40k: Midnight Blade

Chapter 659 41 Belated Judgment (XIV)

Chapter 659 41. Belated Judgment (XIV)

The wizard couldn't remember how long he had been planning for this day, but he must have thought about this problem seriously. Not only that, he even got the answers to other questions in advance and deeply engraved them in his mind.

Even now, when he was almost insane, this answer could still emerge clearly from the bottom of his heart.

"You must be very careful." Serafax heard himself say. "This matter is not trivial. Every task you have received in the past cannot be compared with the importance of this matter, but you must also be wary of the evil god and his minions."

"Their help seems selfless and generous, but in the world, free is the most expensive. You can't afford to lose. As a gambler, you even have only the smallest denomination chip in your hand."

The wizard walked in a trance and staggered. There were a few times when he was even forced to fall to the ground because of his weak steps. He was already weak to the limit. For a being who had been blessed by God, the current situation was nothing short of the most painful humiliation.

But he did not feel ashamed of this. He had already prepared himself mentally. How could such a crazy thing as reversing time and reshaping the past be easily achieved without paying any price?

The wizard knew that his current weakness was only the first step. After a while, the God of Trickery, who was willing to be deceived and pleased by his clumsy conspiracy, would stretch out his bony claws from the surreal nightmare.

By then, everything he had planned would become a crude joke that made a god laugh. But he and the god did reach a tacit understanding. Before that moment came, he would support Serafax without reservation.

"His so-called help will make you die without a burial place." Serafax heard himself say. "But if you have really come this far, then it means that there is nothing in the world that can make you change your mind."

"The galaxy is burning, Serafax, our galaxy has been burning for ten thousand years. Countless people have been burned to death in this horrible fire, and even their souls have been taken away, becoming bargaining chips for the game between gods."

"This world is too unfair to humans. The empire should not collapse, the Great Crusade should not end, and the emperor should not sit on that torture device. Both ends of the scale now have the things you need to consider, make a decision. But remember, you must be cautious, you are not qualified to make mistakes."

The wizard took a deep breath of Caliban's air.

Yes, be cautious.

He barely stood up, and the empty ashes in his blood vessels began to flow again under the strong command of the master's will. His heart began to beat again, and all the remaining little power was gathered in the palm of his right hand.

A ball of deep blue light then lit up, jumping back and forth nine times on the wizard's fingertips, and then shot into his eyes like lightning.

This was one of the thousands of evil spells he mastered, and its name could not even be read normally with any syllables, but it didn't matter. The wizard only needed its effect.

He took a deep breath again, and under the robe, the body that was originally shriveled like a mummy began to quickly recover its youth.

A light laugh came from the dark. Then, a huge force that was beyond his ability to bear surged out from the void and reached his body.

In less than a few seconds, the wizard returned to the peak again. This is a good thing, both in public and in private, but he didn't mean to be happy at all, just turned into a ray of light and dissipated on the spot.

When the body condensed again, the wizard had quietly arrived at a seemingly peaceful forest hundreds of meters away, and his target was inside.

The wizard trembled his left index finger slightly, and some flying insects were captured by him in an instant. They flapped their wings dully, and flew deep into the woods with a sound so small that it was almost imperceptible.

There was a gap there, and a half-grown child with dirty and bloody hands and feet was sleeping in it. He curled up and looked very insecure - he should be like that, right?

Surviving alone in such a wilderness without clothes.

The wizard controlled the flying insects and turned them to a giant beast as big as an armored vehicle.

It looked like some kind of bear beast, which had been dead for a long time, but the blood was still steaming all over the ground.

There were two scars on its body, one was the jaw, and the entire jaw of this giant beast was torn off. The other was the chest and abdomen, where something heavy hammered there, the flesh and bones mixed together, sank deeply, and the internal organs were destroyed.

The wizard inevitably felt a little awed.

He gave a new order to the flying insects again, and they immediately turned and flew quietly to the sleeping child.

To be on the safe side, he decided to let the flying insects serve as his scouts temporarily. The wizard did not want to walk into the woods rashly, after all, it was already occupied by a terrifying predator.

There was not even a second carnivore within a radius of dozens of miles, and the beasts always had a very keen sense of danger. The insects chirped and hovered for a few seconds a few steps away from him, but the wizard's heart suddenly stopped beating.

The reason was that Leon El'Jonson, who had not yet been given a name, opened his eyes and stared at the flying insects without bias.

His long blond hair covered his face, blurring his expression, but his emotionless emerald eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the poor instincts of the flying insects and reach the wizard's heart.

Half a second later, the flying insects were slapped to death by two hands. The young lion lay down again and closed his eyes quietly, as if this sudden awakening was just because he disliked the annoying flying insects.

"The situation is a little tricky." Serafax heard himself say. "You must make him understand the importance of your mission, but he is just an uncivilized savage now. Unless he meets humans, he will probably continue to wander like this. Wait, get out of the way!"

The wizard turned his head suddenly and saw a flash of sword light.

This sword came really suddenly, without any sign, even if he had been reminded, he could not dodge it at all. Fortunately, the permanent shield spell on the robe worked, otherwise this sword would probably penetrate his head directly.

However, this was just the beginning. The attacker fled immediately after the attack missed, without even showing any trace during the whole process.

The wizard frowned seriously, and pinched the seal with his right hand. The white light shone through his body, sweeping around, and began to explore the attacker's location.

However, in just less than half a second, the wizard felt a tingling sensation in his right index finger that made his heart palpitate. He lowered his head and stared, and saw two shining silver needles that came from nowhere, piercing deeply into his fingers.

Bypassed the shield? ! No, I'm afraid it took advantage of the gap in the spell.

The wizard summoned the flame with an ugly face and burned the two silver needles to ashes. Then, he raised his left hand, and used his palm as a knife, and cut off his right palm from the wrist without hesitation.

Something like ash gushed out from the broken part, and several flying blades fell from the sky at the right time. Although they hit the wizard's shield with a clang, they still kept spinning at a high speed, and sparks flew everywhere.

The transparent liquid coated on the flying blade gradually turned into a malicious black in the flame, and began to erode the stability of the shield itself.

The wizard's pupils shrank, and he withdrew the spell without hesitation, and released a new shield instead, which stopped these dangerous flying blades.

"This method. Is it the Assassin's Court?" Serafax heard his own roar. "The situation is not right, leave immediately! You have plenty of time!"

As soon as the voice fell, the assassin who was still hiding in the darkness launched a third attack.

As if he could hear Serafax's own advice to himself, he deliberately chose such a dramatic moment, but the weapon he chose made the wizard's hair stand on end - he clearly saw a silver arm holding a shining Sky Eagle emblem, pressing it towards his face without hesitation.

The wizard roared wildly, used the teleportation spell at all costs, and disappeared on the spot.

The assassin missed, but still looked calm. The dim forest light sprinkled on his cloak, illuminating a dark winged sword emblem. He walked to the place where the wizard disappeared and reached out to touch the ground.

The unnatural high temperature brought by the teleportation spell was disappearing quickly, but it still had an impact here. The pervasive chaotic power had quietly lurked here.

The assassin pondered for a moment, then pressed the Sky Eagle emblem in his hand deeply into the soil. After that, he just picked up the flying blades and hung them back on his belt one by one. When doing these things, his expression was extremely calm.

A few minutes later, he disappeared from the spot and walked into the forest.

A few minutes later, a beast that followed the smell and sound twitched its nose in doubt and wandered around for a long time. He found nothing, so he had to leave and move deeper into the forest.

Half a day later, a giant in black armor came here vigilantly. He didn't know what happened here, and the winged sword emblem in his hand provided him with guidance.

He dug out a sky eagle emblem from the soil.


"Oh, the wheel of fate is turning, the wheel of fate is turning——"

In the deepest part of the endless wave of chaos, such a voice came, full of joy. Many ripples were born because of it, becoming nightmares that are either weak or strong.

As soon as they were born, they could not wait to rush out of this vast ocean, began to learn to stir up waves, and racked their brains to try to go to the material world.

The owner of the voice only needed a thought to turn these monsters born by it back into slaves without self-will, but it did not do so, but encouraged them with great interest.

In return, the nightmares told it what they had done without reservation.

"Very good, very good" The voice turned into a laugh with joy. "You all did a good job, but you can be more refined and use a little more creativity, how about it?"

"Don't just limit yourself to the fate of a certain person, you can weave silk threads, entangle their fates one by one, and connect them to each other. Let the disaster start with an insignificant beggar? How about this?"

"Let his parents die, let him wander the streets. Let him die of hunger, let his body be eaten by wild dogs-he has never felt any kindness, right? When he died, his heart was full of hatred"

Its laughter turned into a snicker, as if it was rejoicing about something that would happen in the future.

It didn't say anything more, and those nightmares who thought they had been recognized by it began to plan their arrival in the material world, and began to promote the development of the story it described at all costs, turning possibilities into inevitability.

It sounds scary, but it's actually just a pastime.

"Hum, hum, hum."

It hummed softly, and seemed very happy. It even took the lead in greeting a piece of wandering purple cloud that was floating over, and its tone seemed very playful.

"Hi, little sister." It said with a smile. "Have you recovered from your injuries?"

A beautiful figure in the cloud lazily sighed and stretched out an arm that had recovered as before from the cloud. Silver light flickered, and a group of misty silver mist quietly condensed and began to observe this slender jade hand.

The skin color like condensed jade, the delicate but energetic muscles and the slender five fingers were all captured by it. In the end, the voice in the silver mist answered itself very satisfiedly.

"You've recovered quite well. But do you want to do it again?"

"No." The figure in the purple cloud denied it with a savoring tone. "It's not the right time yet. He doesn't deserve to enjoy the pleasure of cutting my flesh and blood."

"I will try to make him have this qualification!" Silver Mist shouted. "You don't have to worry about it at all, sister!"

"Call me that again."

Silver Mist smiled and changed the subject: "The wheel of fate has begun to turn, my dear, don't you even have the patience to wait a little?"

A cold snort came from the purple cloud: "Don't talk riddles here. The drama you promised has not been staged until now, but I'm already impatient. You know, I only have patience for a few people, so you'd better bring me what you promised quickly. Otherwise, the covenant between us will be invalidated."

The silver mist surged for a moment, and immediately projected a hazy flash. In the light, the dark green Caliban gradually appeared.

"Don't be impatient, my brother, my sister." Silver Mist changed his tone and advised with an old man's voice. "You will get what you want, I promise."

His words caused a surprised question to come from the purple cloud, and then the cloud mist immediately dispersed, revealing a pair of charming eyes with floating light, full of curiosity and vigilance.

"You won't really give that mortal a way to change time?"

Silver mist laughed at this.

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