40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 603 121 Dark Expedition (Forty-two)

Chapter 603 121. Dark Crusade (42)

Kabanha couldn't remember how many years it had been since he was so satisfied, but it didn't say anything. Whether its deepest desires can be satisfied depends on what happens next.

In the hot air, the boundless sea of ​​blood submerged its recurved hooves bit by bit, and the waves continued one after another, bringing an endless sticky touch, but there was no urge in it.

The Blood God - his god - remained unparalleledly patient this time, and Ka'banha knew why. It understood, respected, and fully understood what the Blood God wanted to see.

The death of a warrior, that's all.

It, or Sanguinius. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, as long as there is blood, victory and death, it is completely enough.

However, fundamentally speaking, this battle is just a continuation of the duel thousands of years ago, and its purpose is only to determine a result. If something hadn't disturbed it, I'm afraid it wouldn't have lasted to this day at all.

Kabanha knew that this was also the biggest reason why the Blood God rejected the conspirator.

Yes, He can plan many things in secret, and even plan a coincidental opportunity to take Sanguinius to the subspace, and then stir up the stars, tame the beasts, and chuckle secretly in the darkness.

With the help of these unscrupulous means, he turned the blood of Sanguinius into the most primitive medium. As long as the Blood God nods his consent, the portals opened by the summoning array on the Red Tears can become a medium. A two-way door that swallowed up Sanguinius and his heirs.

The Blood God refused this.

"No." The god on the brass throne sneered lowly. "I swore by my sword. I am not like you."

So Kabanha came, coming across the void, crashing through the battleship, grabbing the angel and flying to a planet that did not exist.

It is by no means as powerful as it was on Terra thousands of years ago, but so are the angels. The demon observed its opponent carefully, and from under the golden armor, he saw a warrior who was barely surviving.

Being held back by trivial matters in the world, and the calluses on his hands smoothed by meaningless affairs, Sanguinius, such a powerful warrior once, has now become like this.

But Cabanha is not disappointed.

It even continued to smile.

Under the blood-red sky, humans and demons once again faced off. They stepped on the boundless sea of ​​blood, which was boiling and hot, and the heat was rising, but it could not blur the mountains of corpses not far away.

They are armed with weapons and wearing strong armor. They once shouldered the great aspiration of building a great cause or the important task of protecting their home and country. But now, they are just a group of silent witnesses.

"Before we really get started, there's something I want you to know."

Kabanha spoke slowly, his voice clear and without any trembling or madness.

"This is not the highest sky, but an asteroid located in the world where you live. It should not exist, but the Blood God has another use for it. There is a weapon buried somewhere on this planet. It was once held in the hands of the Blood God and was his treasure and love."

"In order to find a suitable venue, He threw it to the end of time and buried it here, just to be requisitioned today. Just like thousands of years ago, the battle between you and me will be witnessed by gods, as well as His weapons, As a carrier of the oath.”

"This fight will be absolutely fair."

The demon raised his spear and solemnly threw it towards the angel. The finished spear fell at the angel's feet, the tip of the spear was deeply immersed in the sea of ​​blood, and the tail trembled. Sanguinius reached up and pulled it out, seeing a gathering of black and gold.

"My bone. I have killed countless humans with it. Hold it, Sanguinius, and feel my deeds."

True to its word, Sanguinius sensed the wailing souls. He silently let go of his hand and let the spear of Bi Gong fall into the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

Kaban laughed.

"How is it? Are you satisfied?"

After saying that, it twisted its neck and started to move.

It had lost the massiveness it had on Terra, but was still seven meters tall. The wings are stretched out, covering the sky and the sun. Pungent blood rose from its feet, and the sea of ​​blood gurgled, covering the brass armor with a layer of blood-red gauze.

It couldn't help but laugh ferociously, and suddenly raised the steel whip in its hand, causing a thunderous explosion.


The sea of ​​blood rolled, forming a real wave of more than ten meters, rushing towards Sanguinius. The angel fluttered his wings and took off, crashing into the terrifying waves of blood. Without saying a word, he raised the sharp sword in his hand and stabbed Kabanha.

The demon did not choose its favorite front-on confrontation, but turned sideways to avoid the thrust, allowing Sanguinius to gallop away with the sword in hand, and then took off again, hovering above its head.

"too slow!"

Kabanha raised his head, roared and reprimanded, clenched his spare left paw into a fist, and violently hit the sea of ​​blood to vent the fury in his heart.

It twisted its face, raised its right paw again, a bright light flashed, the steel whip stretched out like a poisonous snake, and with the power of Kabanha, it suddenly wrapped around the angel's wings, and the vicious barbs on it instantly pierced the angel. Its wings tightened again, turning flesh and bones into prey.

This weapon born from the brass furnace in the depths of hell has been stained with so much blood that it can inflict torture and punishment on its enemies without the need for Kabanha to exert any cruelty.

Sanguinius gritted his teeth to resist the pain, but he couldn't stop the bleeding. His blood immediately flowed out, part of it fell into the sea of ​​blood, and part of it slid down along the lines reserved on the steel whip, gathering at the edge of the demon's forearm, shining brightly on the brass armor.

Kabanha grinned and exerted force again, pulling the angel down from the air, making him fall into the sea of ​​blood, in a miserable state. Blood sank into every perfect arc on the angel's golden armor, tainting his beauty and staining his wings and teeth red.

The demon strode over, stretched out his left claw, trying to grab the angel, but was pierced by a sword. Sanguinius, with blond hair and blood, gritted his teeth and growled, twisted his wrist, and forcibly turned the sword into a murder weapon for slaughter, making Kabanha's left claw look miserable.

"Not enough!"

Facing his own flying pieces of meat, the demon growled and lowered his head to approach him.

At this moment, the scarlet eyes were full of rage, but as clear as a mirror, reflecting Sanguinius' own face. Then, it stretched out its injured left claw nonchalantly, pressed the angel's head, and sank him into the sea of ​​blood.

It roared angrily.

"You neglected yourself, let the blade be covered with dust, let your skills degenerate, and even your strength and perception have weakened to this point! How dare you do this, Sanguinius? How dare you do this?!"

The demon roared and took him out, wanting to smash the angel in again, with anger on the beast head.

Sanguinius turned a deaf ear to its words, just took the opportunity to breathe deeply, then suddenly swung a sword, cut off the two sharp claws of Kabanha's left claw, and then quickly flapped his wings, trying to regroup.

But Kabanha seemed to have already calculated his battle strategy.

At this moment, it tightly grasped the weapon in its right hand, and with excellent skills, it stirred the steel whip, causing the venomous snake that had not left to twist cruelly, turning it into countless monsters with sharp teeth, and began to bite the angel's wings frantically.

But in just one second, the steel whip that was so terrifying had already torn the angel's wings into pieces, feathers fell off, and pale bones were exposed. A huge amount of blood took several seconds to gush out on the ground.

The angel was in so much pain that he could hardly stand. He fell again and barely stood up in the sea of ​​blood, inevitably gasping for breath. The pain was secondary at this moment. He had to breathe. He was thirsty for air.

Kabanha was still unwilling to let him go.

It strode after him again, swinging its broken left claw, and a sonic boom sounded. Before it touched Sanguinius, it had already caused another huge wave of blood behind him.

This heavy punch hit the angel's nose accurately and fiercely, doubling the pain and causing him to shed tears briefly due to physiological reactions. His vision was blurred and he could only see a piece of blood red.

As a last resort, he began to swing his sword vigorously in order to survive this period of time. The demon laughed, revealing a bitter mockery for the first time.

"Is that it? Great Sanguinius, proud Sanguinius? Not only have you forgotten how to swing your sword, you have even forgotten how to fight the enemy!"

"I am no longer the person I used to be. In these ten thousand years, I have never dared to relax for a single day. The blood god's killing wave has always started with me and centered on me! Haven't you heard of my name? Don't you know the pitiful worlds I have slaughtered?"

It raised its hand again, but it did not let the steel whip fall. Instead, it patiently waited for the angel to recover, and its tone returned to normal, as if it was just two old friends talking.

"War." Kabanha narrated in a low voice. "You understand it, Sanguinius. You understand how a war should start, how it should proceed, and how it should end - at least you did so in the past, and now you seem to have forgotten it."

"It doesn't matter, I will tell you again and let you remember it deeply."

"Listen, Sanguinius, information is the most important thing in war. In these ten thousand years, I have fought with most of you. In my opinion, your brothers, those warriors who are also stuffed into human skin like you, all understand this truth and apply it to their own fighting style."

"And you? You hold the most important position in a huge violent organization, but you would rather send these precious information that you could have used to nothingness?"

It snorted two hot breaths in contempt, and the steel whip in its hand suddenly flashed and attacked the angel. This blow was tricky and fierce. It did not rush to the strong side of the angel's sword-holding hand or the folded wings, but hit his feet instead.

The sea of ​​blood surged, the waves surged, and the chain reaction that followed completely destroyed the balance of the angel. He could have flapped his wings and taken off to escape this dangerous situation, but his wings were broken.

Kabanha had created a weakness in him, and now it was chasing after this weakness.

The angel realized this, but it was too late. The blood wave suddenly broke, and a completely calm beast smashed it, and the seemingly tattered flesh wings were already raised.

It used both claws to grab Sanguinius' neck and took him to the sky.

The angel gritted his teeth and swung his sword, struggling to support himself. Each sword was extremely fast and fierce. In just an instant, Kabanha's hands and face became a bloody mess, but the demon's eyes were still bright.

The pure blood and fighting spirit were boiling under the nourishment of pain, and turned into uncontrollable rage bit by bit.

It roared, clenched its claws, and then suddenly fell down. The blood flame began to burn on its body, turning it into a terrifying meteor, dragging the tail flame to split the sky straight in two.

A strong wind blew, making the angel's blood-stained golden hair fly everywhere. He continued to swing his sword, but his eyes were fixed on Kabanha. In the demon's eyes, he saw his own reflection again.

Baring fangs, twisted face.

A monster.

"Sanguinius——!" The demon roared his name and took him deep into the sea of ​​blood.

Instantly, the ground shook, and the ground hidden under the sea of ​​blood shattered bit by bit. Countless remains of people who died at some point poured out and floated upward. Sanguinius' eyes were blood red, and his back was completely unconscious, but Kabanha was still pinching him tightly.

The bodies of the dead surrounded them, and the rusty weapons or clenched bone fingers in their hands were trembling because of the fight between the two powerful creatures, as if they were alive again and wanted to participate in this battle.

Sanguinius was taken to the deepest part of the sea of ​​blood.


Kallistarius knelt on the ground with sweat dripping from his body, holding the statue of the Emperor he had found temporarily in his hand, and began to use his psychic power while aiming at many grenade launchers.

He was willing to be treated like this, even though Gabriel Seth, who suddenly changed his attitude, firmly opposed it, he still asked for these black muzzles regardless of everything.

He understood why the Flesh Tearers' Chapter Master had such a big change of attitude - it was nothing more than those golden lightnings, what other reasons could there be?

However, he knew in his heart that it was not his power at all. He was a psyker, that's right, but it didn't mean that he could summon such a powerful power.

However, there was no better choice now.

They had to make sure whether Sanguinius was dead or alive.

Calistarius began to take a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down. The ritual formation had been constructed, and it was extremely simple. He was the son of Sanguinius, and the blood connection was enough to overcome all the complexities.

He clenched the Emperor's statue in his hand and nodded to the angel descendants around him. Most of them were unwilling to aim their guns at him, because they had also seen the so-called "miracle" with their own eyes like Gabriel Seth.

Emperor. Calistarius thought with a wry smile. Is this really your power?

He received no response.

The young think tank sunk his thoughts into the deepest part of his heart and began to communicate his power.

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