The thief was stolen, and the thief was stolen.

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

"The cabinet wasn't stolen, was it?"

The three men ran to the kitchen as fast as they could, ready to catch the thief.

As soon as they entered, they saw Zhou Qing pointing at the open casserole.

Although Chen Feng opened the window, the aroma of the scallion meat had long disappeared, but the mutton rolling on it still looked extremely delicious and fragrant.

"Mutton soup?"

Zhou Qing pointed to the unprocessed sheep offal (sheep intestines, etc.) and said, "There is also this."

The old man walked up and opened the unlocked cabinet, revealing the lamb legs, lamb tendons (lamb tripe), lamb buttocks, etc. that Chen Feng had processed.

Nothing was lost, but there was more than 100 kilograms of mutton.

Chen Jianguo was like Sherlock Holmes, touching his chin and saying, "Based on my many years of criminal investigation experience, I guess Xiaofeng must have done it!"

"Do you need to guess?"

The old man squinted.

"Ahem, sister-in-law, let's have breakfast in the morning. Cook a few more bowls. I want to eat three bowls!"

Chen Jianguo looked at the lamb neck and lamb tenderloin that were cooked in the casserole and suddenly wanted not to go to work.

It's so nice to drink and eat mutton on a snowy day!

Chen Jianjun smiled and said, "Me too."

"Dad, you have good wine, why don't we have a good meal in the first snow."

The old man nodded and said, "Don't drink during the day, drink some tiger bone wine at night."

The little girl ran in singing "Ahhh" and looked at the mist rising from the casserole.

"Big pot of meat."

Chen Jianguo picked her up and teased, "Lili, do you like it?"

"I like it, it's delicious!" The little girl said excitedly, stretching her neck in Chen Jianguo's arms and looking at the casserole on the coal stove.

"Did you eat it last night?" Chen Jianguo asked with a smile.

"Yeah, it's delicious." The little girl opened her hands and said, "So much."

Chen Jianguo whispered, "Dad, do you think Guan Yushan has given all his connections to Xiaofeng?"

"A whole sheep, ordinary people can't get it."

Chen Jianjun corrected, "It's not a whole sheep, the lamb chops are gone, and the sheep's feet are gone."

"Almost, just round it up." Chen Jianguo laughed.

The old man shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter, we are buying, not selling."

That being said, Chen Jianjun was still a little worried, and ran to Chen Feng's room to ask who the trading party was.

"Dad, we exchanged one hand at a time, and we don't ask about the origin. This is the rule." Chen Feng said calmly.

"Then you should be careful. After this exchange, wait a little longer next time and try not to contact each other again." Chen Jianjun warned: "What if someone is setting it up."

"It's not easy to sell a sheep."

Chen Feng nodded seriously.

That's right!

Even if it's a meat processing plant (slaughterhouse), it's impossible for someone to be so bold as to steal a sheep directly.

At most, they would take some minced meat and sheep bones out.

Since he was completely awake, he got up.

With nothing to do, he picked up a shovel and piled the snow in the yard together to form seven big snowmen.

The little girl happily turned around beside him.

"You are so idle!" Chen Jianguo said unhappily: "If you have this time, you might as well clean the snow on the roof."

Chen Feng retorted: "How dare you let a child like me go?"

Chen Jianguo was about to say "I'm sorry", but when he saw his father coming, he swallowed his words immediately.

It's okay to bully Chen Feng, but if you bully him in front of the old man, the old man will bully him.

Apart from anything else, he is not allowed to eat breakfast.

That would be a big loss!

Wait until Chen Feng made the last little snowman.

"Big pot, is this me?" Chen Li walked in front of the little snowman, compared the height, and found that they were about the same.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Yes, her name is Chen Li."

"Mom, this snowman is me."

Chen Li ran into the kitchen happily, showing off her new doll.

Breakfast was white rice, in addition to the mutton soup that Chen Feng had cooked for more than six hours, there were also three fried eggs and a bowl of kimchi.

As always, each child ate one fried egg.

Chen Feng made a bowl of broth for the old man, the old lady, and Chen Li.

"Grandpa, grandma, there is enough meat, you can drink a bowl of meat to nourish your body first."

Eating mutton soup in winter can warm the body and dispel cold, warm the blood, replenish the body and invigorate the qi, and stimulate the appetite and strengthen the spleen.

Whether it is true or not, he doesn't know, anyway, this is what he read in the Chinese medicine diet therapy books.

In order to enhance the nourishing effect

, the water he used was still from the Sun Well.

"Good, good!" the old man said happily.

The old lady was even happier.

After taking a bite of the mutton, it was completely cooked.

Chen Li took a big sip of the soup and shouted, "Grandma, the soup is delicious."

"It's delicious, drink more." Zhou Qing took a spoon and poured a few spoonfuls of soup for her daughter.

The little girl looked at the soup in the bowl and decided to eat the meat first.

Others couldn't eat like this. Although the casserole was big, several people had a bowl each, and they could finish the whole pot in one meal.

Chen Li ate a bowl of meat and was basically full.

Chen Hao ate two bowls and wanted to continue eating.

"Okay, save these and put some potatoes in them at night, and you can continue to eat them."

Zhou Qing patted his son's hand and said, "You can't eat them anymore."

"Chen Hao, come to school with me!" Chen Feng said, "My schoolbag is on the desk, help me get it."

"Yes, I almost forgot." Zhou Qing put down the bowl and said, "Teacher Yan asked you to go to class."

Chen Hao carried two schoolbags and sat on the back of the bicycle. Chen Feng took him to school.

Chen Li saw it and insisted on going with him.

"Don't make trouble. Your eldest brother and second brother go to school, and you stay at home." Zhou Qing grabbed Chen Li and said.

Chen Li looked pitiful, and tears kept coming out of her little eyes.

"Woo woo woo."

Chen Hao held the bicycle, opened his legs, and greeted the children he knew in Nanluoguxiang from time to time.

"Cai Xiaoli."

"Chen Hao."

"Jiang Hongjun."

"Chen Hao."

When they arrived at the elementary school, Chen Feng put Chen Hao down, took back his schoolbag, and went to the junior high school next door.

Hongxing Elementary School and Junior High School are not together, but very close.

Chen Feng did not go directly to the classroom, but went to the principal's office with his schoolbag.

"Hello, principal!"

"Are you, Chen Feng?"

The old principal with glasses looked at Chen Feng for a few seconds before remembering who he was.

The League member card has a photo. As the party secretary of the school, he still has a deep impression of Chen Feng, a new League member who was specially handled.

After all, he was the first person to join the League first and then apply for a replacement.

"Yes, principal."

Chen Feng took out a braised sheep's hoof from his schoolbag, put the wrapping paper on the other party's desk, and said: "Thank you for the school's recognition of me. This is a little gift from my family."

He is not a naive child who really thinks that if the school lets him go to school, he will really go to school.

If he hadn't considered that dropping out would make many people in Nanluoguxiang laugh at the Chen family and bring extra shame to the family, he would actually have wanted to drop out.

But unfortunately, such a thing cannot be done!

The old principal smiled and nodded, and asked: "I heard that you are good at fishing and sold a lot of fish to the steel mill. I want to ask if you can sell some fresh fish to us."

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Of course, it is my honor to be able to serve my alma mater."

The old principal touched his pocket, took out a dollar and three bills from it, and wrote a letter of introduction.

"This is the money for the sheep's feet."

"Take this letter of introduction, and when there is fish, go directly to the school cafeteria, and the cafeteria director will buy the fish."

Chen Feng took a look at the letter of introduction, and there was a special sentence written on it: "The cafeteria is allowed to purchase a batch of unplanned fresh fish meat at 150% of the market price."

It's not too high, but with this relationship, he can skip classes every day and just come to the last day for the exam.

In addition, Chen Hao's dream of being a young pioneer can be realized!

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