40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 442 168 Interlude: Reignition (1)

Chapter 442 168. Interlude: Reignition (1)

For a moment during the flight, a not-so-good thought crept up his spine. It was a kind of dead silence that should never have happened. Everything was completely silent, except for the sound of wind filling his ears.

He tried to look down, but the clouds obscured everything. So he smashed through the clouds and tried to search the entire dark land, trying to find even one person who was still alive.

However, there was another thought lingering in his mind. He wanted to go back and be with his heirs and loyalists. Every second, the urge to turn back was getting stronger, but he refused every time.

He then started taking low-altitude flights, which was extremely painful. The ashes will obscure his vision, the power of chaos will interfere with his judgment and sense of direction, and will also give him an extremely strong sense of nausea.

The terrifying power that was everywhere seemed to have self-awareness and was coveting him. It didn't hide the greed and even snatched away every breath of air he exhaled.

If these things could be tolerated, the actions of traitors and demons would really cut into his heart.

Civilians, soldiers, Astartes, even Skitarii - everyone who tried to resist was killed and desecrated in every way.

Skinning and hanging, gouging out eyes and hearts, this kind of crazy atrocities can be seen everywhere, and the purpose is not even to please oneself, but to exchange for a glimpse of the evil gods.

To die for this kind of thing, everyone.

Sanguinius finished his story with a sour look on his face. He was always like this, tortured repeatedly by his sense of responsibility and compassion. Similar to Vulcan, but also different.

Two servitors were cleaning his wings behind him. They beat out the ashes one by one, dug out the blood and scraps of flesh, and rinsed them with cold water. After repeating this cycle four times, the wings were as white as ever. Then they began to clean their feathers, wiping them with rags.

The Primarch of the Ninth Legion was born with the ability to fly, but on Terra at this moment, even he had to bear the price of flying.

He frowned, and even though he had fully expressed his feelings in the darkness where only he and his brother existed, the worry that forced him to frown had not been reduced by half.

The servitors finished their work half a minute later and walked away with the rags to dry their wings. The figures of the Blood Angels were looming not far away.

"So that's it," Sanguinius said in a tone of rare indignation and somberness. "Just for this kind of thing, brother, just for this kind of thing."

Leon El'Jonson did not answer. The lion sword and the wolf spear were inserted into the dark black soil in front of him. He lowered his head and stared at the ground where the bones appeared and remained silent.

His blood-stained blond hair hung down to his forehead, and his eyes loomed behind him, showing an extraordinary mystery.

Sanguinius was worried because he didn't know whether the Lion was thinking or in the midst of some kind of ongoing rage, which was more likely.

"Leon?" Sanguinius called again with worry.

"Not worth mentioning," said the Lion.

It took the Baal a moment to realize what his brother was talking about.

"Their thoughts, the truth behind them, or the reasons for their betrayal are not worth mentioning, Sanguinius."

The lion continued to speak in a calm tone, making his words and the devastating surroundings seem ordinary. Extraordinarily calm and composed, far beyond what he had been before.

"You go astray, and you start to think about why they betrayed. But betrayal is betrayal, and the betrayer must die."

"Don't think about those things, they will only hurt the speed of your sword swing and make you less sharp. Look at all this blasphemy and depravity. Think about it, brother, making us worry about it is their purpose. one."

His tone was offensive, but Sanguinius did not take offense to it. These words are not like those that Leon El'Jonson can say, but even if they are said by him, there is no sense of violation at all.

They are a valuable experience, a treasure that can save people from torture

Sanguinius considered his brother's words carefully, but he still felt that Leon El'Jonson's extraordinary reaction was more noteworthy than his wounded pride.

Later, he came to the conclusion that something must have happened to his brother to have this realization.

Maybe it's like what happened to him.

So, do you want to speak out?

The angel hesitated for a few seconds, and finally decided to speak clearly: "I met Fulgrim. He was alone, fighting them in the dark. Something was wrong with him."


"he died."

Leon El'Jonson raised his head and stared into the angel's eyes.

"He is dead," Sanguinius repeated with a mixture of sadness and confusion. "To be precise, he melted. He killed a demon and then melted in front of me."

"Impossible." The lion said firmly. "I spoke to my father not too long ago about our mutual situation. He is with Jaghatai and Ferrus, still fighting."

"But I did see it with my own eyes." Sanguinius said. He didn't care about what Leon said about 'father' for the time being. He didn't want to know for the time being.

He needs to see it if he knows it, but he doesn't want to see it now.

"The Fulgrim you saw was alone, brother!" the lion retorted sharply. "Don't forget this! Don't forget where you are now. This is Terra. In the past, she was our glorious mother planet and the holy land of mankind, but now she is a broken and chaotic demon realm. Here, what Anything can happen.”

Sanguinius let out a long sigh.

"I understand, I understand," he replied in a low voice. "It's just that realizing this makes me very uneasy. If Fulgrim can also be fabricated by them as a phantom, and it is a puppet that is almost the same as himself, then what about the rest of us?"

"I suggest you put aside this kind of philosophical thinking for the time being." The lion shook his head and said.

As if by some kind of coincidence, as soon as he finished speaking, the ground began to shake.

The lion looked back and saw large tracts of darkness approaching indistinctly in the thick fog. The light from the headlights of the car pierced the fog, bringing a sneaky and terrifying feeling.

That was his unit. The First Legion had just cleaned the battlefield again, killing enemies and searching for survivors. There was no cover-up, no attempt by anyone to do so, or anything else that would make "noise that would attract the enemy."

In fact, every Dark Angel hopes that the traitors will follow the trail they left behind.

They haven't killed enough yet.

But, then again, they have now reached the foot of the Star Torch? This description may be a bit strange, but if you close your eyes, you can see the dim pillar of fire shining in front of you.

So, here it is. Then, they will start to build a defensive position here. Therefore, it is necessary to clean up the battlefield.

You must find out everything around your position before you can station your troops there. Only the stupidest and most incompetent commanders would station their troops in a position where the surrounding conditions are unknown.

The lion turned his head.

"Did you gather those armored troops?" Sanguinius asked in a more relaxed tone, as if he wanted to liven up the atmosphere. "They look like they have at least one group."

"No, they are my armored forces." The Lion replied expressionlessly. "The First Legion brought 140,000 troops to support Terra. It may be less, it may be more. I have no statistics on casualties."

Sanguinius was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Did you bring heavy firepower and armored troops as well?"


"How?" Sanguinius asked in disbelief. "Our ships can't get close to low-Earth orbit at all, etc. When did you arrive on Terra, Leon? I didn't see any of your legion's ships near Terra."

"We didn't come by boat," the lion said, but paused. "Not really, but it's not the kind of ship you're familiar with. Besides, Russ is dead."


The lion received no answer, only the whistling of the wind answered his words. He had to look at Sanguinius's face again, but suddenly he caught a glimpse of a blur of light.

People always like to poeticize and romanticize the death of the deceased, trying to construct a ridiculous illusion that the soul of the deceased will always be with their loved ones. However, this is not the case,

Death is death, dead people do not come back to life, and even if they have souls, their souls should go somewhere else.


Leon El'Jonson stared blankly at the blur of light that appeared behind Sanguinius.

The person in the light spot looked back with a smile.

"Father asked me to deliver a message to you." He winked. "I've been waiting here for a long time, Leon. I thought you wouldn't tell our angel where I was, but you still did."

"However, I am very satisfied with this statement. Ha, Russ is dead, but it is still behind a joke that is not a joke. Yes, yes, have I ever said that you are actually very much like us Fenrisians in your heart? Energetic?"

The lion reached out and grasped the wolf spear.

"Oh, I'm not some illusion or the product of your imagination." The person in the light spot shrugged. "Don't think you are crazy, you are not crazy. In addition, I suggest you learn to adapt to my existence. Only you can see me here for the time being, and you must see me."

His expression suddenly became more serious, but his words were not.

"I finally waited for an opportunity where I could nag in your ear reasonably and legally without being chased away, Leon."

The lion took a deep breath.

"Oh, am I going to deliver a message? Ah, remember, Fulgrim, Ferrus, and Jaghatai will be here soon. As soon as they arrive, the door to the Star Torch will open. You have to hurry in. , understand? Don’t forget it!”

The light spot dissipated, but the sound of the wind remained. Sanguinius sighed and patted his shoulder, silently walking out of the darkness specially reserved for the two of them, and went back to mobilize the legion.

Leon El'Jonson watched him go away, but for a moment he didn't know whether he should cry or laugh.

He was silent for a while, then suddenly shouted: "Luthor!"

update completed.

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