)

Flames rose in the darkness and spread as far as the eye could see.

The sound of explosions is everywhere, dissipating in the thick fog, and huge or ferocious forms disintegrate and shatter in the most violent weapons that humans can create. The air trembles, and the cruel death wind carries the smoke. And passed.

Facing this hell, the First Legion just charged through silently but ferociously, and began to officially engage in bloody hand-to-hand combat with demons and traitors.

The moment of artillery and tanks continues, and will cause more deaths in the explosion, but they will not allow the blades in their hands to continue to be silent.

The invisible evil god laughed loudly in this bloody millstone, and the corpses of the dead slowly sank and floated in the putrid blood. Every collision and ripple constituted one of the annotations of his name.

He is looking forward to what will happen next. He has already seen it, but he is still looking forward to the actual arrival of this bloody battle that will last for thousands of years.

In the tide of chaos, He roared loudly and paid tribute to the warriors who participated in the war in His own name. He has never been so generous. Perhaps it is because, in the galaxy, there has never been a war that will continue in this form. Stay with this intensity.

It will last ten thousand years. The evil god roared. And you will fight in my name!

Did anyone answer him?

"Forward!" Luther heard a roar. "For Ruth!"

When this roar sounded, the old knight was still busy pulling his sword out of the chest of a Word Bearer. Blood spattered, forcing him to wipe his face again, and his expression unconsciously turned disgusting. .

It's not a good experience to have blood splattered on your face while killing, especially blood that smells like the warp. The old knight lowered his head and swung his sword, cutting off the man's head.

This was the end of a young face, and his life was cut short, and that was exactly what he deserved. He was destined to meet such a contemptuous death even when he hung human skins and skulls as trophies on his armor.

Luther took a deep breath and continued to charge with blood on his face. He wanted to find the person who made this war cry.

His body is not as good as the real Astartes, but that does not mean that he cannot take his share of the glory in such a battle. He knew exactly where his limits were, so he just kept his head down and killed, an attitude that served him well in war.

As he started running, his dark green cloak, already soaked with blood, began to dance wildly in the ash-filled wind, and some sharp silver objects flashed silently on the edge of the cloak for half a second.

A traitor who was busy harvesting the lives of the Skitarii saw his arrival, and Luther also noticed him. The reason was naturally very simple - compared with most Word Bearers, this man seemed much more normal.

There are not so many blasphemies on his armor, but he is still an enemy. It can be seen from the eight-pointed star mark on the armor that he is also a believer in the four evil gods.

The man raised his sword towards him in an inviting gesture, which was quite provocative. Luther's answer was just four streams of bright light shooting out from under his cloak. The traitor reacted very quickly and immediately stepped sideways to block.

Three of the shots were successfully blocked by his shoulder armor relying on his reaction and experience. The last shot hit his flank. A burning scene immediately appeared on the scarlet armor, and immediately expanded, far away. The meaning of ending.

The man roared furiously and uttered a curse: "Despicable!"

Luther was indifferent to this, and even answered his words quite politely - the cloak suddenly raised, two silver lights flashed suddenly, and with a slight buzzing, the Word Bearer's body collapsed, and his head had changed. It became a puddle of paste.

The old knight didn't even look at the corpse, and rushed past coldly. His left prosthetic limb quietly danced as he passed the corpse, and two pieces of silver light stained with blood returned to the bottom of his cloak following the traction of his fingers.

He continued to move forward, but a violent roar sounded in his ears: "For Ruth!"

Luther looked up and saw a group of wild wolves without any hindrance. They are fighting a group of demons. The enemies have various shapes and sharp claws, but the wolves are still victorious.

They surrounded a huge spider in the middle and used various weapons to weaken and kill it and other monsters that rushed out of it and the darkness.

This is of course not the first time Luther has encountered Russ's wolves, he has seen how cruel they can be in battle, however, this is the first time he has seen them show sadness in battle.

The old knight sighed silently, and then slowly approached.

He deliberately slowed down his pace, but the power dagger personally gifted from the Lord of the Fourth Legion had already been sheathed.

Seconds later, with a deliberate roar, Luther joined the wolf pack's battle - however, that roar was not the only means he used to announce his arrival.

A red beam of light rushed out of the cloak, purging the darkness, burning the air, and hissing through half of the spider's body. This was definitely no damage that a beam rifle could inflict.

The wolves howled in unison, and one of them, who was particularly strong, immediately swung his ax up, grabbed the wound made by Luther, and used the ax to slash at the wound of the thing. The spider screamed, but its body twisted strangely.

"Back off!"

Luther roared again - he had no other choice. If you want to communicate with the wolf pack, you can only do this. However, although he did this, he didn't expect the wolf pack to listen to him, but the facts were always beyond expectations.

The wolf pack perfectly obeyed the orders of an outsider, which even surprised Luther. But he didn't have time to care about so much now. The old knight immediately raised his left hand, and thirteen silver lights shot out from under the cloak one by one, hitting the wound on the spider's shell with great accuracy from dozens of meters away.

The horrible sound of flesh and blood breaking sounded one after another, and the spider began to dance its numerous limbs that were so painful to the eyes like crazy, and many demons were pierced, cut, and smashed.

Amid the splashing of flesh and blood, a murderous intent came seriously, and the scarlet eyes of the demons that covered the entire back turned at this moment, staring at Luther, the initiator, while the old knight just pulled out a huge caliber revolver from his waist with his backhand.

That killing intent was nothing, at least nothing compared to the anger that Lion El'Jonson had had many years ago.

He pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Six deep green death beams whizzed past, all hitting the spider's head, even forcing it to stop running for a few seconds, and then the ugly head with huge jaws began to swell. At the same time, some strange sounds came from its body.

"Lie down!" Luther roared. "All lie down!"

The wolves obeyed again - the two who were closer to him even rushed over and built a shield wall for him with their shields. Luther roared angrily and stretched out his hand to pull the two ignorant wolves to the ground.

They buried their faces tightly in the blood, and then, a terrifying sound sharp enough to destroy the eardrums came from the darkness.

Luther slowly stood up in the ringing of his ears.

The wolves were talking to him, but he couldn't hear anything. He knew they couldn't hear it either, and if they hadn't just lied down, they would have been blind now.

This wasn't the first time he had used the self-destruct function of the 'Flash', Luther had long known what these insignificant little things could do, but this was definitely the first time he had blown up thirteen of them in one go.

Too extravagant.

He shook his head, pushed the wolves away, and stumbled forward a few steps. He felt a strange sweet smell in his throat, and a sudden pain in the joints of his prosthetic limbs. The high temperature followed closely, spreading from a certain nerve to the whole body, and began to burn his internal organs, bringing extreme pain.

The old knight gritted his teeth, fell to the ground, and roared in pain. His old body began to remind him once again what he was in essence.

Yes, yes, Luther thought in a trance, I know I am just a lucky mortal, but you don't have to torture me like this.

A gust of cold wind came from behind him, and the tinnitus and the various torments in his internal organs were somewhat relieved at this moment. Luther turned his head and looked back, and saw a face that was unrecognizable in blood.

The beard and hair were all covered with scabs of blood, which should have been soft, but now they were stiff and clumped. The man looked at him with his teeth bared and shouted, "Well done!"

The wild wolves roared in unison.

Luther looked at them in a trance, and a straight horizontal line suddenly flashed over their heads, illuminating everything. The light had the most blazing pure white that humans could imagine, almost as white as looking directly at the sun at noon with the naked eye.

It cut through the world of light and darkness, and also illuminated things at this moment. Soldiers, traitors, demons, corpses.

But this was just the beginning, and more such lines suddenly burst out from behind them, the ground trembled, and thunderous sounds continued. Luther and the wolf pack turned their heads and saw some huge steel shadows from the dispersing mist.

"Now we have Titans." Luther heard the wolf who treated him mutter. "That's great, your First Legion is rich, all Titans are equipped with volcanic cannons. Do you still have a lot of inventory?"

"Why do you think that is our Titan?" The old knight asked instinctively.

Interestingly, he did not deny the inventory of volcanic cannons.

"I didn't say that it was your Titan-" The wolf grinned. "-Nice to meet you, Sir Luther."

"Nice to meet you."

Luther stopped talking and looked at him questioningly, wanting to get a name, but the man shook his head and spit out a string of Fenris. Then he spoke again in High Gothic.

"I don't have a name anymore." He said, then tilted his head, raised his arm, and included all the wild wolves behind him. "I went crazy and lost my name. I have to find it back before I can tell you what my name is." Luther frowned, but he didn't show any dissatisfaction with this kind of mysterious style and statement. He even asked patiently: "So, how should I call you? I need at least a name." "Priest." The man said. "That's good, it fits my job." Luther nodded again. Twelve minutes later, they found Lion El'Jonson at the forefront of the battle line - this is the hard requirement of the lion. The First Legion is clearing the darkness on the ground of Terra with absolute firepower and advantage, and the battle line is not advancing in a certain direction. In fact, the First Legion is active in all directions.

This resulted in an interesting phenomenon. In the four hours and twenty-eight minutes since the Dark Angels joined the battle, more than five separate wolf packs had been brought to the lion.

"Ruth died in battle," said the Lion.

His first sentence to the point made Luther tilt his head slightly, but the priest responsible for talking to him just nodded calmly.

"We know, Lord Leon—"

"——It's the leader," said the lion. "I have received Gunnar Gunhilt's words and permission. Before Russ' revenge is avenged, I will be a member of the wolf pack and I will hunt with you."

He uttered these words without question, and the priest froze, and for a moment Luther heard him mumbling to himself.

"Understood, leader." The priest bowed his head respectfully. "What are your orders?"

"Close your eyes, priest. You all are," said the Lion.

He has a sword in one hand and a spear in the other. There is no sadness or joy on his face that is cut by blood, only the purest enthusiasm for war. His words were puzzling, but the wolves immediately followed them without any hesitation.

"Keep feeling it, see?"

The pastor opened his eyes after a tremor, his voice already hoarse.

".what is that?"

"That's the Star Torch," the Lion said calmly. "Sigismund of the Imperial Fists sent a request for help. He didn't give specific directions, but he didn't need to. Just close your eyes and you can see the light of the Star Torch. It should blind us and then burn us dry. Our brain, but it doesn’t, its light is dimming like never before.”

"So, for now, we have two strategic purposes."

"First, we kill every enemy we see and rally whatever forces we can. Second, we march toward the Star Torch to support them."

"The brilliance of the Star Torch cannot be dimmed or shaken, priest. Because this disaster has spread to the entire galaxy, countless people are rushing towards Terra. They may be sailing in the material universe, or they may be making jumps in the subspace. , and Star Torch must remain stable at this moment, I assure you, it will be worth every drop of blood we shed.”

"The wolves await your orders," the priest said simply. "When to set off?"

The lion smiled slightly.

"Now," he said. "We are together. Wolves hunt together, Priest."

He held the Spear of Dionysus tightly, the cold wind was biting, and his side face looked almost like a beast. Luther was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled knowingly.

This chapter is 4k, and there is another chapter, I will try my best to write 8k.

Still feeling like you have a low fever? Not sure, I don’t have a thermometer at home, so it’s difficult to stretch. The last mercury one was broken by myself ()

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