40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 544 62Primal Fear (End, Inhuman Things)

Chapter 544 62.Primal Fear (End, Inhuman Things)

The crowd is changing.

A few seconds ago, they had firmly protected Robert Guilliman behind them, trying to physically resist the impatient weapons in the hands of the Ultramarines.

And now, they are running away.

The instigator remained unmoved, just chewed, and then bit off a piece of meat from the pharmacist's face again. The white robe it was wearing was completely dyed red, and so was the stolen face. In just a few seconds, it had eaten away the lower half of Seral's face.

And the pharmacist is not dead yet.

Cato Sicarius could clearly see his fingers trembling on the edge of the grenade on his armed belt. The trembling was not caused by pain, but a dangerous attack signal.

Half a second later, when the monster attacked him again, Captain Idaios pulled the trigger. This extremely decisive bomb passed through the scattered crowds, carrying courage and anger, and hit its chest, blowing a big hole.

It roared low, and disappeared from the place with Seral, as if it was swallowed by the shadow, leaving no trace of it.

Ignoring the shock, Sicarius managed to straighten up, lying on the high platform with his eyes wide open in a position that could fall at any time, and began to carry out his duties as a scout.

His search did not yield the results he deserved, for no other reason than that the scene at the moment was really chaotic.

The battle brothers of the 4th Company stayed in place like rocks, enduring the surging sea of ​​people. The civilians who had almost filled the entire hall were running away. Stampedes occurred, blood and cries combined to stir the air in the halls of civilization, making everything chaotic, hot, and disgusting.

Sicarius took a deep breath, and caught a burst of fire out of the corner of his eye at this moment. Almost instantly, he roared.

"Six o'clock, Captain Idaios!"

His voice could not be said to be very violent, but the captain and brothers of the fourth company undoubtedly heard his words.

This group of silent and angry blue rocks turned around in the sea. They were supposed to open fire, but were stopped abruptly by a man who suddenly crashed into their formation.

That person was Pharmacist Serral. At this moment, most of his left hand had completely disappeared, his power armor had become charred black, and his entire face had been eaten away to reveal the bones.

Despite such a serious injury, he stood up and showed a smile with a terrifying face.

"I hurt it," he reported to Ideos inarticulately. "A fragmentation grenade has been swallowed by it. Kill it, brother company commander."

"Behind you!" Sicarius roared anxiously.

At this moment, his voice exceeded the limit allowed by his injury, and the bandage on his chest began to be wet with blood, but Sicarius ignored it.

He watched with splitting eyes as the burning monster fell from the sky, crashed into his brothers' formation, grabbed two battle brothers one by one, and left quickly.

Explosive bombs swept through it densely like raindrops hanging upside down, turning the superficial physical structure into tatters. The two battle brothers it held in its hands were also fighting back in their own way.

The chain sword had already begun to roar, cutting flesh, and the other person stabbed it fiercely under the ribs with the ejected arm blade - however, all these injuries failed to stop it.

Sicarius suddenly remembered what Seral had said to him.

What really drives their movements and possesses great power lies not within their bodies, but somewhere else.

The crowd screamed and tried to escape, not many brave enough. The courage they had shown to the Ultramarines was rapidly leaving their bodies, appearing ridiculous.

Twenty seconds later, a twisted and empty helmet flew from somewhere in the hall and landed at the feet of the Ultramarines, followed by hands, feet and the entire body, but only the head was missing.

The fourth company began to roar, and Idaos raised his right hand to restrain their anger. Compared to his brothers, the company commander looked much calmer at the moment, but this was probably just an appearance.

Twenty seconds later, another corpse fell into their formation in the completely opposite direction. This one was not dismembered, but the helmet and head were missing.

At the same time, a chill rose behind Sicarius.

He turned around and saw a face covered in blood in the darkness.

"My son."

The thing called him gently, but its speech was not clear, as if there was still food that had not yet been swallowed.

"I need you."

A hand was grabbed at him. This hand was in tatters, with skin and flesh hanging on the shining bones and boiling.

Sicarius' hair suddenly rose, and his whole mind was in violent shock as if it had been bombarded by a missile. Without even realizing he was roaring, he subconsciously punched the owner of the hand.

But he failed to hit anything except a wide-open mouth.

Sicarius subconsciously was about to withdraw his arm, but the thing chuckled, and the teeth stuck in the fist connected tightly like fine steel knives, completely cutting Sicarius's left hand from the wrist down. Bite down.

It began to chew with great proficiency. The flesh and blood were rolled away from the bones by the tongue, and the fingers were broken between the blood-stained teeth. The crisp clicking sound was endless.

Blood spurted out, Sicarius covered his left hand and let out an inhuman roar at it in the pain of the severed limb.

How he wished now that he could own a weapon. Whether it was a gun or a knife, as long as it could avoid the unarmed dilemma and allow him to kill this thing, he was even willing to give his own life.

The hand caught him in his confused thoughts.

"We will be one again," it said to Sicarius with pity. "Your blood will bear witness to Macragge's rise, my son."

It opened its mouth, and Sicarius saw the remains of his left hand stuck between its throat. And its bloodless white teeth, something flashed behind its teeth, not greed for flesh and blood, but a simple evil.

At this moment, time passively slowed down, and Sicarius's eyes swept wildly, taking in everything about the inhuman thing in front of him.

The instinct from the scout and the analytical ability from Robert Guilliman began to work together, allowing him to fix his eyes firmly on the monster's nearly fragmented upper body in a millisecond.

The sharp fragments of the fragmentation grenade were stuck in its bones, and blood was oozing from the hole created by the bomb. Broken flesh and blood hung under the sides of the ribs that had been injured by the chain sword and the arm blade.

It was an injury that would have killed anyone, but it was still alive. Moreover, its face showed no signs of injury.

The chain reaction caused by swallowing a fragmentation grenade should at least destroy its jaw and neck, but both of them were intact, and it didn't even lose half of its teeth.

A flash of lightning flashed through Sicarius' mind, and the second after he was caught by the monster, the lightning created a theoretical model that made his heart start beating again.

Sicarius immediately used it in actual combat.

What he did next was simple, and even a little too simple - at the moment when the monster bit his forehead, Sicarius thrust his still intact hand into the monster's chest. The hole in front.

His fingers were cut by shards of metal, but that was exactly what he needed. He held the fragment, to be precise, he stuck it in his hand with his fingers and palm, then made a fist with his palm, carrying the fragment all the way up, like holding a sharp knife.

Blood and flesh spattered, and Sicarius watched as his right hand penetrated from the monster's chest. The metal fragment was stuck in the palm of his hand, and a pale and curved spine was held in his hand.

The monster leaned back in surprise, forced away from Sicarius' head by its basic human structure. At the same time, Scout's legs began to exert force.

He could no longer touch the ground, but he was able to exert his power on this monster whose center of gravity was temporarily unstable. It was forced to fall towards the edge of the high platform, taking Sicarius with it and falling straight towards the blue reef on the ground.

The sound of wind passed by his ears, and Sicarius looked at the imaginary face with bloodshot eyes. There was no fear or even anger in his heart, only a feeling that it should be like this.

His theoretical model worked. He was satisfied with this.

A second after the fall began, he hit the ground hard. The thing tried to escape, and the last thing Sicarius did before falling unconscious was to hold on to one of its vertebrae.

Four seconds after it fell, the Ultramarines dismembered it, and Idaos cut off its head with his own hands.

The pharmacist rushed to him and injected an injection into Sicarius' thigh artery.

"Bastard boy." He cursed angrily in a low voice, but suddenly turned his head to look at Captain Idaios. "If he were still alive, would you call him into the Fourth Company?"

"I will have him promoted to adjutant within three years." Idaios replied calmly.

Seral turned his head, changed his hand and injected himself with a stimulant injection, and began to inject the coagulation injection into Sicarius and check the injury. He didn't take care of himself, just checking and whispering to Sicarius.

"You heard everything, Cato Sicarius, you will be promoted to adjutant. You must survive."


It was already twelve minutes later when Robert Guilliman received the message from the Fourth Company.

During this period, they used the church as their base to gather more than 4,000 surviving civilians, and at the same time slaughtered more than a dozen 'beasts'. These monsters were all born in different forms, some were strong, some were thin, and some were Can't speak but has learned how to use weapons

More than half of them were killed by Khalil Lohars himself - to be precise, he found them by himself, killed them by another person, and then carried the corpses back between them.

The victorious troops were very confused about his existence.

Now, Guilliman was even more confused about something else.

"You mean that thing learned the stealth skills of the Raven Guard after eating part of Sergeant Seral's flesh and blood?"

"Not only that, the original body." Idaos' slightly distorted voice sounded calmly on the other end of the communication channel. "If my inference is true, then it learned our tactical thinking after eating the brains of two brothers, Issos and Dehimir."

"If it weren't for the bravery of Scout Cato Sicarius, I'm afraid it would have achieved another new evolution now. I don't think other brothers who know nothing about its existence would be able to face the sudden attack of this thing. Safe and sound."

"The detailed autopsy report will be delivered to you in a few minutes and Sergeant Seral said he will give it his all."

"Understood, everything is based on safety, Idaos. As for the disposal of civilians, I hope you will not act impulsively for the time being."

"I'll try my best, Primarch."

Idaos hung up the communication, and Robert Guilliman fell into deep thought. Five minutes before communicating with Idaos, he had received a report from Chapter Master Tigris Deken.

In that brief communication, Tigris mentioned the plight of the choir's meditation hall and the loss of their brains. The body of Chief Astropath Mariel was also among them. She was not torn into pieces, but she also had part of her brain eaten.

The monster that committed the crime had similar habits to the one that had committed a killing spree inside the church, which was only six decks away from the Astropaths' station.

Therefore, if Idaos's inference about this kind of monster is true, then there is a monster with psychic powers wandering on the current Macragge's Glory.

Realizing this, Guilliman instantly grasped the dagger at his waist and slowly released it after a few seconds.

He looked at Khalil Lohars who was standing not far away, who was squatting on the ground observing the remains of a monster. Other pharmacists within the Ultramarines were doing the same thing.

It is foreseeable that many investigation reports will be sent to Guilliman in the future. Now, these are just theories, but the beast with psychic powers may be the real thing.

Robert Guilliman slowly exhaled a breath, his face becoming extremely gloomy behind his helmet.

Eleven hours later, the riot on Macragge's Flare was quelled. A total of four hundred and twenty-two monsters were confirmed killed, and sixteen statues of Guilliman were destroyed.

The list of victims began to be tallied, as did the damage to various parts of the ship's hull. Guilliman sat behind his desk and read the reports that were coming in, and he keenly noticed a dissonance in the reports about the hangar.

An ancient Storm Hawk and an improved Skyhawk shuttle disappeared into Hangar No. 21 for no reason. According to the log report inside the hangar, six hours after the start of the riot, there was It was manually opened by someone in emergency mode.

Robert Guilliman was furious.

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