40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 460 183 Terra (forty-one, son of patricide, the only rebel)

Chapter 460 183. Terra (forty-one, son of patricide, the only rebel)

I found you. Shen said. His voice echoed in the darkness, like a monster's roar.

He took Constantine Valdo's spear in both hands and held it tightly.

From the demon's wound, many flickering images are coming. Murder, murder, murder - endless killings with no end in sight.

Shen pulled out the spear and threw it away. The Marshal of the Forbidden Army caught it firmly and the sword was sheathed.

The demon smiled, its fangs protruding from its lips, and foul-smelling saliva dripped: "What did you see, dear Shen?"

Shen kept silent, just drew his sword, never forgiving, never looking back.

Angel Tai slashed from behind Samus, Orperson aimed at Samus's head and pulled the trigger, and Constantin Valdo turned his spear into a glow in the sky and threw it, aiming at it. chest.

Faced with all these attacks, Samus' only response was to stand still. It doesn't hide, it doesn't defend, it just smiles.

Its sharp teeth reflect all the remaining light in the darkness. Each refractive surface is a mirror, bringing pictures that belong to other places here. Shen stared at its teeth and slashed out both swords together.

The demon's back was slashed, his eyes were pierced by bolts, his chest was pierced by a spear, and his jaw was chopped open by two swords. Its body shattered into millions of pieces in an instant, and this was not their fault.

They wanted to kill it, but couldn't do it this way. No one can kill a demon this way.

Samus' head fell wetly into his own blood, smiling silently. Its orange eyes were flashing crazily, as if something was struggling in them.

Brutal power flashed from the eyes of the head, and rolling thunder began to be heard in the darkness. All changes appear abrupt and disharmonious, but the songs of the inanimate have no order at all.

The only remaining incomplete head of Samus began to deform, and the gelatinous black mud covered every fine hard hair and gurgled out of every hole.

The demon's eyes were squeezed out of their sockets, and two other eyes immediately took their place, as if they couldn't wait. Samus's tongue danced and twisted wildly on the ground like a long snake, and all the sharp teeth fell off. Human teeth began to fill the mouth and deformed the gums.

A piece of mandible suddenly formed from the stinky blood and fit the face, while Samus's eyes rolled to Shen's feet.

All of this happens in less than half a second.

The devil's voice came from its tongue.

Laughing wildly.

"I really love this kind of drama——!" it exclaimed. "Fight with all your strength, heroes! Then I will bring the end, I will bring the end!"

Shen lifted his foot and crushed its eyes, while Orpeson shot and shattered its tongue and teeth. Angel Tai swung his sword to slash at the new-born, wet and bloody human head, and Constantin Waldo held out the spear with him.

A sure attack, an attack without any hesitation. But it was held securely by two hands.

The words of Colchis shone with golden light on his naked and strong arms, and gradually rose up, snatching away the sword and spear with overwhelming force that could not be resisted. The white robe emerged out of thin air from the sludge-like black colloid, automatically and without wind.

Lorgar Aurelion stood before them with a smile, spotless, with skin as smooth as mutton-fat white jade, golden light emerging, and as handsome as a god.

"As soon as I heard your voice, I rushed over in a hurry, my son." Luo Jia lowered his head gently and looked at Angel Tai. "Our friend Samus has asked me for a lot of things for this. He is really a greedy guy, but what can I do? I must come to see you, just like you have been looking for me."

He released his hand and threw the sword and spear together, and a dull echo came from the darkness. The Great Word-bearer raised his right hand thoughtfully and supported his chin, as if to confirm whether it still existed.

After he confirmed this, he continued to tell.

"But I want to point out a mistake of yours, Angel Tai. You shouldn't have traveled with these people. Look what kind of companions you have found. The guardians of false gods, the foolish immortals, the sharp blades of gods. You Stand with the truly religious."

Behind him, a roar came from the darkness.

"Batusa." Angel Tai stopped him without looking back. "Don't be fooled, we all know what it is."

The limping Battusa Narek slowly walked out of the darkness, his gray armor covered with blood. More Sons of Aurelion walked out, and the thick fog gradually rose. The nightblades silently waited for the opportunity to attack.

A sword and a spear were handed over one by one and eventually returned to their respective owners.

The Great Word Bearer watched this scene patiently without any reaction. Most of the time, his eyes were only on Angel Tai. Those eyes seemed to penetrate the helmet and reach directly underneath, causing a pain to rise between Angel Tai's eyebrows and a vague understanding in his heart. Enlightenment.

"I am Lorgar Aurelion."

The Great Word Bearer reached out and fished out his scepter from the void, and blazing flames burst out from the top, burning the head red.

"What am I besides this?" he asked.

"Death," Angel Tai said, and charged, sword swinging.

He had prepared many words for today, righteous rebukes, vows of revenge, but now, when he really faced the thing wearing Lorgar's skin, he found that he couldn't say a word.

Even his anger was completely clamped by something cold. At this moment, Anger Tai could only feel tired. He had nothing to say. He had been carrying bitter hatred for decades, and he could not find it in the sea of ​​stars.

Today was the end.

His blade was as fast as lightning, and the Great Bearer did not dodge.

Can the Primarch be hurt? Of course he can. The Primarch also has flesh and blood. Even if he is wearing power armor, it is possible to be penetrated. What's more, it is just wearing a robe at the moment-but if you want to hurt it, you have to touch it first.

Anger Tai's blade was lightly blocked by the scepter, and the thing under Lorgar Aurelion's skin manipulated him to frown slightly, revealing a look of sadness and confusion.

Constantine Valdor followed. The Grand Marshal of the Imperial Guards never liked Lorgar, but at this moment, when he really saw such blasphemous things with his own eyes, anger still surged in his heart.

This unprecedented anger prompted him not to continue observing, but to attack again. The Spear of the Apollo cut through the air, easily seized this gap, and pierced the chest of the Great Word Bearer.

It should have been an excellent result, but Valdor immediately pulled back the spear as if he had been electrocuted, stepped back several steps in a row, and his body twitched like epilepsy. The battle was about to break out, and except for Or Persson, no one had the spare time to care about his condition at this moment.

Batusa Narek and his brothers roared and fired. The equipment supplies from the Ultramarines and the Midnight Blades upgraded the rations due to their smaller numbers. The melta guns and plasma flashed together, and the heavy bombs and the Reaper double-barreled automatic cannons whistled and tore through the air, rushing towards the fake thing that was only a shell, carrying incomparable resentment.

Lorgar smiled as dark blood flowed out. His scepter flashed in the air, repelling Anger Tai, and boiling flames immediately surrounded him. The molten and plasma energy balls smashed into it, and the bombs and autocannons were completely evaporated before they got close, resulting in more explosions and high temperatures.

Shen narrowed his eyes, silently made a gesture, and issued an order without words.

In the flames, the voice of Lorgar Aurelion continued.

"Ungodly son." He seemed unhappy. "Why is it so? Don't you have eyes to see who I am?"

Shen ran over and pulled Anger Tai up. The son of Aurelion calmly refused his help, slowly stood up, and then took off his helmet.

Steaming blood gushed out from the connection between the helmet and the neck guard, flowing down along the eagle emblem on the armor. A golden light was flashing between his eyebrows.

"Shut your fucking stinky mouth." Anger Tai said in Nostramo. "I know what you want."

His tone sounded just like Yago Sevitarion. Shen looked at him in amazement.

Anger Tai raised his hand, holding the sword in reverse, and pressed the hilt against his forehead. The golden light flickered, leaving a brilliant glow on the hilt, like blood.

He walked forward, facing the flames, holding the sword upside down.

"I know--" He switched back to Colchis. "--I always knew that he called me every night to tell me what you did."

"The things stolen from the master did not receive the treatment they deserved in the hands of the thief. I often tremble, you know? Every time I tremble, I know that you are doing evil again. You are killing people, sacrificing, and letting the world burn, and you are still bearing his name and his face."

He paused and took a deep breath.

"Get out." Angel Tai said. "Get out of that flame, and then face his last loyal heir, thief."

A bloody face poked out of the wall of flames, and the flesh that was burned to sizzle and oil was constantly falling down. The trembling lips seemed to melt on the teeth, and the tongue hung between the dry teeth like a long snake.

Anger Tai roared and thrust his sword, hitting the face accurately. Laughter rang out from behind the wall of fire, a hand grabbed his sword, and then he himself.

The Great Speaker rushed out with ecstasy, the stinking wind flashed, the flames spread, and directly forced back the sons of Aurelion who were about to rush up.

Battusa Narek panted gloomily, began to change the magazine of the heavy bomb in his hand, and pulled a string of fragmentation grenades from his belt. After changing the magazine, he wrapped them around his left hand and began to wait for the opportunity.

Shen and him had a strange tacit understanding at this moment. He raised his sword silently and waited calmly. The Great Speaker was not in a hurry, and smiled brightly.

"Finally." He whispered in satisfaction, his voice was sticky and wet, and his breath had a horrifying stench. "The last spirit"

His eyes began to change color, turning into two rotating black holes. The skin and flesh suddenly became thin, and the demons and monsters roared and pushed up his skin, as if they were about to break free.

Angel Tai did not waver or fear at all. From the beginning, he knew that it was not Luo Jia. He did not even look at it, but stared at Shen beside him.

Shen waved his arm.

The fog swept in, the evil wind roared, the shining blade pierced the darkness, the black flames were hot, and the hand holding the sword was scarlet-the skin of the fake was instantly pierced by twenty-five sharp blades at this moment, passing through the chest, making the smile on its face stiffen for a moment.

The skin immediately disappeared, and tens of thousands of wailing faces of the dead burst out from under the skin. Angel Tai landed steadily and began to chop them in the black flames. Shen did not rush forward immediately, but looked back to observe his team.

Some people have disappeared, twenty-five, no more, no less.

He did not speak, and his hand armor became more and more scarlet. At this moment, Samus's voice came from behind him: "He will come back. Shen, have you thought of a countermeasure?"

The demon began to talk endlessly.

"He will not leave, at least not before he gets what he wants. Your Terra has been shrouded in darkness. You can kill him countless times, but he will come back countless times until he gets what he wants. And how many brothers do you have left to sacrifice? How much more do you need to pay to reach the end of this road?"

Shen did not answer, as always. He was always used to silence. Inside the Night Blade, the one who chattered endlessly was Yago Sevitarion, not Shen.

Behind them, away from the battle, Constantine Valdor was slowly standing up, his face heavy with anger.

The demon showed him something he didn't want to see, some painful truth. These things made his anger grow stronger. Within the link, the voice of the Lord of Mankind remained calm.

+It had planned it, Valdor. Its behavior was only chaotic on the surface, but it still had logic underneath. It, or something behind it, wanted to use this to spy on your reaction. They couldn't see Or Persson, but they could see you. They knew you were leading someone, but they wanted to know who that person was. +

+But the picture it showed was you - +

+- that didn't matter. +The Lord of Mankind gently persuaded, his tone full of the calmness of an elder. +Can't I sacrifice myself? +

Constantine Valdor clenched his spear and fell into silence. His duty, reason and emotion were all in conflict with each other. Every Custodian was born only to serve the Emperor, and they could die for him without fear.

This fanatical loyalty is often criticized, but it is also one of the sources of their pride. In the eyes of the Custodians, there will be no one in the world who is more loyal to the Emperor than them.

From this, many strange contradictions are born. For example, the difference in attitude between the Custodians and the Emperor towards others, and the vacillation that the Custodian Marshal is experiencing at this moment.

+You are falling into a vicious circle, Valdor. +The voice of the Lord of Mankind gradually became stern. +You are putting me above the Empire and humanity, what are you thinking? There is no retreat now. Look around, they are fighting desperately, but you are here sadly imagining how I will suffer? +

As he said, Valdor cast his eyes forward. In the darkness that was gradually shrouded by fog, the demonic tide born from the stolen skin of Lorgar Aurelion was colliding head-on with the Nightblade and the Sons of Aurelion.

He even heard a few rude curses from Or Payson. The Grand Admiral of the Imperial Guards realized at this moment that his target had left him and gone to join the battle.

Instinctively, he took a few steps to catch up with Or Persson, lead him to the right path, and head to the next destination.

However, he still hesitated.

The Emperor, his master - the master who sat on the throne and suffered eternal torture

Unconsciously, Constantine Valdor had tears in his eyes.

Instinctive thinking and admiration for the Emperor were destroying his enthusiasm for the mission. If the final result of this mission was that his master had to endure such torture, then what was the point of completing this mission? It would be better to go back and find the other members of the Ten Thousand, and then.

+ Then what? +

In the link, the Emperor asked in a disappointed tone.

+ Then take you away. + Valdor responded immediately, without hiding anything. + As long as this is the case, the Empire will still exist, and humanity will still exist. In the galaxy, no one's life can compare to yours. +

A thunderous rage surged from the other end of the link, and Valdor's face turned pale in an instant. He took a few steps back, and he was actually at a loss.

This time, the Lord of Mankind was silent for a long time before he continued to speak to his marshal in a deep connection that transcended time and space.

+I have always had higher requirements for you, Valdor. +

+And that is what I demand of myself, my Lord. +

+No. +The Emperor denied calmly. +For so many years, you have been just standing still, and you have even forgotten what I said when I handed you the Spear of the Sun God. You are a guard of the imperial guards, a weapon in my hand, that is true. But before that, you were just a human. +


Valdor was speechless and didn't know how to answer this sentence. He did regard himself as a tool and always put the Emperor first. But since his Lord had something to ask of him, how could he not meet it?

But this request was a little too difficult for him.

+I understand what I am asking you to do, I am asking you to transcend your own nature. However, that devil's vision is just a small stone on the road to you, an insignificant one among tens of thousands of difficulties. If you can't even cross it, I'm afraid I will have to find someone else to do this task. But I have no one left, Waldo. only you. +

The Lord of Mankind sighed softly.

"Are you going to fail me, Waldo?"

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army was silent for a long time, clenching his teeth, and there were deep echoes from his throat, and he seemed to be bleeding while breathing. After several minutes, his hunched shoulders relaxed.

He walked forward, wordlessly grabbing Orperson, who was actively fighting, and slowly dragged him away to another road.

5k for this chapter, and one more to go.

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