40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 524: 42 Chapter Era Records (3)

Chapter 524 42. Records of the Battle Group Era (3)

"I think Iago Savitarion has finally gone mad."

——Excerpt from the speech of the Primarch Robert Guilliman at a certain post-war meeting.

Khalil looked at this line of words and slid his finger silently. The blood finally stopped leaking out of the bandage, but he still had some difficulties to deal with, such as the problem of biological signals.

This latest technology product was unable to capture his biological signals, as if it was not being held by a living person, but by a corpse stuffed into stiff and earthy fingers.

He wouldn't even be able to use it if Khalil hadn't dug out his access key from the depths of his memory.

With the sliding of his finger, a brand new page appeared. He swept through a large area of ​​text, most of which were battle reports and data overviews. Khalil flipped through it quickly and found the complete version of this sentence at the end of the article.

Since the hunter left, he has read many reports. Most of the file types are very detailed. The data tablet is a different experience. It has become very detailed and even requires multiple searches to read the entire battle report.

Savita seems to like making such unexplained excerpts on the data pad very much. He will often place some words that other people have said on the side of the data pad to be unlocked, rather than letting them consume a little more power. Keep these words in the center of the screen.

However, Khalil had to admit that those words caught his attention.

He frowned and looked at the line of text belonging to Robert Guilliman.

"According to the battle report, I think Yago Savitarion has finally gone crazy, and this is probably a good thing for him."

"For ten thousand years, we have fought side by side with the Nightborne. We know how much they have sacrificed, just as they know how much blood and tears we have buried. But what I really want to say is that none of this is fair to him. "

"We enjoy the right to die generously, but he does not. We can sacrifice ourselves at critical moments, but he cannot. We can briefly enter madness and let the hatred deep in our blood lead us to slaughter the enemies of mankind, but he still cannot. "

"He has no right to escape, and he cannot even hold his head high and die calmly like a warrior. He must always be as cold as ice and dehumanize, so that he can live up to his genetic father."

"Therefore, Captain Cyrus, I hope you will temporarily forgive his violation of military orders. In any case, judging from the results, he allowed the enemy to retreat."

Khalil frowned, started to scroll up again, and located a certain paragraph of text.

[Recorder: Abex Buff, Witness: HS-207 Mechanic-Priest]

[Lord Sevatar left the 27th Fortress where he was stationed at some point. Judging from the surveillance video and the biometric lock data at the gate, I am convinced that the time should be at War Time 127:45:47. 】

[Considering their well-known stealth capabilities in the empire, I don’t think there is a possibility of carelessness in this matter. He deliberately let us find out. At the same time, the night blades stationed inside the fortress with him did not follow. 】

[Therefore, I came to the conclusion and used it in my testimony. I believe that Lord Yago Severtalion left on purpose and had notified his brothers in advance. 】

Khalil scrolled down again and saw the speech of Captain Cyrus as he wished.

"I understand, Primarch."

that's all? A short one line answer?

Khalil raised his eyebrows and saw a small blue light symbol at the end of the article. He clicked with his index finger, and the page changed again, and a whole row of new text appeared in front of him.

The person who wrote it didn't have a name, but judging from the person's name and description, who else could it be if it wasn't Sevatar?

[Cyrus Proximir did not understand why I left the safety of my fortress and position alone. He would not know the reason. And I will pray for him so that he never has to know. 】

[Knowing too much is a painful punishment for anyone, especially me. 】

[Since many years, I have been able to sense every bit of psychic energy or fluctuation caused by the power of chaos in the air, so the torture caused by this punishment began to multiply exponentially. 】

[My talent is shouting, it is bound in my body and cannot be released all day long. I understand its distress, but I won't let it cause trouble. However, only on rare occasions did the remaining active parts of it help me. 】

[For example, this time, even though I was jointly requested by the Ultramarines at the post-event meeting, if there is a joint operation in the future, I must act together with them. But, as Robert Guilliman said, I made them retreat. And that's enough. 】

【How did I do it? The answer is simple, wind. 】

[There are screams and other things hidden in the wind. I could tell who the scream came from, just as they knew it too. 】

[The woman watched helplessly as her family was murdered. Her husband and daughter were pierced and lifted up by the same claws, and their flesh and blood were scattered everywhere. Everything about her was wiped out in that moment, except for her pain. 】

[Demons feed on humans, souls, pain, joy. They want everything, but we are different, we only want one thing. She personally handed the thing into my hands, but she didn't know it yet, which made it impossible for me to wait any longer. 】

[There are still twenty minutes left before the total attack time set by the Lord of the Ultramarines, but revenge will not wait. Her prayers went unanswered, but God did, at least the God I knew. 】

[So He sent me, and they withdrew. 】

[The price I paid was a twenty-five-year sleep. 】

[Without the mask, I'm afraid I would have become a demon long ago. I understand what it can give, but I want to know more about what it costs to hold it. And now, I am sitting in front of my sarcophagus writing this battle report. 】

[During my sleeping years, Erebus appeared near us again. He still seems to have a great interest in the remains of Macragge. I heard that Robert Guilliman beheaded the miserable skin of Lorgar Aurelion, but failed to capture Erebus and instead let him A wisp of Macragge's dust was taken away. 】

[This makes me a little uneasy. That bastard never does anything without aim. He has his own purpose in everything he does. And if he was just going to curse the Ultramarines like he cursed us, why not choose the blood of Calth, which is more occultly representative? That world has been bleeding for ten thousand years. I must inform the Lord of Five Hundred Worlds about this. 】

The text ended here. Khalil thought for a moment and put down the data pad in his hand.

Thick documents had been piled up at his feet. The slates and papers were mixed together, turning into a fortress of words, burying him deeply in it. Dataslates were scattered outside them, forming the load-bearing columns of the fortress.

Most of their dark gray surfaces were stained with bright red blood, as was most of the documents. Khalil hoped that he would still have the energy to clean up the blood stains with spiritual energy later, but before that, he had another thing to do.

He should have done it the moment he got the tome, but he deliberately waited. Maybe he wants to wait until someone comes to stop him, anyone is fine

But no one came.

He reached out his hand again and picked up the tome.

It was thick in his hand, and when he touched it with his fingers, he felt as if he was touching a glacier. Khalil pulled out the rusted blade with an expressionless expression and held it in his hand.

The smell of rust was stronger than the smell of rusty swords. It was more like dull blood stains than rust. How many people have held this knife, used it to kill, used it to avenge? Has anyone ever used it to save?

The pages of the book began to move automatically without any wind, and black flames ignited from the spaces between the words, reflected in the depths of Khalil's eyes, and began to boil impatiently. It cooks internal organs, scalds flesh and blood, and tortures conscience and reason.

Khalil gritted his teeth and held the book up in an unbearable urge to kill. The pages of the book were dancing wildly, and the sound of clattering was endless, and it did not stop until a long, long time later.

At this time, Khalil had already cut open the palm of his right hand with the knife. No blood flowed out, only dark gravel gushes from the cracks.

They were not blood, at least not human blood.

The trembling of the book suddenly subsided, the pages were closed, and dark light emerged in the gaps between each page. Countless ghosts screamed out of Khalil's wounds, and soon occupied the entire room.

He looked at them expressionlessly and nodded slowly after five seconds. The vague sound of chanting sounded from the mouths of the innocent souls, but disappeared in the next second.

The moonlight shining in his shadow takes all these souls to where they should go - the cemetery or the wasteland, the city of the dead or the temple of bones, there is always one suitable for them.

Then, an extremely clear complaint sounded from the shadow. It was not a psychic voice, but the voice of Conrad Coze himself.

"Are you serious, Father?"

"I have to apologize to him face to face."

Khalil looked down at his own shadow, his expression stiff and helpless, as if he didn't expect that he would be caught.

He whispered: "The key and the door complement each other. No matter what sins Azek Ahriman committed against his Legion and the Primarch, he was unashamed of humanity and the Empire. But I am different. I am guilty. to him."

The King of Night sighed helplessly in the shadow.

"Do you really think he will accept it? You gave him the chance to atone for his sins, and he has been grateful for it for ten thousand years, just short of actually worshiping you and our Emperor as gods - and now you run to him Go in front of me and say you want to apologize."

"Furthermore, father, how are you going to explain it to Sai who comes here later?"

"They can communicate with the wild wolves, just like they did thousands of years ago."

"Okay, now that you have made up your mind. But do you really understand what price you have to pay?"

Khalil didn't speak, just nodded. But Curze could clearly sense his thoughts. The King of Night was stunned, and then he couldn't help laughing.

Of course, this smile is not very beautiful. His next words could even be said to have been shouted through gritted teeth.

"You are so quick to accept that we use your fragments of humanity as a transportation hub? You even use it yourself? Well, it turns out that the main authority is still high, and you have figured out the teleportation spell."

"Ha, in that case, don't keep mumbling my name when you lose your mind, father."

Khalil had no words.

How could he not know that this matter was completely unreasonable and extremely crazy? His reason was screaming at him from the bottom of his heart, asking him not to do this, but there was no room for too much reason in his heart.

Those moral principles that were revealed naturally have turned into a heavy shackles at this moment.

It is divided into three sections.

One section was deep in the darkness, restraining a ferocious monster, the other section was wrapped around his own neck, and the last section was held in his own hand.

There were thorns on the chain, which had already caused him to bleed profusely, but this was nothing compared to the pain he had experienced.

Nothing could shake him, not death, not torture, not God. From this point of view, his arrogance has only increased compared to ten thousand years ago.

The King of Night lamented softly, finally reluctantly accepting the fact that Khalil Lohars had now fallen deeply into the confusion of madness.

"Go early and come back early," he said. "Don't stay too long, there are more than just wolves on Fenris."

The moonlight dissipated and the angry flames surged, forming a dark door.

Skeletons are used as the base, and obsidian-like materials form the surface of the door. Incomprehensible words are twisted and hugged together on it, as if they are entangled with each other in a volcanic eruption. Or running towards the enemy at the last moment of life. Rival.

Khalil looked at the door, but did not push it open in a hurry. Instead, he lowered his head and began to remove the bandages.

The blood-stained medical bandages fell in circles, still sticking to the incompletely restored skin or broken flesh. His breathing was extremely heavy, and something less than humanoid was stirring under his pale face.

The spirit of the Night Veil roared in the steel, and all readings began to rise sharply. The sailors covered their heads and shouted the names of the Emperor and the God of Machines, and hurriedly ran to find their superiors.

Even Savita, who was still receiving 'recuperation' from the think tanks in the infirmary, inevitably opened his eyes and looked at the office with a look of astonishment on his face.

+What happened? ! +

He used his psychic transmission to inquire about the Nightfall, but received only a piercing scream.

At the same time, the door of the office was pushed open again, and the hunter walked inside. The strong wind roared from the darkness behind him, blowing Khalil's black robe.

"Fenris?" the hunter shouted into the wind. "Are you going to Fenris, instructor?"

The bloody skeleton turned its head sideways, and the dark glass beads embedded in the eye sockets trembled on the statue-like unmoved face.

He nodded gently.

"Okay." The hunter sighed and walked behind him. Five seconds later, Khalil reached out and pushed open the door, and they stepped inside.

At the same time, a bard who was telling a story by a fire somewhere in the wilderness of Fenris also looked up at the sky. In the pale skyline where the snowstorm was raging, there were two day stars roaring towards him.

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