40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 611 Interlude 128: Robert Guilliman, first meeting with Robert Guilliman

Chapter 611 128. Interlude: Robert Guilliman, first meeting with Robert Guilliman

"Safety is safety, regret is regret."

Yago Sevitarion heard his instructor say this, his voice was extremely natural.

"Damn, you are right, man. I have been telling those young bastards to wear helmets when doing things for more than ten years, but they just don't listen and laugh at me for being too cautious! The result? Accidents happen every year!"

A maintenance worker in a dirty dark blue uniform and carrying a toolbox agreed with him indignantly, and even waved his fist to show greater approval.


Silently, the Chapter Master of the Midnight Blade took off his helmet, revealing a face dirty with sweat and enemy blood.

He lowered his head, glared at the old man who was chatting with the maintenance worker and wasting his time and his own time, and began to whisper.

"Are you reading some safety rules?"

The maintenance worker trembled in panic, turned around, and his face showed a look of confusion in addition to fear - he had no idea that Sevatar had been standing next to him and listening to their conversation for nearly twenty minutes.

In response, Khalil just smiled.

He reached out and patted the maintenance worker on the shoulder, told him in his hometown dialect not to worry, and then put a cigarette that the maintenance worker had distributed to his "fellow villager" not long ago back into his shirt pocket without leaving a trace.

The maintenance worker knew nothing about this, and walked away with his head back every three steps. When he was about to reach the end of the corridor, he even shouted to Khalil in the roar of the ship's engine.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me! I'll tell the Ultramarines! I heard that the Night's Sons have a bad temper!"

Khalil couldn't help but smile and nod at him, then looked at Sevatar and shrugged with a rather strange expression.

"It seems that he thinks you are the kind of Astartes who would find trouble with mortals."

"I am looking for trouble with mortals now." Sevatar replied in a muffled voice.

Khalil took a step back, bowed, and suddenly changed his expression to be cautious: "Okay, then what is it, the great Lord Yago Sevatarion?"

". You old-" Sevatar took a deep breath. "-Forget it, come with me."

He casually hung his helmet on his belt and walked into the darkness. Khalil followed quickly and really walked behind him. They soon left the darkness, but the person who appeared in front of Khalil was someone he didn't expect.

Robert Guilliman.

Or, the monster version of Robert Guilliman, and a little special. Well, I'm afraid it's not a little, because there are no wronged souls on him.

Khalil narrowed his eyes and walked quietly towards the giant who was sitting stiffly on the sofa, staring at the book in his hand in a daze, and reminded him of his presence with a cough.

Guilliman raised his head suddenly.

"Wait--you, no, I" He made a series of rapid sounds, then stood up in a panic, put the book in his hand in his arms, and then began to explain.

"I am not Robert Guilliman!"

He shouted so, and half a second later he realized the existence of Yago Sevitarion. He looked at the expressionless Sevitar in disbelief, and then looked at Kalil, his expression gradually became confused.

".Ah?" He couldn't help but hold back a question.

"So, you are the instructor mentioned by Chapter Master Sevitarion?"

"I know, I'm a little short." Kalil nodded. "But I can indeed teach something, such as the Terran ancient biological illustrations and the like. In short, they are all old-fashioned knowledge, and no one is willing to learn these now."

Robert Guilliman accepted his statement with a complicated expression, then took a deep breath and said, "I came here to see him."

"Who?" Kalil asked back, and even deliberately made a puzzled face.

Guilliman continued to throw that blank expression.

Sevatar, standing expressionlessly behind Khalil, sighed very obviously and then gave an answer.

"Robert Guilliman, what else, my lord who suddenly became full of humanity? Can you stop playing this trick of asking questions that you know the answer to?"

"We are very tight on time! As soon as we reunited with the fleet, I put this matter on the agenda. The Lord of Macragge will arrive in this room in ten minutes at most. Don't you plan to use this time to figure out the situation?"

Khalil smiled at Guilliman's nervous expression, then turned around and began to explain to Sevatar.

"I understand your concerns, Yago, but I don't think we need to worry about this - I mean, whether I can figure out the situation."

"And, please, Sai, I'm not old enough to be confused. Even if I don't know what he is, I can see what he is."

"Also, dear First Reserve, what kind of things have you experienced to make your emotions so unstable now?"

Sevatar silently took off his helmet from his belt and slowly put it on.

"I understand."

Khalil repeated this to him, and looked at Robert Guilliman again, telling him everything that happened on Macragge's Glory not long ago.

He talked about this matter in a straightforward manner, without any embellishment. It even vaguely made people feel that he was picking the bones of the matter with a knife, and the blood and minced meat that did not exist were just under his feet. Scattered all over the floor.

Finally, under Guilliman's extremely complicated expression, Khalil announced the end of his story with his fists that suddenly clenched and closed in his sleeves.

".Anyway, that's it." He turned his head and winked at Savita. "So your existence is actually not unusual to us. You don't have to worry about any additional explanations."

"I—" Guilliman took a deep breath. "——I'm worried about another thing, instructor."

Khalil shook his finger at him: "As long as you are an instructor, please. Or just call me by my name, Khalil. Isn't it easy to pronounce?"

Guilliman said nothing. Perhaps he wanted to say something, but failed. There are probably two reasons. One is that the character shown by Khalil at this time is completely different from what Seveta revealed to him on the road, and the other is because of a door that was pushed open manually.

A giant man in a consul's uniform walked into the room with a frown, his eyes as bright as day. He closed the door smoothly, and Guilliman quickly stood up. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't. His actions only made the expression on his face more complicated.

The giant looked at Khalil and Savita, then looked at him, and spoke slowly, with a calm voice.

"In the past, without fighting, interrogation, and at least ten days and a half, my company commanders would never have allowed me to come here to meet you."

"Moreover, they will probably use various means to check you before you and I officially meet, causing you to feel some unnecessary offense. I'm glad that we can avoid these red tapes, but I still have some questions to ask you. "

"Excuse me." Guilliman replied quickly, his voice trembling.

"Do you understand the difference between Astartes and mortals? I mean, the difference between them."

"I understand."

"Please explain in detail."

Guilliman took a deep breath, began to organize his words, and began a long speech continuously and without interruption, and even gave his own understanding.

"I think the Astartes are significantly superior to mortals in life form, from every angle. In terms of strength, intelligence, lifespan and even willpower, they are much stronger than mortals."

"But I don't think this means that they are higher than ordinary people. They were born among ordinary people. Maybe some people are not, but most of them come from the ordinary and stand out and become transformed supermen."

"Even if the transformation has not been completed, they can still fight one against a hundred. However, I never think that Father - I'm sorry - the Emperor, created the Astartes to enslave mortals, or to make them the rulers of mortals."

"The Milky Way is weird and cruel. Mortals need protectors. Although they are strong enough and tough enough, they still need a brand-new weapon and shield to resist the darkness in this universe."

"So, in the Emperor's vision, or in my own imagination, the Astartes are these weapons and shields, they are there to help others - those who can't fight, can't protect themselves - And was shaped.”

After he finished speaking, he exhaled a long breath, and then began to wait for the giant's answer, as if he was waiting for the final verdict of a trial.

There was a real uneasiness hidden on his young face. He thought he was hiding it well, but the reality was quite the opposite. Khalil dared to say that everyone in this room except him could actually see through his disguise.

Opposite him was the giant, the old, white-haired giant with wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. There was no expression on his face, no emotions were exposed, they were all kept deep in his heart.

Khalil originally said it would be fun.

After all, this was a meeting between one Robert Guilliman and another Robert Guilliman. Young and old, weathered and fledgling. They might become enemies, but Khalil felt that they would definitely become friends.

Unfortunately, this is unlikely to happen. This was true whether or not Yago Severtarion subsequently used his psionics to converse with him. After all, this young blond boy was born from the evil magic of Chaos.

With this alone, it would be difficult for him to have the right to survive.

+Three days, Khalil. He spent three days on the way here coming up with a solution. +

+Solution for what? +

+About those worlds that are in flames of war, and the 'Robert Guilliman' who is causing trouble on them. What we have seen and speculated on Calth has come true, and I believe you have probably received many reports. +

+That's true, so, what's the solution? +

Sevita's next words made Khalil frown, and another person's voice also sounded in the room.

"I agree with you," the Lord Macragge said.

He strode forward, stretched out his right hand, and shook Robert Guilliman's hand. The latter's expression was at a loss, but more of his emotion was one of joy after being recognized.

And the former.

Khalil sighed and lay back, closing his eyes and meditating into the darkness.

His humanity is becoming more and more abundant, and it seems that after taking back some fragments, the glacier that was originally broken and melted can begin to recover on its own.

He was not sure whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. After all, at certain moments, a heartless and unwavering killing machine was a hundred times more decisive than a merciful killer.

As he pondered these things, a wisp of consciousness floated, and quietly walked into a cemetery in the night wind. A giant with his back to him was shoveling the soil, and a newly made, open and uncovered sarcophagus was placed beside him.

Khalil greeted him silently, and the man turned around, but his face was full of complaints.

"You just want to escape habitually again." Conrad Coz accused mercilessly. "Why? Are you reluctant to see the upcoming sacrifice?"

He shook his head, threw away the shovel in his hand, and suddenly sneered.

"I finally understand now, father, that the coldness and ruthlessness you showed in the past was just a self-protection mechanism, just like your paranoid sense of morality in the past."

Caryl reached out to take the flying shovel, carried it on his shoulder like a tree trunk, and walked towards Koz.

"I am also paranoid now, can't you see it?"

"But at least you don't use it to demand everyone anymore."

"You seem to have a lot more free time after the war, Conrad."

Caryl jumped down the deep pit helplessly and started digging for him. Koz squatted down with a low laugh and began to laugh at the edge of the pit.

"What? You can't stand it after just two sentences? Or, don't you want to dig a pit?"


"I sincerely seek a solution."

Caryl stabbed the shovel deeply into the bottom of the pit and stepped on the edge with his foot to make it pierce deeper. Then, he raised his head and looked at Koz, but said nothing, just lowered his head and began to work attentively.

A few minutes later, he climbed up the pit holding Koz's hand. His knees and boots were covered with mud, not to mention his fingers. But the work was not over yet. Koz turned around, picked up the sarcophagus, and carefully placed it in the pit.

The night wind blew, blowing the similar black hair of the two. Khalil looked up at the moonlight that came from nowhere in the dark sky, and suddenly asked.

"When do you think he will come?"

"How should I know?" Koz shrugged and asked. "But I will wait."

He smiled and retreated, dissipating in the dark night, leaving only a gentle word.

"After all, he is already a hero."

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