40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 555 73 Dark Crusade (Seven, Eldar and Monkeys)

Chapter 555 73. Dark Crusade (7, Eldar and Monkeys)

Kaspius looked warily at the pointed ears wandering not far away, and at the same time made every effort to persuade the captain he was loyal to - well, the current captain - to calm down.

Just ten minutes ago, the previous captain died of a heart attack due to excessive fright. The suddenness of the incident shocked even the pointed ears. They discussed this for a while, and the crew became even more frightened.

They thought it was these aliens who killed the captain, but Kaspius knew that the truth was not the case, the truth was his captain. No, his former captain had always been a coward, and he had always persisted in living and drinking.

If his family had not made a living on this boat for generations, then he would definitely not be the captain. In fact, there were many times when he tried to sell the ship and find a suitable planet to enjoy his life, but Kaspius stopped him every time.

"You must calm down, Hilde," Kaspius said sternly. "Don't let others see your weakness or fear. This will expose your weakness, not to mention that the enemies we are facing now are aliens. Calm down and negotiate with them."

His words were met with a scream.

"The throne is upon you!" Hilde, the current captain of the Moose and the current patriarch of Harrockstowe, cried and fell into his arms. "Why don't you just kill me, Guard Captain! How can I bargain with these things?!"

Kaspius wordlessly let go of his hand, letting Hilde fall to the ground. Then he knelt down and slapped her without hesitation.

He didn't use much force, but it was enough to temporarily calm down the young man who was so well protected by her father.

Kaspius was good at it, in fact, he had developed his skills by slapping her father like this.

"Because you must go," said Kaspius.

He looked very seriously at Hilde, whose face was already swollen, and his tone softened slightly: "As the captain, you must be responsible for all the crew members of the Moose."

"Your father was a terrible bastard when he was alive. He could even let someone like your mother die of grief, but he still fulfilled his duties as a captain."

"And you must also shoulder this responsibility, Hilde. This is the sacred oath made by the family to the emperor. Even if we are in decline now, the oath is an oath."

The young man stared at him blankly, covering his face and saying nothing.

Kaspius sighed, pulled her up, and whispered: "You can say whatever I say next."

He pushed Hilde, who was at a loss, towards the so-called Eldar who were wandering not far away. They are tall and surprisingly human-like in appearance - probably too much, in fact.

Kaspius felt that only the 'pets' in the feudal world could have this kind of beauty, while everyone in the Eldar race probably had it. But then again, they are annoyingly arrogant.

"Monkey." A pointed ear looked at them contemptuously, spitting out such a scornful name in High Gothic with a strange accent that could be called terrifying.

Caspius felt a surge of rage in his heart, knowing that the creature had done this on purpose, its accent

He pulled Hilde behind him.

"Take it back, damn alien."

The one who spoke pointed ears smiled and turned to look at his companion: "A monkey is threatening me."

His companion uttered a string of words in a language that Kaspius could not understand without interest, which only made him even more angry.

Don't get me wrong, he is not a stupid person. If another Eldar spoke like this in front of him, Kaspius would immediately choose to die together to avoid possible torture in the future, although he may only be able to Let yourself be shattered to pieces.

But the Eldar he is facing now are obviously not the ones he has seen the most, and most of them have already evacuated through some kind of shining door, and their footsteps are so hurried that they seem to be avoiding some kind of terrifying. beast.

Kaspius keenly sensed something hidden in it.

He decided to retaliate.

"The monkey in your mouth has killed a thousand aliens like you." Kaspius raised his chin provocatively. "Did you hear that, Pointy Ears?"

His words caused the smile on the alien's face to disappear, and instead made his uninterested companion smile. He crossed his arms and began to wait expectantly.

Kaspius glanced at him, but still didn't find anything that could be called a weapon on the guard - which was one of the reasons why he made this move.

All the pointed ears he could see now were unarmed, which violated a certain iron law in the galaxy.

"I won't argue with the likes of you," the alien said coldly, the strange accent he had deliberately imitated before disappearing.

Kaspius looked at it with a sneer, without further stimulation. He seemed to have everything in mind, but in fact his back was completely wet with cold sweat.

The captain he was sworn to protect stayed silent behind him, holding Kaspius's left forearm tightly with both hands, so hard that one almost wondered whether she had a prosthetic leg.

The captain of the guard endured this torture and the scrutiny of the aliens, trying hard to make himself look more valuable - he still couldn't guess what the remaining pointed ears wanted to do, but he had to try his best. try.

Sitting back and waiting is the stupidest thing to do. And if he still had weapons, he would have taken the lead in resisting now, but all their weapons had been completely confiscated.

With his bare hands, Kaspius didn't think he could defeat a pointy-eared alien.

His sneer quickly had its effect.

The Eldar frowned unbearably, and its strange and handsome face showed a mixture of disgust and annoyance. Then it rolled its eyes and shook its head as if it couldn't stand it anymore.

"Stop making such fearless but stupid attempts, human being." It lowered its head slightly and said, its tone became very sarcastic, and its High Gothic accent now even sounded as elegant as an aristocrat's.

"I can see what tricks you are playing, but, as we promised at the beginning, as long as you cooperate, no one will bleed."

"So you do know who you've messed with," Kaspius said, his heart that had been beating so fast now slowing down.

"We didn't mess with—" the Eldar sighed, as if he were addressing an idiot. "——I beg you, human, to return to your team. I don't have time to train your intelligence now so that you can communicate with us."

"Fuck you," Kaspius cursed vulgarly. "You are using us as chips on the scale. Do you think I am so stupid that you can't see it? Don't think that your race is any nobler or superior to us. Do you know how disgusting your degenerate brethren are?"

The Eldar seemed to be stimulated. He looked away, but still answered his last sentence: "Yes, I know."

He turned his companion away and paid no more attention to Kaspius. In this way, the captain of the guard's attempt ended in failure. Sullenly, he dragged his new captain back among the crew.

They subconsciously stayed away from them, as if they were afraid of the quarrel just now, worried about being affected by the possible anger of the Eldar, and Kaspius didn't even bother to laugh at their stupidity.

The fleet outside the porthole was slowly approaching. The gleaming golden eagle and the powerful artillery array were so obvious that they almost made people's eyes dizzy.

The Eldar had already evacuated first, leaving only a few scattered people on the bottom deck or in the hangar to guard them, without even wearing weapons.

If he could stay with his brothers, he would not miss such a good opportunity for violence, but now he is staying with a group of stupid people.

However, he swore an oath to protect them.

"What now, Caspius?"

The captain of the guard raised his head and looked at his new captain, who was still trembling with fear. From that too young face, he could read a kind of worry mixed with fear.

He felt warm in his heart. Young Hilde was worried about him. Realizing this made his stiff mind temporarily free from those imaginations, and also made him have patience again.

"We can only wait," Kaspius said. "And pray these aliens don't treacherously kill us all at the last moment, as they often do, Hilde. All aliens are shameful traitors."

His words caused the young captain to let out a whimper, and then he fell into a reverie of terror. Kaspius did not disturb her anymore, for he had something to think about.

He didn't understand why Hilde's father died of a heart attack. He was a man who cherished his life and asked the ship's doctor to examine him every month.

This man who loves to enjoy has a healthy and strong body, which is partly due to genes and partly due to his own exercise.

Although he is timid, he and Kaspius have experienced decades of ups and downs together. This is not the first time that they have been robbed by the Eldar.

Logically speaking, he could have died in many ways. Death caused by fear to the point of cardiac arrest was the most unlikely way to die. However, this was what Kaspius had seen with his own eyes.

He was thinking worriedly, but his skin suddenly got goosebumps due to the attack of cold air. Kaspius turned his head and saw that the two Eldar closest to them were clumsily operating the hangar's lift gate in manual mode.

He turned his head sharply and found that the outer armor plate had lowered, which was where the coldness came from.

A streamlined advanced shuttle quickly slid into the outer layer of the hangar. It had the iconic blue and gold color scheme, and the U-shaped emblem of the Ultramarines shone like stars below the Skyhawk.

Kaspius stood up straight, completely unaware of what was going on. How could the Eldar allow the Ultramarines to board the ship so easily? And only so many of the Ultramarines came?

Your Majesty, what is going on today?

First, the Eldar, who neither killed nor tortured them, nor even wore weapons, arrived. Then, an Ultramarines shuttle boarded the ship inexplicably and easily. Not only did the Eldar not block it, they even operated it themselves. The outer hangar door

Kaspius frowned deeply and stared at the shuttle through the observation window without knowing why. He watched it stop, turn off the engine, and open the hatch. Then, a man in a cloak emerged from the observation window. walked out.

There is no Ultramarines, only him.

what the hell--? ! He almost roared, but suddenly there was a pulling feeling behind him, and Hilde screamed: "What are you going to do? Let him go!"

Kaspius stumbled to the ground and saw two lanky figures passing him. If not the Eldar guarding them, who else could they be? Their previous arrogance had vanished, leaving only a startling humility.

The crowd shrank or made comments due to their arrival, but the two people paid no attention to them. They just knelt down on one knee and bowed their heads deeply, acting extremely humble.

The deck vibrated, the outer armor plate of the hangar was being lowered, the air pressure began to recover rapidly, the temperature rose, and the machinery was running.

Soon, the only obstacle between them and the man who stepped off the shuttle slowly began to separate from the middle. Jagged steel cracked the darkness, and the cloaked man reached the Moose amid the heavy sound of machinery.

Kaspius saw his eyes, black as dead stars or silent black holes.

"Welcome." The alien who spoke to Kaspius said in a very soft tone. "We have been waiting for a long time, the great darkness."

The cloaked man glanced at him, said nothing, and walked past the two people. He showed an incomprehensible arrogance, and the crew was completely stunned, not understanding what was going on.

Kaspius could still think, but he was also completely confused about the current situation - until the cloaked man walked up to a corpse.

The body was that of Hilde's father, Bell Harrockstowe. His cheeks were swollen and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Appear." The cloaked man said, his tone almost like a command.

"We offer you our sincerity of cooperation, Lord of Darkness." The alien turned its back to him and shouted loudly. "We offer this lurking demonic shadow to you as a sacrifice!"

"Silence." The cloaked man ordered without looking back. His tone was extremely calm, as if he was talking to two masses of dust.

At the same time, Harloxto's body began to swell and make a heart-wrenching sound of change. Amidst the screams of the crew in fear, Kaspius saw his best friend's body transform into a Tall bird monster.

The thing suddenly knelt down.

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