40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 497 15 Hell crashes into the world

Chapter 497 15. Hell crashes into the world

Time: 005.M40, Litatra, the first day of the Holy Month, 4:42 am.

Praise the God of all opportunities.

Power on and self-test are expected to take thirty seconds. The self-inspection is over. The memory unit is damaged. The specific number cannot be estimated. This message has been uploaded to the message processing terminal. The maintenance specialist is expected to arrive in two Terra hours.

His mind sank, and the data processing unit began to operate. It detected one hundred and seventy-nine thousand, two hundred and thirty-four useless data and began to process it. Processing completed, useless data has been cleared.

The memory core starts to operate, the temperature rises, and the heat dissipation module is called for power distribution.

Retrieve the secret key. The retrieval is successful. Enter the thinking space and start to connect with the A-7 operation terminal. The neural link is successful. The synapse part is slightly delayed. It is estimated that it will take another three minutes. Please wait.

Praise the God of all opportunities.

The connection is successful, the secret key is correct, and the identity is retrieved. The identity transfer was successful. The current user of the A-7 operation terminal is: Colonel Kos Amaduk, 67th Armored Regiment, Sons of the Red Sand. The identity verification is correct, permissions are transferred, and communication begins.

In the name of the Emperor, the God of Machines, and Holy Terra, what do you want?

\u003cWeapon Array Fire Mode: Automatic\u003e

\u003cChange Weapon Array Fire Mode\u003e

\u003cWeapon Array Fire Mode: Manual\u003e

Are you sure? This option results in a series of unnecessary data clutter and is likely to overheat the brain of the servoman responsible for manual control and crash the processor unit.


Your authority is insufficient to complete this operation. Without the presence of the planetary governor, your next determination will be regarded as insane and you will be given appropriate rest and recuperation.

Colonel Kos Amaduke is offline.

Operation terminal A-7 sent a new docking application for docking, and the secret key was verified. The verification was successful and the secret key was correct. The identity retrieval was successful. The current user of Operation Terminal A-7 is: Governor Litatra, Estaniya Sadran, the holder of the highest authority.

Hello, Your Excellency the Governor. In the name of the Emperor, the God of Machines, and Holy Terra, what do you want?

The operator is changing the operating mode. The mode has been changed to manual language input. The analysis and thinking module has begun to warm up, the call is successful, and it has begun to receive information.

\u003cChange that damn weapon array fire mode to manual mode, you stupid malfunctioning machine! \u003e

Unnecessary insults were detected, blocked in the filter words, and blocked. Permission granted, please wait, the weapon array is being adjusted. The adjustment is complete, and the Litatra orbital defense system has been adjusted to manual fire mode.

Please quickly arrange for the servo division to go to the thinking network for synchronization. The orbital defense macrocannon has begun to warm up, the light spear array is queuing up, and the interference missiles have been loaded.

The Killer system has been fully awakened and this process cannot be terminated.

Please bring down the wrath of the God of All Opportunities on heretics, traitors and aliens, and destroy all unclean things. Wishing you a triumphant return, Your Majesty the Governor.

"Fire!" Estania Sadran roared the order.

The night of Litatra was completely torn apart. The macro cannon and the light spear rammed directly into a huge battleship in the dark galactic space, and hit its hull armor accurately.

This is a good thing, as long as you ignore the fact that it doesn't raise the Void Shield at all.

The burning metal turned into a fireball, spinning and falling into Litatra's atmosphere due to the huge recoil. Jamming missiles and automatic cannons began to fire continuously, 80% of which were completely destroyed, and only 20% fell into the atmosphere.

The large cogitators in the orbital defense platform began to calculate their landing points, and people cheered, thinking that the uninvited and sacrilegious battleship had been completely destroyed in the blazing fire, with only the governor of Litatra, Estania. Sudran was terrified.

Deep fear.

There was no other reason than that she stood by the window and accurately saw a piece of burning debris spinning past.

At that moment, what the Governor captured with her expensive prosthetic eyes was not the so-called metal, but dozens of human corpses twisted and connected together. They wailed and passed the side observation window of the main console, and then It disappeared without a trace, as if it had never appeared.

"May the throne be with us."

Amidst the cheers of the people and the mechanical reports of the servo masters, Estaniya Sadran said this in a whisper-like tone.


When the rain of fire streaked across the sky, Zell knew nothing about it.

This has nothing to do with whether his perception is sharp, it's just that he can't see the sky at all. According to the order of 'Adult', he is cleaning up the hive city thugs who were on the list in the lower levels of the hive city.

This list, provided jointly by certain nobles, is very detailed. If he could, Zell would thank them in person for their contribution to Litatra's safety.

A detailed list can really save a lot of time and effort sometimes. He really wanted to express his heartfelt gratitude to them in person. However, they are probably out of hearing now.

But they will never go alone. Many people will die with them, regardless of their original intentions and whether they are sane or not.

They are bound to die anyway, Chaos Corruption is so disgusting.

It is not ‘zero’ or ‘one’, but ‘zero’ and ‘infinity’. A cultist means a sect, and a corrupted noble means that the entire area under his control is unclean.

Removing Chaos contamination is not a precise minimally invasive surgery, but a horrific amputation, even if the surgeon is a descendant of the Night King.

Fortunately, their efficiency is second to none in the entire galaxy. They do not require lengthy interrogations, questioning or investigations. They only need to take a look from a distance to know who the murderer is.

Therefore, it didn't take long for Zell to erase all seven names from the list, but he knew that this was not the end. In just a few hours, a new, longer list will be sent to him.

List, list, list. There's always a list, there's always someone to kill, there's always something to do.

And when that time comes, maybe he will have to go to the next level and go to the bottom of the hive city. The work will never end. He already had a clear understanding of this matter forty years ago.

Therefore, Zell was not surprised at all when a whole burning fireball smashed into the steel structure above his head and exploded near him with a huge amount of smoke and dust.

He even felt a sense of relief. He just sighed slightly and reached out from his waist to pull out the chain sword that he had not used since coming to Litatra.

Yes, yes. In ten thousand years, this is the first fragment that has been revived. How could we get it so easily? I knew we had to meet something, and we weren't that lucky.

Sorry, Horst, I was stupid. It's not my place to question your nightmares or to say you don't have any prophetic gifts.

Your talent is so amazing, we should have let you undergo reconstructive surgery and become a new recruit. Maybe you can see farther than us, maybe you can see their return.

Zell couldn't help but chuckle.

At this moment, the raging fire has completely surrounded the small lair of the gang in the hive city.

The corpses of the dead gradually turned into a boiling mixture in the obviously supernatural and blasphemous flames, and the blood was licked up by long scarlet tongues. Sharp claws or twisted fingers grabbed their corpses impatiently. He stuffed it into his mouth and started to enjoy it.

Their fang-filled mouths could complete this task perfectly, but in just ten seconds, the corpse was devoured by those twisted black shadows, but they were still not satisfied.

In fact, they are never satisfied.

These bloodthirsty beasts lowered their bodies and roared lowly. They can sense that there are living people nearby. Evil rituals and chaotic spirits make up their bodies. The inanimate are born with malice towards the world of the living.

At this moment, in the scarlet or pitch-black vision, they could clearly perceive the vitality of the surrounding world and the weak flesh and blood everywhere.

The sense of hunger and the desire to kill both surged into their minds, which had no intelligence at all, and blinded their perceptions, which were not very sensitive to begin with.

They were so hungry, so hungry that they could go crazy, so hungry that they could completely ignore the quiet sound of the chain saw motor - but how could they ignore the sudden appearance of an Astartes in the middle of them, and a handful of people desperate for a drink? What about the chainsword of Demon Blood?

The answer is no way.

Zell landed heavily. The first second his feet touched the ground, he swung his sword to dismember the two beasts. Their flesh and bones were stuck with twisted hull metal, and they were chopped in all directions by the chain sword.

Immediately afterwards, he slashed with his sword and detached the lower jaw of a tall monster from its elongated human face.

Its long scarlet tongue drooped on the pale, sticky skin, and its decayed and blackened gums sprouted fine fangs that definitely did not belong to humans. It roared in pain and rushed towards Zell, but was cut in half by a slash at the crotch in mid-air.

The above things only took Zell a second, but he was not reluctant to fight. When the third second came accurately, he had already jumped up again and pulled off a trigger-type shock grenade from his belt.

It is not a new technology, it is just an old thing that was produced by the Martian Foundry ten thousand years ago, but it can still play a vital role in the battle.

Zell threw it out, and the next second, a light blue shock wave visible to the naked eye instantly erupted from the impact point of the grenade, sweeping across the demons, and the deafening sound made them scream.

But this is just the beginning.

Zell's jump allowed him to successfully stay on a wooden beam that had not yet been destroyed. He coldly looked down at the group of demons who had fallen into madness, and very quickly pulled out the explosive bomb from his waist. pistol.

This is no longer an old product, but a new type of bolter designed eleven centuries ago by Belisarius Caul of Mars under the orders of Mark Master Malcador, called the 'Torchbearer'. It has a modular design, simple maintenance, powerful firepower, and strong scalability.

The most critical point is that a secondary barrel hanging underneath it allows it to fire a variety of ammunition at the same time, including even high-efficiency incendiary bombs.

Zell raised his gun, and a dull flame burst out from the muzzle. An incendiary bomb just spun and flew out of the gun barrel and fell into the group of demons. A bright curtain of fire rose from the ground and swept across them with great force, completely encompassing the group of demons.

Different from the blasphemous flames that brought them here, this flame belongs only to humans. It is the technological crystallization of chemistry, weapons science and ammunition science, and is one of the ironclad proofs that humans use wisdom to defeat nature.

Under its influence, the illusory lives of the beasts are inevitably harmed. Zell was not in a hurry to expand the victory, but turned into a black shadow and passed over their heads.

He was not in a hurry at all. The firelight and the disintegrating demon were reflected in the eyepiece, and the face under the helmet was smiling and very happy.

This is of course not his first time killing demons. This kind of proficient experience is not something that can be obtained from the mouths of the seniors of the battle group, but a ferocious temperament that can only be cultivated through hundreds of fierce battles.

Zell calmly raised the gun, pressed the top of the barrel with his hand, pointed it at the demons and started shooting. He was concentrating on his work, but he did not miss the rustling sound in the communication channel. About half a second later, the voice belonging to 'adult' was passed to his ears.

"We're in trouble, Zell."

"Yes, I know, my lord," Zell replied as he fired. "I'm fighting them right now. Can't you hear the gunfire from my side?"

"Sorry, I thought you were fighting those thugs."

"In your mind, am I an incompetent person who needs to use a gun and waste ammunition to deal with them?"

"This is not unprecedented."

"It was a special situation that time. Let's get down to business. Sir, please stop carrying out our chapter tradition that is difficult to introduce to others. Why do we always have to make fun of each other at times like this?"

"Good. I'm so relieved that you finally realized this. I want you to come back to the surface."

Zell asked while changing the magazine: "What do you mean?"

He had frowned.

"Do you remember our mission?"


Zell was silent and did not answer. He has roughly judged something from the words of 'Sir'. If it was just a small-scale demon invasion, it would be impossible for him to issue such an order.

"Repeat our mission, Zell."

"Protect the shards," Zell said. "at all costs."

"Yeah, so now come back to the ground and we'll meet at the church."

"What about these people?" Zell asked as he continued to shoot.

"We no longer have the ability to help them." 'Sir' replied in a cold tone. "You are not on the ground, so you did not see the sky just now. However, I can tell you very clearly that a wave of innocent souls just occurred."

Zell clenched his teeth bit by bit.

The tide of wronged souls is a proper term within the Shadow Knights. It was proposed by Shen and soon spread to other sub-groups of Night Blade.

It is only used to refer to a phenomenon, that is, the endless ghosts of the dead crowding the sky or the earth. And in the history of the Empire, only one person could have caused this phenomenon.


"I understand, I'll be here soon." Zell said.

He continued to pull the trigger and fired all the bullets in the magazine. A few minutes later, when the demons finally broke free from the flames, they found that the attacker had disappeared.

They quickly forgot about this incident, dragged their severely burned bodies, and started hunting hungrily.

They didn't know that there was a man who let them go with hatred and left silently reciting a name.


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