40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 437 163 Terra (Thirty-one)

Chapter 437 163. Terra (31)

You have to pay a huge price to save him.

Yes I know. Alessio Cortez of the Crimson Fist thought so.

Of course he did - every Astartes who made it to Legion Fortress and subsequently set foot on Terra knew what they were facing, and that was exactly what they came for.

Eleven years ago, they set off from their home planet, Ryan. Six hundred men in total, with the maximum support and supplies Chapter Master Pedro Cantor could give.

Relying on a little luck and the sacrifice of their navigator Eli Keppe, they reached the edge of the solar system. They fought a total of forty-two wars along the way and liberated five worlds that were being invaded by Chaos.

They successfully boarded the fortress established by the parent group and met Vaughn Hagen, the then chapter leader. After receiving supplies, they boarded Terra together with 600 Black Templars, 400 Celestial Lions, 500 Executioners and 500 elites of the Mother Corps.

For each battle group, providing such support forces is completely equivalent to breaking the bones. After all, according to the definition given by Markbearer Malcador, anyone who boarded Terra and stayed for more than twenty-five Terra hours could be considered a sacrifice.

The authenticity of this matter has been continuously proven for ten thousand years, but this tradition has been maintained in the dim Milky Way universe for ten thousand years without interruption.

At times, some Chapters would be distracted by the wars they were fighting, but they would be sure to send double their forces to Terra when the next twenty-five years came. When they are called, they will answer, as they have always done.

But why? Why do we have to do this thing where the effort and reward are not proportional?

The answer is simple.

Because the war on Terra never really ended.

To win it, the Imperium of Man would do anything to build countless fortresses along the sixty-five fragments of Shattered Terra, until they had turned every planet in the solar system into a fortress, and then use countless Manpower and material resources fill the gaps.

If you gaze towards Terra from the edge of the solar system, you can see floating walls built by human hands. That is the ultimate miracle in the world and the ultimate dream of every pilgrim.

Terra was broken, but she was never truly destroyed. The star torch dims, but never really goes out.

In the past ten thousand years, countless people have boarded Terra and died calmly. Countless people also rushed to evacuate before the arrival of the twenty-fifth Terran Hour. After just taking a short rest, they returned to a few of the fragments to continue their work.

Continue to light the star torch, continue to rescue cultural relics, and continue to unearth the remains of heroes.

From the fragments of the mother planet, mankind once again stood up, never surrendering, never surrendering.

That’s why Alessio Cortez is standing here.

He will fight side by side with the heroes from ten thousand years ago, and he will face the demons and monsters that have been running rampant in the darkness of the galaxy for ten thousand years. He will save Rogal Dorn, just as Rogal Dorn emerged from the darkest place. Save them in the future.

He Will--

——"Get away."

A voice said coldly, and then a golden light flashed, and the demon who had fought with him for a long time was defeated steadily.

A golden spear fell on the demon's body like a storm, piercing its head, body, and eyes. Cut off its horns, jaws, and arms. Then it passed through the chest and nailed it firmly to the ground.

The blood-red cloak flashed quickly between the rolls, and a tall figure with steaming body and blood on the armor lines stepped past him, and pulled out the spear smoothly, without a drop of blood on the tip of the spear.

"Are you the company commander?" the man asked.

Alessio replied in a broken voice: "I temporarily take over as the commander of the fourth company."


"Third year of service."

"Issue an order, Captain, summon your brothers." The man said, and strode forward to meet the ferocious guards of the Filthy Blood God.

Alessio switched to using his initial bolter to cover him, and immediately used the psionic communication device built into his helmet to contact the still-living Crimson Fists.

Once on Terra, it is absolutely impossible to use any ordinary communication devices. Only this improved modification can maintain stable communication between military forces, but the distance cannot be too far.

After Alessio finished doing this, he hung his gun back on the magnetic hook of the armed belt on his waist, and then strode forward.

In his right hand he holds a finely crafted power sword called No Forgiveness. It is the inheritance of each generation of the Crimson Fist's four captains. It comes from Shen, the first generation captain of the Shadow Knights of the Midnight Blade, and is a testament to the friendship between the two groups in the early days of their establishment.

They have maintained friendly relations for the next 10,000 years, and remain so to this day. This sword has killed countless demons and traitors, but it is still as sharp as ever.

Alessio approached the golden-armored warrior with his sword raised. He had already guessed the man's identity, but he would not ask if the latter did not take the initiative to speak.

The man obviously noticed his arrival, so after a simple and direct swing, he immediately turned around in the hot blood, spun his steps and approached Alessio, and formed a relationship with him in the blink of an eye. Back to back momentum.

"You are a little reckless, Your Excellency, Company Commander." He said, with a hint of warning in his voice. "I am Constantin Waldo."

"Alessio Cortez." The Crimson Fist spat out his own name and began slashing at his enemies.

He doesn't have much skill in using the power sword, he just swings the sword, but "Never Forgive" has its own terrifying features. Its extreme sharpness caused any demons who tried to break through the sword path to be slaughtered.

"I see," said Constantin Waldo. "But which legion are you from?"

Alessio didn't answer, and he was a little annoyed - because this question could not be answered, and he did not want to lose etiquette in front of a custodian. However, this is only part of the reason, and the other part comes from Constantin Waldo's superb skills.

In his perception, the Forbidden Army's breath did not tremble at all when he spoke, as if this battle deep among the enemy was nothing to him.

Is it true that as those rumors say, one of the Imperial Guards is better than ten of us? Alessio refused to give up.

No. never.

He began to swing the sword with redoubled strength, and the sword itself seemed to sense his emotions and responded to him without hesitation. The buzzing suddenly intensified, and a strange whispering sound began to sound in the nearby air.

Alessio was shocked - he had realized what was happening, but he had no time to care about it for the time being and just waved his sword.

The broken limbs flew high into the air, but Alessio's hands began to grow colder. The murmurs began to intensify, and Unforgiven sensed his determination, so he responded.

It is a sacred weapon, but its use comes with a price. Every generation of fourth company commanders who hold swords and are recognized will die in battle one day. Thinking of this, Alessio can't help but see the figure of the former company commander in front of his eyes.

What about mine? he thinks. Will it be today?

The answer was revealed twenty-five minutes later - no.

Alessio is very sorry for this, but his death date is indeed not today.

After confirming that the last demon was dead, he turned off the decomposition field and sheathed his sword.

The golden-armored Imperial Guard strode towards him. The calm and matter-of-fact attitude that surpassed everything else made Alessio feel uncomfortable for a while, but then he felt a sense of honor - he came just for this. Yes, isn't it?

Fight side by side with the heroes from ten thousand years ago

Then, as soon as the hero who had won his respect ten thousand years ago spoke, he almost fell to the ground.

"Are you the children of Dorne?"

"We——!" Alessio replied loudly, but his voice was very strange. "——Yes, but also no!"

"I think the answer is there is no second option," said Constantin Waldo. "So you are or are you not?"

Alessio remained silent for half a minute with difficulty before answering his question: "...I can't say."

Waldo nodded understandingly, and then pointed to a blood-stained flag. The red fist was covered in blood, and it looked like it was bleeding.

"What about your names?" he asked again. "Is this also a secret?"

"We can't say either," Alessio replied sourly. "Please understand, this is an iron rule."

Waldo nodded: "I understand."

Such easy understanding made Alessio stunned for a moment. He originally thought he would hear some dissatisfaction. Obviously, he had never seen the Imperial Guard before, otherwise he would never have developed such an overly human understanding of them.

Waldo observed his reaction, made the above summary, and informed his master in the connection. After getting the permission sent back, he continued to ask questions.

"So, who assigned you to come to support us?"


"Okay, so, where are you from?"


"Is Malcador the Seal Bearer still alive?"

Alessio took a deep breath - finally a question came to him that he could answer - and he answered: "Alive."

"I understand." Waldo nodded. "So, you are a support force with no distinctive battle cry, no name, and no origin."

"During the battle just now, I didn't hear you shout a single battle cry other than 'For the Emperor' or 'For Terra.' Your banners bear no identifiable names, and your armor bears nothing but There is nothing but the Skyhawk and this red fist.”

"In other words, you are an army that does not seek honor or anything in return. Considering that you are here, can I understand that your tactical or strategic purpose is to find the Primarch Rogal Dorn? ?”


"——Consider your answer before you answer, Captain Alessio."

Valdor interrupted, then solemnly raised his spear.

A ray of golden light shined through his hand, and in just half a second it expanded into a sun that disappeared instantly. It only existed for a moment, but everyone saw it and heard the echo that came from nowhere.

+Say it, I allow it. +

Alessio Cortez suppressed his trembling and maintained his composure with all his strength.

He answered smoothly, smoothly, "Yes, we are going to find Rogal Dorn."

"Very well, follow me."

There are still three chapters left. If I can’t finish them before twelve o’clock, I will go directly to bed, let’s wait.

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