40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 509 27 The idol is broken and the dead are resurrected (12)

Chapter 509 27. The idol is broken and the dead are resurrected (12)

Let me ask, if a person is placed in the deepest abyss for twenty years, what kind of changes will happen to him?

There was no food, no water, no living beings to talk to, just silence and despair. He won't die, but he won't live either.

The so-called real sense of living was completely taken away the moment he stepped into this prison, and all that was left was the memory that was destined to slowly become blurred, like the sand in the hand that could not be held.

Perhaps, those with a strong will can survive these two hellish years.

Regardless of willpower, the mere hope of leaving is enough for many people to give birth to courage and hope out of thin air. These two things can bring people back to life and allow people who should be dead to continue to live for a short period of time.

What's more, the human race will never lack brave men.

However, what if the twenty-year sentence is extended to one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand years, or even infinite reincarnation years?

If one second is turned into ten thousand years, and the sentence is extended to the end of time, how many people can walk out of such a prison intact without any changes?

The answer is, no.

Not even Khalil Lohars is included.

Therefore, when he put his hand on the push handle of the wooden door, when the smell of blood, gunpowder smoke and burning poured into his lungs from the air, when the bombs whizzed past, the devil roared, and the sky was dyed crimson.

All this hit him, but he slowly showed a smile. This smile was completely different from when he faced Conrad Coates.

Maintaining this terrifying smile, he strode out of the wooden door, completely ignoring everything else, whether it was a crazily twitching and shaking cloak or an unconscious man, they were all completely abandoned by him. the back of the head.

A second later, when the soles of his feet touched the broken floor tiles of the church, the wooden door slowly collapsed.

It didn't make much noise, and it didn't even splash much smoke. At least, at this moment, not many people noticed this person on this crazy battlefield.

No one saw his pale face and dark eyes, and no one paid attention to his nervous fingers that were twitching in the sleeves of his hands.

They didn't know that there were two completely opposite thoughts colliding with each other in this man's mind. He realized his madness, but he was happy with it.

crazy. It’s finally time to let it all go and embrace it.

What could be better than this?

Khalil Lohars looked up at the battlefield, then bent down and picked up a stone.

He held it tightly in his hand, ignoring his cut palm, and even raised his hand with a little enjoyment, smearing blood all over his face.

He licked his lips, savoring the first taste of this endless reincarnation.

He began to laugh silently, and a dull red color appeared in his eyes, completely replacing the darkness of his irises.

The ocean of madness has completely submerged him, and the will he once had was turned around and left behind, leaving only pure and primitive instinct. His reason still struggled, but it couldn't win, at least not now.

There is a limit to the despair a human being can endure, and if this limit is exceeded, they will go crazy.

Khalil ran forward, clutching the stone tightly.

For the first few seconds of his run, his posture was awkward, as if he had never run before. His knees were straight and his hands did not move. He did not know how to relieve his strength or bend down. He even forgot how to breathe.

He didn't realize all this until the suffocating feeling of lack of oxygen surged into his throat. As a result, these things returned to his body as if logically, and a beast that had never been truly released finally broke free from its cage at this moment.

He ran, his long hair blowing in the wind. The skin is tight and adheres tightly to the face, the cheeks are sunken, thin and sickly, and the sharp canine teeth are fully visible in the thin and bloodless lips.

He is laughing.

He was laughing extremely ugly, extremely crazy.

As if gliding, he quickly approached a tall giant with his back turned to him.

The man was wearing a white robe, and his skin was covered with golden scriptures. He was fighting a demon, and the two were inseparable. Bloodthirsty madness and puppet-like numbness were rarely evenly matched in this battle.

However, neither he nor the demon was aware of Khalil's approach. It wasn't until a stone smashed open the giant's forehead that they realized that a third person had appeared in the battle.

No, maybe not people.

The demon was visibly stunned. It was not easy for its terrifying head to reveal such anthropomorphic emotions. But it didn't matter, because no one cared.

At least the third man thrust into their fight didn't care, he was busy swinging the stone and bashing the giant over the head with it.

The golden-skinned giant's god-like face was soon smeared with his own blood. He tried to stand up, but the man fell on him, laughing hysterically while continuing to swing the stone.

His attacks were so ordinary that they didn't even seem to have any strength. The size gap between him and the giant was so huge that it was incomprehensible. However, he used the stone to smash open the giant's skull and even immobilized him with one hand.

Blood splattered and the skull was broken. The man smiled and stretched out his left hand, waved breathlessly, and pulled out a ball of pink brain. He held it in front of him and looked at it carefully. His expression was so weird that it almost made people wonder if he would open his mouth and eat it.

But he didn't do that. He just closed his fingers and crushed it completely, turning it into them. The smooth soft tissue slipped easily between the fingers and fell into the dust without making any sound. The giant's broken head hit the ground.

At this moment, the battlefield that was in full swing a second ago suddenly became silent. Whether they were demons or other giants who had just left the airborne pod and were transforming into demons, they all looked at this place blankly.

Khalil Lohars smiled shakily and stood up slowly.

He twitched and turned his head, his eyes full of bloodthirsty desire and terrifying hunger moving wildly in his eye sockets. There was no focus at all, but he always maintained a strange concentration.

This concentration led him to find a person who was pinching the teleportation spell. He was wearing a robe worn by priests, and his forehead was already covered with fine beads of sweat.

He obviously also noticed this crazy sight. The fingers that had been bent suddenly flicked away in the next second, and a burst of primitive and pure energy suddenly descended from the subspace, accurately bombarding Khalil Lohar. The place where Si stood.

The shock wave swept across, and the remains of the church were completely destroyed, but a burst of wild laughter escaped together in the scattered smoke and dust.

A black figure smashed through the smoke, screaming, ridiculous and absurd, and rushed towards the former Word Bearer named Erebus.

At this moment, the Word Bearers and humanity's common traitor seemed to be experiencing a terrible facial muscle spasm.

He did not dare to relax at all, his robes bulged, and thousands of light blue souls whizzed out from the robes like light spots, and were forced to guard around him, forming an evil shield.

It is not just composed of magic, but is forged by extremely complex knowledge and rituals. Each point of light represents the soul of a victim. Only by killing them completely can this shield be completely broken.

Erebus thought hard for two centuries before creating this spell. In the past many battles with the Night Blades, this shield has played a great role.

He pinpointed the flaw in their oath and immediately forced the souls of innocent souls to use it. It allows him to always maintain the upper hand when facing them. Even if he is outnumbered, he can rely on the special characteristics of the shield to cast teleportation spells and leave immediately.

However, now, this useful spell must face the most serious problem since its birth.

It has to face Khalil Lohars.

The result was clear. Amidst the sound of the shield shattering, Erebus rolled and crawled away from the place in embarrassment amidst the screams of the dead. His heart was filled with shock and anger - the vengeful god ignored the wronged souls. ? How can this be? In the end what happened?

No. It can't go on like this. He gritted his teeth, forced himself to snatch a way out of his mind that was being overtaken by fear, and stepped on it firmly.

Erebus clasped his hands together, and his spiritual energy carried the souls of the victims of Litatra floating from the horizon, and an unprecedented huge shield was formed in an instant. At the same time, a magic circle appeared vaguely from the bottom of his feet.

This is a very powerful expulsion spell. The Dark Apostle even used it to expel the famous demons from the Blood God's realm. Even their fury cannot be compared with this formation that points directly to the foundation of the devil's existence in the world.

After all, the material world is the material world, not the subspace that belongs to them. The inanimate people must rely on something to move freely in the real world.

Erebus believed that even Khalil Lohars would never be an exception - no, it would be better to say that only he would never be an exception.

This is what he thought, but reality did not allow him to continue thinking. Amid the screams of the dead and the countless spots of light that gradually dissipated, Erebas clearly saw a ferocious face.

Its owner was destroying shields with what looked more like claws than hands. Every blow could easily disperse countless souls, and he didn't hesitate at all when he struck, as if he didn't need to be bound by any rules or oaths at all.

There was no trace of pain on his face, just a smile of complete acceptance of the madness.


Erebus took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and unexpectedly completed the formation quickly.

The essence of psychic energy and chaos quickly poured into it, and circles of complex lines were outlined by the blood-like light. The power of the Supreme Heaven allowed them to exist and be complete. However, it was Erebus's knowledge and will. Let them be born from nothing.

He widened his eyes attentively, letting the dark shadow that was breaking the shield and rushing toward him appear in the depths of his pupils.

At the last second before he was about to touch him, Erebus clenched his fists. Brilliance burst out, and the air stirred and stirred with indescribable power.

A little golden light disappeared quietly.

Erebus knew nothing about this. He looked at the stagnant shadow, as if he had regained a little confidence. The weight of fear can be released at this moment - yes, it has been ten thousand years, so what if He recovers briefly?

The Dark Apostle smiled unconsciously, and the arrogance he acquired forced him to stride forward, and even roared out the man's name.

"Khalil Lohars!" he shouted. "I renounce your existence here!"

Under his will, the brilliance of the magic circle brightened to an unprecedented extent, and the light completely submerged and enveloped him and the shadow.

Erebus couldn't help laughing. Although he was alert immediately and realized that he had just been taken advantage of, it was still too late. His laughter spread out clearly and reached someone's ears.

A man, not a beast.

The light dimmed, and a bony hand came out from it, accurately grasping Erebus's shoulder, and then there was a face that still contained blood, but the expression was no longer ferocious.

The man greeted softly in high Gothic, which he was not very proficient in.

"Hello, it's been a long time no see, Erebus. I still remember the words you left in the ruins of Perfect City very clearly."

The teeth of the Dark Apostle begin to collide, are you afraid? Maybe, but more of it was disbelief and an unacceptable sense of embarrassment.

But he quickly calmed down, even quickly changed his attitude, and gave a humble smile.

"That's not me, my lord. I have never done such a thing, I am just a devout believer"

He skillfully told lies and said stupid words that he didn't even believe. However, the hands folded in his sleeves closed quietly. At his feet, shadows gathered, and Lorgar Aurelion's skin suddenly stood up from it.

The shattered skull and the eyeballs that fell out of the sockets were all restored at this moment. He waved his right fist and hit Khalil's head with huge force and the huge murderous intention deep in Erebus's heart.

Even though the situation was reversed several times, even though fear followed him like a shadow, the Dark Apostle still keenly grasped the glimmer of hope.

No matter what happened, since the expulsion circle did not work on Khalil Lohars, it proved that he did not come to the material world through possession or other methods, but had a real body.

And God who received flesh is no longer God.


At this most critical moment, the counterfeit fist did not hit Khalil's head as Erebus imagined, but was instead firmly caught by an assault shield.

The man who holds it is named Kaiul Sahora, and his eyes are entwined with flames.

"Don't even think about it!" the Shadow Knight roared, pushing his shield upwards, shouting, making a desperate move and carrying out a close shield attack regardless of himself.

The combination of his power and the roar of the powered armor machine spirit actually made Lorgar Aurelion take two steps back. Erebus looked at him angrily, his left hand quickly stretched out his sleeve, and the fluorescence suddenly flashed.

He looked as if he was about to launch an attack, but the light spot quickly expanded into an extreme flash of light. Even Samus, who had been watching, felt his eyes sting from this.

When the light dissipated, the puppet and its puppeteer had disappeared, leaving only a field of smoke and dust, and a circular magic circle that was emitting green smoke.

Khalil slowly withdrew his hand and hid it in his sleeve without leaving a trace.

At the same time, behind him, Samus, who was left behind by Erebus, let out an earth-shattering roar - a shining golden sword pierced its chest, and the man holding the sword had a fierce expression. Burning anger boiled in his eyes.

He turned his wrist, and flames rolled down from the sword and began to burn the demon's flesh. Just one encounter and all his flesh and blood were lost. Samus turned the beast's head with difficulty and spoke a name in a low voice.

"Gavier Loken"

The Luna Wolf drew its sword contemptuously and chopped off its head. The flames flashed away, burning the flesh and blood cleanly. The beast's head flew to the ground and was quickly picked up by him himself.

Loken stared into the deep and empty eyes, with mixed feelings in his eyes.

He came here with a mission of salvation. He completed his mission, but Shen has disappeared.

Now that this man has passed away, how many people will know the things that this name entrusts and his story?

Loken couldn't help but fall into memories. His newly recovered mind did not support his master in such a violent activity. His emotional reaction overwhelmed him in an instant, forcing him to recall those people and people who had disappeared in the long river of history. thing.

The fresh faces, the sacrificed people, the world stained red with blood, the trenches filled with corpses

He couldn't help but sigh, but not for himself, but for Shen.

How many people will remember his achievements after today? Will his name become taboo again? Will he be wiped out of honor as before? The once glorious achievements were pressed into the bottom layer of the filing cabinet like stains, never to see the light of day again.

The hero is covered in dust.

Loken clenched the sword in his hand sadly, filled with pain.

For him, ten thousand years is by no means a matter of a snap of his fingers. He fought for thousands of years before being buried in a sarcophagus. There are many people like him, and Shen Ziran is one of them.

But now, he had to witness the disappearance of a comrade who had fought on Terra.

He fell into mourning, but no one bothered him at this moment. The Astartes who were still on the battlefield gathered their weapons and took off their helmets. They were overwhelmed and formed a torrent of silence, wrapping up a man who was far smaller than them.

The man was sitting on a stone, looking at their faces one by one. They returned their gazes equally silently, and Caiul Sahora was closest to him, so he saw every detail very clearly.

Although the distance made no difference to his vision, seeing him with his own eyes at such a distance

A thought that was not very respectful rose up in the mind of the Chapter Leader - compared to the tall giant in the rumors, this man was too thin.

He is almost like a prisoner who has served hundreds of years and suffered many hardships in prison.

Thinking, Caiul considered his words and slowly opened his mouth - he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

He didn't even know what words to use to call the person in front of him, legion instructor?

No, the Book of Night is a classic from the Legion era, and it is now the Warband era.

So, the father of the primarch? For the Emperor, this is too blasphemous.

Then, should we call him by his first name, or call him sir?

He was thinking so deeply that he didn't even notice the object of his thoughts staring at him with a smile.

"Chapter Master Kaiul Sahora." Khalil Lohars spoke softly. "Akapatisto I say hello to you."

The Chapter Leader suddenly raised his head, his face full of astonishment.

——For no reason, he remembered the last two sentences of the Book of Night.

He will return eventually, and so will he.

They won't forget anyone.

"Besides, I know this may be a bit abrupt, could you please issue an order to the Night Soul?" Khalil raised his head and asked softly.

He tried his best to speak clearly, which was not easy for someone who hadn't spoken for a long time.

However, Caiul Sahora just looked at him blankly. The young chapter leader, who was only two centuries short of the last eleven years of his service, seemed to have suddenly become deaf and did not react at all.

He didn't come back to his senses until someone pushed him from behind.

"Of course!" Kaiul puffed out his chest and roared with great momentum, but unconsciously lowered his tone.

He lowered his head and asked extremely seriously, but also extremely softly: "Can I know why?"

"Because Erebus is heading towards your ship, and his purpose is the last drop of Aurelion's blood that Sergeant Ulmet carries."

Kaiul's expression changed drastically.

"No need to worry."

Khalil smiled at him and stood up from the stone unsteadily, blood pouring from his black robe like a waterfall. His skin began to crumble, followed closely by his muscles, and tendons snapped from his bones like broken strings.

This horrifying sight caused the Chapter Leader's expression to change again. The speed and strength almost exceeded the limits of a human face - he hurriedly stretched out his hand to support him, and his heart suddenly shuddered.

There was almost no weight in his hands, and the man named Khalil Lohars was as light as a piece of paper.

"Nothing to worry about," Khalil repeated again, coughing out blood and leaving a brilliant streak of blood on the Chapter Master's vambrace.

He uttered the last words with difficulty: "Iago Severtalion has arrived. If Erebas does not escape, he may have a chance of survival. But now, he will definitely die."

——What he said is true. Although he has no prophetic ability, he is definitely not a god at this moment.

Twenty-five minutes later, his words were confirmed.

Erebus and his puppets came face to face with Argo Severtarion, aka, The Death of Erebus, in the corridors of the Night Soul.

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