40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 616 2 Prelude

Chapter 616 2. Prelude

Khalil put down the newspaper, folded it carefully, and put it in the inner pocket of his coat. As for whether the local newspaper of Banjo-1 would have any effect on his coat with the inferior ink, that was not within the scope of consideration.

It was still early, and he could walk around the city for a while. It was not difficult to find a hotel with a laundry room. Although the natural environment of most mining worlds was very bad, all kinds of facilities must be very complete. This was a kind of loss and gain.

He thought about these things, took out a small notebook and a pen from his pocket, wrote this paragraph on it, then put away the notebook and began to taste the thick fish soup.

Frankly speaking, the taste was amazing for its low price. In four years, this was the most comfortable meal he had eaten with the least money.

Considering that the way of travel he used was once called hitchhiking, the height of this evaluation might have to be adjusted up a few levels.

Khalil sipped the fish soup in small sips, his left hand still pressing on the greasy wooden table, beating rhythmically, as if imitating the drum beat - and it was indeed so.

Thanks to his drifting travel style, he experienced many special things in person. From a grand wedding born from the lower nest, to riding a land shark in the desert, and even listening to a whole special music show in the cargo hold with sailors

The drum beat he was beating was learned from that music show.

However, for ordinary people, this is undoubtedly a very dangerous lifestyle. After all, who can guarantee that they will not encounter any danger?

And I am not an ordinary person. Khalil thought so.

He wanted to tell a joke, but he knew that no one in this tavern or even on this planet could understand his joke.

A few minutes later, two cups of hot water and two bowls of steaming fish fried rice were brought to the table by the bald bartender and owner. Khalil didn't need to look back to know that the waitress named Kaderina was wiping the glass angrily beside the bar.

He pretended not to know what Reed Benson meant, thanked him, and then began to enjoy the fried rice. Compared with the thick soup, the fried rice tasted a little worse, but it was still better than most of the food on the ship.

After a simple meal, he stood up, wrapped his scarf, took his suitcase, and left the Stupid Fisherman's House with Hayd, who had already finished the battle and was eating voraciously.

The natural environment of Banjo-1 was very bad, with biting cold wind, chemical smoke everywhere, and the sky had long been blocked. The planet named "Sun" even looked an industrial gray, quite like an artificial light tube.

However, looking at the entire empire, this is already a good environment, at least people don't need a set of protective clothing to go out

"Sir, where to go next?" asked his tour guide.

"I don't know, do you have any recommendations?" Khalil answered casually. His eyes have been attracted by a group of miners carrying tools across the road.

These people are strong and wear overalls and good thick leather boots. The drilling machine and long cable are carried on their shoulders or in their hands, which looks very professional. But their steps are a little hesitant, and their expressions are quite complicated.

Hayid noticed his gaze and sighed obviously.

"The mine cave seems to be not very peaceful recently." The old sailor explained his doubts to him tactfully. "I heard that several people are missing, and there was a landslide in a mine. Your Majesty, this is unfortunate."

Caryl turned his head: "Landslide?"

The old sailor nodded with a wry smile: "No one knows what happened, but it collapsed. The rescue team didn't find many survivors. The rocks buried them all."

"May they rest in peace." Caryl said softly.

He looked back at the miners again, and only retracted his gaze when they disappeared into the deepest part of the sea of ​​cars and smoke.

His tour guide seemed to remember his identity at this moment and gave a suggestion that sounded good: "Why don't we go to the Moon District, sir?"

"Moon District?"

The old sailor nodded and coughed a few times: "I think you should need a place to stay. There are many hotels there, most of which are quite clean."

"I listen to you, Mr. Haid." Caryl smiled slightly. "I believe in the character of a retired soldier."

The old sailor was suddenly startled when he heard this, and his hands clenched subconsciously. He asked in surprise: "How did you know?"

"It's not hard to see, first of all, the standing posture is always very straight. Without training and a long military career, this habit is difficult to maintain."

"Then the walking posture, you always keep your left hand in front, with your elbow slightly bent, so that you can aim the gun at any time. And the most important point is that you have been looking around. Old habits are hard to change, Mr. Haid?"

The old sailor was silent for a moment, nodded to admit his identity, but his expression became a little tense: "You are right-but I don't understand, who are you? Ordinary people don't have this kind of observation."

"Some things are better not to explore." Khalil replied with a smile. "At least for now, I am still just a curious tourist, that's enough. Now trouble you to take me to the moon area, okay? I want to rest for a while."

With his smile, the old sailor took a deep breath and took a step.

More than an hour later, Khalil walked into a room that was not too small with his suitcase.

Under the guidance of Hayid, he stayed in a hotel called "The Best of the Best". The environment was good and the price was reasonable, but Khalil still did not choose the top suite. He could not afford a too expensive room, and he did not want to live in a too expensive room.

It was enough to have an experience like the one on the Emperor's Dream.

He put down his suitcase, took off his hat and scarf, and then took off his gloves, and then began to take off his coat. This heavy black coat was bought by him two months ago, when he was also temporarily staying in a cold world.

It was summer in the local area, but thick coats and cotton linings were still needed to resist the cold. In order to adapt to the local customs and not to attract attention, Khalil bought this set of clothes. Now it seems that the money was well spent.

He folded his coat, took out the newspaper, notebook and pen, and threw it on a small sofa in the room, then sat on it and continued to read the newspaper.

The cold wind outside the window was still raging, and it seemed that it would not stop all day, but the temperature in the house was quite pleasant. Caryl squinted his eyes and stared at the newspaper, his eyes quickly scanning the lines of words.

He quickly finished reading those major events in the sense of "interstellar", and the news on the Banjo System and Banjo-1 came into his eyes soon after. However, until he finished reading the lace version, the news of the mine collapse was still nowhere to be seen.

This is very interesting.

He put down the newspaper, picked up the brown paper on his knees, stood up, walked to a wooden table, turned on the desk lamp and started writing.

The furniture provided by the hotel was not particularly comfortable, but it was very sturdy and durable, and the table and chair supporting him at this moment were like this. The pen moved quickly, and the ink formed one character after another under the pen tip.

Ten minutes later, Caryl put down the pen and began to look at his notes.

Or, in other words, the investigation report.

Yes, he likes the profession of investigator very much, but what he wrote.

"After leaving the Lord, I will definitely miss the ship and the sailors headed by Jack. And their Ratman chef. Although the lady has a bit of a thieving habit, she will return things, and the stew tastes very good."

"Landed on Planet No. 1 in the Banjo Galaxy. Like most planets in the galaxy, this is also a mining world, famous for producing beautiful gems and natural crystals."

"The natural environment here is as bad as ever. I hope to meet Belisarius Cawl again. He should have a way to solve these pollutions once and for all. He should not refuse, he There is still humanity in his heart, and it is very rich. "

"I met a retired soldier, Haid. He is very measured and observant. He should not be an ordinary soldier before he retired. He probably won one or two medals during his service. It's just that his life is not going well now. I hope I can help him before I leave."

"I read the report about Ultramar regaining light in the newspaper. To be honest, the news came a little late. It has been four years, and this news has only reached here."

"This means that Sanguinius's fleet is likely to have returned to the solar system. As for the veteran unit, I hope La can control them and hope they can remain patient.

"Robert, don't be sad, some people are destined to become heroes."

"I also saw the news of the Dark Angels visiting the Banjo system in the newspaper. This is very unusual. A startup group visits a remote mining system. What do they want?"

"I have a hunch that they are here for me. It may also be that I think too much. In short, let's wait and see. "

"I learned from Haid about the recent misfortunes in the mine, including disappearances, landslides, and the newspapers' concealment of the news. Perhaps the news was delayed, or the authorities ordered it. I hope it's the former. Banjo-1 has very good thick fish soup, and I don't want to miss it in the future."

Closing the notebook, Khalil turned his head and stared at the gloomy gray sky outside the window. He knocked on the table with both hands again, and music that only he could hear slowly flowed out.


Happy, really happy. Trazyn thought with a smile.

Oh, how could such a good thing happen? It's really killing two birds with one stone, cutting off the heads of two Orikans with one sword.

The Endless couldn't help but sigh, loosened his hand, let his ruthless annihilation staff stand in place, and then walked happily towards the two people who were moving. The Astartes standing opposite him did not move.

The black armor and black helmet were worn out. The eagle on the chest was still there, but the emblem on the left shoulder had been erased and no trace could be seen.

Trazyn looked at the two Astartes carefully, groaning from time to time. Finally, he shook his head, and a kind of regret appeared on his long skull face.

"I can't recognize them"

He turned around with a mutter, picked up his long staff, and began to complain loudly to the wall with some early symptoms of mental illness.

"How could they do this? Huh? Erase the logo? How can I decide which exhibition hall they should be placed in? Damn Dark Angels, now it's good-"

He turned around, and the Empathy Annihilation Staff in his hand began to knock on the ground repeatedly, making a dull metal collision sound.

"--You can only go with the other 128 companions! I hope you can recognize whether they are loyal or treacherous when you are in the stasis field, hum"

The Endless snorted coldly and walked out of the room deep in the nest city, looking up at the sky.

The last time he came to this planet, it still had a complete natural landscape, at least he could see a clear night sky. But now, there is no green plant here, and the night sky is also covered by smoke.

Trazyn even felt that if he still had lungs, he would definitely be poisoned by the air here.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed - humans seemed to be unaware of what treasures they had, always treating the things around them violently, wreaking havoc, and throwing everything into the gears of war to meet all the needs of their corrupt regime.

He thought so, but his hands did not slow down. A delicate sphere flew from half a block away with a low hum and fell into his hand.

This is a simple time suspension device made by Trazyn himself. It is not large in scope, but it can already meet his usual needs for stealing archaeology.

He put away the sphere, walked into the room again, waved the empathy annihilation rod, and sent the two dark angels who had been hiding for ten thousand years back to their ship in hiding outside this galaxy.

He looked forward to finishing his work, then returning to Sollems to dress up the two angels carefully. Although their armor was old, it was in good condition, and Trazyn hoped that he could use the equipment in the museum to try to analyze their true identities.

Of course, before that, he needed to have a meeting. A meeting where he would arrange the meeting place, decide the length of time, security measures and pick-up methods.

In fact, Trazyn had already prepared all these things.

He found his old friend Orikan again, and through a little lie of nine truths and one falsehood, he got the astrologer to agree to do divination for him, which took a total of eight natural months.

Of course, this was the time on the surface. Trazyn knew very well that to divine the traces of a god, his old friend must have gone back many times in time. But what does this have to do with him?

Now, he was on the fourth planet of the Banjo system, ready to set off at any time to find the distinguished guest on the first planet.

Orekan, you are dead. Trazyn laughed in his heart, and then walked triumphantly into the night.

Ten hours later, his friend Orrekan walked into the room he had walked into, with a distorted expression on his long metal face.

"So this is what you were thinking!" The astrologer stretched out his hand to isolate the inside and outside of the room, and then immediately roared. "Wait and see, Trazyn!"

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