After the meal, Zhang Haixing kicked him a few times under the table.

"Come back with me, I'll pay you back the rags I owe you."

"Sister, you finally mentioned this matter. If you don't, it will be next year!" Chen Feng said exaggeratedly. "I thought you ran away early because you didn't pay your debts."

"Haha, in ten days, it will really be next year." The old man said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense. Why would I owe you something as a kid?" Zhang Haixing rolled her eyes and gave him a big eye roll.

"Zhilan, I'll go back first, you eat slowly."

Huo Zhilan was just talking before, and now she is busy eating.

"Okay, take a good rest these days."

"Help me hold it!"

Zhang Haixing threw the leather bag to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng reached out and grabbed it, and found that it was not light, at least several dozen kilograms.

'What is it, so heavy? '

Carrying Zhang Haixing's leather bag, he followed her into the next courtyard.

Yan Bugui was watering the celery he planted in the courtyard. This vegetable is one of the few green vegetables that can be sown and raised in mid-December. Seeing the two of them come in, he hurriedly greeted them.

"Good evening."

"Hello, Teacher Yan."

Chen Feng looked at the rows of celery seedlings on the wooden rack and looked at this old man with a new look.

Don't talk about how he is, at least he supports his family alone and doesn't suck blood from other families. In comparison, he stands out a little better in the No. 95 courtyard.

"Xiao Feng, Sha Zhu, no, now he's called Zhuzi."

Since the marriage, Sha Zhu has been under Ran Qiuye's control, and she also told all families that they can call him Yu Zhu or Zhuzi in the future, but not Sha Zhu.

Who doesn't have a child studying in Hongxing Primary School?

Teacher Ran must give this face!

In just three days, Ran Qiuye successfully took off the hat of Sha Zhu.

Yan Bugui changed his words and said, "He Yuzhu said that you used meat to exchange for a lot of books from the affiliated junior high school. I also have some books here. Do you think you can exchange some meat with me?"

Chen Feng was curious about Yan Bugui's wealth, so he nodded in agreement.


"Xiaohua, wait a moment." Yan Bugui said with a smile.

"It's okay." Zhang Haixing said with a smile.

This guy, even this little time is calculated?

Chen Feng was convinced by Yan Bugui.

Followed Yan Bugui into the living room of his house.

"Wait for me here."

Yan Bugui entered his bedroom, and Chen Feng sat and looked around. The decorations, tables and chairs in the house were very ordinary, not valuable junk.

A second-hand bicycle was placed at the door.

This was a second-hand car that Yan Bugui bought after the Chen family bought a bicycle.

It was 50% new, and some parts were peeling. Old Yan asked someone to paint it, but probably the money was not paid enough, resulting in the color not matching very well.

"Here I come!"

Yan Bugui came over with three books.

Chen Feng took it and observed it carefully, slightly surprised, and looked up and looked at Yan Bugui.

"Three catties of crucian carp, Teacher Yan, what do you think?"

Yan Bugui spread his five fingers.

"Five rabbits or ten pheasants, I know you can definitely catch the rabbits."

"Xiao Feng, I won't hide it from you. When I was teaching in a private school, the private school had no money to pay the monthly salary, so I used these three books to offset the monthly salary."

"The old gentleman told me that if it was a peaceful time, he would never give me this authentic copy of Tan Sitong's "Liaotian Yige Wen" without a hundred dollars."

Chen Feng didn't speak, tapping his fingers on the table.

Although many relics of the historical celebrity Tan Sitong were preserved through the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, they were eventually destroyed by the storm.

In later generations, Tan Sitong's cultural relics were already little known. Only his poem "Writing on the Wall in Prison" was remembered, and he was in awe of his righteous spirit of "I laugh at the sky with my sword, and leave my heart and gallbladder in Kunlun" and risk my life for the reform.

This fearless man didn't need to take risks. He was the son of an official family, and his father was the top official in the officialdom, the Governor of Huguang. He didn't need to participate in the great reform, and he had enough background to enter the officialdom.

But the initiator of the Reform Movement of 1898, Kang Youwei, ran away, but he chose to use his life to awaken the Chinese people!

This is a true patriot with a noble origin but a noble soul.

This book is priceless, but Yan Bugui has a price!

"Teacher Yan, if you send it to Liulichang, I guess it will be at most three yuan!"

Yan Bugui's face tightened, and he said hurriedly: "Xiaofeng, you can't say that. Those people in Liulichang know what literati style is.

"This is the authentic work of Tan Sitong, a role model for us scholars!" He is a role model, but you should learn from him! Chen Feng shook his head. Even if there were hundreds of rabbits and pheasants in the space, he could not take out five rabbits just because of the three authentic works of the Six Gentlemen of the Reform Movement of 1898. If Red Star Junior High School knew about this, how could he continue to fleece the sheep? "A rabbit, a pheasant, and a crucian carp. If Teacher Yan agrees, I will go up the mountain to catch them tomorrow." How could Yan Bugui agree? He was still hoping to make a fortune. He said firmly, "Give me another 30 yuan, otherwise I will lose too much!" Chen Feng said unhappily, "Teacher Yan, you only earned about ten yuan a month in the private school before. How dare you ask me for 30 yuan? Zhang Daqian's calligraphy and Qi Baishi's paintings are only half a bag of rice in the black market. "

What Chen Feng said is true.

A family was short of food, and they took out a painting that Qi Baishi had sold in the past, but someone bought it back with half a bag of rice.

In the future, this painting was auctioned for a sky-high price of 400 million yuan.

This is not outrageous.

In the 1970s, Qi Baishi's paintings were 10 yuan per foot!

That's right, not per painting, but per foot.

It's just like cabbage!

In the new century, these paintings that cost a few yuan started at tens of millions, and appreciated tens of millions of times.

It's a pity that when It was the first year of the disaster, and most of the old and young would rather exchange small things for food, and were not very willing to use big things.

Don't treat them as fools, they can't see the value of Qi Baishi and Zhang Daqian's works, they are just dormant now.

Others have been playing with antiques for generations, and their professionalism is higher than that of most antique vendors.

About Shan, Wu Weixin and others are representatives, it is not easy to cheat them.

Yan Bugui insisted: "That's different, this is our literati's character."

Chen Feng said calmly: "The literati's character now is only worth ten kilograms of rice, not five rabbits."

Yan Bugui looked at him, feeling very depressed, seeing that he had no intention of giving in.

After a circle, he had to give in and said: "Then I don't want rabbits, you give me thirty kilograms of two-he flour, how about it? "

Chen Feng was a little surprised. Did his family lack food?


The official rations were not enough. Yan Bugui's family had urban hukou, but they were always short of food and could only buy expensive food from the black market to supplement.

No matter how much Old Yan deducted, it was impossible for several children to be short of food.

But he was the only income in the family. With the end of the autumn harvest and the cold winter, the price of food on the black market was skyrocketing.

Especially the rural residents of Sijiucheng brought rabbits and pheasants into the city to exchange for food, which pushed up the black market food price, which was not low to begin with.

He lost money buying expensive food and couldn't sleep for days and nights!

It hurts!

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