40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 463 Extra: Round Table Movie Watching

Written at the front: This extra chapter has little connection with the main text and will not have much impact on the main text. The characters may be a little OOC, but please consider it because the Primarchs are all very young. I wanted to try to keep the style as humorous as possible, so it might seem a bit off-topic.

Also, please do not ask about the whereabouts of the two missing primarchs. In this world line, they have never existed (please ask the Emperor for details), and please ignore questions such as why the First Legion is directly followed by the Third Legion.

Don't ask. If you ask too much, the Imperial Guard will come. In addition, the content mentioned in the movie is from this book. Readers who do not know the truth are asked not to regard it as the content of HH's official history.

Happy reading.


"We shouldn't do this," babbled Horus Luperkar. "Brother, we really shouldn't do this. Father won't be happy to see -"

"-If he didn't want us to see this tape, he wouldn't have put it where you and I could see it. He mentioned it five times in the conversation, man, it was obvious. Just wanted us to see it.”

The winged Sanguinius shrugged and walked out of the Sanctum with his brothers. Mechanical gears slowly moved behind them, causing the two huge doors to close.

When the warmth brought by the thermostat gradually dissipates, the cold wind from the Himalayas blows mercilessly and begins to attack their bodies. So Sanguinius raised a wing and helped his hairless brother to kindly shield his head.

Of course, one thing people should accept is that good intentions may not always lead to good results.

What's more, Sanguinius doesn't entirely have good intentions.

Horus' face darkened.

"Bald head." He raised a finger seriously and pointed at the top of his head. "It's a very reasonable hairstyle that suits the status of a warrior. Don't you want to endure the stuffiness, heat, and sweaty hair sticking to your forehead while wearing a helmet?"

Then, he pointedly moved his finger to Sanguinius' long golden hair, who smiled and shook his head, giving an answer that made Horus curl his lips.

"You know, brother," he said airily. "I usually don't wear a helmet."

It was exactly noon at this moment, and there was a strong light above the clouds of Holy Terra, sharing the temperature equally with all the inhabitants of Terra in winter, which naturally included the two Primarchs.

They stood here side by side, looking at each other.

"Are you going to find Ruth?" Suddenly, they asked each other in unison.

Three hours later, they found one of their brothers at the training ground inside the palace.

From Fenris, the wild and untamable Primarch Leman Russ. Tall and handsome, with long and sharp canine teeth. Even if he is not smiling, his lips will always stick out, as if he is always threatening anyone.

But the smile on his face was so pure, so Horus and Sanguinius accepted his embrace, and he walked between them and began to hug each other and smile.

"Video tape?" He raised his eyebrows, and an interesting and complicated expression suddenly flashed across his face. "My father went to all the trouble to talk to you just to share this videotape with you? This is really interesting."

"Yes." Sanguinius nodded reservedly. "If Horus is not wrong. Moreover, I believe that based on his understanding of his father, our conclusion should not be wrong. What do you think, Horus?"

The Corsonia looked at him hesitantly, and said nothing for a while. Russ laughed loudly, stretched out his hand to hook his neck, pulled Horus to the ground with his backhand, and began wrestling training with him.

Sanguinius took a step back calmly, put his hands behind his back, and gently stroked the video tape in his hands. Horus swung his right fist slightly angrily, hitting Russ on the lower abdomen wearing training armor, knocking him back, and then quickly got up.

Ignoring the dust on his body, he jumped towards Ruth with one swoop, grabbed him by the collar, and at the same time tripped down with his left leg very skillfully. The Fenrisian smiled strangely and dodged the attack. He grabbed Horus's wrist with one hand, and Horus grabbed his hand again.

They fell into a strange wrestling.

"Sanguinius! Come help me!" Horus shouted. "The wolf is playing his little trick again!"

"No, Sanguinius, come and help me!" Russ laughed excitedly. "Don't ask why, just help me!"

The angel of Baal looked at the two of them, and a very gentle, but also very kind smile suddenly appeared on his young face. Under their expectant gazes, he shook his head very slowly.

"I don't want to help anyone." Angel said slowly. "But I do think it's time for you to stop."

"Why?" Ruth shouted. "You have to tell me a reason!"

"I don't want to say it"

"Brother!" Horus called helplessly. "Don't show off at this time!"

The archangel chuckled, stretched out his right hand from behind, and shook the videotape.

"I think we have all overlooked one thing. This video tape is obviously one of the technological legacies left by Gu Terra. My father gave it to us and mentioned its name, but did not tell us what it should be like. Being used. Perhaps, we should look for Ferus."

Horus looked away and looked at his brother who was still insisting on wrestling. The latter's persistent look made him sigh helplessly, so he let go of his hand and let Ruth bring him down to the ground.

The Fenrisian put him down gently, and then immediately pulled him up. In less than a second, he returned to the arm-in-arm look.

They left the training ground and started heading to another place. The palace is still under renovation, and craftsmen and workers can be seen coming and going everywhere. Forbidden soldiers wearing golden armor are hidden in the shadows, monitoring everything.

In the midst of such busyness, three Primarchs drove precariously through the bumpy road in a giant pickup truck.

The speed of the car was slowed down, and the driver had a bright smile on his face, obviously in a good mood. A giant man with a bald head was sitting in the passenger seat, with his arms folded across his chest, and he was greeting people passing by with a smile.

Unfortunately, most people focused most of their attention on Angel Bald in the back seat of the car. The pair of raised wings are so eye-catching and can express the person's identity very directly.

When the Empire was first established, people were not yet familiar with the name and appearance of the Primarch, but most of them had heard of the existence of an angel. This was quickly noticed by Horus, but his first reaction was very interesting.

He turned, looked worriedly at his brother, and asked, "Are you okay, Sanguinius? Maybe Russ should be driven faster?"

"Didn't you tell me to drive slower because the road conditions were bad?!" Ruth yelled. "Oh! Come on, Horus! Sanguinius has no need of your concern!"

The archangel raised his hand helplessly and rubbed his stiff cheeks, his smile somewhat helpless.

"Thank you, brother, but there's nothing wrong with me - I'm used to such looks. People already looked at me like this when I was on Baal. But I didn't expect that there would be so many civilians on Terra. "

Ruth chuckled oddly again.

An hour and a half later, they arrived at a secret workshop, where they successfully found one of their brothers, Ferrus Manus, who had a pair of silver hands. At the same time, they also saw another person without surprise.

"Oh, good afternoon, guys."

The man slowly raised the goblet in his hand towards them, shook the wine in the glass, and gracefully raised his white and slender neck to drink the wine in one gulp.

He was wearing a dark purple robe and a layer of white gauze. Her long hair, which was either white or silver, was spread smoothly on the comfortable and spacious sofa pillows, revealing her own beauty, as if beautiful things could only exist in oil paintings, far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"Good afternoon, Fulgrim," Sanguinius said. "I didn't expect you to be here."

Horus gave him a vague glance.

"What are you drinking?"

Russ walked over excitedly, pulled Fulgrim's legs away from the sofa, lay back, and sunk deeply into the sofa.

This sofa should be very comfortable, but after sitting down, he showed a strange grinning expression, as if he didn't like this kind of comfort. However, for the sake of the wine, he still sat there and waited for Fulgrim's answer.

"Wine from Robert Guilliman's homeland. You've probably never met him, have you, Russ?"

Fulgrim rolled his eyes at him and adjusted his sitting posture gracefully, crossing his legs together. While asking softly, he reached out and put down the wine glass, took a new goblet from the round coffee table nearby, poured one-third of the wine into it, and brought it to Ruth.

The Fenrisian sniffed and immediately shook his head: "If someone brings this wine as a gift to me, I will probably remember him for a long, long time."

"Your taste in wine is always bad, but he is indeed impressive and he speaks very proudly." Fulgrim said with a smile, blinking unconsciously. "But it's also interesting, there's something about him that's, well, what should I say?"

He frowned, and after a few seconds he gave a still unsatisfactory description.

"In short, he has a down-to-earth temperament, as if he is ready to take out his pen and write something anytime and anywhere. Frankly speaking, my first impression of him was not bad."

Horus noted this silently, then turned to the other person in the room who had remained silent. He walked towards the workbench where the man was, but he didn't speak immediately. Instead, he concentrated on observing what he was doing.

Several minutes later, when the busy man put down his hands, he spoke: "Good afternoon, Ferus, I'm sorry to bother you at this time."

"I have been disturbed all morning," Ferrus Manus replied calmly. "He spent the whole morning drinking alone there. My studio originally only smelled of lubricants and mechanical parts, but now it's full of alcohol."

"Are you blaming me?!" Someone asked loudly on the sofa at the other end of the room.

Ferrus Manus did not answer, but nodded to Horus, and then turned his attention to Sanguinius, who was walking slowly. To be precise, his eyes have been focused on a video tape in the archangel's right hand.

"What is this?" he asked.

Sanguinius and Horus looked at each other again in tacit understanding, and both saw very obvious surprise on the other's face.

"You don't know?" Horus asked.

"I want to know." Ferus replied, but suddenly frowned.

"This thing... wait a moment."

He stood up, walked to another workbench, bent down and pulled out a heavy wooden box from under it. It looked to be old, with some very powerful markings on it, but it had also faded.

Ferus rummaged through it and took out a book. He returned to the two of them, spread out the book, and began to flip through it quickly. In just a few seconds, he found one of the pages.

On the withered yellow pages with protective compartments, Sanguinius and Horus saw an illustration that was very similar to the video tape. However, they do not understand how to read this text.

"A specially developed improved storytelling machine produced by Beyond the Universe White Tower Liability Company?"

Ferrus Manus frowned and read out the small words. He looked up at the video tape in Sanguinius's hand. The archangel stretched out his hand and handed it over. Ferus took it carefully, lifted it up with two fingers, and looked up to observe.

"We received it from our father," said Horus. "I think dad probably meant for us to watch it together."

Sanguinius turned to glance at him calmly and smiled. Ruth's voice came from behind them, no longer playful, leaving only a serious calm: "So we should call everyone? I mean, all brothers?"

"I think so," said Horus. "Besides, I just remembered something. Today seems to be an extraordinary day."

"What day?" Fulgrim walked over, his robe sweeping the floor, his white chest shining behind the wide collar. He asked curiously, and raised his glass again to drink some wine, without any trace of redness on his face.

"Today is the first time we are all here on Terra." Horus turned around and gestured to him seriously. "Everyone, brother - and dad happened to take out this tape today, no, this story telling machine, what story could be in it?"

"I'm more concerned about this book." Ruth squeezed past him and lay down in front of the workbench. His tone returned to a carefree tone, but his gestures of reaching out to handle the book were very careful, even very professional. "Where did you get this book, Ferrus? And where did you get that box?"

The Primarch known as the Iron Hand put down his hands silently and replied: "The box comes from my hometown. As for this book, I got it when I was sailing in the subspace."

"What?" Fulgrim asked immediately. "You never told me about this!"

"Let's get down to business first." Ferrus Manus said expressionlessly. "Who's going to call someone?"

"I'll go," Sanguinius said proactively. "I can fly, and Terra's traffic conditions are not very good these days - but, Ferus, what kind of book is this?"

Iron Shou lowered his head and began to observe the video tape in his hand again, and said: "According to my personal speculation, it should be some kind of shopping manual from the lost era. A huge company across the stars produced it to promote its own products. product."

"It seems to be true," Ruth said in wonder. "Look at this thing, beyond the universe - *Unexplained Fenrisian language* - Damn it, why is this company's name so long? In short, they seem to have made an automatic cleaning robot for home use."

Horus turned around, looked down at the page he was talking about, and saw a huge black square that filled the entire page. Its surface was pitch black, and there seemed to be nothing magical about it.

However, it is worth mentioning that the words from the hometown of Ferrus Manus that they could not read before have now been changed into High Gothic in the Yingying blue light.

Horus's expression immediately became serious.

"What kind of technology is this?" he whispered. "It can automatically recognize that our language was already in High Gothic when this book was produced? Ferus, can you explain it to us?"

"I haven't read this book much before." Tie Shou replied with his head lowered. "But this kind of thing probably wasn't praiseworthy before Old Night."

"Wait, the description of this robot." Russ suddenly straightened up. "The description says that this thing can clean an entire planet's dirt within twelve hours? My dear Fenris, what is this?"

"It's better not to look at it." Horus sighed. "Maybe it's another STC buried on a lost planet. Think about it, such power was once in the hands of humans."

He suddenly became excited.

"That's why!" Horus raised his arms and shouted. "It is even more important that we participate in this glorious expedition as our father said! Countless civilians will get a new life because of us! They no longer have to worry about their livelihood, and the empire will let them never have to worry about making ends meet! "

Sanguinius clapped, smiled politely, and turned to leave Ferrus Manus's workshop amid Russ's laughter and Fulgrim's approval. Tie Shou silently put away the so-called shopping manual and put it back in the box.

At the very bottom of the box, it glowed quietly.

"The first thing to make is this." Roboute Guilliman cleared his throat. "We still don't know my father's true intentions, and we're not sure whether this so-called, uh, storytelling machine is real, so I propose-"

"——Don't suggest it!" Ruth shouted. "Can this thing be fake? This was given to us by Father Quan!"

Robert Guilliman, who had short blond hair and wore a blue-gold coat, looked over with a calm expression.

He seemed a little helpless, but his tone was still very calm: "Okay, Brother Russ, although you seem to come from a barbaric world, I think you still know the basic courtesy. Can you please be patient and let me Have I finished my statement?"

Leman Russ raised his head, leaned back on the chair and looked at this man in confusion. After a while, he said slowly: "Don't you understand me?"

Robert Guilliman frowned: "I understand what you mean, but I just want to finish my speech. Is this wrong? Please let me finish my speech, okay? In my hometown of Macragge There is an old saying that people should have the right to speak.”

"No one wants to take away this power from you. Russ is just joking. He likes to laugh and play. Please don't mind it, Robert." Horus said. "Also, I am Horus Luperkar. This should be our first meeting, and I am your brother."

"I know. Nice to meet you, Horus." Robert Guilliman nodded. He looked around and saw many people with different expressions around this large round table. Out of some intuition, he slowly sat down and remained silent.

"So, does anyone else want to speak?" Horus asked again. "If not, shall we officially start?"

No one answered, and only Horus's voice was echoing beside the large round table. He looked around, trying to get eye contact with everyone. To his delight, no one spoke up at the moment.

Not Leon El'Jonson, not Perturabo, not Rogal Dorn, not even the mysterious Konrad Curze. So, the emperor's returning son smiled slightly and placed the videotape in his hand on the round table.

A ray of light bloomed, and in the light blue fluorescence, a shadow screen slowly rose, and the broken and fast pictures flashed quickly. Then, a line of text slowly rose.

[In the 40th millennium, when the brokenness, darkness and morality are fed to Glocks, there is a name called Oh, no, sorry, it’s a joke. 】

The light curtain flickered, and the original bodies looked at each other, many of them frowning.

[In the 30th millennium, when it was not broken yet, only a little darker, and morality still basically existed, the human empire, which was beginning to take shape, took another step towards the vast sea of ​​​​stars. Although we have only taken steps toward the solar system, we are still gratified. 】

[The military force known as the Legion of Astartes fought together with the vast number of line-filling mortal auxiliaries *weird laughter*, and under the leadership of the Emperor, they gradually recovered the entire solar system, or in other words, conquered the entire solar system. 】

[These already inhabited planets were completely taken over by extraterrestrial forces. Those who disobeyed all died, but those who obeyed did not know the price they would pay for this decision. 】

[However, the protagonists of this story are not them, but the Astartes Legion and their yet to be found original body, as well as their common WARBOSS, cough, no, I mean, the common monarch, the Lord of Humanity, the Emperor Emperor! 】

[Does anyone want to applaud? I repeat, listeners, you better applaud, not for him, but for my hard work! 】

"This, this thing" Robert Guilliman took a deep breath. “Be self-aware!”

[No, I didn’t pinch it. 】

"Tear it down!" Lorgar Aurelion, whose skin was shining golden, said sharply. "There is no respect for our Father in its words!"

[Alas, typical religious fanatic. Come on, man, can you calm down. 】

"Heresy!" Luo Jia roared.

The light curtain surged, and a line of words appeared again.

[No. It was your father who threw me in your faces. Did you ever think about this before you yelled in surprise? If you have any questions, please go directly to your supreme, golden and omnipotent Super Daddy and talk to him. 】

[He will probably point his hands to his temples and tell you, think! Luojia! think! Read more books! 】

"It knows your name" Sanguinius spoke. "But, brother, although what this thing says is not pleasant to listen to, it seems to be right."

[Oh, you can still speak, dear winged mutant angel, I am not a thing, I am just a story-telling machine. 】

The angel frowned as if he was hurt. Horus patted him comfortingly and sighed, not knowing what to do for a moment.

".It's really interesting." Leman Russ grinned. "I have to admit, this thing has a pretty weird sense of humor."

[Thank you for the compliment, smelly little wolf cub, but you’d better be quiet for a while. Stop grinning and pretending to be a drunkard who smiles all day long. 】

Ruth suppressed her smile, tilted her head and stared at it, and stopped talking.

[And you, that stupid guy staring at me with a frown, your gaze is too wanton, are you sexually harassing me? Don't look around, I'm talking about you, the one named Perturabo! 】

With a loud noise, a sullen giant stood up from his seat, his right hand already placed on the ceremonial sword at his waist.

"What did you say?" he asked sharply. "You'd better show some respect to me. I don't care what kind of relic you are from ancient times. I can dismantle you and perfectly recreate a brand new machine that is more polite than you!"

[Unfortunately, I don’t think you can do this. There are many precious materials needed to make me, and you can't get any of them. In short - be quiet. 】

The light curtain trembled, blue light emerged, and in a sudden strong wind, a new line of text slowly emerged.

[Let us push back the time, all the way to 922.M30. Alas, your chronology is really the same. In short, in the 922nd year of the 30th millennium, the last protozoa Urius Corax has also been discovered on his home planet of Salvation! And just like that, all the Primarchs returned to the Imperium! 】

"Wait." The protagonist in the text, the first Primarch whose name was called, the pale-faced, black-haired Corvus Corax slowly spoke. "Isn't it just 803.M30 this year?"

"Yes, indeed, brother." Horus quickly answered. "I returned to the empire two years ago, and you are all similar to me. Even you, Corax, who only came back this year, are only more than a year late."

"There's something wrong with this thing." A man with an oriental face said with squinted eyes, stroking his long beard with a very calm expression. "Unusual levels of intelligence aside, it seems to know each of us very well, and is very familiar with the Emperor."

"After all, this thing is just a storytelling machine. What if its stories are all made up by humans?"

Sitting at the other end of the long table, a giant with red skin and sparkling eyes also spoke. He seemed very interested.

"However, the light curtains it uses to project text and images seem to be more than just simple technological power."

"It is very disrespectful to the Emperor." said a man with short gray hair and a face as smooth as a rock. "And it doesn't seem to be insulting."

The light curtain ignored their discussion and just displayed the next line of text.

[The return of the Last Son is a happy event for the empire, but at this moment, we don’t have to focus on this node. Go back a few decades and set your sights on the easternmost part of the Ultimate Star Territory, on the edge of the empire. There, there is an eternal night star named Nostramo. 】

There was a wordless silence, and everyone at the round table invariably focused their gazes on the same person.

This man's face was pale, unlike Corus Corax's who was pale but still had the warmth of a human being. His paleness was almost like a ghost.

Although his black hair had been washed, it was still spread out due to years of chaos, completely covering most of his face, giving him the appearance of a ghost. The completely black eyes exposed underneath were cut into extremely fine pieces by the hair.

He was squatting on the stone chair in a very twisted posture, as if he had never received any education. His back was bulging, his hands were placed on his knees, and he was swaying listlessly.

He seemed to notice their gazes, and actually raised his hand and pulled back the hair in front of him, revealing a handsome face without much humanity left. This face, more monster than human, was sporting a brilliant smirk.

"What's the matter?" he asked with a fake smile, his voice was soft and hissing, but his eyes were sharp, as if he was holding a sharp knife. "Huh? My dear brothers? What do you want?"

No one answered, and the light screen continued to flicker to attract their attention. The text continued, but the screen suddenly turned into a mass of black.

[This planet suffered a tragic fate, and so did the people living on it. The densely packed hives crowd all the areas on Nostramo except for the wilderness. From top to bottom, the levels are clearly divided. 】

[The nobles naturally enjoy everything and can commit crimes without any punishment. People at the bottom must live under the threat of death all the time, and even the air they breathe is waste gas discharged from the upper levels. 】

[There are countless sins here, and cannibalism is just the most minor of the many crimes. Here, people at the bottom have no future because their fate has been doomed from the beginning. Join a gang and become a noble's dog, or die in a factory or on the roadside]

The flickering of the light curtain finally subsided, the words disappeared, and a miserable picture of hell appeared in front of all the original bodies.

Shops with legs or arms hanging on the street, poor people shivering in the cold wind on the street corners, children who have lost their parents and are being seduced by gangs with needles stuck in their necks.

There was no light above their heads, only the endless flashing of crazy neon lights in the night, weaving a psychedelic and desperate web that captured everyone tightly, with no possibility of escape.

The spiers of the hive city looked extremely gloomy under the night. The gargoyles coldly looked down at all the pain in the acid rain. Then, a cloaked and hooded shadow passed over it, with a shadow close behind it. Followed closely by another even bigger figure.

The scene stops here.

Silence, extreme silence. There was no sound other than the cracking of Konrad Curze's fingers, and the Primarchs seemed to have chosen a common expression to face the scene they had just seen.

This extreme silence lasted for several minutes. If a dark-skinned giant hadn't opened his mouth cautiously, I'm afraid it would have continued.

"Hello, Conrad." He kept his voice as soft as possible. "My name is Vulkan, and I'm one of your brothers. Are you okay?"

Conrad Coates turned to look at him, suddenly smiled, tilted his head nervously, and a thick vein on his neck twisted and beat slowly.

"I'm fine," he said with a chuckle. "Why aren't you talking? This thing will deliberately leave a pause every time for you to talk to each other. Isn't now a good opportunity?"

"Did you grow up in such a world?" the giant named Vulcan continued to ask.

He was frowning slowly, as if he couldn't accept it at all. Under the round table, the hands on the knees were already tightly clasped.

"Absolutely," Konrad Coates shrugged, hissing and nonchalantly answering his question and the other's echoing questions with their eyes. "Nostramo is a place where there is no hope, no future - and, of course, this man."

He jumped up quickly, jumped onto the round table, stood upright with a stooped body, penetrated the light curtain with his sharp nails, and clicked on the cloaked shadow.

"Yeah" he groaned. "I've never seen this person before."

"But you in the picture are following him." Someone said, his voice was very hoarse, it sounded like two sharp stones were rubbing against each other, and he often paused, as if he was thinking continuously. "And you seem to trust him."

The Nostramo man dressed in black quietly jumped off the long table and returned to his seat. He hugged his legs, hissed like a wild animal, and said something they couldn't understand at all.

The person who spoke suddenly began to take a deep breath, and the white gel tubes extending from his forehead and the back of his head were trembling.

"Are you okay, Angron?" Fulgrim asked concerned. "Father said the operation was successful. Is that true? I see you are still in pain."

"It doesn't matter." The giant named Angron squeezed out a terrifying sound from his throat. "I am fine."

Lorgar Aurelion looked at him worriedly and began to pray for him. At the other end of the round table, a smaller giant watched all this silently with very interesting eyes.


Another person spoke. He had blond hair and no beard on his lips. There was no sadness or joy in his emerald green eyes, as if the hell scene he just saw was not worth mentioning. His expression was very calm and his words were straight to the point.

"Should we continue?"

"You seem a little impatient." Someone sitting opposite him replied, with a thin face under the white hood. He was wearing a strange respirator, and the aroma of some kind of herbal medicine escaped when he spoke.

"No." The blond denied calmly. "I am not impatient, Mortarion of Barbarus."

"I cannot see, Leon El'Jonson of Caliban."

Horus rubbed his swollen brows and sighed helplessly. He turned to look at Sanguinius beside him. This was his most trusted brother and the brother with whom he had the closest relationship.

He looked at him, trying to get a little support from him. However, the angel did not look at him at this moment, but was lost in thought. So Horus had no choice but to cough, clear his throat, and draw everyone's attention to him again.

"We should indeed continue, but it seems to be getting late today."

He looked at the people who had their own thoughts and slowly said the next sentence, hoping to test their true thoughts.

"Why don't we end it here? We'll continue tomorrow. Brothers, what do you think?"

Then Ferrus Manus, who had remained silent, was the first to object.

"Whether this movie viewing party ends or not is not up to us." He said angrily, folding his hands, his arms shining with silver light. "I'm afraid that depends on its opinion."


Horus looked up at the screen of light, only to find that the screen began to flicker at this moment. The original scenery dissipated into nothingness, dimmed quietly, and a line of text appeared on it instead.

[It seems that you are very interested, but this is not a story that belongs to any of you. Think carefully, demigods of the empire, primarchs destined to become leaders, generals or heroes, please read my opinions carefully. 】

[Everything that follows should have nothing to do with you. This is a story that takes place in another world that has nothing to do with you. Any betrayal, death and sacrifice in it have nothing to do with you. 】

[You can choose to watch it, or you can choose not to watch it. The former is unnecessary and will probably only lead to more questions. The latter seems very wise and a wise move to protect yourself. However, would you really not feel regretful if you just turned back and gave up? 】

[The power of choice is now given to you by me. Please choose. Do you want to continue reading? 】

Ten thousand.

In addition, if you think this episode is good and you want to read it, please leave a message and I will find time to continue writing it later.

P.S. My old habit happened again. I accidentally wrote a bit too seriously, and also buried a lot of foreshadowing. OrZ

Please forgive me if it does not match your expected viewing experience.

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