5 Big Shots Kneeled and Called Me Mom

Chapter 48 Who will win the final victory

Biquge www.xbiquge.tw, the fastest update Five bosses knelt in front of me and called mom!

Chapter 48 Who will win the final victory

While Nie Yubao was smiling all over his face, Gu Yan and Camille got together and whispered.

Camille was complaining about Ji Zhentian to Gu Yan.

"He actually greets me every day and says he wishes me happy. My wife is also drunk. When I was his girlfriend and he loved me to death every day, he didn't do that!"

"He also transferred me 99999 yuan."

"Only transfer 99999 yuan? It's not much, just treat it as if he invited you to dinner!"

In terms of Gu Yan's money values, 99,999 yuan is indeed a small amount, which means eating ten meals.

Camille glanced at Gu Yan unexpectedly: "Hey, I really don't know what he is thinking, if he pesters me, it's not."

Gu Yan frowned, thinking about it, looked at the two sons over there, lowered his voice and said: "I think men are cheap, the more you ignore him, the more he takes you seriously, if you keep talking to him He coaxed him together, and he felt that you are clothes, which can be changed at any time. Especially this Ji Zhentian, it is obviously this one."

Camille agreed deeply: "Yes! That's it, so ignore him and hang him!"

Gu Yan couldn't help laughing out loud, the two women had a lively discussion about men, Gu Yan remembered the little boy he met that day, and complained to Camille about his miserable experience of being cheated by that little boy.

"What, that man you met was him?" Camille looked at Gu Yan in disbelief.

"I can't figure it out either. Anyway, Qi Sen said, who is that Huo Jinchen from the Huo family? He seems to have a lot of background."

"Ohmygod! Huo Chenchen! You actually met Huo Chenchen! You are such a treasure girl!" Camille looked at Gu Yuan's eyes with envy and admiration.

"You know him too?"

"If I knew that it was Huo Jinchen you met, I would definitely drill out of the seabed and take a look!" Camille excitedly held Gu Yuan's hand and told Gu Yuan science: "I won't say anything else, just his Who is the ex-wife, you will understand."

"Ex-wife? What's the relationship with the ex-wife?"

"The point is, don't you want to know who his ex-wife is?" Camille squeezed Gu Yan's hand vigorously, hating that iron can't be made into steel. Why doesn't she have a heart to gossip?

"Who is it?" Gu Yan really didn't have much interest, she must have been hiding away when she saw the father and son now, but Camille was so interested, so she had to follow her to ask.

"His ex-wife is the daughter of the president of country F, the daughter of the president of country F!!"

"The president's daughter, so awesome?"

"Yes, yes, this is the man who married the president's daughter. I heard that he was pursued by the president's daughter at that time. The president was also happy to see his success. After all, he is the head of the Huo family. His daughter married him. It means that with the backing of the Huo family, the president of country F no longer has to worry about the next election."

"So powerful?" Gu Yan heard what he meant, and he was even more powerful than his two sons.

Inexplicably sour.

Your own son is the best, okay?

"Do you know why?" Camille felt that Gu Yan was not a very good cooperating questioner, so she had to ask herself: "Because he is rich, because the Huo family is rich, any child of the Huo family may be a shopping mall." Dana, there are more than a dozen children of the Huo family who have been on the wealth list, but in fact those children who are on the wealth list are just average in the Huo family. It is said that the real wealth of the Huo family has never been listed, so no one can estimate it!"

"Oh... so rich." Gu Yan thought to himself, no wonder the child looked arrogant and was raised as a bear child, so it can be seen that rich people will spoil their children.

He must be richer than three generations!

Thinking about it this way, compared to his two sons, Qi Sen is so considerate, and Nie Yu is also filial and lovely.

Camille: "He is so rich, do you know how many women in the world want to marry him? Do you know how many women in the world want to have a romantic encounter with him?"

Gu Yan: "...not romantic, when he looks at me, it's like I'm a seaweed."

Camille frowned, looked at Gu Yan seriously, and then suddenly held Gu Yan's arm: "Gu Yan, you are such a strange person, I suddenly have a brain hole, can I say it?"

Gu Yan's scalp tingled suddenly: "Say it."

Camille took a deep breath and expressed her doubts: "...could he be your son too?"

With a pop, Gu Yuan laughed so hard that he almost choked on himself.

Camille also felt that she was whimsical: "Because I think you are a strange person, don't you find it strange that the two diamond kings and five single nobles who appeared next to you have become your sons, maybe the next one will be too? "

Thinking of Huo Chenchen's eyes looking at him, Gu Yan still couldn't help but want to laugh: "Is he my son? What a brain you have! Hey, how old is he?"

Camille thought for a while: "It seems to be in his thirties. He got married early. I read other people's gossip posts. They said that he was only in his twenties when he got married? After three years of marriage, he divorced."

Gu Yan: "That's it. He is in his thirties. I was a little over ten years old when he was born. I was still an ordinary middle school student with no illness or disaster. How could I be his mother?"

Judging from the time, it is really unreliable, so Camille had to give up this idea: "But he is indeed a top diamond king, and the wealth he can control is beyond our imagination. It is said that the richest man in the world is not enough to look at him. Otherwise, why would the president of Country F flatter him so much!"

Gu Yan wondered: "If he is so rich, why does his wife divorce?"

When Camille heard this, she showed an interest in gossip. She looked at Gu Yan's two sons over there. One of the two sons looked down at the tablet, and the other looked down at the documents. They didn't pay attention to this side, so she lowered her voice mysteriously. Said: "I read other people's posts, saying that he didn't share the same room with the president's daughter after he got married. Later, he had no choice but to divorce. Less than a year after the divorce, he had a son. Some people said that his son was with the president's daughter. His ex-wife gave birth to him, but in fact he can still have intercourse, and some say he was looking for a substitute, but who knows, anyway, he has an extra son for no reason, and his ex-wife doesn't fight with him for custody."

Gu Yan was very interested in hearing it. The rich family Xinmi always attracts people's interest, not to mention the privacy of this world's top rich family: "And then? What else did you say?"

Camille: "Why does he have a different room? Many people have analyzed it. Some people say that he has a serious cleanliness and can't contact people. Some people say that he is gay. Of course, more people say that he is not good at that. The president's daughter is a widow. But who knows, anyway, he's divorced, and he's not married anymore, so he's just guarding his son."

Gu Yan was stunned, but after a stunned moment, he wondered: "So he is such a man, so why do people want to meet him by chance? Isn't this just making yourself uncomfortable?"

Take the pole to be a widow? Isn't this making yourself unhappy?

Camille: "Money! If you have money to buy, buy, buy, what is widowhood?"

Thinking about it, Gu Yan seemed to make sense.


She shook her head: "The pair of father and son, the father is weird, and the son is Xiong, whoever sees their family's money to marry him, whoever is waiting for bad luck!"

Camille spread her hands: "That's true, but it has nothing to do with us!"

After the two women finished talking about Huo Jinchen, they picked up other things by the way. Camille also told Gu Yuan a bunch of gossip about Lu Zhiqian, which opened Gu Yuan's eyes. Until the middle of the night, the two fell asleep in a daze Sleeping, waited until dawn, the plane arrived in the capital, Camille yawned and planned to go home.

But after Gu Yan got off the plane, he wavered on the question of which son to go home with.

Ji Qisen stepped forward: "Mom, I have ordered someone to put your luggage in the car, butler Sima has already prepared dinner, including your favorite baked Irish oysters with Manchego cheese, and grilled black cod with orange juice , grilled Iberian salted pork chops, and your favorite mille-feuille strawberry pudding truffle corn soup meringue baked char siew buns and various desserts..."

When Gu Yan heard these menus, his eyes lit up.

Although the big crabs and lobsters in Liaoda are delicious, but the Michelin-starred chef of Qisen's son's family is really good at cooking, which is a different enjoyment.

Seeing this posture, Nie Yu thought to himself, Ji Qisen, you are so insidious. He took a step forward and said with a smile, "Mom, the clothes and jewelry I bought for you are still at home, and now I have let you A cloakroom has been allocated for you, which is full of the latest clothing and jewelry from major brands. Don’t you want to take a look? You can invite Ms. Camille to go there together. You can try various models of various brands at will. Which of the latest models is not available, you can ask them to call and send it at any time."

Camille's eyes lit up immediately. Damn, what a skill it must be!

This son's filial piety to his mother is really strong!

Gu Yan hesitated, but still looked at Qi Sen's son. For foodies, of course, food is more attractive. As for clothes...you can wear whatever you want, she doesn't care too much.

A smile appeared in Ji Qisen's eyes, and he glanced at Nie Yu lightly: "When you are free someday, let mom go over and look at your clothes."

Nie Yu suddenly felt bad. It seemed that he was short on understanding of his mother.

But there is no other way, Ji Qisen is close to the water first, he knows his mother first, of course he knows what her likes.

The road is long and long, and he has to find a way.

Ji Qisen said with a smile: "Mom, let's go, let's go home."

As he said that, he looked at Camille: "Miss Camille, it's getting late today, why don't you follow us back to have dinner, my mother has no class tomorrow morning, I will invite the chief designers of VL and several other brands to help You and mom order a few sets of clothes."


Camille was so excited: "Okay, okay!"

Gu Yuan smiled and said to Nie Yu: "Son, I will go back with Qi Sen first, and I will go to your place tomorrow!"

Nie Yu looked helplessly at his mother who was smiling like a flower, and felt cold in her heart.

In the first round, he lost miserably.

At this moment, Nie Yu received a wechat message. He was about to fork it at any time, but at the moment it was forked, he suddenly realized something and opened it quickly.

After opening it, he saw that the message was from his butler Zhuge.

Steward Zhuge: "Master, many parcels have suddenly arrived at home in the past two days, and the recipients on them said "Love to eat grass". At first I thought I made a mistake, but later I found out that they were indeed parcels delivered to us. You a few days ago Ever asked for our address, was that what you ordered?"

When Nie Yu saw the news, his eyes lit up, and he looked up, only to see that his mother had followed Ji Qisen to get into the car.

He hurriedly said, "Mom, did you buy a lot of things online?"

Gu Yan was about to get in the car at this time, and her son Ji Qisen thoughtfully put his hand on the top of the car door to protect her from bumping her head. Hearing this, she stopped getting in the car: "Yes, I I found Taobei, which has everything on it, and I bought a lot of things!"

The things on Taobei.com were so cheap that she placed many, many orders.

Nie Yu smiled confidently. He walked over and said with a smile, "Mom, the things you bought have been delivered to my house."

When talking about this, he glanced at Ji Qisen next to him with bright eyes.

Ji Qisen frowned, an ominous premonition came over his face.

Sure enough, Gu Yan's eyes lit up all of a sudden: "Have they all been delivered?"

Nie Yu smiled brightly in his light brown eyes: "Well, they are all delivered. Butler Zhuge has already ordered someone to put them in the warehouse. They haven't moved a single one, just waiting for mom to go and unpack the packages."

Gu Yan's heart suddenly flew away. Baked Irish oysters with Manchego cheese, grilled Iberian salted pork chops, and even the delicious baked pork buns with crispy skin were no longer attractive.

There is nothing more sacred and exciting than unpacking.

She looked at Ji Qisen with a smile, and said apologetically, "Qisen, I have some packages from Nie Yu, I have to go and have a look."

Ji Qisen lowered his eyes: "Okay."

Nie Yu was suddenly happy.

Hahaha, victory!

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