The old man was very angry, but he was not happy.

Shazhu said disdainfully: "My father is still the Qing Dynasty, what's the use!"

Little Fatty Wang said in a daze: "The Qing Dynasty has already died."

Shazhu's face turned black.

Although he was very angry that his father ran away, he was his father after all, and he was a little unhappy when the little fat man said that he was dead.

"Little grandson, say it again!"

Little Fatty Wang was not afraid at all, and said proudly: "My father is the deputy chief of the investigation section of the Xicheng Branch, and my grandfather is the deputy director!"

Shazhu immediately became afraid, blinked, and looked at Chen Feng.

He is not stupid!

If you beat Xu Damao, at most you will have to pay some medical expenses, and if you beat the factory manager, at most you will be criticized at a meeting.

But if you offend the violent agency, you will be asked to go to the detention room to eat some "beautiful punches" from the thugs in the city. It's normal.

Chen Feng nodded and said, "Yes, this guy has a background, but if his grandfather knew that his grandson ate a free meal, he would definitely beat him to death."

"Oh!" Sha Zhu laughed.

"Okay, stop making trouble!"

Ran Qiuye saved Wang Xiaopangzi.

"He is my student, it's nothing to eat a meal."

"Yes, I am also the sworn brother of Chen Hao and Hu Bayi, the sworn brother of Sister Yushui, and the sworn brother of Chen Li!" Wang Xiaopangzi opened his mouth to make connections, and his shameless spirit was very good.

"Oh, then you will be my sworn brother in the future." Sha Zhu said with a smile.

"Okay!" Wang Xiaopangzi's eyes lit up.

"Okay, stop dreaming. Zhuzi is a pauper now, even poorer than you. Don't think about taking advantage of him. It's better to think about how to help him."

Chen Feng interrupted Wang Shameless Kaixuan's dream.

This guy is loyal, but he is also a big eater, more than Chen Hao and Hu Bayi.

"It's just meat. I'll bring a pound to Brother Zhuzi tomorrow. Brother Zhuzi, you have to be good." Wang Kaixuan said carelessly.

"Okay, little fat man, I recognize you as my brother!" Sha Zhu said with a smile.

Ran Qiuye on the side covered his head with one hand.

I'm afraid I married a real fool!

"Okay, go back and read, Teacher Ran, Zhuzi, happy wedding, and have a baby soon!"

Chen Feng gave him a bottle of tiger bone wine.

"What are you doing? I've finished drinking!" Sha Zhu didn't want to take it.

Chen Feng asked with a smile: "Really?"

"No, no, take it back yourself!" Sha Zhu was determined not to drink it. He spent a lot of effort tonight, taking a sip at a time, and it took him half an hour to drink a glass of wine.

What's the point?

Isn't it just for the joy of husband and wife!

Guan Yushan reached out and snatched the medicinal wine from Chen Feng's hand and stuffed it into Sha Zhu.

"Idiot, this is Chen Yuhu's aphrodisiac wine with tiger bones and Chinese medicine!"


Ran Qiuye blushed instantly.

"Good stuff!"

Sha Zhu immediately grabbed it in his arms. At this moment, the old man became the best grandfather in his mind.

Chen Feng led a group of children back to the compound, and then rode a bicycle to send Guan Yushan home.

Before leaving, Guan Yushan gave him another inkstone.

"Teacher, it's just a bottle of medicinal wine, there's no need to calculate it so clearly."

Yu Shan shook his head and said, "Brothers, we should settle accounts clearly. I never want to owe anyone anything in my life, even if it's my apprentice."


Chen Feng put the inkstone in his bag and returned home.

"Have Hu Bayi and the others gone back?"

Chen Hao took hot water to wash the bicycle.

"They have gone back. Aunt Huo is back and took them all back. She also gave us a bag of rice. I heard it was sent by a friend from the Northeast."

Chen Li said on the side, "Big pot, grandpa is not happy, grandma is not happy, and it's useless for me to coax them."

Chen Feng was happy when he heard it.

You little kid, you still coax them old people?

He picked up his sister, touched his forehead to his forehead, and said, "Good, Lili is getting more and more sensible."


The little girl would be happy for a long time as long as Chen Feng praised her.

He didn't comfort the two old people, and they didn't need outsiders to coax them.

Chen Feng waited for Chen Hao to clean the bicycle, and the three washed their feet and went to bed to read.

Chen Feng was at the outermost, Chen Hao was at the innermost, and Chen Li was lying in the middle, listening to the big pot telling stories.

On the other side, Sha Zhu, who drank a few sips of low-strength medicinal wine in one breath, felt his anger rising.

He felt that he could beat ten Xu Damao!

By the next day, he couldn't get up.

Ran Qiuye was fine. Except for his unusual walking, his face was ruddy and he was light and healthy.

Fortunately, last night

There is some food left in the house, just heat it up and you can eat it.

He Yushui came to Chen's house after breakfast.

"Grandpa, go see my brother, it seems that his waist is injured."

He Yushui said to the old man with a worried look.


The old lady was choked by her own cigarette.

"Yushui, go review your homework, the final exam is coming soon, study hard, your sister-in-law will naturally take care of your brother's affairs."

He Yushui said blankly: "But sister-in-law said it's okay."

"Haha." Chen Jianguo gloated: "Don't worry, your brother is in good health, but he worked too hard last night."

He Yushui became more and more confused.

What did he work hard for? He just made a dinner and drank with everyone.

"Little girl, don't worry, it's nothing."

Wang Shengli, who came with Wang Kaixuan, waited for a long time, looked at Chen Feng for a long time, and finally found a chance to talk.

"Grandpa, my son was acting up yesterday, please forgive me."

The old man naturally has a good impression of military families like the Wang family, especially since Wang Shengli and his son are also in the public security system, and they are powerful departments. Maybe they can help in the future.

"It's okay, it's just one more bowl. They are just a few children, and they are sworn brothers like adults."

"Since he is Chen Hao's brother, he is also half a child of our Chen family."

The children of the compound are all in one circle, and many small circles are established in this way.

Wang Kaixuan was ecstatic.

"Dad, did you hear me? I told you, Grandpa Chen is very generous!"

"I will sleep here in the future, with Haozi, so I won't disturb you and my mother from fighting."

Wang Shengli's eyelids twitched.

If this bastard son was not his own, he would definitely beat him up!

"Shut up."

He looked at Chen Feng and asked, "Chen Feng, have you been to Niutoujiao Mountain before, rescued a team of wolf hunters, and killed more than a dozen wolves?"

Chen Feng nodded and said, "It was me."


Wang Shengli stepped forward and wanted to shake hands with him.

Chen Feng dodged without leaving a trace and pulled Chen Hao in front of him.

"Sorry, I'm too excited!"

Seeing that he didn't like being too enthusiastic, Wang Shengli said gratefully: "Little comrade, you are really amazing. If it weren't for your help, we might have been in trouble. You saved our lives!"

"You don't know, after you left, we looked for you for a long time."

"My father thought you were from a nearby mountain village, but we searched for more than a dozen villages and couldn't find you."

"By the way, we took the wolf meat to the canteen of the Xicheng Branch and divided it up, but the money is still in my father's hands, and the wolf skin was sold by my father to some old comrades for dozens of yuan."

The old man stroked his beard calmly, waved his hand, and said: "It's just some wolf meat and wolf skin, it's nothing, it's my duty to help you."

The old lady glanced at the old man.

Every time he gets excited, he likes to touch his beard.

How many years has this stinky habit been, why can't I change it?

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