The day of the New Year is coming, and the New Year is coming.

The ninth day of the first lunar month, February 5, is the beginning of spring!

At about ten o'clock in the morning, Director Wang of the Sub-district Office urgently sent someone to inform Chen Jianguo and Lou Xiao'e to come to the Sub-district Office to register their marriage.

Now marriage is not completed at the Civil Affairs Bureau like in the future, but registered at the Sub-district Office (in the countryside, at the Township Committee).

Then Chen Feng accompanied the old man and "angrily" rode his bicycle to the Sub-district Office.

"Xiao'e, run!"

Chen Jianguo, who came out with the marriage certificate, saw Chen Feng and the old man's bicycle rushing at the door, and quickly pulled Lou Xiao'e on the bicycle and fled.

"Chen Jianguo, I don't have a son like you!"

In front of Director Wang and many members of the street office, the old man threw a harsh word with full energy and anger, leaving a group of stunned people.

"Xiao Feng, go back!"

Chen Feng glanced at the crowd and turned back quickly.

When Chen Feng and the old man left, someone asked: "Director, you think Chen Jianguo will not take the marriage certificate and household registration book to the police station for household registration?"

Director Wang said irritably: "This is nonsense, can Chen Jianguo still live in the Lou family!"

After saying that, she felt that it seemed possible.

'No way, I must have thought too much. '

"Then Director, should we remind the old man?"

"If you are not afraid of Chen Jianguo and the Lou family's revenge, just go ahead."

"Ahem, I think this matter needs to be considered in the long run."

The clerk who spoke decisively followed his heart.

"Xiao Feng, did Grandpa act like that just now?" The old man sat on the back of the bicycle, his face was dark, but his tone was relaxed.

"Grandpa, should we go to the police station?"

"No, we'll go directly to the newspaper office later."

Seeing the passers-by in front of him, the old man instantly turned into a black tiger, saying nothing, frowning, and anyone who saw him would say it was mighty.

When they arrived at the gate of the compound, the people from the street office were surrounded by everyone asking about what happened.

"So, Chen Jianguo, the bastard, really married Lou Bancheng's daughter?"

The only one who could say this with such a sour tone was Xu Damao.

As a projectionist, Xu Damao's working hours were completely different from other jobs. He worked overtime when others were on holiday, and he slept when others worked overtime.

During the Spring Festival, he was busy all the time, playing movies for factory workers, playing movies for affiliated schools, playing movies for hospitals, playing movies for Red Star Commune, etc.

Today, on the ninth day of the first lunar month, he completed the projection task and began to rest.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he returned the gift, he heard this news that made him so happy.

"Then the old man must be so angry!"

Just as a group of people were about to nod, the sharp-eyed aunt saw the old man, quickly shut her mouth, and quickly dispersed, keeping a distance from this slump.

Xu Damao, who had his back to the old man, didn't notice it and was still talking.

"If you ask me, for Chen Jianguo, the grandson who betrayed his glory, the old man should-"

"What should I do?" The old man snorted coldly.

"Of course."

Xu Damao's voice stopped abruptly, and he heard the source of the sound.

Before he turned around, Chen Feng kicked him.


Xu Damao screamed, and the whole person suddenly rushed forward, feeling that his buttocks were numb, and his hands instinctively hugged his buttocks.

But he only cared about the head and not the tail. If he could take care of his buttocks, he couldn't take care of the front.

The two people in front saw him rushing over and directly dodged.

'No, it's terrible! ’

Looking at the wall in front of him, Xu Damao's thoughts flew in a second, and then.


Hit the wall!

The old man's mouth corners were upturned, and he immediately pressed them down, and entered the yard with an expressionless face.

After the old man and Chen Feng left, the group of people quickly dispersed.

Chen Li was practicing the piano in the study. When she saw Chen Feng coming in, she immediately jumped off the chair and rushed into his arms.

"Big pot--!"

Chen Feng squatted down and hugged his sister.

"Is it fun to learn the piano?"

"Fun, big pot!" The little girl nodded.

Compared with Chen Hao, a poor student who was a mess in studying but a little genius in martial arts, Chen Li also hated studying, but she learned to play the piano very well with Zhang Haixing.

"Then you continue to play, and I'll make you your favorite braised pork at noon."

"Okay, okay!"

The little Loli jumped happily.

Zhang Haixing finished playing a song and then turned back to look at the brother and sister. She did not ask about Chen Jianguo.

The old man's acting skills can fool others, but not her.

In terms of acting skills, she is at the level of a movie queen.

They can all put on human skin masks to play various roles, and even the shrewd nemesis of the Zhang family, the Wang family, could not detect it.

"Let's grill a fish for lunch, Chen Feng, I want to eat fish."

"Is it live fish or pickled fish?" Chen Feng put the little girl back on the chair.

"Live fish."

Zhang Haixing thought about it and felt that fresh fish was still delicious.

"Is it sea fish or freshwater fish?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Do you have live sea fish?" Zhang Haixing asked back.

"Then it's freshwater fish. Do you like crucian carp more or carp more?"

Chen Feng saw what Zhang Haixing threw at him, reached out to catch it, and found that it was a pack of Peony cigarettes.

The cigarettes had been opened, and there were still more than a dozen in it.

He immediately put it in his pocket, and turned around and left without waiting for Zhang Haixing to throw the porcelain cup over.

"Then let's eat braised crucian carp."

"Go to hell!" Zhang Haixing cursed angrily.

Chen Li raised her head, looked at her teacher, and whispered: "Go to hell, go to hell, hehe."

"Lili, don't learn this sentence."

Zhang Haixing pinched the little apprentice's face, full of threat.

"Yeah, I won't say it."

The little girl nodded vigorously, but her eyes rolled around, and it seemed that she remembered this sentence.

The old lady was washing rice. When she saw Chen Feng coming in, she asked about the situation. When she heard that Chen Jianguo had obtained the marriage certificate, she was very happy.

Seeing that the old lady was in a good mood, Chen Feng said: "Grandma, it seems that you will have a grandson again."

Lou Xiao'e is very fertile!

"Haha, your second uncle is also married, and the next one is you." The old lady smiled.


Chen Feng was a little embarrassed.

Is this what the old lady is happy about?

He took out a crucian carp that he had "caught" the day before yesterday from the cabinet, cleaned it carefully, and ignited the coal balls. He put the honeycomb coal that was already burning in the first coal stove into the second stove for cooking.

When he finished cooking, Chen Jianjun and Zhou Qing also came back from the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill.

Chen Jianjun knew the situation, so he was not very worried, but Zhou Qing wanted to persuade the old man, but she was weak in character and did not dare to say much.

"Da Guo, Er Guo has not come back."

Chen Li complained to Chen Feng: "He must be eating delicious food at Brother Bayi's house."

"Let's not wait for him, let's eat it ourselves."

"Yeah, I want to finish all the meat!" The little girl said happily.

It was impossible to finish it all. Even if she could eat more, she could only eat one and a half bowls of rice.

After eating, Chen Hao did not come back. Chen Feng was going to wash the dishes himself, but was stopped by the old lady.

"You go take a nap, I'll wash the dishes."

Chen Feng couldn't persuade the old man, so he had to carry his dozing sister to the bedroom next to the study.

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