Before dawn, Sha Zhu came in with a basket of fried melon seeds that the old man loved to eat.

Yesterday, the old man really scared him.

He was very grateful to the old man. When He Daqing ran away, the family ran out of money and food, and Yi Zhonghai deliberately intercepted He Daqing's money.

Sha Zhu was once ready to go to the street to pick up rags for a living, all thanks to the timely rescue of the old man.

This timely help is unforgettable for Sha Zhu and his sister.

Chen Feng, Chen Hao, and Chen Li lined up from tall to small, standing by the vegetable field in front of the kitchen door to wash.

"Hua Hua, huh!"

Chen Feng spit out the water in his mouth.



Chen Feng turned his head to look at his younger brother and sister, what are you poohing about?

Seeing the eldest brother turn his head, Chen Hao and Chen Li showed their white teeth.

The two little ones just like to learn everything from him.

"Xiao Feng, is the old man not angry?"

Sha Zhu came over and took a careful look at the study.

Chen Hao and Chen Li stared at the things in his hands, and seemed to smell the aroma of melon seeds, and the heart of a foodie was cheering and jumping.

Chen Feng patted his shoulder and said unhappily: "Be more confident, remove the word 'no'."

Handed the cup and toothbrush in his hand to Chen Hao.

"Put it back in the house."

"Er Guo, and mine!"

Chen Li held her small cup and toothbrush.

Chen Hao wanted to pinch his sister's little face, but he had no space in his hands, so he had to take the three people's washing tools back to the house.

Chen Li, the little follower, followed Chen Feng, her eyes never leaving Sha Zhu's bag.

Sha Zhu was a little embarrassed.

When he got mad, Yi Zhonghai couldn't control him at all.

But he was afraid of the old man.

Yi Zhonghai always favored him, and even scolded him when he made a big mistake. Sha Zhu was naturally very grateful to Yi Zhonghai.

So this time when Yi Zhonghai intercepted He Daqing's money and it was exposed, he was still willing to write a criminal forgiveness letter, hoping to reduce his sentence or even withdraw the charges.

When the old man was angry, he usually said "close the door and let Jianguo go".

Sha Zhu was not the old man's son, nor his grandson. If he was really angry, he didn't mind beating him to death.

Chen Feng glanced at him and said, "Forget it. It's not the first time my grandfather scolded you. It's not the first time you did such a brainless thing. Stay calm."

"Why are you still carrying things?"

"Hey, aren't you afraid that the old man will be too angry and won't let me in?" Sha Zhu laughed.

Chen Feng pointed to the study.

"Inside, go in and apologize yourself."

Sha Zhu wanted to pull Chen Feng along, but Chen Feng didn't want to go in at all and ran to the kitchen to help cook.

If you want to eat something delicious, it's more reliable to do it yourself.

Although the old lady and Zhou Qing are willing to use oil now, their cooking skills are still average.

Chen Li stood on a stool, watching Chen Feng cooking, holding a Monkey King puppet that Chen Feng carved in his spare time during the Spring Festival, and waving her arms like her elder brother.

Chen Jianguo came in and said with a smile, "What is Zhuzi doing again? He was scolded by the old man again?"

Chen Feng told the story again.

Chen Jianguo touched his chin and said, "I'll check it out."

Chen Feng smiled.

A few minutes later, Sha Zhu came out and talked to Chen Jianguo for a while. The bag was empty.

"Uncle Jianguo, I'm going back to eat first."

"Well, see you later."

After eating the pancakes in the morning, there were a few more, and there was still some crucian carp soup left. Chen Feng simply packed it up and brought it to Zhang Haixing's house.

"Lily, knock on the door."


The little girl waved her little hand and knocked on the door non-stop.

After dating for a long time, Chen Feng found that Zhang Haixing was also a strange night owl. As long as there was no work, she liked to sleep in during the day and didn't even like to eat breakfast, but she was energetic at night.

"Sister, get up and eat."

The little girl's voice not only woke up Zhang Haixing, but also attracted Yan Bugui who was in the front yard.

Yan Bugui pushed open the door and glanced at the food box in Chen Feng's hand.

"Xiao Feng, I can smell the aroma of meat from such a distance. This time I'm sending breakfast to Xiao Hua, there must be meat, right?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Yes, I cooked a crucian carp this morning."

Yan Bugui was more and more excited.

"Xiao Feng, how about this? Xiao Hua and Qiu Ye teach Chen Hao. In the morning, she teaches piano. In the afternoon, I teach Chinese. Qiu Ye teaches math in the evening as before."

"Every profession has its own specialty. Chen Hao's Chinese grades are not good, so we should find a Chinese teacher to teach him. It just so happens that I am free now."

"I also have good experience in teaching Chinese. When I was in the private school, I was proficient in poetry and songs."

"I guarantee that Chen Hao will get a good score in Chinese in the final exam next year."

Chen Feng nodded with a smile.

Yan Bugui was delighted and continued to work hard.

"I'm the same as Qiu Ye. I don't want money. Just give me ten kilograms of meat and ten fish."

Yan Bugui was so proactive, of course, not for meat.

It's normal to sell ten kilograms of meat and ten fish for one or two hundred yuan in the ghost market.

Anyway, it's winter vacation now, he has nothing to do at home, and he can't catch anything when he goes fishing. It's better to find Chen Feng, a big customer, and use the way of teaching Chen Hao to exchange some benefits.

"Teacher Yan, you still want meat?" Chen Feng said very "surprised".

Yan Bugui was a little confused. If you don't want meat, who will help you teach for free?

"Well, if your family doesn't have that much, you can reduce it."

Chen Feng shook his head and said, "Teacher Yan, you are not conscious enough. Teacher Ran taught us as a side job. She was actually dating Zhuzi, but she was afraid of gossip, so she helped Chen Hao and Yushui with their classes for free."

My consciousness is not good enough?

Yan Bugui wanted to spit Chen Feng to death with a mouthful of tea.

"Really, she didn't take anything."

Chen Feng said very sincerely.

Not only did he say so, but Chen Hao, He Yushui, Hu Bayi and others were also asked to say so.

It doesn't matter whether Yan Bugui believes it or not.

Anyway, the person involved does not admit that he took the benefit.

A warm-hearted good teacher, the little sister-in-law next door, fell in love with Sha Zhu in the form of free tutoring, what's wrong?

Yan Bugui looked like "I read a lot, don't lie to me".

But think about it, it still makes some sense.

Didn't Ran Qiuye take a fancy to Sha Zhu, the big fool, because of this method?

Free tutoring, this is too stupid!

Inexplicably, Yan Bugui felt that it might be true. If she was not a fool, how could she marry Sha Zhu?

"Xiao Feng, my family is different from Teacher Qiu Ye. Sha Zhu is capable and can buy fish and meat by himself, but I can't. There are many people in my family. Let them go——"

"Creaky" the door opened, and Zhang Haixing just interrupted Yan Bugui's complaint.

"Good morning, Teacher Yan."

"Hey, good morning, Xiaohua——"

Yan Bugui looked at Chen Feng and Chen Li who were pulled in by Zhang Haixing, feeling a little depressed.

He hadn't finished yet!

"Xiao Lili, do you want to eat cakes?"

"No, I'm eating dumplings."

Yan Bugui sighed, and he couldn't do his side job of teaching Chen Hao.

But now Shichahai can't even catch finger-long fish, and it's too cold outside, freezing to death, it's really not suitable for fishing.

And there's still a long time for winter vacation, and it's not his style to sit at home and eat up all the food.

"How about asking other families?"

The best target is still the Chen family. After all, Chen Feng can find meat to eat, and the families nearby are either reluctant to give meat or unlikely to agree.

However, in order to earn extra money, Teacher Yan still shamelessly visited the parents of his students.

What if someone is willing to give extra lessons!

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