After writing an IOU, Sha Zhu excitedly took the bottle back home. When he returned to the yard, he glanced at the hot man smoking under the streetlight at the threshold.


Xu Damao waited for him to leave and said, "You useless guy leaning against the wall!"

He looked at his lower body and asked the sky in silence.

A man as good as him actually married a widow!

A useless guy like Sha Zhu married a teacher!

Oh, God, how unkind to me!

After breakfast the next day, Chen Feng went to the mountains in the north to release a group of rabbits, wild goats, pheasants, wild ducks and a group of super-large "wild" sweet potatoes, and sent three bowls of food to the mountain god.

Don't be greedy, don't be stingy, don't waste.

Protect nature, repay the heaven and earth, and expand your own space.

As long as the space is there, he will have an endless supply of income. These materials are at most a drop in the bucket. Pulling a drop in the bucket can save many mountain villages, which is a great merit!

After walking over a dozen hills, he went down the mountain to go home.


A 200-pound wild boar that came out to find food suddenly rushed out of the bushes and blocked his way down the mountain.

Seeing the human in front of him, the boar mistakenly thought that Chen Feng was an invader who was spying on its territory and food, and charged without hesitation.

"You are destined to have a disaster!"

Chen Feng switched pistols in an instant, and the system-silenced M1911A1 sprayed flames.

Chen Feng was slightly shocked, and the wild boar rushing towards him was hit in the head by a shot.

He put the wild boar into the space and continued to go down the mountain. When he was about to enter the city, he put it in a sack.

A man suddenly rushed out at Dongzhimen and almost hit someone.

"Are you going to die!"

Chen Feng looked at the young man who suddenly rushed out and blocked the front of the car, braked in time, and landed on his feet, using his own strength to offset the inertia of the bicycle.

A wild boar weighing more than 200 kilograms, plus his weight, and a speed of more than 20 kilometers per hour and inertia.

Even if he didn't die, it was enough to seriously injure him.

"Ahem, comrade, good skills!"

The young man blushed and glanced at the sack tied to the crossbar of the bicycle.

"Zhen Aiguo, the purchaser of the meat processing factory, comrade, I can buy this wild boar at five times the market price."

As expected of the meat processing factory, this vision is really good.

Chen Feng stopped, and several people appeared around and rushed over directly.

Recently, many hunting teams in mountain villages have hunted prey and often enter the city from here to sell the prey to state-owned factories at high prices. These people are specifically here to intercept.

They set their sights on the prey in the bag.

"Hey, everyone, my mother is a purchaser at the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill. This is for Red Star. It's useless for you to stop me."

"Hey, bad luck!"

Some people were extremely disappointed.

But the people who stopped the car were not discouraged.

"Such a big prey should be a wild boar. Sell half to us, I promise not to let you suffer a loss."

Zhen Aiguo grabbed the front of the car, his eyes sparkling.

"Comrade, let's make friends. You should know the significance of the meat processing factory!"

Chen Feng looked at him speechlessly.

I don't lack meat to eat!

If it were other urban residents in the Forty-Nine City, they would definitely be willing to have a good relationship with them.

Canning factories can exchange cans privately, textile factories can trade cloth privately, and meat processing factory employees can naturally sell meat privately.

In fact, most of the half-pound and eight-ounce meat circulating in the black market is stolen by meat processing factory employees.

Just like Han Chunming came back from the countryside, entered the food factory, and saw his friends secretly stealing bread.

More than 80% of the grain, cloth, wine, meat, rice and other materials in the black market come from this source. The remaining 10% are sold in the countryside, and 10% are resold as surplus materials from urban families.

"Are you Chen Feng?"

One of them said excitedly.

Chen Feng didn't know him, but it didn't matter. Since the other party called out his name, he was most likely from the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill or the Canning Factory.


"Get out of the way, all of you, get out of the way, this is our Red Star!"

Two young buyers forcibly pushed the others aside and surrounded the bicycle.

"Comrade, our textile factory can offer a higher price, and I can introduce you to a girl." The buyer of the textile factory tempted: "In terms of beauties, the factories in the whole city are not as good as our textile factory."

"Ah, that's too shameless!"

Several buyers cursed in their hearts.

But they reacted and took out their maximum authority.

"I'm from the soda factory. Sell to us and I guarantee you will have endless soda in the future."


There are also beautiful single girls in the food factory. "

"Do we need you to introduce a date to people in our steel mill?"

"Nonsense, you are all a bunch of rough men in the steel mill. Even if there are women, they are thick-armed and thick-legged. They are not as beautiful, gentle and generous as those in our textile factory."

"Comrade, I am Li Shiguang, a buyer of Xinhua Publishing House. I don't know what to call you comrade and where you work?"

Chen Feng was about to leave when he stopped immediately after hearing this.

The old man does have his own connections, and Chen Feng also believes that the first edition of the barefoot doctor manual will be published after it is edited.

But if you can establish a relationship in advance, it would be the best.

But you can't say it directly, otherwise it will become him begging them.

"Excuse me, everyone, I have to give this wild boar to the steel mill."

"Don't! ”

The dispute between a group of people blocking the road attracted the attention of passers-by.

It was the two purchasers of the steel mill who were more powerful. They pushed and pulled Chen Feng out of the encirclement.

Chen Feng rode away quickly on his bicycle, and the other purchasers cursed the purchasers of the Red Star Steel Mill for being unethical and not even giving them a piece of meat.

"Is this person very famous? I seem to have heard of him?"

"The best fishing and hunting expert in Nanluoguxiang. He goes up the mountain to hunt alone, and every time he comes down the mountain, he must have a harvest, either wild boar, or hare or pheasant."

The purchaser of the Red Star Steel Mill said proudly: "He went to Shichahai to fish. Others could not catch a pound a day, but he could catch more than ten pounds. I don't know how many people envy their family for being able to eat meat every day!"

"It doesn't cost any money!"

He emphasized.

"Not only does it cost no money, but it can also make money!" The purchaser of the textile factory said enviously. "A wild boar costs hundreds of yuan, which we can't save even after working hard for a year. ”

“Others are amazing. They have this ability. You can’t envy them!”

“There are also several fishing experts in Xicheng. They catch a lot every time. They have earned hundreds of dollars this year by fishing.”

“Come on, there is a hunter in the mountains to the north. He makes thousands of dollars just by selling three wild boars to our factory.”

Li Shiguang listened to their conversation and suddenly slapped his head, remembering the origin of this name.

“Chen Feng, I heard before that when the wolf hunting team of the Xicheng Branch was surrounded by wolves, he killed more than a hundred wolves alone.”

“Impossible?” The buyer of Red Star Steel Rolling Mill questioned: “Why haven’t we heard about it?”

Li Shiguang said uncertainly: “This is probably exaggerated. My cousin’s cousin’s neighbor is the deputy director of the Xicheng Branch. His wife told him this.”

“With more than a hundred wolves, how many bullets does he have to bring?”

“He is a sharpshooter, one shot at a time! ”

“I guess they didn’t kill that many. Those women have nothing to do and are just talking nonsense everywhere.”

“Wolf meat is valuable, too. Wolf meat hotpot is delicious, almost as good as dog meat!”

A group of poor buyers were almost drooling as they listened to this in the winter wind.

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