The two cousins ​​were surprised that the fleas were gone in the house.

Early in the morning, the two cousins ​​were surprised that the fleas were gone.

However, even though the fleas were gone, Chen Feng still asked them to wash their hair and told them the benefits of washing hair frequently and taking more baths.

"Don't be reluctant to give up firewood."

Chen Feng threatened: "Look at your father's head, how much hair is left?"

"This is the result of not liking to wash your hair."

While the cousin was making breakfast, the two cousins ​​washed their hair for the first time and used the soap brought by Chen Feng to scrape off a layer of oil.

"Hey, you two still know how to wash your hair?"

Zhou Jing got up and looked, and was immediately happy.

The two little ones gathered in a washbasin, you wash, I'll wash.

When I saw the soap, I knew who it belonged to without thinking.

A bar of soap, Wangfujing's unified retail price is 0.3 yuan, which is still very expensive for the countryside with a total income of only five or six yuan a month. People like to use natural, free soap.

Some people who don't have soap use ginger instead.

"Dad, why don't you wash it? There is still some hot water."

Zhou Dinghai looked up at his father's hair, and he realized that his father's hair was indeed not much.

"Brother, Dad's hair is so little."

Zhou Jing's face darkened, and his son was getting more and more angry.

Is he short of hair?

That's because he was too worried in the past!

"Dinghai, has Dad loved you too much recently?"

Zhou Dinghai felt murderous and said quickly: "Dad, if you are worried about your hair being short, just wash your hair more. Beating me is useless, my hair will still fall out. My cousin said that washing your hair more often can protect and nourish your hair."

Zhou Jing raised his fist and prepared to go.

Grandpa came out and said, "It's okay if you have less hair. It's nothing. A bald monk is more comfortable. May the Buddha bless you."

"Fubo, wash it and prepare to roast the birds."

Chen Feng shouted in the kitchen.

Twelve birds, four left.

Last night, four birds and some fish were roasted and sent to the old man and uncle by two cousins. As a result, the old man didn't eat them. Instead, the uncle and aunt each took half a roasted bird and a few fish and praised them highly.

Grandpa smiled and said nothing, letting the three children fiddle with breakfast.

"I'll go fetch water back."

Zhou Jing took the bucket and the shoulder pole to the reservoir.

After a night of work, the well was almost 90% full.

When he went there, other villagers also went out to fetch water and prepare breakfast.

Many people felt a little incredible when talking about the fish in the river.

In the past, there were sea fish that got into the river, but such a large number was rare, and even unseen, but some older people said they had encountered it.

Whether it was bragging or true, it was hard to confirm.

Don’t think that only Shazhu likes to brag, the countryside is the same.

Some people even like to compete with cigarettes.

Zhou Jing often used the Daqianmen given by Chen Feng to show off.

“Last night, Uncle Qi came to fetch water and said that there was golden light in the water. Our village must be blessed by the Dragon King.”

Zhou Jing was holding a cigarette and was immediately happy.

“Have you come to see it?”

“I’m not stupid. Where did the Dragon King come from? If there was a Dragon King, why didn’t there be an undercurrent to sweep away those bastards.”

Having said that, several men still couldn’t help but look at the well.

Of course there was no golden light.

Hang a bucket with a rope, throw it into the well, and pull it up with a full bucket of water.

One person filled it up and the next family took over.

Zhou Jing filled it up and carried the water back.

When passing through the village, Uncle Qi, who was in his fifties, was still swearing at the door: "I really saw the well water was golden last night. It was not very strong, but it was definitely golden."

"Look, my feet hurt before, but they don't hurt today!"

"Uncle Qi, I went to see it this morning, and the well water was still the same. I drank it, but I didn't feel anything."

"Not really, I feel that today's well water is sweeter than before."

A group of old people were discussing in this dozens of meters long stone alley in the village.

When he came back, Zhou Jing told everyone the news.

"Dad, is there really a Dragon King?" Zhou Fubo asked curiously.

"Is there also a Monkey King?" Zhou Dinghai was a little excited and took out the comic book in his pocket, which was the Havoc in Heaven.

Journey to the West has too much content, and the comic books are all drawn according to chapters.

Most of the thin comic books that cost two or three cents choose a chapter story.

"That's not true. There are no ghosts, no gods, and no Sun Wukong in this world." Zhou Jing, who had been on the battlefield, whispered to prevent the two children from being deceived.

"Dad, since there are no ghosts, why do we worship the former

Grandfather?" Zhou Dinghai asked in confusion.

"Little boy, he is your great-grandfather, why do you say we should worship him?"

Zhou Jing grabbed Zhou Dinghai's collar and entered the room.

"Ah, Dad, don't hit me, I know I was wrong, ouch."

"Uncle, it's time to eat."

Chen Feng saved his little cousin in time.

But Zhou Dinghai felt very wronged after being beaten three times.

He didn't understand why he had to buy wine, pork and make steamed buns for them every year since his great-grandfather didn't turn into a ghost and couldn't bless them.

"Dinghai, let me ask you, who ate the meat for the ancestors in the end?"

Chen Feng took the fishing rod, sat on the stool brought by his little cousin, and hid under a big tree to fish.

"We." Zhou Dinghai said, "Offer it to the ancestors, they eat it, and then give it to us."

"Then look, did the ancestors eat it?" Chen Feng induced.

"Of course not, not a piece of meat was eaten. "Zhou Dinghai said: "In the end, we ate it. Mom said that our ancestors would bless us."

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Then if you don't worship our ancestors, will you still have meat to eat?"

Oh, it seems so!

The two children instantly felt that it made a lot of sense.

Worshiping ancestors = they have meat to eat!

Not in a hurry to worship ancestors = no one has meat to eat.

"It turns out that worshiping ancestors is for the whole family to eat meat together." Zhou Dinghai muttered.

Chen Feng smiled.

"When you grow up, you will know why you should worship. Worshiping ancestors is not for the dead, but for us who are still alive."

"The inheritance of filial piety from generation to generation will never end for Chinese civilization."

How could the two little ones understand this? They only knew that if they worshipped their ancestors, they could eat meat.

There were not many fish in Zhoujiagou River. The water surface was frozen, although it was very thin.

But the fishing rod worked again and caught more than a dozen small fish, which were suitable for feeding ducks.

"No fish! "

The group of children were extremely disappointed.

They really hoped that they would catch endless fish like yesterday.

This would make their parents happy, and they would be happy too, and they could also get a lot of food to eat.

"Cousin, how about we go fishing at the beach?" Zhou Fubo said with great interest.

He actually wanted to eat roasted birds.

Chen Feng shook his head.

In winter, the water temperature near the coast is too low, and the fish will move to deep waters, because the temperature in deep waters is higher, which is more conducive to keeping the fish warm.

Those who catch big fish at the beach in winter probably have super fishing rods in their hands, similar to the one in his hand.

"Forget it, let's go to the beach for a walk."

Quickly swap the fishing rods, let Zhou Dinghai move the stool back, and Zhou Fubo take the fishing rod back.

When they came, the three of them went for a walk at the beach.

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