The old lady and Zhou Qing were skewering the meat, while Chen Hao was greasing the meat. Chen Feng was in charge of grilling the meat, while Chen Li was in charge of swallowing her saliva. If Chen Feng hadn't stopped her, the little girl might have fallen into the grilled meat. After grilling several skewers of venison, Chen Feng gave one to Chen Li to prevent the little girl from always trying to get close to the grill. "Thank you, big pot." Holding a long skewer of venison, he didn't go near the coal stove anymore, but sat quietly on the side and ate the skewers. In the deer bone chicken soup, Chen Feng also put some Chinese patent medicines according to the Qianjin Fang records. These are the health-preserving medicinal materials stored in the old man's house.

Under the heat released by the coal balls, the kitchen is filled with the aroma of orange peels and shallots.

The wind and snow outside are constantly blowing, but the cold is blocked by the heat in the kitchen.

"It's a pity that there is no ginseng, otherwise it would be more perfect." The old man came in with a jar of tiger bone wine. When he smelled the medicinal aroma of the coal stove deer bone soup, he naturally knew what was missing.

Chen Hao looked at his old man's wine jar and asked curiously: "Grandpa, did you put deer blood in this wine?"

The old man glanced at him and said, "Of course not."

Deer blood and tiger bone wine needs to be left to stand for more than a day before it can be drunk.

Chen Li looked at her grandfather and asked coquettishly: "Grandpa, do you want to drink blood?"

"Uh." The old man wanted to explain it.

This is wine, not blood.

The little girl asked expectantly, "Grandpa, is it delicious?"

"You can't drink it!" The old man's words extinguished the cunning little girl's dream.

After everything was done, Chen Jianjun put a plate of stir-fried venison and a bowl of venison chicken soup into the lunch box, and rode his bicycle quickly to Chen Jianguo's home.

"Are you hungry? Or have some barbecue skewers first."

It was almost seven o'clock now, more than an hour later than the normal dinner.

The two little ones nodded immediately.

"Grandma, I'm hungry!"

The old lady smiled and gave them a few skewers.

"Thank you, grandma!"

The two granddaughters and grandsons were playful and cute, which made the old man very happy.

In less than ten minutes, Chen Jianjun came back.

"Okay, let's eat."

The old man and Chen Jianjun and his son drank a little wine, and everyone drank a bowl of broth to whet their appetite.

"Why, the soup is not delicious?" Chen Feng saw that his younger brother and sister didn't drink much, and thought they didn't like this one with Chinese medicine added.

"Brother, it tastes good."

"It tastes good."

"How do you drink this?"

Chen Feng smiled and gave a piece of cartilage in his bowl to his younger sister.


The two little guys looked at the barbecue skewers on the table together.

Okay, let's prepare to eat more barbecue.

"Okay, take it if you want."

With Chen Feng's permission, the big and the small were bold and went to get the barbecue at the same time.

Chen Hao likes to eat barbecue tendons, while Chen Li prefers roasted deer fat.

The old man and the old lady like broth with Chinese medicine.

After dinner, Chen Feng, the old lady, and Zhou Qing processed some of the venison and made it into sauced venison, braised meat, dried venison, etc.

Sauce venison is a cold dish in the northern region. Venison is fragrant, nutritious, and healthy.

After it was done, Zhou Qing took a bowl and sent it to Sha Zhu's house next door.

Chen Hao said seriously: "Brother, do you want us to help you taste it?"

If he could stop peeking at the meat in the bowl, he would be very sincere.

"Yes, yes."

Chen Li was also nodding her head, even though her belly was bulging, she wanted to eat the braised meat again when she saw it.

"No need this time."

Chen Feng smiled and pinched their faces.

They had eaten enough meat and couldn't eat anymore.

The next morning, Chen Hao drank three bowls of sweet potato porridge with braised meat.

After eating, Chen Feng took more than ten pounds of braised meat and braised meat and went to Guan Shan's house.

Yesterday's heavy snow raised the ground level by several centimeters, but the wind and snow stopped again in the morning.

However, Chen Feng was very happy to see everyone on the road, because the more snow in February, the more water storage for agriculture, which is conducive to farming.

"Teacher, this is venison. You can eat a little bit with every meal, but don't eat too much. It has Chinese medicine added to it, which is very good for replenishing blood."


Yuan Shushan is still the same as always, usually calm and not talkative.

"Nothing, I'm going to the Polan Hou's house."

"Yes, go ahead."

Compared with Yuan Shushan, Polan Hou is more talkative.

He first smelled the braised meat, then pinched the elasticity of the braised meat, with a happy face.

"This smell is so good, why didn't you send it earlier? I've already eaten two bowls of porridge."

Chen Feng took out three soda bottles, two of which were filled with tiger bone and deer blood wine prepared by the old man, and one was a juice mixed with grape juice by Chen Feng using well water.

"I want to eat too, Uncle Hou!"

"By the way, what kind of meat is this?" asked the broken Hou.

"No way, you can't recognize what kind of meat it is even after you smell it?"

Chen Feng thought the old man had already seen that it was deer meat. The Hou family, like the Guan family, must have been rich during the Republic of China.

As a peculiar old man, other old men and young people used their property to exchange for money and food, and they didn't feel bad when their sons sold their father's land. The two of them not only didn't resell the billions of assets, but ate bran and drank porridge, and saved money to exchange for antiques.

The good days in the past must have been remembered deeply.

Polan Hou pinched a little meat with his fingers and put it in his mouth to taste it. He didn't speak for a long time.

"Forget it, I won't embarrass you. The venison was picked up on the mountain yesterday and cooked last night." Chen Feng put his hands on his waist and said proudly: "How about it, I am loyal enough, I will send it to you immediately after it is done."

"Loyal enough!"

Polan Hou smiled and said: "But it would be better if there were more. I have some friends who really need deer kidneys, deer penises, deer marrow and the like."

Chen Feng shook his head and said: "Then you are too late. My grandfather took the deer kidneys and deer penises to give to his comrades."

After the old man finished eating early in the morning, he carried these things and sat on the tricycle, and Chen Jianjun rode out.

"Oh, that's right. Good things like this have always been popular in the city of Sijiu."

The Broken Marquis asked, "You must have some venison. If you want to exchange for good things, you can come to me at night and I will help you sell it."

"Just waiting for you to say that, Old Marquis."

Chen Feng patted him on the shoulder happily.

After squatting at the Broken Marquis's house for a whole morning, he asked him for some knowledge of antiques and Chinese painting techniques, and left at about eleven o'clock.

After Chen Feng left, Chen Yulou, who was hiding in the house, came out and grabbed the marinated venison on the table with his hands.

The Broken Marquis was stunned for a few seconds.

"You can hear the position of the bowl through the wall?"

Chen Yulou smiled and said, "I don't know what happened, but my eyes can see some light. Although it is still unclear and very blurry, I can generally distinguish the bowl and the bottle."

"When did it happen?" The Broken Marquis was surprised.

Chen Yulou thought, "It didn't get better immediately, but it changed little by little. At first there was light, and it gradually became clear. Maybe I can restore my vision in the future."

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