In the afternoon, Chen Feng studied how to make goat milk in his study.

The filtering method didn't work, and the fermentation method was too troublesome.

He chose to use the blending method and the boiling method.

For the boiling method, put some radish slices or shreds, or some green beans and other foods into the milk when boiling it, and then take it out after boiling, and the mutton smell can be removed or greatly reduced.

The blending method is to add juice to the boiled goat milk (boiled to sterilize).

Chen Feng chose two-in-one.

First, take out the fresh goat milk produced by the ewes from the space, put it in a special casserole and boil it, add the carrots planted in the space, and wash and cut the carrot slices.

After the smell was reduced by half, he picked up the carrot slices and gave them to Lai Fu at his feet.

"Big pot, I want to eat too."

Chen Li said coquettishly.

Chen Feng smiled and gave her a slice.

"It's not delicious." Chen Li took a small bite and immediately threw it to Lai Fu.

"How much juice should be poured in?"

Chen Feng looked at the goat milk in the pot, thought for a while, and directly released some of the grape juice that was squeezed and sealed in the space.

Every time he poured some, he tried a mouthful with a spoon to determine the concentration of goat smell and sweetness.

"Big pot, I'm thirsty too." Chen Li opened her mouth, "Ah!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Okay, go get your cup."

The Chen family didn't have special cups, so Chen Feng specially distinguished them and let everyone use their own porcelain cups, even the little girl had her own cup.

Every time she finished drinking soda, she had to wash it herself.

In less than a minute, the little Loli ran back to the kitchen and ran into the house with her own cup.

"Slow down, slow down, don't fall!"

The old lady's voice came from outside.

Chen Feng felt that it was almost done, so he extinguished the fire. When the temperature of the goat milk dropped a lot, he poured the honey accumulated by nearly one million bees in the space little by little according to the ratio of 250:20.

The temperature of honey soaked in water should not exceed 60 degrees, otherwise it will destroy the enzyme activity.

He poured a spoonful for Chen Li.

The little girl blew the goat milk carefully, and waited until the temperature was almost right before taking a sip.

"Big pot, delicious."

Chen Feng asked: "Do you like soda or milk?"

Chen Li held the porcelain cup and said: "This is delicious."

Forget it, the soda was given up by the little girl.

She liked the goat milk with better taste and suitable sweetness more.

Chen Feng did not use too much goat milk for the first time, and he and Chen Li finished it with one cup each.

In the afternoon, I simply boiled goat milk in the room, and boiled more than 60 bottles, which was considered to be squeezing out all the milk of the space ewe.

Poor little lamb, from now on, it can only eat grass and drink well water.

Because of the heavy snow, the children of each family were in their own rooms or gathered in the supply and marketing cooperative.

Chen Li had no friends and could only cling to the big pot.

Just a few days later, in December, Chen Hao and Hu Bayi, who transferred to the school, had a rapid relationship and became good brothers with different fathers and mothers.

Because the elders had a good relationship, the two of them were in the same class and at the same table, and went to school and went home together every day.

The result was that Ran Qiuye had one more student for tutoring.

One night, Hu Yunxuan came to pick up his son and found that Chen Hao was actually tutoring at night, so he immediately asked Ran Qiuye to accept another student.

Ran Qiuye was very happy. Hu Bayi's biological father was the headmaster, and teaching the son of the headmaster was a kind of connection.

Only Hu Bayi was dumbfounded!

He came to Chen's house to play and eat and drink, not to make up for lessons.

"Erguo, Bayiguo, go to the kitchen to drink milk!"

Chen Li came in with a cup and said to Hu Bayi who was studying hard and Erguo who was in a trance.

Chen Hao came back to his senses, put down his pen, and said to Ran Qiuye: "Teacher, Sister Yushui, I'll get you something to drink."

"I'll go too."

Hu Bayi followed him to the kitchen to get the goat milk that Chen Feng had heated up.

Sha Zhu was also in the kitchen, drinking from a cup.

"Hello, Grandpa!"*2

"Hello, Grandma!"*2.

"Hello, Big Brother."*2.

"Hello, Brother Zhuzi."*2.

Chen Hao and Hu Bayi came in and shouted three times.

"Here is the cup. This big cup is for Teacher Ran. Don't drink it." The old lady ordered.

The old man and the old lady are traditional types, and they respect teachers and education very much.

"Got it, grandma." Chen Hao said happily.

Each of them took two cups and they returned to the study.

Sha Zhu came to deliver the seasonings. In order to prepare the ingredients that Chen Feng wanted,

Son, he ran a few laps these days.

Except for the peanut oil provided by Chen Feng, everything else needs to be customized.

"Crazy, leave me a few fish tomorrow, I'll go see Qiuye's parents and let them eat something good."

Catch the thief first and get the mother-in-law.

Sha Zhu is ready to take the initiative, play to his strengths and avoid his weaknesses, and use his superior cooking skills, higher income, and rich meat to attack Ran Qiuye's parents from the side.

Chen Feng naturally fully supports it. Not only does he sell fish, but he also suggests: "Take some cakes with you."

Turning around and opening the kitchen cabinet, revealing rice flour (rice powder), flour, corn flour, honey, and white sugar.

"Make more than ten kilograms of cakes, such as mung bean cakes and rice cakes, and I'll give you one kilogram for free."

"I don't want you to pay for the fish!"

Chen Feng can also make cakes, but making cakes is much more tiring than cooking, and he doesn't want to be too tired.

Sha Zhu thought it was good, but the quantity Chen Feng wanted to make was a bit large, and the materials were hard to come by, especially pure rice flour, honey and white sugar.

The white sugar was sent by Hu Yunxuan.

There was almost no white sugar on the market. This thing was one of the strategic materials and an important military supply for the military.

(In 1960, my country officially included white sugar in the list of strategic materials, with the same status as cotton, grain, oil and other materials.)

Department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives generally only have yellow sugar and brown sugar, and brown sugar is also a medicine, which is also one of the controlled items with limited supply.

The white sugar that occasionally appears in department stores is also ridiculously expensive, more expensive than meat.

"Crazy, how about making a few kilograms of rice cakes first, and I'll make them after you finish eating them?"

Chen Feng smiled and nodded, saying, "Let me make a promise first, don't send the Ran family exquisite cakes, ours are just casual."

Sha Zhu rolled his eyes at him.

"As a future chef, how could I ruin my reputation?"

"Love is love, cooking is cooking!"

"On the first day I learned cooking, my father told me that I must be very careful when cooking!"

Chen Feng saw that he was serious, it didn't seem like he was joking.

Think about it, Sha Zhu may be bad in other aspects, but he has never been careless in cooking.

Even if he was given to Li Huaide, the director of Wen Pavilion, he didn't send him away casually, but showed his real skills.

This guy has a very good professional ethics!

It's a pity that he didn't use professional ethics in daily life, otherwise he would have offended fewer people.

"Uncle is right, no wonder you can become a chef."

The two coal stoves in the Chen family were originally used for cooking and one for cooking. Now one is for making dinner for Chen Feng and the other is for making cakes for Sha Zhu.

Chen Li drank half a cup of goat milk, sat by the stove, and watched them busy.

The old man and the old lady also drank "malt sugar milk".

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