40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 588 106 Dark Expedition (Thirty, my troublesome brothers)

Chapter 588 106. Dark Expedition (Thirty, My Headache Brothers)

Standing on the simple wall built by fast composite building materials outside the camp, the hunter put his hands on the edge of the wall thoughtfully.

He ignored the dark clouds that were moving quickly towards this place, and just focused on the silver spire that almost occupied the entire sky.

It was huge and extremely complex. There were countless glowing bridges stacked between silver and silver, and doors were everywhere, some open and some closed, which looked confusing.

And the hunter knew that he couldn't go into it in detail. Once he fell into the logic of "thinking about its use", he would have to pay a price to break free.

But his observation could not stop, he had to get more information

It was not his style to take risks, but this silver tower was too scary. Before it appeared actively, no one had discovered its existence. Just this point, he had to temporarily abandon his caution.

He frowned, and at this moment, his cloudy eyes completely ignored the distance limit, allowing him to see every detail of the silver tower clearly.

He ignored most of them, and only noted a few features: the evil magic that used pure souls as energy, the multi-layered, chaotic bridges and doors, and the most important point.

That is the eye at the top of the tower, the clear yellow animal pupil that looked like a lantern.

Why is it clear yellow?

The hunter calmly and actively looked at it, and suddenly, thousands of birds sang together.

"You are fearless, right? Blind prophet?" A voice with a low laugh asked softly.

"There are no prophets in this world. Those who believe in prophecy or fate are fools." The hunter responded slowly.

His ears were still echoing with the terrifying roar of the same voice. The creatures born from the tide of chaos greedily invaded reality and temporarily deprived the hunter of hearing. Blood flowed down from his ears, paused for a moment on the scripture on his shoulder armor, and then fell straight to the ground.

The voice chuckled, and then began to speak patiently: "Maybe so, I must admit that every time I communicate with you, I find it interesting."

"You all have the ability to predict the future, but you think it is not credible at all, as if those clear pictures are just a one-sided annotation of the future. Then, let me provide you with a new perspective, how about this, hunter?"

The hunter did not answer.

He had already got what he needed. As for the monster hidden behind the beast's eyes and its whispers. And he didn't care at all. Sooner or later, he would meet it.

Then, he would kill it.

The hunter turned around, jumped, and jumped off the city wall.

The dozen or so war machines left by the Kos people were roaring their engines, and the machine souls were eager to kill. These pure and simple sincere souls only wanted to add more glory to the God of All Machines.

Of course, because they were born in Kos, they also had some concepts of "revenge" in their consciousness.

In such a restless state, the soldiers who had not had a few days' rest got into the tanks again without complaint.

This is rare. Throughout the empire, there are few mortals who can maintain morale and combat capability after such a disastrous defeat. However, for the people of Kos, this seems not worth mentioning.

The pre-war deployment was completed quite quickly. Soon, these big guys drove out of the camp, and the artillery positions were already full of people.

The people of Kos, wearing goggles or full-coverage helmets, waved their overly long and overly strong arms to implement every order from their superiors.

The hunter only took a rough glance and raised his respect for them again.

The people of Kos are not blind. They can see what is happening in the sky. The people of Kos are not amnesiacs. They still remember what happened in their hometown not long ago.

However, at this moment, they still choose to fight.

You know, this is not the only choice. A short-term escape is still an escape. It is a fantasy town that is temporarily away from the cruel reality, but they are unwilling to escape into it.

Facing one disaster after another, the choice of the people of Calth is to stand up straight and face it all in a human way.

The hunter knows that this is no longer something that can be done by the flash of humanity of a few leaders. He prefers to call it a spirit.

He retracted his gaze, restrained his emotions, and walked quickly towards the two giants standing side by side not far away.

They have been waiting for a long time. There is no one behind them. The elite veterans who should have lined up are all gone. Only these two lone war band leaders are left in the camp.

Skalardric is still the same, with a serious and impatient expression, and the two giant axes are already in his hands. Kaiul Sahora frowned and kept looking at a data board.

"What's going on?" The Scarlet Lord said coldly.

The hunter bowed slightly to him and began to answer: "It has been confirmed that the demons or cultists who believe in Tzeentch are behind this. The silver tower is the best evidence of their existence."

The Shadow Knight's Chapter Master rarely interrupted the conversation in an angry tone, and then threw the data tablet away.

"We still can't contact them. God damn Chaos!"

The hunter looked at him and bowed politely: "Perhaps, Knight Commander, the safety of Lord Yago Sevitarion is not our turn to worry about."

Skaladrick smiled coldly, and his pale face vaguely showed almost black blood vessels. A cold wind came from nowhere, blowing from one end of the camp to the other.

The wind was so strong that some tents that had been fixed were blown away instantly, but the white hair of the Grand Lord was not affected. The criss-crossing black under his skin was becoming more and more obvious, and even the color was turning dark red.

Just as the hunter said, he was not worried about Yago Sevitarion.

The strength of the First Son of the Night is obvious to all the four war band leaders, but the Grand Lord must be the one who knows it best.

The Scarlet Claws have always had the instinct of beasts, and in some aspects they can even surpass the wolves of Fenris, and Skaladrick is the best among them.

Every time he met Sevitar face to face or shared a room with him, his two strong hearts would instinctively start beating at high speed to make his body active.

But this was not a preparation for a battle. On the contrary, it was his instinct that urged him to stay away from the creature in human skin.

Therefore, Scarladrick knew exactly what Yago Sevitarion was now.

However, whether there were other factors in his lack of worry was something only he could know.

"Then, let's act according to the predetermined plan." The hunter said so, his voice was soft, and it was impossible to tell that he was about to step onto the battlefield.

His calmness was also a puzzling point. The children of the night did not like to show their emotions to the outside, but he seemed to be always like this.

Kaiul Sahora retracted his gaze and took a deep breath.

He was still unsure in his heart. He still did not dare to say that they could gain an advantage in this war.

From this point of view, he seemed to be somewhat out of tune with the two people around him, but he was probably the most "normal" one.

Scarlet Lord Scarladrick was a violent beast who always acted on instinct. Regarding war, he holds a very simple concept. Apart from winning or losing, he doesn't care about anything else.

Hunter is usually a reliable but annoying mystic. He always looks calm, which makes people want to drag him into a duel cage.

In fact, this kind of thing has happened before, but every time, facing the malice of the chapter leader or senior officers, he will directly choose to retreat.

Either admit defeat or admit defeat after a few rounds. He has no desire to win. Even in the face of vicious ridicule, he just laughs it off.

For this reason, Kaiul really can't imagine what he looks like in battle. Moreover, he has never seen Hunter and his group of chanting brothers killing on the battlefield.

From the few words he has, Shadow Knight can only equate them with strong combat power. As for everything else, it is all unknown.

Coincidentally, these two chapter leaders happen to be the most outstanding and typical examples in their respective chapters.

When he thought about fighting side by side with such friendly forces and defending the camp, Kaiul felt an indescribable sense of powerlessness.

He had even seen what might happen next: calling the Scarlet Claws, to no avail, no one responded, and only their roars could be heard.

Calling the hunters, also to no avail, some people responded, but most of the responses were "no need to worry" or a chanting of scriptures.

With such a gloomy battlefield situation speculation, and the unattended Judgment Blade and the brothers of the mother group, Kaiul really couldn't imagine what this group of people could do.

But he didn't say anything after all, just nodded, turned around and ran to the battlefield.

The flock of birds had arrived, the artillery roared, the gunboats flew across the sky, the earth and soil surged, and all kinds of strange Tzeentch demons jumped out of the silver light that rolled them up, shouting non-stop, and it was extremely noisy.

Some were beasts, some were flying birds, some were strange metal mechanical bodies, and some were just wild mutants wearing animal skins, holding guns that were stolen from who knows where.

Looking at the models, most of them were automatic guns, which was ridiculous when you think about it carefully - but their number made up for this absurdity very well.

This was undoubtedly a scene of doomsday, and Kaiul saw it clearly, and he also understood that this was just an appetizer.

He couldn't help but think a little darkly that if this was a mission belonging to the Shadow Knight, then he would not even send troops down from orbit, he would directly issue an extermination order.

But now.

"We will break in from the flank." A voice said in the communication channel, sounding calm and reliable.

Kaiul couldn't help but feel a little relieved - the brothers of the mother group are always so reliable. Among the children of the night, the night blades are the least worried about combat discipline.

Unless their leader on the current battlefield is named Yago Sevitarion, they are perfect allies at every other moment.

The Shadow Knight took another deep breath, passed the artillery position silently, and rushed towards his brothers, but halfway through he heard a fierce roar.


It was just one word, but the roar was so loud that Kaiul wanted to quit the communication channel immediately. He didn't need to look at the flashing runes in the upper left corner of the eyepiece to know who was roaring.

Kaiul paused for a moment, looked up, and found that a crimson tide had already collided head-on with the cheap cannon fodder sent by the Lord of Change.

The old terminators of the Scarlet Claws were undoubtedly able to fight a hundred enemies, but the number of enemies was far more than a hundred times. Soon, they were completely submerged.

At this moment, the only evidence that they were still alive was the limbs and arms that kept flying in the magic tide.

The head of the Shadow Knight sighed painfully in his helmet, and then received another report.

"This is the Blade of Judgment. We are making preliminary preparations for the purification ceremony. We still need the last five minutes. Please keep the enemy away from the western position."

Good news.

Kaiul breathed a sigh of relief.

The Blades of Judgment have been cooperating deeply with the Inquisition for many years. Although some bad names are often pressed on them, these protectors who always stand at the forefront of the chaos wave don't care.

They knew what they were doing, and besides that, they didn't care about their reputation in the secular sense - so they became the first warband among the children of the night to use exorcism arrays and various mysterious academic methods on a large scale.

Their database contains many proven effective means to fight against Chaos, from the exorcism charms of Fenris whose origin has not yet been proven, to the ashes of a certain state religion saint

As long as it is useful, they use everything without any taboos.

Kaiul believed that their purification rituals could play an important role in the defense of the camp.

He finally put his mind at ease and stopped thinking about it. He drew his sword and killed into the demon tide that tried to invade the artillery position.

The shadow knights were killing silently, firmly blocking the soldiers of Calth. The muddy and bloody battle was gradually dragging everyone into the meat grinder.

And the war had only just started for ten minutes.

The hunter calmly closed his palms, as if saluting, and as if making a declaration. His behavior seemed ordinary, but it made the beast eyes at the top of the spire look over again.

"Ah, are you going to summon him?" It suddenly asked, and its tone had become somewhat intriguing.

The hunter did not answer, but slowly closed his eyes. Behind him, ninety-nine people were chanting, and the language they used was hissing, with plain, gloomy, and majestic syllables.

Translated directly into High Gothic, it was just a four-syllable name.

Van Cleef.

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