The old man was so angry that he couldn't help crying.


Chen Feng's voice made the old man get rid of the past memories, and he smiled and said, "I'm fine, or you are capable. Your grandfather has been bragging for most of his life, but he couldn't give me a pack of good cigarettes."

The old man who was busy copying medical books immediately raised his head and refuted.

"Nonsense, when I proposed marriage, the betrothal gift included the opium that foreigners smoked, which is much better than pandas."


Chen Feng's eyes were weird. Did the old lady smoke that stuff when she was young?


"Chen Yuhu, bullshit, when did I smoke opium?"

When the old lady saw Chen Feng's eyes, she felt that the old man had slandered her, ruined her image, and made her lose face in front of her grandson. She was so angry that she wanted to throw the things in her hand.

"You are doing evil by selling opium, and I am fully opposed to it!"

But she quickly realized that this was a good cigarette given by her grandson.

How could she throw it away!

Not to mention Panda cigarettes, even if it was a small gift, she would not be willing to throw it away.

But she was not happy in her heart.

She immediately stopped her hand, bent down, and looked for something in the room that could be smashed but not broken.

Stool, it would be painful to smash it; cup, too small; book, it would not hurt to smash it...

"Lily, go get the stick for grandma!"

"Okay, grandma!"

Little Lily agreed quickly, and ran to the side door at the fastest speed with her legs to find the old man's "beating the second brother stick".

The old man quickly explained: "I was wrong. It's the big cigarette that foreigners smoke, long, not opium."

Chen Li had already run over with a stick.

The old man looked at his granddaughter with resentment and quickly stopped her.

"Grandpa, this is what grandma wants."

The little girl didn't know whether she pretended not to understand or wanted to see grandma beat grandpa.

In short, she moved flexibly with the stick, trying to bypass grandpa and prepare to give the weapon to the old lady.

"Grandpa, that's called a cigar." Chen Feng corrected with a smile.

"That's right, it's a cigar!" The old man slapped his head and said, "I specially found a relationship for this thing and went to Shanghai to buy the top quality goods. A cigar costs dozens of dollars."

While the old man was not paying attention, the little girl gave the stick to the old lady, and then stood beside Chen Feng, looking at the situation in the field with great expectation.

The old lady held the stick and asked in confusion: "Why don't I know about this?"

The old man said very carefully: "Do you think your father and your brother swallowed the cigar? They are the most opposed to your smoking. Most of the good cigarettes I brought you over the wall were confiscated by them after they caught me."

The old lady was stunned and thought of the past.

"Yuhu, I want to go back to Xiangxi."

The old man walked over, took the old lady's hand, and said tenderly: "We will go back in 65 years and never care about the ups and downs outside. Your brother also said in the letter that he wanted to see Xiaofeng and the other three."

The little girl tilted her head and asked: "Grandma, don't you beat grandpa?"

The old man immediately looked at his granddaughter fiercely.

The little girl was so scared that she quickly hid behind her eldest brother.

"Oh, what are you doing?"

Shazhu's voice came from the yard.

Chen Feng, the old man, the old lady, and Chen Li looked over together, and Shazhu came in with a bag.

"What's this for?" The old man quietly put the stick behind him and breathed a sigh of relief.

Sha Zhu took out the things in the bag and put them on the table.

A bottle of apricot wine, two bottles of Wuliangye, a bottle of Maotai, and a pack of Peony cigarettes.

"Grandpa, it's like this. Five days later, my friend's father will celebrate his 80th birthday. They have a large family, four generations living together, more than 30 people in total, and 9 great-grandchildren alone."

"There must be food for the birthday party, but now in the market outside, you know, fish and meat are completely unavailable. The meat at the meat processing plant has been reserved in advance by various families."

"My friend heard that Xiaofeng can go hunting in the mountains and go fishing, so he asked me for help."

"Don't give too much, just 30 kilograms of meat, the more the better, whether it's rabbit, pheasant, or wild boar, it's all fine."

"Ten yuan a kilogram, they also have large yellow croaker, if you don't want money, you can use gold instead."

Chen Feng looked at Sha Zhu like a fool.

I didn't dare to sell it to private individuals, I sold it all to state-owned units at a "low price", you started at ten yuan a kilogram, do you want me to eat peanuts?

"I can't do it. Don't ask me for this."

He established the "Fishing

The most fundamental reason for his reputation as a "master, super hunter" is that he can eat meat with his whole family without having to be sneaky, and eat it openly, not for business to make money.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to sell fish meat to various factories at a "low price".

You know, although Niu Gengshen, Ye Jin and others bought it at 3 to 5 times the price, it is easy to sell it at 10 times the price in the black market, especially before the New Year.

The rabbits, pheasants, yellow sheep, etc. he threw in the mountains to the north could not even make a splash in front of the big market of 6.84 million people in the city of Sijiu.

It really didn't make a splash at all.

Millions of people in this city eat meat Demand cannot be met by a few hundred rabbits.

Before the Chinese New Year, in order to let their families eat meat, the prices of fish and meat in the ghost market once soared to more than ten times.

The price of first-class pork in state-owned stores has risen to more than 90 cents per pound, second-class meat is more than 70 cents, and third-class ribs are more than 50 cents, but even ribs are not available at all.

Those who have money, tickets and connections have already privately found state-owned stores to purchase ten or twenty pounds of meat.

Anyway, state-owned stores sell to anyone, so why not sell to people with backgrounds and connections?

I also want to make progress!

"No, three hundred yuan, half a year's salary!"

Sha Zhu obviously boasted and promised others, so when he heard that Chen Feng disagreed, he tried his best to persuade him: "If you are worried about something going wrong, then this is it, you give the meat to me, I will be responsible for selling it, and when something goes wrong, it will be me who buys and sells it and speculates."

"Sha Zhu, do you want to live? "

The old man cursed angrily: "Ten yuan a pound of meat, believe it or not, if this matter gets out, you and Xiaofeng will be hated by the people in the whole city who can't eat meat, and then you will be dragged out and shot!"

Chen Feng nodded.

This is also one of his worries.

Since ancient times, how many fools in this land have accidentally given away handles and then became sacrifices for the emperor to appease public opinion.

Cao Mengde, this bastard, "borrowed a head for use", and countless emperors in later generations followed suit, "The emperor is always right, the ministers are wrong."

The people of the world are boiling, killing a minister to sacrifice to the sky.

Now that the supply of meat has been reduced during the Spring Festival, people at the bottom have accumulated a lot of anger.

Chen Feng caught the fish and caught the meat himself, and ate it at home. It's useless for others to envy and be jealous.

With the protection of the old man, there is no reasonable reason to attack, so Gao Chen is naturally worry-free.

But if it is sold privately, the price is still more than ten times, which is equivalent to actively giving them a handle to bully people and being known by the masses.

Haha, good guy, we can't even smell the meat, and you sell it for five yuan a pound!

You must be dragged out and shot five hundred times!

Sha Zhu obviously didn't think so much, at least he thought that as long as he kept it secret, it would not be spread.

After hearing the old man's scolding, his mind finally became much clearer.

Originally thought that it could bring a huge profit to Chen Feng, friends would have meat to eat, and he would also have face.

Now I am sober, this matter may be fatal!

"Old man, I was wrong, I will take the things back now."

"Get out!"

The old man said angrily.

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