40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 499 17 The idol is broken and the dead are resurrected (2)

Chapter 499 17. The idol is broken and the dead are resurrected (2)

Ulmit has served within the Sons of the End for more than half a century. If this data were to be quantified like the Ultramarines, then it should be written as seventy-two years.

Even if half of this time is erased, the remaining half is enough to completely change a person.

There are still feelings or memories of his childhood in Ulmit's memory, but he is already very different from that child. Training, rebirth, a long career in war and then witnessing brutal sights, like an entire planet ravaged by aliens.

At that time, he had not yet served as a sergeant, but was just a newly promoted scout, and he had not even landed in the drop pod. He was lucky. Before he landed, he felt the cruelest aspect of war through the peep window of the airborne pod.

He saw vast expanses of scorched earth, mountains of corpses, and burning cities. These are the most iconic images of war, as common as crying children in ruins or broken Aquila flags.

But if forced to pick one most iconic image, Ulmit would definitely choose soil.

Yes, dirt.

The soil was completely soaked in human blood and buried a huge amount of flesh and blood, making it extremely fertile.

Ulmit only discovered this after landing in the airborne pod. The knowledge he obtained from books told him that over time, the suffering planet under his feet would become a very good agricultural world.

However, there are two necessary prerequisites for this. First, they must win and take the world back. Second, the aliens that are invading this world cannot be orcs.

Ulmit and his brother spent forty-two days trying their best to complete the first condition. As for the second one, it had lost the conditions for its establishment as early as the beginning.

After the war, Ulmit's imagination about agriculture, wheat and rejuvenation disappeared, leaving only the purest and most original idea in his mind.

Aliens should be punished.

In the following decades, this idea became a code. Aliens should be punished, traitors should be punished, and all demons should be exterminated.

Quite extreme, but the passion within it never dissipates. This code is watered by the blood and tears of mortals. It is a simple view born after a cruel war by a man who still has a ridiculous sense of justice and is capable.

It was it that allowed Urmit to move forward so far, survive seventy-two years of uninterrupted cruel wars, and finally reach the Night Soul and stand in front of Shen.

But who is Shen?

Ulmit could not give a specific answer. The words recording his deeds were always pale and could not really compare with the shock of meeting him in person - just imagine, a veteran from ten thousand years ago, A warrior who fought bloody battles on Terra

What other honor can compare with these two things?

Ulmit didn't realize how excited he was at the moment.

He had been informed of this early in the morning, but this still could not stop him from bursting out with great enthusiasm. Because of this, Caiul Sahoura had to cough lightly to remind the sergeant of something. ——But there are also things he forgot.

He forgot that Shen actually didn't care about these things.

"Angel Tai's successor?"

In the darkness, the voluntarily restrained prisoner spoke softly. His voice was clear and natural. Even though the voice was not loud, it was completely different from the soft whispers used by the Shadow Knights.

"Yes, sir!" Ulmit puffed up his chest unconsciously and answered his question enthusiastically and excitedly.

Kaiul turned his face away in silence, and from the sergeant's face, he vaguely saw what he looked like back then.

Realizing this made him a little embarrassed. Although he had served for almost two centuries, to Shen, two centuries might not be much different from ten years.

Half a second later, he caught a sight out of the corner of his eye. There was no need to look back, Kaiul could tell that Shen was looking at him.


In silence, the Chapter Leader of the Shadow Knights put on his helmet and took a few steps back without leaving any trace. Ulmit knew nothing about his actions, and the mist surging around him completely obscured him.

"Nice to meet you." Shen said, this answer was not what Ulmit expected. Even by mortal standards, he was clearly at a loss.

Faced with this situation, Shen laughed as if he had expected it. His pale and cracked face showed this expression, which really made people wonder whether that face would be completely shattered like a ceramic toy in the next second.

"Are you surprised?" Shen asked with a smile. "You probably thought I would act more formal? Or be dignified, or at least a little distant?"

The sergeant was silent for a few seconds, then nodded slightly ashamedly. He himself didn't know why he had this emotion - Kaiour, who was watching, saw it clearly. This was because the sergeant naturally put himself in the position of a junior.

"If the person tied here is Yago Savitarion, he will probably deliberately show these effects in your imagination to calm you down a little."

"But I'm different, Sergeant Ulmit. I'm a shameful escapee. I abandoned my responsibilities many years ago and started waiting for you in this place filled with dust and mist. arrival."

Ulmit was stunned again. He didn't expect to hear such an answer.

"Me, me?" The sergeant was confused and polite, maintaining a superficial calm. "I don't understand what I have to do that makes you wait so long."

"Compared to him, this is not a long time." Shen said softly. "Besides, you are certainly worth my wait. You are one of Angel Tai's successors, and you have taken on a responsibility that you don't even know the weight of, Sergeant."

He raised his head, and two flames suddenly lit up in his scorched eyes like dark red embers, and the dust hanging upside down around him was blown away by the sudden breeze.

Urmit suddenly felt a stinging pain between his eyebrows, and he immediately realized that it was because of Shen's gaze.

"Mark of loyalty?" the sergeant asked confused and nervously. "I don't understand, sir, it's just a tradition of ours."

"Yes, I know. Every Last Son will be given this mark the moment he officially wears the armor. Within your war group, it represents the Word Bearers loyalist faction headed by Angel Tai. It is An act of honor designated by Sanguinius himself."

"Although you no longer mention this history, it is still an integral part of your tradition. At least, I believe that is the official statement, right?"

The sergeant's expression gradually changed from confusion to seriousness. He glanced sideways at the silent Kaiul, but the latter showed no reaction at all. Even his body movements were hidden under the dark cloak.

Helpless, he had no choice but to take a deep breath and speak seriously.

"What exactly are you trying to say? If you just want to show that the Word Bearers may be involved in this operation, I have already been mentally prepared. We have fought against them for ten thousand years, and one day, we will definitely take back our name."

Shen smiled again, and then asked: "Why?"

The sergeant frowned in confusion, and at the same time, Kaiul finally cast a glance. His eyes hidden behind the eyepieces were filled with pity.

"Why do you want to take back a name that belongs to a traitor?" Shen asked.

The sergeant opened his mouth, intent on answering, but not sure how. It's puzzling. However, he has never thought about this problem.

"This title and what it represents has been completely stigmatized. To this day, common people have no idea what it means. Those who know it regard the Word Bearers as the worst traitors."

"As for you, sergeant, you should be a son of the void born on a ship belonging to the five hundred worlds of Ultramar. Lord Robert Guilliman has always valued history, and he will never compare the destruction of Calth with Marku. Raghu’s tragedy is hidden.”

"So, you must know this history, you know what the Word Bearers did - so now, answer me, did you never doubt it? Why did Angel Tai stay at the last moment of his life? Such a sentence?"

The sergeant couldn't help but clenched his fists, but Shen stopped his voice. He looked at Ulmit with a calm expression. He was obviously the one who was restrained, but he easily had the unquestionable upper hand.

The other two people present had no objection to this, but they didn't know that Shen was not such a person before.

".Why? Sir?"

After a long silence, the sergeant finally spoke.

His voice seemed dry and very unnatural. Who would have thought that this was the voice that a battle-hardened Astartes could produce?

But that was the fact. Not only did the sergeant's voice sound hoarse, he even showed a certain degree of trembling.

The thick armor he inherited from an ancient warrior helped him hide part of it to a certain extent, but he was not wearing a helmet, and the subtle twitching of his facial muscles could not be hidden from Shen's eyes.

"I was there when Angel Tai breathed his last. Those last words were actually only the second half."

Shen narrowed his eyes very obviously and said that sentence completely.

"In the name of Aurelion, we will one day take back our name."

For a long time the sergeant remained silent, and the emotion on his face was completely revealed, without any concealment, like an unpredictable storm.

The Last Sons Chapter and the Word Bearers have been fighting for ten thousand years, and they have left their mark across the galaxy. During these ten thousand years, they fought many beautiful battles, but they were also on the verge of annihilation.

With such a long history, the Sons of the End have never lost their original traditions like other war groups that have survived the disaster.

All thanks to the hermit Hermot de La Cruz.

He has been writing non-stop for ten thousand years, and has completely recorded everything that the children of the end have experienced. There may be some deletions, but he has never concealed it. Instead, he has kept those deleted records. Inside the books room on the flagship 'Horn of Light'.

The sergeant had certainly not seen the redacted records, but he still knew who Lorgar Aurelion was.

He knew it from the beginning.

Lorgar Aurelion was their genetic father and their shame, their sinful past that they could never tell anyone about.

Every recruit of the Last Son is informed of Lorgar's betrayal and the difficult struggle within the Word Bearers loyalist faction before undergoing the surgery.

Such a heavy and terrifying history has been completely passed down by generations of children of the end, and it has been openly and openly informed to every child who may join them, allowing them to make free choices.

Should you bear the blood of this sin, go on arduously after this, and fight to the last moment for the Emperor, humanity, and the Empire? Or should you choose to refuse?

If they choose the latter, the children will not face any punishment. The Last Son will only ask the Think Tank to wipe their memories of this incident, and then send them to the training location of the Ultramarines.

They can now recruit troops from all over the galaxy, but if possible, they will still choose to continue an ancient tradition within the five hundred worlds of Ultramar.

Robert Guilliman himself issued this order, and it is now regarded as an unshakable bond between the Last Son and the Ultramarines.

The Sergeant is one of the evidences of such a bond, and if you look deeper, he can even be regarded as of noble birth - he was born on the Macragge's Glory, and Robert Guilliman was even on board the ship at the time. Up and the sergeant chose to join.

He couldn't explain the reason in detail. He was only fourteen years old at the time and couldn't make any big sense. Maybe it was because of the expectant look in the eyes of the instructor who was responsible for training him at that time, or maybe it was because of the profound and mysterious inspiration of the God Emperor?

The sergeant took a deep breath in confusion. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but no words came out. Only silence remained between his lips and teeth, turning into a slowly dissipating white mist.

"Is it painful?" Shen asked calmly. "Suddenly I realized that the biggest secret that the Chapter had always kept silent to others actually hid another twist."

The sergeant nodded wordlessly.

Shen smiled and turned to Kaiour: "Are you ready for the ceremony?"

"Already prepared from the beginning" the current Chapter Master of the Shadow Knights replied in a low voice. "The think tanks have arranged the ceremony venue three days in advance. We can start at any time, as long as-"

He looked at the sergeant.

"——As long as Sergeant Ulmit is ready." Shen continued.

The sergeant was shocked and began to look back and forth between Shen and Kaiul, looking very confused. He didn't know yet what he was going to face, but that didn't matter. Because all questions will be fully answered within the next ninety-two Terra hours.

The Night Soul was already approaching Litatra, and in three Terras, they would see the huge battleship burning in Litatra's low-Earth orbit.

Shen will immediately recognize it and recognize it as the infamous Abyss-class battleship 'Raging Abyss'. At the same time, he will also notice that it does not raise the void shield and is only passively withstanding the Litatra orbital defense platform. s attack.

They will continue to get closer, and when the time comes, they will discover the truth.

"Yes, when that time comes, they will discover the truth." A strange voice said in the darkness.

It giggled, whispered, and tiptoed towards a burning star.

It used its slender fingers to summon the chaotic energy gathered on it, and began to patiently build a gap large enough for it to pass through. There was a strange smile on its hairy head, and its eyes were full of anticipation.

It's called Samus, and it made a promise to Shen 10,000 years ago to grant him a hero's death.

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