The food was very delicious.

"I'll ask Zhuzi to prepare some hot sauce later. Second uncle likes spicy food, so we can eat it with hot sauce next time." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Jianguo nodded first, then looked up and asked: "No, since you have this idea, why didn't you make hot sauce before?"

Chen Feng said calmly: "Second uncle, besides getting me wine tickets, when did you get me hot peppers?"

"That's right, you only know how to eat good food every day." The old lady said contemptuously.

Chen Jianguo said with great injustice: "Mom, I give the family ten yuan every month, and I also give you wine and meat."

Chen Jianjun interrupted: "You don't need to do that in the future. You can keep the money for your wedding. As long as you have Xiaofeng to eat and drink, it's enough."

The old man said unhappily: "You two should have some shame. How old is Xiaofeng, and he has to support you?"

Chen Feng actually agreed with this point. With only a few people in the family, they can't even consume one ten-thousandth of the space's production resources.

"Grandpa, grandma, I think it's okay."

"Just like this sheep, if you don't finish it quickly, I will get another one tomorrow."

"Really?" Chen Jianguo said in astonishment.

Chen Feng glanced at Chen Hao and Chen Li who were happily eating meat, and whispered: "I found a habitat for yellow sheep in the mountains."

"No, didn't you say you would find someone to replace it last time?" Chen Jianguo asked.

Chen Feng asked back: "When did I say that?"

The old man picked up a piece of cabbage and said: "Xiao Feng didn't say that."

The old lady also nodded and said: "Well, Xiao Feng didn't say that."

Chen Hao and Chen Li, who didn't know anything, also said: "Big brother (Da Guo) didn't say that."

Chen Jianjun laughed and said: "Jianguo, you said it yourself."

Chen Jianguo was stunned. Looking back, it seemed that from beginning to end, his nephew really didn't explain the origin of the sheep.

What exchange, big brother, are all his own speculations.

"Then don't tell others the place."

"Do you think I'm stupid!"

Chen Feng laughed.

Even Chen Jianjun didn't say that he would report which wild yellow teeth.

It is his responsibility to take care of the families of his fallen comrades.

But if the yellow sheep is given to the authorities, what can he and his comrades' families eat?

"Dad, I'll take a few pounds of meat out later, do you think it's okay?"

Chen Hao and Chen Li, who were eating, immediately raised their heads.

"Dad, you can send two or three pounds of broken rice and two pounds of noodles." Chen Feng interrupted: "Sending meat is a bit too much. We are kind enough to support their family, not to support them."

"If you do this, they may not be grateful, but may ask for more. This time you send meat, will you send money next time?"

The old man said: "People only know how to be grateful when they are in trouble."

"What will they think if you send meat? What will others think?"

Chen Jianjun was stunned, then nodded and humbly accepted the criticism.

"Dad, I was wrong. I will send some two pounds of noodles in two days."

Chen Hao and Chen Li were happy.

Chen Feng felt a little guilty. He was reckless the previous time.

Seeing that the meat in the pot was gone again, he added another pot.

Even with the lowest degree of spiciness, several adults were very hungry and ate for more than an hour.

Chen Jianguo, Chen Jianjun, and Chen Hao even drank the soup base - to soak rice.

"You guys are so stupid, you can eat it tomorrow." Zhou Qing glared at them.

"Hey, sister-in-law, this soup is full of meat flavor, it's best with rice!"

"Yeah, mom, it's delicious with rice!"

Chen Li ate hawthorn and envied the three foodies as they started to clear the market.

Chen Feng took the bottle away and poured everyone a cup of hawthorn well water juice.

After dinner, it was the most boring moment of the day.

Chen Feng sat by the stove in the kitchen, missing his mobile phone very much.

Even if there was no mobile phone, a TV would be fine!

Unfortunately, there is no way to produce this thing in China.

In the sound of the wind, the lights went out.

It was not a trip, but a power outage.

The family sat calmly in front of the stove, waiting for Chen Jianguo to get up and light the kerosene lamp.

Chen Hao and Chen Jianguo continued to play animal chess, while Chen Jianjun and the old man played chess.

Chen Feng held his sister and told her the story of Journey to the West.

"Big pot, what kind of fruit is ginseng fruit? Is it delicious?"

Chen Feng thought for a while and said, "It's probably similar to hawthorn."

Zhou Qing and the old lady were sewing sheepskin coats again, which were for the two old people.

The three children first had sheepskin coats, followed by the three adults, and finally he

They agreed to make one for themselves.

The Chen family was warming themselves by the fire in the kitchen.

Xu Damao was also warming himself by the fire in his own kitchen.

However, compared to the harmony of the Chen family, their kitchen was a little bit nervous.

But Xu Damao was Xu Damao. Although he was ugly, he was sweet-mouthed!

When it came to picking up girls, his ability was enough to rank among the top three in Nanluoguxiang.

You can't be unconvinced!

It highlights the idea of ​​"knowing the times and knowing when to advance and retreat."

"Wife, I was wrong. Didn't I drink too much?" Xu Damao raised his hand and slapped himself. Seeing that the three of them were indifferent, he slapped him back.

"Pa pa!"

Seeing that it was still ineffective, he was about to give them a few more ruthless blows.

Widow Meng spoke.

"Boss, stop fighting. I was wrong too. I shouldn't have drunk, let alone been impulsive."

"It's okay, it's okay. We won't drink anymore."

Xu Damao hurried forward, grabbed Widow Meng's hand, and said affectionately: "Let's live a good life in the future. This matter is over, and we are a family."


Widow Meng was half-believing and half-doubting, but she couldn't help feeling happy in her heart.

She was a little inferior and fearful.

This was caused by the natural difference in status.

A country widow who was almost 30 years old, with two daughters, while others were not only city dwellers, but also had houses and cars (bicycles), and were also one of the eight popular members.

Of course, inferiority complex could not affect the outbreak of greed.

More than a thousand yuan!

Such a large sum of money was enough for a countryman to rob with a gun!

Rural people could not save more than 10 yuan a year, and this money was equivalent to her income from more than a hundred years of hard work!

Not to mention that the family was almost out of food.

Even if it was an ordinary person, it would be easy to get evil from the heart!

"Really, believe me, I will be a good husband and a good father." Xu Damao almost patted his chest and said.

Seeing his eyes, Widow Meng believed it a little.

The reason was simple. She really wanted to marry Xu Damao, stay in the city, and become a housewife from then on. She didn't have to go to the fields and didn't have to worry about being hungry.

She was very happy to live a peaceful and stable life.

She was also a little scared about taking away more than a thousand yuan from Xu Damao!

She didn't know that Xu Damao was also afraid!

Half of the more than a thousand yuan came from the rural commune.

It should not be seen in the light!

If others knew about this, they only needed to calculate and find out the trick inside.

It was enough to eat a peanut!

Otherwise, he would have exposed Widow Meng's "sinister intentions" and called the police directly.

'For the sake of public grain! '

'For my money! '

The two men and women who had no emotional foundation at the beginning and had their own interests and needs, just temporarily reconciled.

Who knows the other party is untrustworthy, but for the sake of life, you have to compromise.

Otherwise, how can we say that the lives of adults are all bitter!

But no matter how bitter or tired, life has to go on.

Even if you live like a robot!

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