40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 454 180 Terra (Thirty-Nine, Loyalists Among Traitors)

Chapter 454 180. Terra (Thirty-nine, Loyalists among Traitors)

Angel Tai realized that the timer in his power armor had failed. Before he killed Garlan Kusa, the timer provided him with a number of four hours and twenty-two minutes, and after he killed Garlan Kusa, the number became a series of incomprehensible characters.

It kept jumping, changing every second, and it was so chaotic that it was frightening. So Anger Tai took the initiative to turn off the timer. The influence of chaos always starts to exert its power from the details, just as all evil accumulates from small things.

He walked in front of Garlan Kusa and drew his power sword.

The Night Blade provided more weapons for the sons of Aurelion, but it was not out of compensation psychology. Maybe it was also, but in general, it was because of Anger Tai's stubbornness.

He insisted on participating in this battle, but the Nightblades certainly disagreed. Konrad Curze had come to him three times for this, and the respectable Robert Guilliman, who not only allowed him to recruit soldiers on Macragge's Glory, but also took the initiative to provide them with supplies.

Anger Tai refused the two Primarchs with guilt, and the reason he gave was simple.

"He will be here." said the son of Aurelion. "And there is no reason for us to be absent."

So all the rebuttals, arguments and conversations disappeared completely, like a closed window on the Thinker. Of course, they couldn't really come in full force, and some people had to make plans for the future. So the 'Hermit' was forced to stay.

He was furious about this and publicly cursed Anger Tai many times until others reminded him implicitly of the reason why Anger Tai did this, and he calmed down.


The son of Aurelion sighed.

There is no reason, just because you are the most pious, hermit, you are so pious that you can completely ignore any rumors, and your loyalty to the Emperor is unmatched by all of us. Therefore, the newborn Son of Aurelion needs you.

This idea is full of cruel political considerations. Anger Tai knew that it was dirty, but he had no time to consider more. He raised his sword and turned to leave, but heard a strange murmur.

Looking back, he saw a pair of eyes that opened at some point. So Anger Tai turned back and walked in front of the eyes. He bent down and picked up the head that he had beheaded himself, raised it, and looked at it.

This head was once named Garlan Kusa, a chaplain of the 66th Assault Company of the Word Bearers. And now, he is one of the hundreds of thousands of traitors who need to be killed one by one by the Son of Aurelion.

"He is watching you." Garlan Kusa, or something else, opened his mouth and spit out this sentence with his black lips moving.

The Chaos Octagon on his forehead was brightening slightly, bringing an ominous light. Anger Tai narrowed his eyes. He shouldn't have any unnecessary conversation with this monster, but since it mentioned him

"We will give him rest." Anger Tai replied in a low voice, his voice full of determination.

In response, Garlan Kusa's head just showed a cruel smile. His lips were slightly cracked, and his teeth slowly fell off on the dark gums.

"There is no rest here, Lorca's foolish son. There is only war, death and torture here. This place has become a man-made hell, and you chose to step into it. Soon, you will see your own devil."

Anger Tai let go of his hand and crushed it with his feet. Very hard, very careful, very meticulous. He did not turn around until he could no longer feel anything under his feet, and left, while Night Blade and his brothers had been waiting for a long time.

Wearing gray armor, Lorca's last loyal descendants stood in the thick fog with those dark blue dark night blades waiting for him to finish.

Shen from the fourth company came forward.

"What did it say?" the young sergeant asked, but his tone did not change.

"It's just the same old tune." Angel Tai shook his head. "Devil, warning, very religious, like a third-rate preacher with poor speech skills."

"Interesting description." Shen smiled slightly. "You seem to have learned a lot from Sevitarion."

"He can teach me a lot, but he taught me how to tell these terrible jokes." Angel Tai couldn't help but sigh. "Do you really think these jokes are funny?"

They began to march, heading to the next place with a strong smell of corruption in the thick fog. The thick fog has become a kind of guarantee for their high-speed movement, like a special single-soldier rapid delivery mechanism, or a mystical version of an airdrop chamber.

However, walking in the fog is not very comfortable. Staying in it feels like being frozen, and every second is quite tormenting.

"Sometimes, whether a joke is funny or not depends on the place and time it is said, and the tone you choose." Shen began to explain to him attentively. "These jokes are essentially just a kind of self-mockery that we have re-selected. Few people can accept the weird sense of humor in them, and you are one of them, Angel Tai."

"Are you saying in disguise that I have a weird sense of humor?"

Shen smiled and stopped answering. They walked out of the fog and saw a half-destroyed parade boulevard. Terra used to be full of these magnificent buildings, but now she is destroyed, just like this parade boulevard.

The bridge deck was blown up, and burned vehicles and dead defenders could be seen everywhere on the roadside. The barrels of the turrets on the artillery position have been twisted, and the heroic statues at both ends of the bridge have been deliberately preserved and defiled one by one. It was filled with blasphemous and obscene words, and had been transformed with blood and minced flesh.

Take the statue of General Gonzalo, the battle hero of the Auxiliary Army, who is also familiar to Angel Tai. His majestic and gloomy face is now comically covered with blood, and his bronze eyes have been hollowed out, two. Real eyeballs were put in.

At this moment, they were staying in Gonzalo's eyes, staring at them quietly.

"I smell something." Shen said softly. "I also heard something talking."

"Demon?" Angel Tai raised his sword, and Night Blade and the Sons of Aurelion began to disperse and be alert.

Needless to say, everyone knows what they are supposed to do.

Shen didn't answer, but sniffed intently, like a wild beast looking for traces of its prey. The Nostramo's pale complexion and tall, narrow nose add a terrifying metaphor to this behavior, as if he is really a humanoid beast.

Angel Tai couldn't help but rub the hilt of the sword with his right hand, and an idea that shouldn't have occurred crossed his mind - Conrad Coates also did this under the night of Nostramo ?


His thoughts ended when Shen raised his gun, and the plasma burst out with a dazzling energy ball after a brief warm-up. It rushed towards the collapsed bridge deck, but disappeared into the air like flowing water.

A huge nerve knot vein appeared, and the world turned upside down in an instant. Blood vessels, nerves, bones and broken limbs were roughly sewn together, forming a huge wall in front of them that blocked the sky and the sun. Just between the bridge and them.

Tens of thousands of carefully crafted faces filled the gaps between blood vessels. The victims were male and female, old and young. They were breathing painfully, as if they were not dead yet.

And if you are observant enough or have a deep enough understanding of human anatomy, you will find that this wall of flesh and blood is actually their disappeared corpses.

Very ironic, very scary, but certainly the right amount. However, there is another thing that needs to be noticed.

Shen slowly put down the plasma in his hand.

"I have to tell you, cousin—" He turned and glanced at Angel Tai. "——I will probably do something very irrational later."

"I understand," Angel Tai said. "Trust me, I totally understand."

He stared at somewhere on the Wall of Flesh, where the power sword was already arcing. There was a deliberately blank space in that place, and someone had written a name, or rather a signature, using building materials instead of flesh and blood.

That name was Samus.

At the same time, a chuckle reached their ears.

"Samus" the demon turned his laughter into guffaws. "Samus is here!"


There were times when Garviel Loken wished that he could reverse time, use some impossible power, and push back the time of the universe to the day when Horus Luperkar was injured.

In this way, he can change everything.

He can reverse the situation before everything is irreversible, thwart Erebus's conspiracy, rebuke Ezekiel Abaddon's stupidity, and turn little Horus's hesitation into true courage.

He can save everything, right? he can let

"Come back to your senses!" Someone roared in his ear. "Eleven o'clock!"

The Luna Wolf turned around silently and chopped off a head with his power sword. After doing this, he realized that he was panting, and it was very violent, as if he had been fighting continuously for more than ten hours.

Maybe that's really the case. Loken thought absently. Maybe we have been fighting for dozens of hours, hundreds of hours, or even hundreds of years?

Time has no meaning here, just like our existence.

The son who attempted to kill his father

His idea was proven wrong in just six minutes, as this wave of traitors were found and killed one by one in the trenches. Then the post-war statistics, Imperial Fists, sixty-five men, a detachment of War Hounds, two hundred and twenty men, and a heavy fire squad of the Iron Hands, thirty-three.

And them, the Luna Wolves, twenty of them.

Twenty people. It's really a joke in a battle of this scale, but that's not the entire number. There are other Luna Wolves fighting in other places on Terra.

There were only about three hundred of them, and they all took part in the battle - it wasn't a wise move, but you couldn't ask for any form of sanity from a group of Astartes who had lost their Gene-Father.

Especially when their 'father' is still active here.

"We have to move our position," said Harlan Corson, commander of the 3rd Company of War Hounds. "The damn traitors don't care whether they can win or not. These beasts just attack the position again and again. I repeat, brothers, their purpose is not to win, they just want to fight us."

Half of his face has been replaced by machinery, but the remaining eye contains great anger, forming a suitable and terrifying contrast with the red light of the mechanical prosthetic eye.

"I'm afraid there is no other position with reliable defenses within a few thousand meters nearby for us to move, Captain Harlan." said an Imperial Fist. “Probably in a few days”

He paused, looking a little confused, but continued: "Perhaps more than ten hours ago, the nearby positions were bombed."

"Bombing?" War Dog frowned. "You mean they have control of the air?"

"No, it's a cannon shot," the Imperial Fist said. "It started with a swarm charge by the cultists. They used this method to force us to be diverted. By the time the deadly artillery attack came, not many of us had time to move into the dugouts under the trenches. Many positions That’s how it was destroyed.”

"That sounds like a tactic," the War Dog Captain said thoughtfully. "In my observation, all the traitors we have met so far are just a group of beasts driven by instinct. This means that the instigator still has a clear mind to use tactics and subordinates who can execute his orders."

He inevitably glanced at Loken, and the Luna Wolf nodded silently, agreeing with his unspoken speculation. He was very grateful to Harlan Corson for his obscurity, but some things had to be made clear.

"I think it was probably the Sons of Horus who did it," Loken said.

His first words began to turn the atmosphere to a freezing point. These venerable warriors-whether they were the Imperial Fists, the War Hounds, the Destroyers of the Iron Hands, or even his own brothers- —all began to stare at him with complicated eyes.

"It's not difficult to speculate," Loken continued. "Among the three betrayed legions, the Word Bearers have been completely destroyed by their own corrupt beliefs, reduced to beasts, manipulated by demons and become the walking dead."

"The Alpha Legion doesn't seem to be on Terra at all. Even if they are, this style does not belong to them. The Sons of Horus are different. I think they probably still have a complete company organization and their strength is very complete. Only they have the strength and discipline. to implement similar tactics."

"However, if it is really them who did it, I hope you can be vigilant from now on. Because their attacks are often linked one after another, and they will never leave any breathing room for the enemy."

"Understood." Harlancosen nodded. "Thank you, Captain Loken."

Loken's words were fulfilled when the next battle was about to come, which would already be six hours later, if his biological clock perception was not wrong.

The first person to notice the arrival of the enemy was Harold of the Imperial Fists. He was also the first to die. His head was turned into blood mist by a precise sniper bullet.

Loken looked up while he was busy strangling a Word Bearer. Before he had time to feel sad for the Sons of Dorne, Loken saw a group of figures he was very familiar with through the bloody peephole of the trench. .

And someone he knew very well.

Ezekiel Abaddon.

Anger surged immediately.

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