In the evening, Zhou Jing was pushed to Chen Hao by Chen Feng. The next morning, after breakfast, Zhou Jing took the money and found a favorable carriage with the help of Chen Jianguo to return to Tianjin City.

There are few train routes now, the transportation task is heavy, and buying tickets is also a big problem.

Zhou Qing rode a bicycle to send Chen Hao to school, and went to find Ran Qiuye to nag.

Sha Zhu was too good at licking. He got up early in the morning, exchanged a hidden silver pomfret from Chen's house, made a steamed silver pomfret, and asked Zhou Qing to deliver it along the way.

"Big pot, where are you going?" The little girl saw Chen Feng with a backpack and ran up quickly.

"I want to go to the library."

"I want to go too."

Chen Feng squatted down and said, "The library is boring."


Chen Li didn't understand, just stared at her brother with wide eyes.

"Okay, I'll take you to read books."

Beihai Library has comic books. The color comic books in some museums in later generations were taken out of the library. Don't ask why the library has such books.

The answer is that the library also wants to boost performance!

The two KPIs of traffic and book collection are very important.

To read books in Beihai Library, you must first go to the street office to get a letter of introduction, and then apply for a library card in the library. Minors like Chen Feng can borrow no more than two books at a time.

Because they are reluctant to spend money on books, there are many people in the library, especially unemployed young people.

Chen Feng first took the little girl to the street office to apply for a personal identity introduction certificate.

"Xiao Feng is here."

"Is there anything you want to do?"

Seeing him, the people in the street office were very enthusiastic.

"I'm not going out today. I'm going to take my sister with me. I'm going to read books in the library. I need to apply for a certificate."

"That's easy. I can help you."

Chen Feng smiled and thanked.

"Big pot, let me see it." The little girl was quite curious about the certificate. After all, she had seen it many times and knew that this kind of thing was very useful, although she didn't understand why it was useful.

Chen Feng gave her the letter of introduction.

"Xiao Feng, your sister can't speak clearly now?" The aunt next to her asked with concern.

"No, she likes to call me that." Chen Feng explained with a smile, "I am her big pot, responsible for giving her good food."

"Hahaha, this girl is smart!"

"This is a blessing. Having such a powerful brother, isn't it a big pot? Eat good food every day."

The whole room laughed.

Holding the little girl, he left the street office and entered the park.

The lively park has become quiet.

Most of the migratory bird flocks have left Sijiucheng, and the remaining ones have also fled here, choosing safer mountains, forests, and wild rivers to live.

The little girl held the letter of introduction and pointed it at the sky, shielding the sun that had just emerged.

The air in the north in November was getting drier and drier, with very little rain. The northwest wind from the grassland was very strong, the temperature difference between day and night was very large, and sandy fog often appeared in the morning.

After crossing the park, he successfully applied for a library card at Beihai Library.

According to the requirements, Chen Feng must always watch children like Chen Li to prevent them from destroying the books.

"Remember, if you tear them, you will pay three times the compensation!"

The librarian reminded again and again, fearing that Chen Feng, a teenager, would forget.

"Don't worry, uncle, my sister is smart!"

"Goodbye, uncle."

"Goodbye, uncle!"

Chen Li followed and shouted obediently.

This sentence made the administrator very happy. He pointed in a direction and smiled, "If you like to read comic books, go over there."

"Thank you, uncle."

Chen Feng shuttled between the bookshelves, looking for the books he needed. The little girl looked around curiously, full of novelty about everything. Finally, Chen Feng found two comic books suitable for children.

First, he borrowed two books about marine food from the marine biology section.

Then he carefully searched in the children's lending area and finally found two interesting comic books. He took the two books to the administrator, completed the registration procedures, and then handed them to Chen Li, letting her read them by herself.

"Lili, don't talk, concentrate on reading, understand?" Chen Feng whispered.

"Yeah." Chen Li nodded obediently in response.

Seeing his sister so obedient, Chen Feng felt very happy.

He pretended to take out a bunch of grapes that had just been washed clean and crystal clear with well water from his pocket and put them on the table.

"If you feel hungry, eat these grapes, but remember to spit the grape seeds here." As he said, Chen Feng took out another piece of straw paper and

Spread it out and use it as a simple temporary trash can.

"Yeah." Chen Li nodded again, her eyes eagerly looking at the tempting bunch of grapes.

Chen Feng sat aside and looked through the relevant information about tuna.

There was no way, how to make this thing, even Shazhu didn't know.

The Japanese are masters of eating tuna.

Because tuna has a high fat content and is very easy to rot and produce an unpleasant smell, the Japanese were very disdainful of tuna before 1930.

They would rather throw it away than eat it, which led to tuna being a "low-quality fish" at that time.

It was not until the 1930s that tuna sushi began to become popular.

As the race that knows the most about food in the world, and with the large number of Chinese students studying in Japan, naturally some of them also like this kind of food.

After all, art, food, gold, and technology know no borders.

More than a decade later, Chen Jianyi, the Sichuan cuisine god canonized by the Japanese people and the prototype of "Chinese Cooking Master Boy", began to conquer the taste buds of Japanese housewives with Sichuan cuisine.

Most of the sushi masters admired by the white-collar class in later generations were defeated by Chen Jianyi.

(In 1992, Master Chen participated in the Japanese cooking program "Iron Cooking" Challenge, and achieved a record of 17 consecutive victories with 67 wins, 22 losses, and 3 draws, and was invincible in the Japanese food industry)

Chen Feng was looking at a diary, which was written by a foreign student studying in Japan.

This foreign student did not love power but loved food. He visited many Japanese chefs and recorded what he learned and saw in his diary.

A grape was brought to his mouth by a little girl standing on a stool.

"Big pot, eat, sweet."

Chen Feng opened his mouth and ate it.

It was indeed very sweet.

The sunlight in space is very special. In addition to doubling the output, it also makes food more suitable for the survival of carbon-based organisms.

"Hehe." The little girl smiled happily. She fed herself a grape first, then picked up another one and handed it to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled and shook his head, and said gently: "Eat it yourself."

In the corner, the happy brother and sister cared for each other and took care of each other, which made the people around them look at them with envy.

Of course, in addition to being moved by the deep family affection between them, some people secretly envied them for being able to taste grapes.

In the old city, some courtyards, especially those old courtyards with a long history and few changes, often retain the surviving grape vines.

However, these grape vines have become the "public fruit" owned by each courtyard, and there is not enough to share.

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